SG :: Volume #1

#68: Counter-attack!

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Returns to the room. 回到房间。 Chen Feng enters Virtual Community. 陈锋进入虚拟社区 When sees the request news of Strongest Gene shop, he was shocked suddenly. 当看到最强基因小铺的委托消息的时候,他忽然愣住了。 1st, the Zhao Long request manufactures Golden Ant Mutated Gene one portion, request price 1,000,000, accepts? 一、赵龙请求制作金蚁变异基因一份,委托价格100万,是否接受? 2nd, the Zhao Long request manufactures Golden Ant Mutated Gene one portion, request price 1,500,000, accepts? 二、赵龙请求制作金蚁变异基因一份,委托价格150万,是否接受? 3rd, the Zhao Long request manufactures Golden Ant Mutated Gene one portion, request price 2,000,000, accepts? 三、赵龙请求制作金蚁变异基因一份,委托价格200万,是否接受? In addition, the news of message board, Zhao Long: Big Bro, I, only then 2,000,000, asked one portion Golden Ant Mutated Gene, I the card is very here long, sought the breakthrough!!!!! 除此之外,还有留言栏的一条消息,赵龙:大哥,我真的只有200万了,求一份金蚁变异基因啊,我已经卡在这里很久了,求突破!!!!! This......” “这……” Chen Feng cannot help laughing. 陈锋哑然失笑。 Naturally, this merely is only a person, at least 56 people entrusted Chen Feng to manufacture Golden Ant Mutated Gene simultaneously, but in addition, some people requested that manufactured Thunder Snake Mutated Gene, similarly labelled the 1,200,000 high price! 当然,这仅仅只是其中一个人,至少有五六个人同时委托陈锋制作金蚁变异基因,而除此之外,还有一些人请求制作雷蛇变异基因,同样标注了120万的高价! But at this time. 而这时。 In network black Chen Feng's activity also in like a raging fire is conducting, merely one day of time, is almost is known to everybody to be known to everybody, as if not black Chen Feng, cannot keep up with the time to be the same. Nearby the gene shop also has more people to surround, instead made the surrounding shop make a lot of money. 网络上黑陈锋的活动还在如火如荼的进行着,仅仅一天时间,几乎是无人不知无人不晓,似乎不黑一下陈锋,都跟不上时代一样。基因小店附近也有更多人围观,反而让周围店铺赚了不少钱。 This senior is but my lucky star.” “这前辈是可是我福星啊。” Wind Hums is filled with emotion. 风吟感慨万千。 Initially this master made his shop rush to first 30 hurriedly, afterward broke in first ten hurriedly, forcefully pushed Pavilion of Wind, let him depressed, however, Strongest Gene Shop was sealed, instead the other shop incomes of their street increased. 当初这位爷让他店铺风风火火冲到前三十,后来又风风火火冲入前十,硬生生的把风之阁挤了出去,让他郁闷不已,然而没想到,紧接着最强基因店铺就被封了,反而他们这条街的其他店铺收益大增。 The matter in this world, who said? 这世间上的事,谁说的准? Yeah.” “可不是么。” King Kong deep is so. 金刚深以为然。 Because of the Chen Feng event, his shop also sales volume increased recently, has to break in the first 30 indications indistinctly, making him have high morale recently. 因为陈锋事件,最近他的店铺也销量大增,隐隐约约有冲入前三十的征兆,让他最近斗志昂扬。 You said, he can come back?” “你说,他会不会回来?” Wind Hums asked suddenly. 风吟忽然问道。 Should...... unable?” “应该……不会吧?” King Kong thinks, after all this.” 金刚想了想,“毕竟都这样了。” Also yes.” “也是。” Caused the people's public indignation.” “引起全民公愤了啊。” Wind Hums smiles. 风吟笑笑。 However, at this time, they saw the Strongest Gene shop entrance unrest of distant place, called out in alarm from there biography, caused countless people to surround. 