SG :: Volume #1

#71: Overturned the heavens!( first!)

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Fuck Me! 我靠! The Chen Feng eye opens suddenly. 陈锋眼睛猛然睁大。 This is Daily Paper! 这可是日报 This is the regular media! 这可是正规的媒体! News content very simple 新闻内容很简单 Gene Manufacture Association Vice-chairman visits the Gold City branch, did various inspections to Gold City Manufacture Association wait/etc, various work and so on, about the Chen Feng's content are to only have a few words: Golden Ant Mutated Gene of youngster talent Chen Feng creation, is called F Grade Strongest Gene! 基因制作协会副会长莅临金城分会,对金城制作协会进行了多方面的考察等等,各种工作云云,关于陈锋的内容更是只有一句话:少年天才陈锋创造的金蚁变异基因,被称为F级最强基因 Strongest Gene?” 最强基因?” Chen Feng shakes. 陈锋手一抖。 This is Vice-chairman ordered by the emperor personally! 这可是副会长钦定的! Merely what even if said is F Grade! 哪怕仅仅只是说的是F级 Does not know that these words were that Vice-chairman said that or was the original words is possibly different, but these words came out, Chen Feng can shake in Gold City position no one! 不知道这句话是不是那位副会长说的,或者说是原话可能不一样,但是这句话出来,陈锋金城的地位无人能撼动! Can exceed Chen Feng at least in Gold City Beginner Grade Manufacturist no one! 至少在金城初级制作师无人能超越陈锋 Golden Ant gene?” 金蚁基因吗?” Chen Feng has a parched mouth. 陈锋口干舌燥。 Bureau of Prices can deny, Genetic Warrior and Manufacturist that does not know the business can deny, is now, Vice-chairman recognized Chen Feng's Strongest Gene personally! 物价局可以否定,不懂行的基因战士制作师可以否定,可是现在,副会长亲自认定了陈锋的最强基因 Originally, this is the mysterious gift that Zhang Wei said! 原来,这就是张伟说的神秘礼物! Really suffices the weight/quantity! 果然够分量! Chen Feng is choked up with emotions. 陈锋心潮澎湃。 Wait...... 等等…… What Chen Feng thinks of suddenly, if Daily Paper helps itself voice, the discredited news, should be have some favorable turns? 陈锋忽然想到什么,如果日报都帮助自己发声的话,那自己被抹黑的消息,应该能有一些转机? Chen Feng online checked, immediately is dumbfounded. 陈锋网上查了一下,顿时目瞪口呆。 Favorable turn? 转机? Far more than is the favorable turn! 何止是转机! Now the entire network explodes! 现在整个网络都炸了! Strongest Gene? 最强基因 Vice-chairman? 副会长 If only Strongest Gene that everyone appraises in private, possibly can only the dissemination of small range, however, said these characters from the Vice-chairman mouth time, the entire network cooker, this was by ordered by the emperor personally F Grade Strongest Gene, what kind of gene? 如果只是大家私下评价出来的最强基因,可能只能小范围的传播,然而,等从副会长口中说出这几个字的时候,整个网络炸锅了,这个被钦定的F级最强基因,到底是一个怎样的基因呢? Many people who do not know the truth start to search. 很多不明真相的人开始搜查。 Golden Ant Mutated Gene, exposure. 金蚁变异基因,曝光了。 Meanwhile, the Chen Feng's matter, could not conceal again. 与此同时,陈锋的事情,再也隐瞒不住了。 Is the Bureau Head Tao power big? 陶局长权力大吗? Greatly! 大! Hoodwinks the public, is listening flamboyant, but that aims at Chen Feng such Beginner Grade Manufacturist! In front of true Great Manufacturist and Manufacture Association, he is not anything. 只手遮天,听着多牛逼,但是那只是针对陈锋这样的初级制作师!在真正的制作大师制作协会面前,他不算什么。 How to press? 怎么压? That side Academic Forum deletes rapidness that has not sent! 学术论坛那边删的还没有发的快! Let alone, the post of average person you can delete, this time comes Academic Forum to post to inquire and search, many Great Manufacturist, who dares to block?! 更何况,普通人的帖子你能删,这次来学术论坛发帖询问和查找的,还有很多大制作师,谁敢封杀?! No one dares! 没人敢! Let alone 更何况 This time is the Daily Paper official voice! 这次是日报正式发声! Various types of conventional media in this moment, unification voice! 各种传统媒体在这一刻,统一发声! Conceals? 隐瞒? Cannot conceal the truth! 根本瞒不住! Chen Feng fire. 陈锋火了。 Strongest Gene Shop fire. 最强基因店铺火了。 Three Mutated Gene again were also hot. 三个变异基因也再次火了。 „Was Chen Feng blocked unexpectedly?” 陈锋居然被封杀了?” Because these two Strongest Gene are unworthy 1,000,000?” “因为这两个最强基因不值100万?” Far more, I looked at the evaluation of Bureau of Prices, one 10,000, simply was the pit father arrived at the extreme, their was does!” “何止啊,我看了物价局的评测,一个只有1万,简直是坑爹到了极点,他们这是作死啊!” The people shock. 