SG :: Volume #1

#72: Final revelry!( second!)

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Gold City. 金城 Rented room. 出租屋。 Chen Feng is watching the online this splendid drama. 陈锋正看着网上这出精彩的大戏。 „Can mysterious gift also satisfy?” “神秘礼物可还满意?” The Zhang Wei image appears in the light screen. 张伟的影像在光幕浮现。 Many thanks.” “多谢。” Chen Feng is deeply grateful. 陈锋感激不尽。 Might as well.” “无妨。” Zhang Wei said with a smile, was only the just right Vice-chairman coming inspection work, I raised conveniently, to put it bluntly, was your own merit, F Grade Strongest Gene, without these two things, it is estimated that the Vice-chairman bird cannot the bird I.” 张伟笑道,“只是正好副会长过来巡视工作,我就顺手提了一下,说白了,还是你自己的功劳,F级最强基因,如果没有这两个东西,估计副会长鸟都不会鸟我。” Chen Feng cannot help laughing. 陈锋哑然失笑。 But today last day of the month.” “今天可是月底最后一天。” Zhang Wei said suddenly, „, if you also participate in the activity, is a good opportunity yo!” 张伟忽然说道,“如果你还参加活动的话,可是个好机会呦!” Activity? 活动? Chen Feng is excited immediately. 陈锋顿时心动。 Hung the communication, looks to Virtual Community , blocked has cancelled. 挂了通讯,到虚拟社区一看,果然,封杀已经取消了。 Unlike the beforehand situation, present Strongest Gene Shop is the genuine fire is especially hot, entrance countless people queue, is waiting for the Chen Feng's shop to open the door! 只是,跟之前的情况不同,现在的最强基因店铺是真正的大火特火,门口无数人排起了长龙,都在等着陈锋的店铺开门! Chen Feng looked at a news, shocks, this is...... 陈锋看了一眼消息,更是震撼,这是…… Request! 委托! Uniform request! 清一色的委托! Zhou ** requested that manufactures Golden Ant gene - Extreme one portion, request price 2,000,000, accepts? 周**请求制作金蚁基因-极一份,委托价格200万,是否接受? willow ** requested that manufactures Golden Ant gene - Extreme one portion, request price 1,500,000, accepts? 柳**请求制作金蚁基因-极一份,委托价格150万,是否接受? king ** requested that manufactures Thunder Snake gene - Extreme one portion, request price 1,200,000, accepts? 王**请求制作雷蛇基因-极一份,委托价格120万,是否接受? Wind ** the request manufactures Golden Ant gene - Extreme one portion, request price 2,500,000, accepts? 风**请求制作金蚁基因-极一份,委托价格250万,是否接受? ...... …… Comes here person, to hang request list! 来这里的人,都是为了挂委托单的! Golden Ant Mutated Gene, to become famous because of unique limit breakthrough, Thunder Snake Mutated Gene, because only needs F Grade to erupt the E Grade peak the strong prestige to praise. 金蚁变异基因,因为独特的极限突破而扬名,雷蛇变异基因,因为只需要F级就能爆发出E级巅峰的超强威能而扬名。 Insane! 疯了! Everyone was insane! 所有人都疯了! Chen Feng shocks, is the person in this world so rich? 陈锋震撼,这个世界上的人都这么有钱? Obviously is not. 显然不是。 In the past in the history, never appeared has been able to break through the limit gene reagent, therefore some, because certain special condition card people here, burnt completely! 以往历史上,从未出现过能够突破极限的基因试剂,所以一些因为某些特殊条件卡在这里的人,全部燃了! The breakthrough of F Grade, is not difficult. F级的突破,并不难。 So long as, a little talent, boiled the time association/will slightly diligently in the past! Some nouveau riche choices purchase Golden Ant Mutated Gene also for the time-saving! 只要稍微努力点,有点天赋,熬点时间总会过去的!一些土豪选择购买金蚁变异基因也是为了节省时间! However 然而 In this world, some people, are not really able to break through! 