然而,就在这个时候,他们看到远处的最强基因小店门口一阵骚乱,一声声惊呼从那里传出来,引起无数人围观。 What situation?” “什么情况?” The Wind Hums mind moves slightly. 风吟心神微动。 „Did Chen Feng come?” 陈锋来了?” King Kong guessed. 金刚猜测。 Two people overtake hurriedly, however looked at one, everyone was shocked! 两人匆忙赶过去,然而看了一眼,所有人惊呆了! This......” “这……” Yes. 是的。 Everyone was shocked. 所有人惊呆了。 Because Strongest Gene Shop announced recent request, no one has thought, this only Strongest Gene Shop, some so many people asked Chen Feng to manufacture gene unexpectedly! 因为最强基因店铺公布了最近的委托,谁也没想到,这区区一个最强基因店铺,居然有那么多人请陈锋制作基因 gene request? 基因委托? This is Great Master has the treatment that! 这可是大师才有的待遇! Unexpectedly did so many people ask Chen Feng to manufacture?” “居然这么多人请陈锋制作?” Real false?” “真的假的?” Can be Chen Feng invites the marketing that the person makes?” “会不会是陈锋请人做的营销?” Possibly? The gene request needs first money to mortgage Virtual Community, you have a look at the quantity of this request, you have thought what kind of amount this is?” “可能吗?基因委托需要先钱抵押到虚拟社区,你看看这委托的数量,你有想过这是怎样的金额吗?” I count, ten million | whatever happens, twenty million, hiss......” “我数数,一千万,两千万,嘶……” That population the number, held breath immediately a cold air/Qi, entrusting these forms of Chen Feng manufacture, in addition the aggregate amount to surpass twenty million! 那人数了数,顿时倒吸一口冷气,委托陈锋制作的这些单子,加起来总金额已经超过了两千万 Digit that made person terrifying! 一个令人恐怖的数字! Goes far beyond the Chen Feng current turnover! 远远超过陈锋目前的营业额! If Chen Feng really 20 million make the marketing, the necessity does participate in this activity? 如果陈锋真有两千万做营销,还有必要参加这个活动? Obviously no! 显然没有! Said...... 这么说…… Chen Feng's data possibly real? 陈锋的数据可能是真的? The people are fearful and apprehensive. 众人心惊胆颤。 What's the matter?” “到底怎么回事?” Everyone is fearful and apprehensive. 所有人心惊肉跳。 Scolded? 骂? How to scold? 怎么骂? If reagent really no value of Chen Feng manufacture, people will really purchase? These rich men are money many are not enough to spend, to look for Chen Feng? 如果陈锋制作的试剂真的毫无价值,人们真的会购买吗?那些有钱人都是钱多的不够花,才去找陈锋 Everyone is quiet. 所有人沉寂下来。 They know, was the big deal! 他们知道,出大事了! Quick, this matter passed to Academic Forum, entire Academic Forum rushed out of the nest instantaneously, Chen Feng Low-Profile was so long, acts, agitation winds and clouds. 很快,这件事传到了学术论坛,整个学术论坛瞬间炸窝了,陈锋低调了这么久,一出手,就搅动一片风云。 Must be the big deal!” “要出大事!” Feeling has the trick.” “感觉有猫腻。” This time, many people chose surrounding promptly. 这一次,很多人及时的选择了围观。 But at this time, Academic Forum that most fiery Strongest Gene video, under countless people try to prove, finally exposed that most F Grade gene name. 而这时,学术论坛那个最火热的最强基因视频,在无数人求证之下,终于曝光了那个最F级基因的名称。 Thunder Snake Mutated Gene, origin: Strongest Gene Shop. 雷蛇变异基因,来源:最强基因店铺 Bang!” “轰!” Entire Academic Forum in an uproar. 整个学术论坛一片哗然。 