众人震撼。 This Chen Feng manufactured three mutate(d) Formula(s) people, unexpectedly can be blocked, this way of the world......” “这个陈锋可是制作了三个变异配方的人,居然能被封杀,这世道……” Some people feel inconceivable. 有人感觉不可思议。 mutate(d) Formula(s), coincidence! 一个变异配方,巧合! Two mutate(d) Formula(s), luck! 两个变异配方,运气! Three? 三个呢? Fully explained the Chen Feng's strength! 足以说明陈锋的实力! Or. 或者说。 Chen Feng, has the original talent in this regard, is even so, do these people really dare to block Chen Feng unexpectedly like this? simply is inconceivable! 陈锋在这方面,有着独到的天赋,可是纵然如此,那些人居然真的敢这样封杀陈锋简直不可思议! That side Academic Forum deleted many posts probably.” 学术论坛那边好像删了很多帖子。” file a complaint!” 投诉!” Bureau of Prices that is still blocking Strongest Gene Shop.” 物价局那还在封杀最强基因店铺。” file a complaint!” 投诉!” Clear Breeze Daily Paper unexpectedly also following black Chen Feng operation.” 清风日报居然也跟着黑陈锋运营。” Reporting!” “举报!” Entire network cooker. 整个网络炸锅。 Magnanimous file a complaint and reporting, submerge Academic Forum, Virtual Community and Clear Breeze Daily Paper, this inside many great people's from all walks of life real-name reportings! 海量的投诉和举报,将学术论坛虚拟社区清风日报淹没,这里面不乏各界大人物的实名举报! Stir entire network! 轰动整个网络! Everyone knows that these people ended, who controls in the back! 谁都知道这些人完了,无论是谁在背后操控! Academic Forum. 学术论坛 When Administrator knew this matter almost explodes with rage, here is various authoritative sources and academic elites has discussed the academic place, Forum Moderator also merely only then Beginner Grade User deletes placard, additional essence, awarded marks and other jurisdictions, has no right the deletion to High Grade User! 管理员得知这件事的时候几乎气炸,这里一直是各种权威人士和学术精英探讨学术的地方,论坛版主也仅仅只有初级用户删帖、加精、加分等权限,对一些高级用户根本无权删除! Each High Grade User posts to delete needs to verify! 每一个高级用户发帖删除都需要审核! However 然而 Even if so strict, has not thought or had an accident! 纵然如此严密,没想到还是出事了! Some people gang up with the same place with Forum Moderator, erases the Chen Feng this Beginner Grade User post, and blocked large quantities of Beginner Grade User! 一些人跟论坛版主勾搭到一起,将陈锋这个初级用户的帖子删掉,并且封杀了一大批初级用户 Who gives your courage?!” “谁给你们的胆子?!” Administrator is furious. 管理员震怒。 On the same day, his direct belt/bring person caught in these contrary moderators the prison. 当天,他直接带人将这几个违规版主抓到了监狱里。 He was clear, this matter, must give a User confession! 他清楚,这件事,必须得给用户一个交代! To a Chen Feng confession! 陈锋一个交代! Dismissal? 开除? Is insufficient the even popular indignation! 不足以平民愤! Only then makes these people grip tightly the foundation to put on, can make angry User tranquil, only by doing so, the Academic Forum prestige can preserve. 只有让这些人把牢底坐穿,才能够让愤怒的用户平静下来,只有这样,学术论坛的威望才能保住。 Also a little 还有一点 Punish one as a warning to others! 杀鸡儆猴! Moderator Circle, was the time should renovate. 版主圈子,是时候该整治一下了。 Administrator coldly (calmly) smiles. 管理员冷冷一笑。 Quick. 很快。 Academic Forum deletes the placard restoration! 学术论坛删帖恢复! The Chen Feng's post restores, causes to discuss once again, the Tao Family father and son turned into the mouse of being chased by all in the flash, online raises a rumpus, these talents discovered, originally the White Lotus offtracking back, hid such terrifying matter unexpectedly, the truth is returned to original state officially! 陈锋的帖子恢复,再次引起热议,陶家父子两人在一瞬间变成了人人喊打的老鼠,网上闹翻了天,这些人才发现,原来白莲出轨事件的背后,居然隐藏了这么恐怖的事情,真相被正式还原! But as the compensation, Chen Feng's Beginner Grade User, made an exception Academic Forum High Grade User. 而作为补偿,陈锋的初级用户,破例成了学术论坛高级用户 This is High Grade Manufacturist has the treatment that. 这是高级制作师才有的待遇。 Without the means that this is not Chen Feng first time had an accident, in the Administrator eye, Chen Feng simply is the powder keg, a point explodes! 没办法,这已经不是陈锋第一次出事了,在管理员眼中,陈锋简直就是个火药桶,一点就炸! He also feared that similar matter happened again. 他也怕类似的事情再次发生。 But at this time. 而此时。 