SG :: Volume #1

#69: Hoodwink the public!

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But at this time. 而此时。 In a garret. 一座阁楼上。 Tao Lijun looks at the cybercommunity exposure the news, the look actually unprecedented tranquility on face, for a long time, shakes the head: Is I loses forget about it.” 陶立军看着网络社区曝光的消息,脸上的神色却前所未有的平静,许久,才摇摇头:“是我失算了。” Little Jun.” 小军。” A Professor Tao face compels painstakingly. 陶教授一脸苦逼。 He has not thought that now the matter noisily is so unexpectedly big! Own matter also on forget about it, if involves the son low-rank, their Tao Family really ended! 他没想到现在事情居然闹这么大!自己的事情也就算了,如果牵连儿子下位的话,他们陶家是真的完了! Might as well.” “无妨。” Tao Lijun smiles, „, if I do not handle this matter, white wine so many years.” 陶立军笑笑,“如果我连这点事情也搞不定,也白干这么多年了。” Ah? 啊? Professor Tao was bewildered, this situation, what to do but can also? 陶教授一脸茫然,都这种地步了,还能怎么办? You look.” “您看着吧。” Tao Lijun light smiling, starts, was I neglected, I treated as this Chen Feng a grasshopper that jumped to stumble not to get up, therefore did not have to care , he also had this method unexpectedly, approached layer upon layer, challenged my army actually, this small fellow, was not simple.” 陶立军淡淡的笑着,“开始,是我疏忽了,我把这个陈锋当做一条蹦跶不起来的蚂蚱,所以没太在意,没想到,他居然还有这种手段,层层逼近,倒是将了我一军,这小家伙,不简单啊。” „......” “不过……” Also stopped.” “也就到此为止了。” Tao Lijun coldly (calmly) looks at the distant place, „, since my true works as him is an opponent, will not give the opportunity that he counter-attacks again! Some did not give up with resources, should use.” 陶立军冷冷的看着远处,“既然我真正的将他当为对手,就不会再给他反击的机会了!一些原本不舍得用的资源,也该用了。” pā! 啪! Tao Lijun convenient racket. 陶立军顺手一拍。 A dancing in the air insect, was patted by him on the wall. 一只飞舞的虫子,被他拍死在墙上。 Father, you looks.” “爸,你看。” Flies the quick insect, that is also only the insect.” “飞得再快的虫子,那也只是虫子啊。” The Tao Lijun racket father's shoulder, your son I worked as 20 years of Bureau Head, his can only Manufacturist be able to move can it be that?” 陶立军拍拍父亲的肩膀,“您儿子我当了二十年的局长,岂是他区区一个制作师可以搬得动吧?” His method is good, but, was too tender.” “他手段是不错,但是,太嫩了。” You, and looks.” “您且看吧。” On this day cannot turn!” “这天翻不了!” Tao Lijun coldly (calmly) smiles. 陶立军冷冷一笑。 He worked as 20 years of Bureau Head, although is, but the power and influence is still dreadful! Gold City area most goods prices, must pass through his hand! 他当了二十年局长,尽管是副的,但是依然权势滔天!金城地区绝大多数的物品价格,都要经过他的手! This inside trick, big. 这里面的猫腻,大了去了。 Only Chen Feng? 区区一个陈锋 Is anything. 算什么。 This time he arrives at Gold City specially, to solve this matter! 这次他特意来到金城,就是为了解决这件事! Perhaps in some people's eyes, his power is not big, however such person, for Chen Feng over? 或许在一些人眼中,他的权力并不大,但是这样的人,会为陈锋出头? Obviously cannot! 显然不会! By his status, if acts seriously, copes with small Manufacturist? 以他的身份,如果动真格的,对付一个小小的制作师 Too easy! 太容易了! Almost, should start?” “差不多,该开始了吧?” Tao Lijun muttered. 陶立军喃喃自语。 But at this time. 而此时。 Academic Forum. 学术论坛 From event exposure already 30 minutes. 距离事件曝光已经三十分钟。 The range that the public opinion erupts is big, the post that however, at this time, suddenly, on Academic Forum, Chen Feng issued, vanished instantaneously! 舆论爆发的范围已经不小了,然而,就在这个时候,忽然,学术论坛上,陈锋所发布的帖子,瞬间消失了! Again, evaporation! 再次,蒸发! «Cheating Father and son, Tao Family Revealing» 《坑人父子俩,陶家揭秘》 «Clear Breeze Dog, Circulates Rumor, Comes out To fight Again 300 Rounds» 清风狗,散布谣言,出来再战三百回合》 ...... …… This kind of post, is also vanishing instantaneously, all conducts the post of attack in view of Tao Lijun, Professor Tao and Clear Breeze, evaporates in the flash! 