Thunder Snake Mutated Gene? That flamboyant to flying, has the terrifying prestige to be able Strongest Gene, unexpectedly is Chen Feng sell Thunder Snake Mutated Gene? 雷蛇变异基因?那个牛逼到飞起,拥有恐怖威能的最强基因,居然就是陈锋出售的雷蛇变异基因 Real false?” “真的假的?” This also has the false, that person said personally.” “这还有假,那人亲口说的。” No wonder must sell the 1,000,000 Yuan, this price, absolute over value!” “难怪要卖100万元,这个价格,绝对超值!” Yes...... I saw a moment ago on the request panel of Chen Feng announcement, several person high prices bought this Thunder Snake Mutated Gene reagent.” “是啊……我看到刚才陈锋公布的委托面板上,有几个人都高价求购这个雷蛇变异基因试剂呢。” Wait, if this is Thunder Snake gene, that another......” “等等,如果这个就是雷蛇基因的话,那另一个……” Some people think of anything suddenly. 有人忽然想到什么。 But at this moment, that F Grade Strongest Gene that ranks first announced Gene's Name similarly. 而就在这时,那个排名第一F级最强基因同样公布了基因名称 Golden Ant Mutated Gene, origin, Strongest Gene Shop! 金蚁变异基因,来源,最强基因店铺 Bang!” “轰!” Academic Forum stir! 学术论坛轰动! This time, was the real cooker. 这一次,是真的炸锅了。 Originally, not only Thunder Snake gene, Golden Ant gene, is Chen Feng does? gene reagent that two are honored as Strongest Gene, is Chen Feng does? 原来,不光雷蛇基因,就连金蚁基因,也是陈锋做出来的?两个被誉为最强基因基因试剂,都是陈锋做的? At this moment, does not know that many people felt on own face burning. 这一刻,不知道多少人感觉自己脸上火辣辣的。 They are stepping on the Strongest Gene reputation, is stepping on the Chen Feng's head, propagandized such long Strongest Gene, unexpectedly is inside others shop? 他们踩着最强基因的名头,踩着陈锋的脑袋,宣传了这么久的最强基因,居然是人家店里头的? Really...... 真是…… Wait. 等等。 Since is Strongest Gene, why will be sealed? 那既然是最强基因,为什么会被封? Right.” “对啊。” Without the issue, how to be sealed?” “如果没问题,怎么会被封?” Many people realized the issue, Clear Breeze Daily Paper said Chen Feng is the self- marketing.” 很多人意识到了问题,“清风日报都说了陈锋是自我营销啊。” Many people are half believing and half doubting. 很多人将信将疑。 But at this time, a familiar post appeared in Academic Forum, people swept one are the mind jump, familiar ID, familiar flavor, as well as 而就在这个时候,一个熟悉的帖子在学术论坛出现,人们扫了一眼都是心神一跳,熟悉的ID,熟悉的味道,以及 Familiar title. 熟悉的标题。 «Shock! Bureau of Prices Bureau Head and Clear Breeze Daily Paper collude, unexpectedly handles this matter to over 70-year- old person 《震惊!物价局局长清风日报勾结,居然对年过七旬的老人做这种事情!》 fuck, this title......” 卧槽,这标题……” Title party was most hateful, really does not want, unable to control own hand.” “标题党最可恨了,真不想点,就是控制不住自己的手。” Ahhhhhhhhh, did they do?” 啊啊啊啊啊,他们干什么了?” Title is dreadful!” “标题猥琐!” Does not want to open, encourages this hateful atmosphere.” “不要点开,助长这种可恨的风气。” Countless person tsukkomi. 无数人吐槽 However, on people mouth said although does not want to open, the body is very honest, people subconscious point, however saw the shock will of the people inside story. 然而,人们尽管嘴上说不要点开,身体却很诚实,众人都下意识的点开,然而就看到了震惊人心的内幕。 Professor Tao! 陶教授 Wood Bear gate protagonist! 木熊门的主角 After Chen Feng pierces, bringing ruin and shame upon oneself Manufacturist, but Bureau of Prices Deputy Bureau Head? Professor Tao son! Then, all naturally were clear. 