Gold City.金城。
The summit of sometall building, Tao Lijunsits facing one another and talkswith a middle-aged person.
某高楼之巅,陶立军跟一位中年人坐谈。„It seems likeourchildrenhad no way out.”
“看来我们的小朋友走投无路了。”Hisoppositemiddle-aged personsaid with a smile.
他对面的中年人笑道。„Looks at the antsto struggle, is a bigpleasure.”
“看蝼蚁挣扎,也是一大乐趣。”Tao Lijunlightsaying, „thistimecomesGold City, solved a matter, somedays, helpmy fatherhas restored the reputation/honorary.”陶立军淡淡的说道,“这次来金城,也算是解决了一件事,过些日子,帮助我父亲恢复名誉吧。”„Do not worry.”
“别太着急。”Middle-agedhumanity: „Is carefulunexpected.”
“怎么可能。”Tao Lijunsneers, „thisplace, did somepeopledo tome?”陶立军一声冷笑,“这种地方,有人奈何得了我?”
The person who Gold Cityhedoes not dareto annoy, only hasseveral!金城他不敢惹的人,只有几个!Butthese......
而这些……Nohas the relationswithChen Feng!
这就是他的底气!Butat this time.
而此时。Inrented room.
出租屋内。Chen Fengwatches the development of situationsilently, the developmentis stemming fromhisunexpectedby far, heunderestimated the Bureau Head Taomethodeventually! In this period, the Mu YuancommunicationmadeChen Fengknow a matter, heexperiencesnow, withexactly the same that GrandpaChen Fengexperiencedin the past!陈锋默默关注着事态的发展,事情的发展远远出乎他的意料之外,他终究低估了陶局长的手段!期间,牧原的通讯让陈锋知道了一件事,他现在经历的,和陈锋爷爷当年经历的一模一样!Block!
The shopwas sealed, the accountfreezeandpersonalsoblackto the extreme!
店铺被封、账户冻结、人也被黑到了极点!A halfhour of public opinion that althoughChen Fengexposedinitially, makingsomepeoplenotice, butmost peoplehave not known that Chen Fengwas washedwhite/in vainthismatter!
虽然陈锋当初曝光的半个小时舆论,让一些人注意到了,但是绝大多数人还不知道陈锋被洗白这件事!In their eyes, Chen Feng is still Manufacturist that personal characterruins!
在他们眼中,陈锋依然是那个品德败坏的制作师!Thisisblock of Tao Lijun!
一封到死!„Didn't have the means?”
“没办法了?”Chen FenglookstoMu Yuan.陈锋看向牧原。„......”
“……”Mu Yuanis silent, ifthere is means that howhisgrandfathercanshameso manyyears?牧原沉默,如果有办法,他爷爷怎么会耻辱这么多年?ThatisTao Lijun!
那可是陶立军啊!Heis not the Gold Citylocal branch!
他不是金城地方分局!Butin the true sense, Market Supervision CenterMain Bureau of PriceDeputy Bureau Head, as one of the severalDeputy Bureau Head, hiskey managementrange, is the goodsprice of Virtual Communitybranch!
而是真正意义上,市场监管中心的物价总局的副局长,作为几个副局长之一,他的主要管理范围,就是虚拟社区分部的物品价格!Manytimes, hispowerdoes not even have the localsub-bureauto be big, howeverinonline......
很多的时候,他的权力甚至没有本地分局大,但是在网上……Hecanhoodwink the publicabsolutely!
他绝对可以一手遮天!„How did yourgrandfatherrelieveinitiallyblocks?”
“你爷爷当初怎么解除封杀的?”Chen Fengaskedsuddenly.陈锋忽然问道。„Apology, andacknowledged that allare the Professor Taoresearch results.”
“道歉,并承认一切都是陶教授的研究成果。”Mu Yuanhatesgreatly.牧原大恨。Thiswashisgrandfather'sinitialgreat shame, clearlywasownthing, distinctwere the rights protection, wasfinallybecause of the reality, unexpectedlyunconsciousdevelopmentthis?
而现在——Initiallyhisgrandfatherexperienced, is performingonChen Feng.
“对不起。”Mu Yuanpinches tightly the fist, „, if notI, youcannot......”牧原捏紧拳头,“如果不是我,你也不会……”„Might as well.”
“无妨。”Chen Fengsmiles, „is onlyminor matternothing more.”陈锋笑笑,“只是小事而已。”„Ah?”
