SG :: Volume #1

#74: Scale of the Illusory Snake

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Gold City. 金城 Rented room. 出租屋。 Chen Feng is studying the Illusory Snake gene material. 陈锋正在研究幻蛇基因的资料。 Although the brain one exchanged this Formula(s) hotly, but some issues have not been solved, for example manufactures this Formula(s) lowest Spiritual Energy is 150 points! 尽管脑子一热兑换了这个配方,但是还有一些问题没有解决,比如制作这个配方的最低精神力是150点! Chen Feng has to think please Great Manufacturist manufacture, after all he is not short of money now, but he did not feel relieved! 陈锋不是没有想过请一个制作大师来制作,毕竟他现在也不算缺钱,但是他还是不放心! He wants is not only ordinary Illusory Snake gene! 他要的不仅仅是普通幻蛇基因 What he wants is strongest! 他要的是最强! What he wants is mutate(d)! 他要的是变异 Even...... 甚至…… When necessary, he even wants Self-Created Formula(s)! 必要的时候,他甚至要自创配方 This is related to for a lifetime Gene Fusion Reagent of strength, he must the strength maximization, only by doing so, his strength be able the biggest promotion! 这可是事关一辈子实力的基因融合试剂,他必须将力量最大化,只有这样,他的实力才能够最大提升! Asked the person to manufacture? 请人制作? Is far-fetched! 不靠谱! Come.” “还是得自己来。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 Own Fusing Genes, must manufacture personally, it is estimated that no one did hang? However 150 points Spiritual Energy, is together the day pass/test! 自己融合基因,必须自己亲自制作,估计没人比自己更吊了?但是150点的精神力,也是一道天关! Was the time breaks through.” “是时候突破了。” The Chen Feng vision is firm. 陈锋目光坚定。 Breaks through E Grade! 突破e级 Promotes Spiritual Energy! 提升精神力 Creation own E Grade Fusing Genes reagent! 创造属于自己的e级融合基因试剂 Next day. 次日。 Luck Value restores, Chen Feng manufactures Golden Ant Mutated Gene. 幸运值恢复,陈锋制作金蚁变异基因 ba-dump!” 咕咚!” Gene Grabbing. 基因服用 Chen Feng felt that in within the body powerful energy dissipates in the flash, that fearful strength congeals in within the body unceasingly, finally changes to a mighty current! 陈锋感觉到体内一股强大的能量在一瞬间逸散,那可怕的力量在体内不断凝结,最终化作一股洪流! What is the limiting condition? 极限状态是什么? Chen Feng's felt, is actually a solid wall barrier. 陈锋的感觉,其实就是一种坚实的壁障。 But now 而现在 Bang!” “轰!” That mighty current breaks through the wall barrier, irresistible! 那股洪流将壁障冲破,势不可挡! kā! 咔! kā! 咔! Chen Feng as if felt that the spirit wall bonds in this flash bursts, the present world instantly becomes pure brightness, entire Spirit World becomes brighter. 陈锋似乎感觉到精神壁障在这一瞬间破裂,眼前的世界刹那变得清明,整个精神世界变得更加明朗。 This is a strange feeling. 这是一种奇怪的感觉。 shuā! 刷! gene scanning! 基因扫描! Chen Feng's Spirit Attribute, had turned into 101 points! 陈锋的精神属性,已经变成了101点! Breakthrough limit! 突破极限! Steps into E Grade! 踏入e级 Even to E Grade, still merely is only 1 point promotion, is very remote from 150 points. However, is good after breaking through E Grade, can take E Grade gene attribute promotion reagent time! 只是,就算到了e级,也仅仅只是一点的提升,距离150点还很遥远。不过,好在突破e级之后,又可以服用一次e级基因属性提升试剂 Chen Feng checked, at present best E Grade gene promotion reagent , to promote 35 points of Spiritual Energy! 