这一类的帖子,也在瞬间消失,所有针对陶立军陶教授清风进行抨击的帖子,都在一瞬间蒸发! Vanished! 消失了! All, vanished! 所有的一切,都消失了! „Did my post vanish?” “我的帖子消失了?” My is also.” “我的也是。” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Some people have doubts very much, however, could not send in any event, all accounts that has reported similar news were stopped using in the flash temporarily. 一些人很疑惑,然而,无论如何都发不出去了,所有发过类似消息的账户都在一瞬间被暂时停用。 On looks outwardly, Academic Forum, a peace. 明面上看去,学术论坛,一片太平。 Unexpectedly dares to delete the placard?” “居然敢删帖?” Many people are burning with anger, plan to cause trouble. 很多人怒火中烧,打算闹事。 But the news that at this moment, Academic Forum, some celebrity Manufacturist White Lotus goes off track exposes suddenly, shocks the entire network, Academic Forum is submerged by all kinds of White Lotus news instantaneously! 而就在这时,学术论坛,某明星制作师白莲出轨的消息忽然曝光,震惊整个网络,学术论坛瞬间被各种各样的白莲消息淹没! The major media, Academic Forum, everyone are paying attention to this matter. 各大媒体,学术论坛,所有人都在关注这件事。 Chen Feng? 陈锋 Whose that is Ah? 那是谁啊? Entire Academic Forum, Chen Feng went into hiding. 整个学术论坛,陈锋销声匿迹了。 When Chen Feng notices this matter was shocked, he has not thought, has experienced the previous Professor Tao event, when the public opinion exposure a half hour, they have also dared to do unexpectedly! 陈锋注意到这件事的时候惊呆了,他没想到,经历过上次陶教授的事件,在舆论曝光已经半个多小时的时候,他们居然还敢这么干! Same matter, happened once again! 同样的事情,又一次发生了! Just, unlike Professor Tao to act, Bureau Head Tao acts, method ruthless spicy strong, simply has not left behind any counter-attack the opportunity, entire Academic Forum, is the person second of Chen Feng speech seals! 只不过,跟上次陶教授出手不一样,陶局长出手,手段狠辣强硬,根本没有留下任何反击的机会,整个学术论坛,所有为陈锋说话的人都秒封! All related news, submerge behind the news that White Lotus goes off track, cannot see any trace! 所有相关消息,都淹没在白莲出轨的消息背后,根本看不到任何痕迹! White Lotus.” 白莲。” The Chen Feng eye narrows the eyes. 陈锋眼睛一眯。 How possibly just right such coincidence? 怎么可能正好这么巧合? Does not need to think that he also knows, this is for the public opinion effect to cover Chen Feng this matter bringing, therefore covers with a bigger matter forcefully! 不用想他也知道,这是为了掩盖陈锋这件事所带来的舆论效果,所以硬生生用一件更大的事情来掩盖! This is the commonly used method of public opinion shift! 这是舆论转移的常用手段! Bureau Head Tao acts, suffices to be ruthless, does not give him any opportunity! 陶局长出手,够狠,不给他任何机会! Good ruthless method.” “好狠的手段。” Chen Feng shocks. 陈锋震撼。 He has not thought, the Academic Forum person will also handle this matter? 他没想到,学术论坛的人也会做这种事情? Because of the Bureau Head Tao status? 因为陶局长的身份? or...... 还是… Has the handle? 有把柄? Chen Feng is not clear, but he is true file a complaint is now impossible, in the hand is pinching the Genetic Union evaluation list, doesn't the opportunity of unexpectedly exposing give? 陈锋不清楚,但是他现在是真正的投诉无门,手中捏着基因工会的评测单,居然连曝光的机会都不给? Tries other Daily Paper?” “试试其他日报?” Chen Feng attempted to relate some Daily Paper. 陈锋尝试联系了一些日报 However 然而 No one pays attention! 没人理会! Especially knows that he called the Chen Feng's time, made the telephone call directly, even if were the Clear Breeze Daily Paper enemy, at this time is not willing to manage this matter! 尤其是知道他叫陈锋的时候,更是直接挂了电话,哪怕是清风日报的对头,这个时候都不愿意管这件事! The reason is inexplicable. 原因莫名。 „Is this Bureau Head Tao writing skill?” “这又是陶局长的手笔?” Chen Feng sneers. 陈锋冷笑。 This indeed somewhat stems from his unexpected. 这的确有些出乎他的意料之外。 