“啊?”Mu Yuanis surprised, „can youalsosmile? Thisblocksveryterrifying, at leastseveralyears, youranythingcould not do, otherwise......”牧原惊讶,“你还笑得出来?这封杀很恐怖的,至少几年,你根本什么都干不了,要不然……”„Looks down uponmyAh?”
“就这么看不起我啊?”Chen Fengstretches oneself, in the eyeshows the happy expression, „felt relieved that will finishquickly.”陈锋伸伸懒腰,眼中露出笑意,“放心吧,很快会结束的。”„??”
“??”Mu Yuanis confused.牧原一头雾水。Finishedquickly, howpossibly?
然而。At this time, Chen Fenghas hung the communication.
这个时候,陈锋已经挂了通讯。„Tao Lijun......”
The Chen Fengcorners of the mouthrevealwipe the happy expression.陈锋嘴角露出一抹笑意。Goodmethod!
好手段!merely ——只是——Youmayoncethink, yourmethodwas good , possiblyis a blind alley?
你可曾想过,你手段太好了,也可能是条死路?„Hasn't transferred?”
“还没有转机吗?”Chen Fengis somewhat regrettable.陈锋有些遗憾。Wentonlineto look, the Chen Feng'snewshas submergedin the sea, heattemptedto post, as beforebylock(ing), does not have anyunlockingindication.
去网上看了看,陈锋的消息已经淹没在海洋中,他尝试发了发帖子,依旧被锁定,没有任何解锁征兆。Virtual Community, the Chen Feng'sshopwas closedas before.虚拟社区,陈锋的店铺依旧被关闭。„Why is this?”
“这是何必呢?”Chen Fengsighed, „Bureau Head Tao, you were bring about own destruction.”陈锋叹息,“陶局长,你这是自寻死路啊。”Hereallydoes not wantto usethismethod!
他真的不想用这种手段的!Doing to......
奈何……Chen Fengopens the wristbelt/bringlight screen.陈锋翻开腕带光幕。„wēng ——”
A row of nameappears.
The Chen Feng'sfriendare not many, contact person who on the light screendisplaysalsoonly thenseveral, person but who these, each can speak.陈锋的朋友并不多,光幕上罗列出来的联系人也只有几个,但是就这几个,每个都是能说得上话的人。But......
而其中一个……Chen Fengstopsin the face of the Wang Yaoname.陈锋在王瑶的名字面前停下。„Wang Yao......”
“王瑶……”Chen Fengsaidin a soft voice.陈锋轻声道。Sea Dragon Blood Essencetraded the Wang Yaothreemaking a moveopportunities!海龙精血换了王瑶三次出手机会!Hethinksoneselfwill not use, but, thisseveraldays of time, hemustuse the firsttime! Buthismaking a movewayissimple and crude——
他原以为自己一直不会用,但是没想到,这才几天时间,他就要用第一次了!而他的出手方式更是简单粗暴——Cutsto kill!
斩杀!Our doesn't Bureau Head Taolikeplaying the assassination? Hesent peopleto assassinateChen Fenginitiallytwice, butChen Feng, so long asreturnedhimtimeoneenough.
The Tao Lijunpersonal connectionis very broad, the poweris big!陶立军人脉很广,权力大!However——
但是——Ifhedid die?
Will thesepeoplealso work oneself to deathforhim?
The relationsare good, theywill not work oneself to deathfor the deceased person!
甚至……In order topretend non-involvement the relations, hits a person when he is downalsoperhaps.
为了撇清关系,落井下石也说不定。Chen Feng'sallthingswill be solvedin the flash, as forsuspicion, howregardless oftheysuspected, will not suspectonChen Feng! Chen Fengdid not planwiththis means that but, does toourBureau Head Taoas if to drivehimto commit suicide?陈锋的所有事情都会在一瞬间解决,至于怀疑,无论他们如何怀疑,也不会怀疑到陈锋头上!陈锋原本并不打算用这个办法的,但是,奈何我们的陶局长似乎一定要置他于死地?„You are bring about own destruction.”
“你这是自寻死路啊。”Chen Fengis filled with emotion.陈锋感慨万千。Selects the Wang Yaopersonal information, Chen Fengis preparingto relate.
The light screenlight shadowappears.
A familiarperson's shadowjumps, wear a look ofhappy expression: „Chen Feng, comesGene Manufacture Association.”
一个熟悉的人影跳出来,面带笑意:“陈锋,来基因制作协会一趟。”UnexpectedlyisZhang Wei!
“我?”Chen Fenggawked.陈锋愣了一下。„Come, has the good deed.”