Virtual Community, when the sensitometry of Chen Feng event brings to the high-level attention, Virtual Bureau of Prices Old Ding was also delivered the prison! 虚拟社区,当陈锋事件的曝光度引起高层注意的时候,虚拟物价局老丁同样被送进去监狱! The punishment is decisive! 处罚果断! Some things, do not expose good, after the exposure ? 有些事情,不曝光还好,曝光之后呢? That will play with fire! 那就会玩火! Academic Forum and Virtual Community what position? 学术论坛虚拟社区什么地位? Everyone is very clear. 大家都很清楚。 Industry magnate! 行业巨头! Their leaders, decide however this minor matter not to play the trick, User needs is also an attitude, a fair environment! For Chen Feng, for! After both sides handle and gives Chen Feng certain compensation decisively, the User anger then disappears. 他们的领导人,定然不会这点小事玩猫腻,用户需要的也是一个态度,一个公平的环境!为了陈锋,也为了自己!所以当双方果断处置并给予陈锋一定的补偿之后,用户的怒火这才消失。 As for Clear Breeze Daily Paper...... 至于清风日报…… «In cahoots, the crime of Clear Breeze Daily Paper 《狼狈为奸,清风日报之罪?》 «Media public faith where 《媒体公信何在?》 «Clear Breeze really Clear Breeze 清风是否真的‘清风’?》 Various similar reports emerge one after another incessantly, although they apologied the explanation and urgently, instigation will deliver to the prison, but the public faith strength still drops to the freezing point. 各种类似的报道层出不穷,尽管他们紧急做出了解释和道歉,将主使者送到了监狱,但是公信力依然下降至冰点。 Everyone is clear about 所有人都清楚 Clear Breeze Daily Paper, ended! 清风日报,完了! As media, lost the public faith strength, does not have the value. Even this tribulation, Clear Breeze Daily Paper still had almost very abandoned, it is said day of time, Clear Breeze Daily Paper subscription User has fallen suddenly 50%, moreover this number, but also in crazy change! 作为一个媒体,失去了公信力,已经毫无价值可言。就算挺过这一劫,清风日报也差不多废弃了,据说一天时间,清风日报的订阅用户已经暴跌50%,而且这个数字,还在疯狂的变动! Clear Breeze Daily Paper has not thought that overnight, the world reverses! 就连清风日报也没想到,一夜之间,天地逆转! Then a day! 这才一天! They just now report yesterday Chen Feng's matter, today hits the face crazily, a wrong report, making entire Clear Breeze Daily Paper build! 他们昨天才刚报道了陈锋的事情,今天就被疯狂打脸,一个错误的报道,让整个清风日报都搭了进去! But at this moment. 而此刻。 When Tao Lijun sees the Daily Paper headline, when sees the title page unexpectedly is that Vice-chairman and Chen Feng picture, a direct brain heat, almost dizziness in the past! 陶立军看到日报头条,当看到封面居然是那个副会长陈锋照片的时候,直接脑子一热,差点眩晕过去! Solemn Gene Manufacture Association Vice-chairman...... 堂堂基因制作协会副会长…… How possibly! 怎么可能! Tao Lijun whole body cold sweat. 陶立军浑身冷汗。 He is staring at Gold City this little plot of land stubbornly, but also sends people to monitor, but he how, regardless of unable to think, can be Gene Manufacture Association is over Chen Feng! 他死死的盯着金城这一亩三分地,还派人监视,但是他无论如何也想不到,会是基因制作协会陈锋出头! Must have an accident.” “要出事。” Tao Lijun responded the resistance, the thing does not want, immediately prepared to travel, but just got to the entrance time, several people have been waiting for him. 陶立军反应反抗,东西都不要,马上准备跑路,而刚走到门口的时候,已经有几个人在等候他了。 Bureau Head Tao, perhaps, you must follow one us.” 陶局长,恐怕,您要跟我们走一趟了。” Bang!” “砰!” Tao Lijun silent soft to place. 陶立军无声软到在地。 He knows. 他知道。 All ended. 一切都完了。 He calculated completely all, without calculating, Chen Feng how possibly with understanding solemn Vice-chairman?! If we had known such words, words if we had known...... 他算尽了一切,都没算到,陈锋怎么可能跟认识堂堂副会长?!如果早知道这样话,如果早知道的话…… Tao Lijun desperate closing eye. 陶立军绝望的闭上眼睛。 Naturally. 当然。 He is impossible to know, Chen Feng does not know what Vice-chairman! 他也不可能知道,陈锋根本不认识什么副会长 He does not need to know. 他也不需要认识。 In this world, has eventually fairly, Gene Manufacture Association wants vigorously to develop, is impossible to make a Chen Feng such manufacture talent pearl flee the capital! 这世界上,终究还是有公正的,基因制作协会想要蓬勃发展,就不可能让陈锋这样一个制作天才明珠蒙尘! If they do not know also on forget about it, since Zhang Wei did mention? 若是他们不知道也就算了,既然张伟提到了? They must manage! 他们必须管! Two High Star Grade mutate(d) Formula(s), are Chen Feng's nameplate! 两个高星级变异配方,就是陈锋的铭牌
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