这个世界上,有些人,是真的无法突破! It is not ordinary working gene, because certain unexpected, or special gene, or special limit, permanent card Genetic Warrior here! 不是普通的打工基因,而是因为某些意外、或者特殊基因、或者特殊限制,永久卡在这里的基因战士 Like this few, possibly in several billions only has one, but so many years later, how many people? 这样的很少,可能数十亿中只有一个,但是这么多年下来,有多少人? They most need the Golden Ant Mutated Gene person! 他们才是最需要金蚁变异基因的人! For example 比如 That reaches as high as 3 million requests! 那份高达300万的委托! 3 million......” “300万……” The Chen Feng heart is fiery. 陈锋心头火热。 Sudden and huge profits! 暴利! This is the sudden and huge profits! 这才是暴利! 200,000 costs, 3 million profits? 20万的成本,300万的盈利? 1500% income ratios! 1500%的收益比! Chen Feng has a parched mouth, but he was clear, this is the issue under time accumulation, in addition the present fame in the explosion stroke, has the possibility! 陈锋口干舌燥,不过他清楚,这是时间积累下的问题,再加上自己现在名气处于爆发期,才有可能! Such opportunity, possibly only has one time! 这样的机会,可能只有一次! Possibly only then this day! 可能只有这一天! I cannot miss.” “我可不能错过。” Chen Feng is excited. 陈锋激动。 Enters the gene shop, the discovery of Chen Feng actually unexpected, a Virtual Community official source, to Virtual Bureau of Prices that Chen Feng starts, obtains the proper punishment, as the special compensation, Virtual Community was Chen Feng clears ahead of time auctioned the channel. 进入基因店铺,陈锋意外的发现,一条虚拟社区的官方消息,对陈锋下手的虚拟物价局,已经得到了应有的处罚,作为特殊补偿,虚拟社区陈锋提前开通了拍卖渠道。 Auction?” “拍卖?” Chen Feng greatly is at present bright. 陈锋眼前大亮。 Is this function Rank 5 or the Rank 6 shop has the function that? 这功能是五级还是六级店铺才有的功能? He currently has unexpectedly! 他居然现在就有了! The compensation of Virtual Community, the heroic spirit degree can be inferred. 虚拟社区的补偿,豪气程度可见一斑。 Naturally, this is also special gene has much to do with gene of Chen Feng sell! Ordinary Rank 1 shop, even if hot, gives him the auction function to have an egg to use? Who will buy 30,000-50,000 combat gene also to auction? 当然,这也是跟陈锋出售的基因都是特殊基因有很大关系!普通的一级店铺,哪怕再火,给他个拍卖功能有个卵用?谁会买个三五万战斗基因还拍卖? Auction......” “拍卖……” Chen Feng both eyes shine. 陈锋双目放光。 Opens does! 开搞! He prepared several Golden Ant Mutated Gene materials, starts to manufacture. 他准备了几份金蚁变异基因的材料,开始制作。 He is now filthy rich, does not care about this material, most is mainly, over the two days accumulated many Luck Value, enough 48 points, enough Chen Feng manufactured two to come out. 他现在财大气粗,也不在乎这点材料,最主要是,这两天攒了不少幸运值,足足48点,足够陈锋制作两份出来了。 The first share, completes quickly, Luck Value consumption, 20 points. 第一份,很快完成,幸运值消耗,20点。 Has a look to sell how much money.” “看看能卖多少钱。” Chen Feng is excited. 陈锋激动。 Golden Ant gene - Extreme, starts to sell! 金蚁基因-极,开始销售! But at this moment, with the Strongest Gene official business, as Chen Feng hangs up Golden Ant gene - Extreme, everyone of entrance lining up caused a stir! 而此刻,随着最强基因正式营业,随着陈锋挂上金蚁基因-极,门口排队的所有人都轰动了! Auction! 拍卖! Chen Feng plans to auction this gene unexpectedly! 陈锋居然打算拍卖这个基因 These waited not to know how long person, at this time entire was insane! 那些等了不知道多久的人,这时候全疯了! Low price 1,000,000 Golden Ant gene - Extreme, in an instance, was fried 3 million, but those who made person terrifying was, this price, but also is rising upward. 