“来吧,有好事。”Zhang Weimysticalsaying.张伟神神秘秘的说道。„Good.”
The Chen Fengmindmoves slightly.陈锋心神微动。Reward of Gene Manufacture Association?基因制作协会的奖励吗?Henowis onlyordinaryManufacturist, counted on that Gene Manufacture Associationhelpsoverhim, is impossible. Let alone, thisis the Virtual Communitymatter, is not one's turnGene Manufacture Associationto manage, but, he is also very curious, the reward of Gene Manufacture Associationcanbeanything.
他现在只是一个普通的制作师,指望基因制作协会帮他出头,不可能。更何况,这是虚拟社区的事情,也轮不到基因制作协会来管,但是,他也很好奇,基因制作协会的奖励会是什么。Mysteriousreward that Zhang Weisaid......张伟所说的神秘奖励……Chen Fenglooks atWang Yaotwocharacters in the contact method, finallyhas not selected.陈锋看着联系方式上的王瑶两个字,最终还是没点下去。„Firsthas a look, coming backto doBureau Head Tao is not lateagain.”
“先去看看,回来再搞陶局长也不迟。”Chen Fengproficientlythinks deeply.陈锋深思熟练。
The Gene Manufacture Associationposition is uncommon, could some variables.基因制作协会毕竟地位不凡,说不定能有一些变数。Chen Fengarrived atGene Manufacture Associationas promised, Zhang Weileads the personto wait there, somestatusuncommonpeople, as ifindiscusseranything.陈锋如约到了基因制作协会,张伟已经带人在那里等候了,一些身份不凡的人,似乎在讨论者什么。
Is thisdoes do?
这是干嘛?SomeChen Fengdoubts.陈锋有些疑惑。„.”
“嘘。”Zhang Weismiles, „youare responsible forsmilingon the linetoday.”张伟神秘一笑,“你今天负责微笑就行了。”Chen Fenglooking pensive.陈锋若有所思。Distant place.
远处。Thesepeopleare discussing, sees the Chen Feng'stime, walked.
那些人讨论着,看见陈锋的时候,也走了过来。„Are youChen Feng?”
A middle-aged personis with smile on the face, looks atChen Fengat presentonebrightly, has not waited forChen Fengto answer,rackethisshoulder, „young fellowis good , to continue keep it up!”
After saying, hefollows others to continueto proceedto walk.
说完之后,他跟着其他人继续往前走去。Chen Feng: „......”陈锋:“……”HelookstoZhang Wei, Zhang Weiis onlymysterioussmiling, hintinghimfollowedto be good, following that Chen Feng can only be confused, however, after thesepeopleleft, hehas not seen the mysteriousgiftis the time.
他看向张伟,张伟只是神秘的笑笑,示意他跟着就行了,陈锋只能一头雾水的跟上,然而,等那些人离开后,他也没看到神秘礼物是时候。„Rewardhas givenyou.”
The Zhang Weirackethisshoulder, „yourboy, thistimegainedin a big way.”张伟拍拍他的肩膀,“你小子,这次赚大了。”„Ah?”
“啊?”Chen Fenghas not recovered.陈锋还没回过神来。„Went backyouto know.”
“回去你就知道了。”Zhang Weihey heyonehappy, seesChen Fengeach timeis the appearances that has victory in the hand, did not seem likejust the youngster of high school, saw his faceblurryappearancerarely, Zhang Weinaturallyloves.张伟嘿嘿一乐,每次看见陈锋都是一副胜券在握的样子,根本不像是刚高中的少年,难得看到他一脸迷糊的样子,张伟自然喜闻乐见。„Thisfellow......”
“这家伙……”Chen Fengdoes not know whether to laugh or cry.陈锋哭笑不得。Time of going home, a dayalreadypassinghalf, during the daytimefollowedto runseveral, as ifanythingdid not have, as forthing that Zhang Weisaid......
回到家的时候,一天已经过去一半,白天跟着跑了几趟,似乎什么都没有,至于张伟说的东西……Chen Fengflips the account, thinks the reward of Gene Manufacture Associationissue, howevernot.陈锋翻翻账户,以为基因制作协会发布的奖励,然而并没有。„Whatis?”
“到底是什么?”Chen Fengis somewhat strange.陈锋有些奇怪。Butatthis time, a reportage of Gold CityMain Bodybrought to the Chen Fengattention, usuallyhedid not look atthis, howeverthistimenewsheadline......
The title pageunexpectedlyishe!
封面居然是他!Thatmiddle-aged person who patshisshoulder!
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