He thinks that Bureau Head Tao same will assassinate with before , this assassinated he fellow several times, this time planned suppresses unexpectedly with the might! 他以为陶局长会跟以前一样暗杀,没想到,这个暗杀了他几次的家伙,这次居然打算用强权镇压! Good Bureau Head Tao! 好一个陶局长 „The influence of public opinion, can you really suppress?” “舆论的影响,你真的压得住?” Chen Feng went to Virtual Community. 陈锋去了虚拟社区 However...... 然而…… The request that his shop announced vanished. 他店铺公布的委托消失了。 Now, request that Strongest Gene Shop announced that also vanished, could not see! The Chen Feng account only has simple news 现在,最强基因店铺公布的委托,也消失了,根本看不到!陈锋账户只有一条简单的消息 Your shop Strongest Gene, because contrary, was abolished the request function temporarily. 您的店铺‘最强基因’因为违规,被暂时撤销委托功能。 Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” Was sealed? 被封了吗? Chen Feng muttered. 陈锋喃喃自语。 He does not have unexpected. 他没有意外 Was deleted, public opinion shifts the time from the post, he guessed correctly, since Bureau Head Tao attended to every detail, how possibly to think of the Strongest Gene shop? 从帖子被删、舆论转移的时候,他就猜到了,陶局长既然面面俱到,怎么可能想不到最强基因的店铺? This, is the counter-attack of Tao Lijun! 这,就是陶立军的反击! Somewhere tall building. 某处高楼。 Professor Tao excited looks at the network to progress, does not dare to imagine, oneself son, strong had turned the hand to this situation for the cloud turning over the palm unexpectedly is the rain! 陶教授兴奋的看着网络进展,根本不敢想象,自己儿子,居然已经强到了这种地步翻手为云覆手为雨! Too strong! 太强了! Son you were too fierce.” “儿子你太厉害了。” Professor Tao is excited. 陶教授兴奋。 Owed some favors.” “欠了一些人情啊。” Tao Lijun shakes the head, had in a big way uses, waste here, what a pity.” 陶立军摇摇头,“原本有大用的,浪费在这里,可惜了。” hey hey.” 嘿嘿。” Professor Tao smiled embarrasedly. 陶教授讪讪的笑了。 He does not have a thing in the world now, really does not dare to despise this son. 他现在一无所有,是真的不敢小看这个儿子了。 My reputation/honorary......” “那我的名誉……” Professor Tao somewhat greedy thought. 陶教授有些贪心的想到。 Relax.” “放心吧。” Tao Lijun cannot help laughing, you are my father, I can owe you, waited for these things in the past, I will make one help you wash specially white.” 陶立军哑然失笑,“您可是我老爸,我能亏了您,等这些事情过去,我会专门让人帮您洗白。” Okay good.” “好好好。” Professor Tao excited point to nod. 陶教授激动的点点头 „.” “呵。” Tao Lijun light looks to out of the window. 陶立军淡淡的看向窗外。 Having unbearable chill in a high position. 高处不胜寒。 Chen Feng, now, you may know, what is the reality?! No matter how what your talent, in my hands, eventually is only the ants! 陈锋小朋友,现在,你可知道,什么是现实?!任你天赋如何,在我手中,终究只是蝼蚁! This, is the reality! 这,就是现实! The time passes. 时间流逝。 One hour, two hours...... 一个小时,两个小时…… The emphasis of people, as before the matter that White Lotus goes off track. 人们的关注点,依旧在白莲出轨的事情上。 As for Chen Feng? 至于陈锋 Who is that? 那是谁? Few people pay attention, even if these people, are by to seal/confer Tie, even if they know the truth, does not dare to speak irresponsibly at this time! But some people issued the extreme opinion attempts file a complaint, was actually deducted the credit points by Academic Forum in the name of rumor directly! 只有极少数人关注,而就算这些人,还是被封贴,纵然他们知道真相,也不敢在这个时候乱说了!而有些人发布了极端言论企图投诉,却被学术论坛直接以造谣的名义扣除信用点数! Then, they were peaceful. 这下,他们安静了。 Who also dares to speak for Chen Feng? 谁还敢为陈锋说话? No one! 没人! Chen Feng's matter, such quiet did not have. 陈锋的事情,就这样悄无声息的没了。 But Strongest Gene? 最强基因 Possibly such quiet blocks, until one day, here changes into a brand-new shop, the Chen Feng's shop will also forget. 可能就这样悄无声息的封杀下去,直到某一天,这里换成一个崭新的小店,陈锋的店铺也会被人遗忘。 This, is most fearful. 这,才是最可怕的。
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