低价100万金蚁基因-极,在一个瞬间,被炒到了300万,而更令人恐怖的是,这个价格,还在往上涨。 Wang Family. 王家 Some Wang Chun unexpected looks to rise dramatically the price that unexpectedly also some people of in addition?” 王淳有些意外的看着飙升的价格,“居然还有人加?” Since he breaks through to E Grade, household also slightly relaxed the resources to him, he now was also on hand some change, but...... 自从他突破到E级之后,家族这边也稍微的对他放宽了资源,他现在也算是手头有些小钱了,但是…… For a gene flower that breaks through F Grade 3 million? 为一个突破F级基因花300万? Be unworthy! 不值! To the normal person, is at least unworthy absolutely! 至少对正常人来说,绝对不值! „Are person silly money many?” “人傻钱多?” Wang Chun emits this word suddenly, at once shakes the head. 王淳忽然冒出这个词,旋即摇摇头。 The money of rich man is not the gale hangs, Gene Manufacture Association, starting price labelling of Golden Ant gene - Extreme is 1,000,000, has the truth, in the market gentle situation, this gene best selling price, indeed is about 1,000,000, are many? 有钱人的钱也不是大风挂来的,基因制作协会,将金蚁基因-极的起价标注为100万,也不是没有道理的,市场平和的情况下,这个基因的最佳销售价格,的确是100万左右,再多? Was unworthy! 就不值了! Or......” “又或者……” The Wang Chun eye narrows the eyes, before me same situation?” 王淳眼睛一眯,“跟我之前一样的情况?” The normal people break through the F Grade flower 3 million indeed to be unworthy, but if these because of unexpected by the card person here? For example before his Wang Chun? 正常人突破F级花300万的确不值,但是如果是那些因为意外被卡在这里的人?比如之前他的王淳 Let alone 3 million, even if 5 million, he also spends! 别说300万,哪怕500万,他也花! It seems like interesting.” “看来有趣了。” Wang Chun smiled suddenly. 王淳忽然笑了。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 In front of Strongest Gene Shop, a person's shadow clenches jaws is staring at the price of above fluctuation, unceasing adds upward, 3,200,000, 3,500,000, 3,800,000...... 最强基因店铺面前,一个人影咬牙切齿的盯着上面浮动的价格,不断的往上加,320万,350万,380万…… Whoever increases price, he wind without hesitation! 无论谁加价,他都毫不犹豫的飙! In order to break through! 为了突破! He spares nothing! 他不惜一切代价! Was insane!” “疯了!” fuck, already 4.5 million!” 卧槽,已经450万了!” Everyone was shocked. 所有人惊呆了。 No one has thought that sell of first share Golden Ant Mutated Gene, unexpectedly to this terrifying high price! But what is more inconceivable, this price, is still increasing unexpectedly. 谁也没想到,第一金蚁变异基因的出售,居然到了这种恐怖的高价!而更加不可思议的是,这个价格,居然还在增加。 Oh, was the person in this world insane?” “天哪,这个世界的人疯了么?” This is only F Grade breaks through nothing more!” “这只是F级突破而已啊!” That increased price a moment ago 3 million it is said is a young billionaire, he gave up, it seems like he also thinks that a higher price is inappropriate.” “刚才那个加价300万的据说是个年轻的亿万富翁,他都放弃了,看来他也认为更高的价格不合适了。” Yes, how also do some people add upward?” “是啊,怎么还有人往上加?” The people are puzzled. 众人不解。 But at this moment, as some people give up unceasingly, the ultimate cost in 5.2 million stops. 而此刻,随着不断有人放弃,最终价格在520万停止。 Strongest Gene Shop! 最强基因店铺 first share Golden Ant gene - Extreme, at 5.2 million sky-high prices, sell! 第一金蚁基因-极,以520万的天价,出售! Virtual Community stir! 虚拟社区轰动! Academic Forum stir! 