Butat this time.
The Chen Fengtwocommunicationtelephonesget down, received the answer.陈锋两个通讯电话下去,也收到了答复。With the imagination , the Control Chamberhas not begunfrom beginning to end, butthissuddenBureau of Prices, is actually is aboveChen Feng'sto be unexpected.
跟想象中一样,监督小组自始至终没动手,但是这个突如其来的物价局,却是超乎陈锋的意料之外。„Whatmeanshasto lift a ban?”
“有没有什么办法解禁?”Chen Fengasked.陈锋问道。„......”
“……”LiDakanghas not caughtanyevidence, is somewhat in the wrong: „Are been manyby the shop that Bureau of Pricesblocks, somewhat after the apology, will de-archive, butthistimeshould, younot wantto unseal, so long aslooks for an authoritative organization, confirmed the assessment information that theysubmitwas OKwrongly.”
李大康没有抓到任何证据,有些理亏:“被物价局封杀的店铺很多,有些道歉之后就会解封,但是这次应该不会,你想要解封,只要找一个权威机构,证实它们提交的评估信息错误就可以了。”„Many thanks.”
“多谢。”Chen Fengto nod, hung the communicationslightly.陈锋微微点头,挂了通讯。„Buzz!”
The wristbelt/bringvibrates.
腕带震动。Chen Fenglooked atone, issupervisiongroup of that sidessends.陈锋看了一眼,是监督组那边发过来的。————————Priceevaluation sheet:
物价评估表:1st, Wood Beargene- Battle, suitableprice: 10,000Yuan. 100%increasesare very strong, butas the combat genecomparison, pales by comparisonas before, is inferior, asworkinggene, does not havegeneralWood BearMutated Geneto be practical, therefore, the practical valueis not high.
一、木熊基因-战,适宜价格:1万元。100%的增幅很强,但是作为战斗基因比较,依旧相形见绌,过于劣质,作为打工基因,又没有一般的木熊变异基因实用,因此,实用价值并不高。2nd, Golden AntMutated Gene, suitableprice, 10,000Yuan. OrdinaryGolden Antgeneincreases10-20points of Spiritual Energy, the value over 200,000, butthis/shouldgeneonlyprovides1points of Spiritual Energyto grow, thereforeonly thenits1/20price, evenis lower, therefore, the practical valueis not high.
二、金蚁变异基因,适宜价格,1万元。普通的金蚁基因增加10-20点精神力,价值20万以上,而该基因仅提供一点精神力增长,因此只有其20分之一的价格,甚至更低,因此,实用价值不高。3rd, Thunder SnakeMutated Gene, suitableprice, 50,000Yuan. Compared with the ordinaryThunder Snakegenedoubleconsumptions, the attributeis in addition unrelieved, as the card in a hand of ordinaryF Gradesoldier, multi-consumption10points of Spiritual Energyespeciallycritical, therefore, the practical valueis not high.
三、雷蛇变异基因,适宜价格,5万元。比普通雷蛇基因双倍的消耗,除此之外属性毫无变化,作为普通F级战士的底牌,多消耗的十点精神力尤其致命,所以,实用价值不高。————————Chen Fenglooked, for a very long timehas not recovered.陈锋看完之后久久没回过神来。10,000? 10,000? 50,000?
好狠!In the Golden Antgenehistoryneverappears, theycannot look through to understand, but the Thunder SnakeMutated Genepit, will not have50,000Yuanevenagain!金蚁基因历史上从未出现,他们看不破可以理解,但是雷蛇变异基因就算是再坑,也不会只有5万元!Bureau of Pricesthisiswantshimentire!物价局这是想把他往死里整啊!Alsoor......
又或者说……Bureau of Priceshas actually looked at the Chen Feng'sStrongest Geneeffect, butdoes thatintentionally?物价局其实已经看出来陈锋的最强基因效果,但是故意这么做?Why?
Does hehavecrimehereperson?
他有罪过这边的人吗?Returns to the room, Chen Fengto siton the tableponders, on the fingerunintentionaltableis striking, along with the rhythm of pressing, train of thoughtunceasingexpansion.
回到房间,陈锋坐在桌子上沉思,手指有意无意的桌子上敲打着,伴随着紧促的节奏感,思绪不断的扩张。Authoritative organization......
权威机构……Bureau of Prices......物价局……Information......
信息……Butat this moment, the Mu Yuanformappearson the light screensuddenly, the Chen Fengpointopens the communication.
而就在这时,牧原的身影忽然在光幕上浮现,陈锋点开通讯。„What's the matter?”
The Mu Yuanshock, „does Control Chamberdareto sealyouunexpectedlyfabricated?”牧原震惊,“监督小组居然敢莫须有封你?”„It is not they.”
“不是他们。”Chen Fengshakes the head: „Bureau of Prices.”陈锋摇摇头:“物价局的。”„Bureau of Prices......”
“物价局……”Mu Yuanbrow wrinkled, stretchessuddenly: „Thatno wonder.”牧原眉头微皱,忽然舒展:“那就难怪了。”„oh?”
“哦?”Chen Fengraised the head.陈锋抬起头。„Youalsoknow, Professor Taothatis never concerned about facehas stolenmygrandfather'sachievement, butso manyyears, even ifmygrandfatherafterward some reputations, withoutexposing the pasttruthbecause ofwhat?”Mu Yuantook a deep breath, „because of the son of thisold thing!”