陈锋查了下,目前最好的e级基因提升试剂,提升35点精神力 Price: 500,000! 价格:50万! Chen Feng is filthy rich now, the direct second walks. 陈锋如今财大气粗,直接秒走。 ba-dump.” 咕咚。” Fills. 一口灌下。 The Chen Feng gene attribute rushes to 136 points, but, stopped. 陈锋基因属性冲到136点,但是,也到此为止了。 gene strengthening? 基因强化? Breaks through E Grade, hunting and killing the wind fox is useless, even strongest wind fox Leader, is still 100 attributes, as for hunting and killing E Grade Mutated Beast? 突破到e级,猎杀风狐已经无用了,就算是最强的风狐首领,也不过是100点属性啊,至于猎杀e级变异兽 Does not have Fusing Genes, Chen Feng to hunt and kill anything to be useless! 没有融合基因,陈锋猎杀什么都没用! Therefore 所以 Chen Feng promotes Spiritual Energy to only have means now! 陈锋现在提升精神力只有一个办法! Gene Manufacture! 基因制作 Happen.” “正好。” Chen Feng hesitates, was the time attacks Formula(s).” 陈锋沉吟,“是时候冲击配方了。” Formula(s) that he grasps now, only then Wood Bear gene, Gene Manufacture level, only has Star Rating. 他现在掌握的配方,只有木熊基因一个,基因制作水准,也只有一个星级 Although this Star Rating is only a reference data, but is actually the foundation of Gene Super Rookie Competition registration, Chen Feng makes money now, was the time attacks Formula(s) skilled! 尽管这个星级只是一个参考数据,但是却是基因新秀赛报名的基础,陈锋如今赚了些钱,是时候冲击配方熟练度了! Let alone, sprint Formula(s) skilled, under high-intensity exercise, but can also promote Spiritual Energy? 更别说,冲刺配方熟练度,高强度锻炼下,还能提升精神力 Killing several birds with one stone. 一举数得。 Therefore, over the following month, Chen Feng in self-torture. 于是,接下来的一个月时间,陈锋都在苦修之中。 Impact! 冲击! Impact! 冲击! Impact! 冲击! As for Luck Value? 至于幸运值 Chen Feng all remained. 陈锋全留下来了。 20 Luck Value, can sell 3 million high prices Golden Ant Mutated Gene, this explained that 1 Luck Value has 150,000 ultra-high values! 20点幸运值,能卖出300万高价的金蚁变异基因,这说明一点幸运值已经拥有15万的超高价值! To Chen Feng, this is most precious! 陈锋而言,这才是最宝贵的! Are 10 million useful? 一千万有什么用? Useless! 没用! Only then turns into own strength these, is most solid! 只有将这些变成自己的实力,才是最实在的! ten million | whatever happens that seven days gain, compensated in this moon/month gradually, but Chen Feng's Formula(s) skilled, actually rises dramatically rapidly. Golden Ant Formula(s) and Thunder Snake Formula(s), completely grasp, manufactures ordinary gene the time, even without Luck Value, he will not be defeated! 七天赚来的一千万,在这一个月中又渐渐的赔了进去,但是陈锋的配方熟练度,却急速飙升。金蚁配方雷蛇配方,完全掌握,制作普通基因的时候,哪怕不用幸运值,他也不会失败! Chen Feng's manufacture level, rises dramatically 10-Star from 1-Star. 陈锋的制作水准,也从一星飙升到十星 Naturally. 当然。 Regarding Chen Feng, the most important thing is Spirit Attribute! 对于陈锋而言,最重要的是精神属性 A month of self-torture, the investment of magnanimous fund, the exercise of ultra strength, Chen Feng Spirit Attribute rises dramatically 16 points, rushed to 152 points from 136 points. 一个月的苦修,海量资金的投入,超高强度的锻炼,陈锋精神属性飙升16点,从136点冲到了152点。 Value! 值了! Then...... 那么…… Below manufactures Illusory Snake gene. 下面就是制作幻蛇基因了。 Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 This month he has studied many were times, the manufacture of Illusory Snake gene, is troublesome! 