陈锋戳穿之后,身败名裂的制作师,而物价局副局长呢?陶教授的儿子!那么,一切就自然而然清楚了。 Chen Feng pasted on latest evaluation list. 陈锋贴上了最新的评测单。 Golden Ant gene - Extreme, Bureau of Prices appraisal: 10,000 Yuan, Gene Manufacture Association appraisal: 1,000,000 Yuan start. 金蚁基因-极,物价局评估:1万元,基因制作协会评估:100万元起步。 Thunder Snake gene - Extreme, Bureau of Prices appraisal: 50,000 Yuan, Gene Manufacture Association appraisal: 1,000,000 Yuan. 雷蛇基因-极,物价局评估:5万元,基因制作协会评估:100万元。 Had this contrast, other also with said? 有了这份对比,其他的还用多说吗? In the post, Chen Feng conducted bombardment to Clear Breeze Daily Paper and Bureau Head Tao, but final of post, pastes on the actual master who another one portion data Wood Bear gene captured, captured Wood Bear gene of past Professor Tao publication, drew the contrast with capturing/raiding of Grandpa Mu Yuan. 在帖子中,陈锋清风日报陶局长进行了炮轰,而帖子的最后,更是贴上了另一份数据木熊基因攻略的真正主人,把当年陶教授出版的木熊基因攻略,和牧原爷爷的攻略进行了对比。 Professor Tao, was again hot. 陶教授,再次火了。 fuck!” 卧槽!” Wood Bear does gene capture/raid is not Professor Tao?” 木熊基因攻略都不是陶教授的?” Paralysis! Even before he embezzled the Chen Feng's research results, I still wash white for him, after all the person have making mistakes time, who knows......” “麻痹啊!就算之前他盗用陈锋的研究成果,我也还为他洗白的,毕竟人都有犯错的时候,谁知道……” Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊!” Many people exploded with rage. 很多人气炸了。 The especially those are Professor Tao wash white fans as before. 尤其是那些依旧为陶教授洗白的粉丝 Originally isn't this Professor Tao?” “原来这都不是陶教授的?” „, Was blind.” “靠,眼瞎了。” Father and son are not the things!” “这父子俩都不是东西!” Online cursed angrily, by anger that the Tao Family father and son played jokes upon, by anger that Chen Feng hit the face, at this moment, all inclined on them! 网上一阵怒骂,被陶家父子俩戏耍的愤怒,被陈锋打脸的怒火,这一刻,都全部倾斜到了他们头上! The public opinion, erupts in this moment! 舆论,在这一刻爆发! The information that online blots out the sky almost submerges the Tao Family father and son, Clear Breeze Daily Paper User, by an inconceivable speed sharp decline! 网上铺天盖地的信息几乎将陶家父子淹没,清风日报用户,更是以一种不可思议的速度锐减! Similar?” “差不多了吧?” Chen Feng coldly (calmly) looks at this. 陈锋冷冷的看着这一幕。 Some appearance his unexpected of two videos, but also gave him a better proof, in addition entrusted publicly, the post issue and Genetic Union evaluation to issue only, all revealed the truth! 两份视频的出现他有些意外,不过也给了他更好的证明,再加上委托公开、帖子发布、基因工会评测单发布,一切真相大白! How below will you do?” “下面你会怎么做?” Chen Feng vision ice-cold. 陈锋目光冰冷。 He does not believe that Bureau Head Tao will sit waiting for death! 他不相信陶局长会这么坐以待毙! Then 那么 Assassination? 暗杀? Chen Feng sneers. 陈锋冷笑。 He has been ready. 他已经做好了准备。 Luck Value and Thunder Snake Mutated Gene and nearby monitoring, he has prepared completely safe, even these are insufficient, he can also relate Wang Yao! 幸运值雷蛇变异基因、附近的监控,他已经做好了万全准备,就算这些都不够,他还能联系王瑶 He must have a look but actually, Bureau Head Tao can send out anyone! 他倒要看看,陶局长能派出什么人!
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