学术论坛轰动! Everyone was shocked, if this is one portion high Grading combat gene also on forget about it, but, this merely is only one portion F Grade gene! 所有人都被震惊了,如果这是一份等级战斗基因也就算了,可是,这仅仅只是一份F级基因啊! Strongest Gene......” 最强基因……” This price founds the F Grade history!” “这份价格算是开创F级的历史了!” The people are filled with emotion. 众人感慨万千。 However. 然而。 This was also not finished. 这还不算结束。 When afternoon time, Chen Feng emitted second share Golden Ant Mutated Gene. 等到下午的时候,陈锋放出了第二金蚁变异基因 The auction, starts again! 拍卖,再次开始! Unexpectedly?” “居然还有?” It seems like Chen Feng stores goods much.” “看来陈锋存货不少。” „Should this time some people not compete crazily?” “这次应该不会有人这么疯狂的竞争了吧?” People speculation. 众人猜测。 Indeed. 的确。 With the appearance of second share Golden Ant Mutated Gene, people also calculate that restored the reason, since this gene Chen Feng can make the second share, naturally also has third portion, the fourth share! The person who since, does not worry in this case, can definitely wait, when price normal then buys. 随着第二金蚁变异基因的出现,人们也算恢复了理智,这份基因陈锋既然能做出第二份,自然也有第三份,第四份!既然这样的话,不着急的人,完全可以等等,等价格正常了再买。 However 然而 Even so, this second share Golden Ant gene also sold 3 million! 纵然如此,这第二金蚁基因也卖到了300万! Also one portion sky-high price gene! 一份天价基因 This......” “这……” Quite fearful!” “好可怕!” This world I could not have understood.” “这个世界我已经看不懂了。” Even should nouveau riche, make better means breakthrough? I remember how much money some rich men do spend to ask the bodyguard to lead itself several times to go to to gain experience also to break through Ah? that with ease?” “就算是土豪,应该有更好的办法突破吧?我记得,一些有钱人花点钱请保镖带自己去历练几次也是轻松突破啊?那才多少钱?” Many person face confused. 很多人一脸懵逼 They cannot understand why Golden Ant Mutated Gene can sell such high price! 他们根本不能理解为何金蚁变异基因能卖到这么高价! Is good because. 好在。 After second share, the enthusiasm of people also gets down gradually. 第二份之后,人们的热情也渐渐下去。 The dim light of night arrives. 夜色降临。 The Monthly Sales activity will also soon come to the end, but at this time, the Chen Feng's individual position, had rushed to the third name, an inconceivable situation! 月销售活动也即将告一段落,而这个时候,陈锋的个人名次,已经冲到了第三名,一个不可思议的地步! first name, turnover 18.6 million. 第一名,营业额1860万。 second name, turnover 18.2 million. 第二名,营业额1820万。 third name, turnover 18 million. 第三名,营业额1800万。 18 million! 1800万! An unusual terrifying turnover! 一个非常恐怖的营业额! Chen Feng used merely seven days to be in this situation, but what was most fearful, 8 million, are the today's half-day time makes unexpectedly, this was most panic-stricken. 陈锋用了仅仅七天的时间就到了这种地步,而最可怕的是,其中800万,居然是今天半天的时间弄出来,这才是最让人惊恐的。 Strongest Gene, really lives up to reputation. 最强基因,果然名不虚传。 However, stopped. 不过,也到此为止了。 A first shop owner is also deep relaxing, for with a second competition, they promoted sales with low price, spends not to know how much money! 第一名的店主也是深深的松了口气,为了跟第二名竞争,他们低价促销,花了不知道多少钱! The Chen Feng's crazy sprint makes them fearful and apprehensive, is good because, finally the Chen Feng's auction consolidated in 18 million, did not have again upward. 陈锋的疯狂冲刺让他们胆战心惊,好在,最终陈锋的拍卖还是稳固在了1800万,没有再往上。
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