这个月他已经研究很多次了,幻蛇基因的制作,非常麻烦! Solely is not because it is E Grade 4-Star Fusing Genes, what is more important, Illusory Snake gene that strong instability. 不单单是因为它是e级四星融合基因,更重要的是,幻蛇基因本身那超强的不稳定性。 Normal Formula(s), only needs core gene that extracts to need from blood essence on the line. 正常配方,只需要从精血中提取需要的核心基因就行。 But Illusory Snake gene? 幻蛇基因呢? This Formula(s), needed is not Illusory Snake gene several gene data, but is all! Its all gene, are core gene that Formula(s) needs! 这个配方,需要的不是幻蛇基因的几个基因数据,而是所有!它所有基因,都是配方所需要的核心基因 Because you do not know, contains many gene it to background! 因为你根本不知道,它到底蕴含多少基因 Which useful! 哪些有用! Which useless! 哪些没用! Therefore 所以 Manufacture of Illusory Snake gene reagent, even does not need Gene Search this step, because of all gene, must integrate in gene reagent! 幻蛇基因试剂的制作,甚至不需要基因寻找这一步,因为所有的基因,都要融入到基因试剂之中! This, is extremely special gene reagent. 这,是一个极其特殊的基因试剂 It needs, is entire Illusory Snake! 它需要的,是整条幻蛇 Just like other Mutated Beast, after Illusory Snake died for several minutes, the gene activeness starts to reduce, the time is longer, disappearance gene are more. 跟其他变异兽一样,幻蛇死亡几分钟后,基因活性开始降低,时间越长,消失的基因越多。 Although gene how many have not affected on the success ratio, but hundred thousand Gene Manufacture Illusory Snake gene is reagent with ten thousand Gene Manufacture gene reagent, really an effect? 尽管基因多少对成功率并没有影响,但是一个十万基因制作幻蛇基因试剂跟一个一万基因制作基因试剂,真的是一个效果么? Definitely is not. 肯定不是。 Therefore, Illusory Snake gene, must on site! 所以,幻蛇基因,必须现场制作! In fact, starts from E Grade, many powerful Rare Gene, must before the gene activeness vanishes completes, can guarantee the best effect! 事实上,从e级开始,很多强大的稀有基因,都必须在基因活性消失前完成,才能够保证最好效果! Chen Feng had even completed the cultivation fluid ahead of time. 陈锋甚至已经提前做好了培育液。 Everything is ready, only owes the east wind, now he lacks, is Illusory Snake that comes freshly, said accurately, is strength strongest Illusory Snake Leader. 万事俱备,只欠东风,现在他缺少的,是一条新鲜出炉的幻蛇,更准确的说,是实力最强的幻蛇首领 Chen Feng affirmed, the gene quantity that Illusory Snake Leader contains, must go far beyond ordinary Illusory Snake. 陈锋肯定,幻蛇首领所蕴含的基因数量,要远远超过普通幻蛇 Strongest Illusory Snake! 最强的幻蛇 Strongest manufacture! 最强的制作! Can make own most Fusing Genes! 才能做出属于自己的最融合基因 Chen Feng vision like electricity. 陈锋目光如电。 The Illusory Snake birthplace, in Barren Rockland, there is the mountain massif and rock, is dangerous. He now is Manufacturist, does not need to hunt and kill personally. 幻蛇的诞生地,在荒芜岩地,那里全是山体和岩石,非常危险。他现在是制作师,没必要自己亲自猎杀。 Hires team to help me hunt and kill.” “雇佣一个小队去帮我猎杀。” Chen Feng soon had the decision. 陈锋很快有了决定。 Xu Fei? 徐飞 The Chen Feng first time contacted with him. 陈锋第一时间联系了他。 However, what is somewhat regrettable, Xu Fei they are breaking through the checkpoint of E Grade bottleneck now, could not spare the time, Chen Feng can only find the person. 然而,有些遗憾的是,徐飞他们现在正在突破e级瓶颈的关卡,腾不出时间,陈锋只能自己找人了。 Whom looks for?” “找谁呢?” Chen Feng is thinking deeply about time, the light screen springs the news suddenly. 陈锋正思索的时候,光幕忽然弹出消息。 Recommendation?” “推荐?” Chen Feng is surprised. 陈锋惊讶。 this thing actually according to the news of your current search, gives you automatically the replica correlator news, is the one intelligent operation of light screen. Before the gambling information of Chen Feng search lottery ticket time, the bare loan information of search loan time, shot! 这玩意其实就是根据你当前搜索的消息,自动给你匹配相关消息,算是光幕的一种智能运算。之前陈锋搜索彩票时候的赌博信息,还有搜索贷款时候的裸贷信息,就是这么弹出来的! this thing, pit. 这玩意,坑的很。 Is the swindler advertisement?” “又是骗子广告?” The Chen Feng point opens. 陈锋点开。 Hello, according to your personal data and current keyword Gene Manufacture, Illusory Snake, Formula(s) and exploration, recommends the relevant message for you. 您好,根据您的个人资料和当前关键词基因制作幻蛇配方、探险,为您推荐相关讯息。 Your contact person Wang Chun, issues the Illusory Snake related request. Pokes here point to open. 您的联系人王淳,发布幻蛇相关委托。戳此处点开。 Wang Chun?” 王淳?” Chen Feng somewhat is slightly surprised. 陈锋微微有些惊讶。 Wang Chun is his short time inquires the Illusory Snake time friend in Academic Forum, is first purchases Golden Ant Mutated Gene, pouring is also some fates. His unusual understanding Illusory Snake this Mutated Beast, but he has not thought, Wang Chun is issuing the Illusory Snake related request unexpectedly! 王淳是他这短时间在学术论坛查询幻蛇时候遇到的朋友,也是第一个购买金蚁变异基因的,倒也算是有些缘分。他对幻蛇这种变异兽的非常了解,但是他没想到,王淳居然在发布幻蛇相关的委托! „Does he also want to hunt and kill Illusory Snake?” “他也要猎杀幻蛇?” Chen Feng is surprised, but feels relaxed quickly, yes, if Wang Chun does not hunt and kill Illusory Snake, so to be how familiar with it! 陈锋惊讶,不过很快释然,也是,如果王淳不猎杀幻蛇,怎么会对它如此熟悉! Then, this request...... 那么,这个委托…… Chen Feng curious point request of Wang Chun. 陈锋好奇的点开王淳的委托。 Gene Manufacture entrusted Scale of the Illusory Snake. 基因制作委托幻蛇之鳞 Content: Uses Scale of the Illusory Snake as the material, according to providing the new Formula(s) content, conducts scene Gene Manufacture, till manufacturing to be successful. 内容:以幻蛇之鳞为材料,根据提供的新配方内容,进行现场基因制作,直到制作成功为止。 Request: On site and E Grade 2-Star new Formula(s) success ratio over 5. 要求:现场制作、e级二星配方成功率五以上。 Reward: Formula(s) that 1 task uses, E Grade 4-Star Formula(s) 1. 奖励:任务用到的配方一,e级四星配方一。 Note: The own self bringing team, does not need you to fight, the fight ended, will give you Scale of the Illusory Snake, Manufacturist is only responsible for on site then. 备注:本人自带团队,不需要你战斗,战斗结束,会将幻蛇之鳞交给你,制作师仅负责现场制作即可。 Note 2: New Formula(s) is E Grade 2-Star, if Manufacturist accepts Formula(s), is actually not able to manufacture successfully, must compensate the penalty 1,000,000 Yuan. 备注二:新配方e级二星,若制作师接受配方,却无法制作成功,需赔偿违约金100万元。 Note 3: The ultimate objective possibly is Illusory Snake Leader, if can meet. 备注三:最终目标可能为幻蛇首领如果能遇到的话。 Friend who ... reads, you can search for „”, then the first time found home station Oh. ...看书的朋友,你可以搜搜“”,即可第一时间找到本站
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