“你也知道,陶教授那个老不要脸的偷过我爷爷的成果,但是这么多年了,哪怕我爷爷后来有一些名声,也没有揭露当年的真相是因为什么吗?”牧原深吸一口气,“因为这老东西的儿子!”Chen Fengcalmlyis listening.陈锋静静听着。„Tao Lijun.”
“陶立军。”„Market Supervision CenterBureau of PricesDeputy Bureau Head.”
“市场监管中心的物价局副局长。”„After mygrandfatherwas knownafterward, had reportedonetime, but the halfwaywas intercepted, family'sallbusinesswere blockedbyBureau of Prices, abolishesreportingafter the grandfather, blockedfinished, Professor Taothatmatter, suchinexplicablegetting down.”
“我爷爷后来小有名气之后,曾经举报过一次,但是半路就被拦截,紧接着家里的所有生意都被物价局封杀,直到爷爷撤销举报之后,封杀才结束,陶教授那件事,才这么不明不白的下去。”„Is only, generally, he is only responsible for the priceappraisal in reality, rarelymeddlesVirtual Community, has not thoughtthistime, unexpectedlydaresto acttoyou.”
“只是,一般情况下,他只负责现实中的物价评估,很少插手虚拟社区,没想到这次,居然敢对你出手。”Mu Yuanis also suppressinga lot offires.牧原也是憋着一肚子火。
The matter that in the pastgrandfathercame across, as ifrepeatedonChen Feng, althoughwas the differentstories, but the techniquewas actually exactly the same, Tao Lijunwriting skill!
当年爷爷遇到的事情,似乎在陈锋身上重演,尽管是不同的故事,但是手法却如出一辙,陶立军的手笔!So that's how it is.
原来如此。Chen Fengsuddenly.陈锋恍然。Tao Lijun?陶立军么?Chen Fengsmiledsuddenly, sinceknew the opponent, was very easy.陈锋忽然笑了,既然知道了对手,那么就很容易了。„Youwhat to do?”
“你怎么办?”Mu Yuan asked that „canhelp?”牧原问道,“要不要帮忙?”„Does not use.”
“不用。”Chen Fengshows some smile of pondering, „made our Bureau Head Taoblockto be good, fearedwhen the time comes, hecanaskmeto open a shop......”陈锋露出有些玩味的笑容,“就让我们这位陶局长封杀下去就好了,就怕到时候,他会来求我开店……”Mu Yuanshiverssuddenly.牧原忽然打个冷颤。Askedyouto open a shop? Chen Fengthis does fellow, whyplan?!
**Virtual Community.虚拟社区。
The Chen Feng'sStrongest Geneshopwas closed, causescountlesspeopleto pay attention, but, the shop was just the most important thing is closedshortly, Chen Fenghung up the sign.陈锋的最强基因小店关闭,引起了无数人注意,而最重要的是,小店刚关闭没多久,陈锋就挂上了牌子。„Head storewas blockedbyBureau of Prices, closes down businessindefinitely.”
“本店被物价局封杀,无限期停业。”Bureau of Prices?物价局?Blocks?
The peoplelove.
众人喜闻乐见。„hā hā, sealedfinally.”
“哈哈,终于封了。”„Yes, the Control Chambernon-achievement, is the Bureau of Pricesskillis big.”
“就是,监督小组不作为,还是物价局本事大。”„Shouldsealearly, the moon/monthcampaign, was almost destroyedwellbyhim, letssuch a malignant tumor that brushes the turnovercrashes infirstten, simplyis the insult!”
众人精神振奋。Especiallybytheseshops that Chen Fengexceeds, has not fired a gunto celebrateon the difference, everyone'squota, neatproceeded.
很快。EntireAcademic Forumlives it up.
整个学术论坛就热闹起来。„Heard that Strongest Gene Shopwas sealed?”
“听说最强基因店铺被封了?”„Shouldsealearly, is retrogradationgene, has a woolto use?”
“早该封了,全是逆反基因,有个毛用?”„Words that yeah, actuallythinkscarefully, after all is newgene, evenretrogradationgene, stillhascertainresearchvalue, what a pitythisChen Feng......”
“哎,其实仔细想的话,毕竟是新基因,就算是逆反基因,也有一定研究价值的,可惜这个陈锋……”„Yes, the shop owneris far-fetched, what to do can you? Depends onthesenewgeneissueresearch results, canmakea lot ofmoney.”
“就是,店主不靠谱,你能怎么办?如果是我的话,就靠着这些新基因发布研究成果,也能赚不少钱呢。”„After allothersare only a novice.”
The peoplediscuss spiritedly.
众人议论纷纷。Was blocked the incidentregardingStrongest Gene, theiralmostunanimous good marks.
对于最强基因被封杀一事,他们几乎一致好评。Strongest Geneevent that was just desolate , the fireespeciallywas hot, Chen Fengalsofollowedto become famousagain, but, the things of thesenetworkfire, thishad the effectiveness, several days later, it is estimated thatalsono oneknows that whoChen Fengwas.
刚刚冷淡下来的最强基因事件,又大火特火了一把,陈锋也再次跟着扬名,不过,这些网络大火的事情,本就是有时效性的,过几天,估计也没人知道陈锋是谁了。However, no onehas thought that atthis time, media, officialvoice!
然而,谁也没想到,就在这个时候,一家媒体,正式发声了!Thiseveryonecommentedwith the networkinfreelyhas very bigdifference, truemeddling of media, canguide the public opinionsignificantly the direction, evenaffectedmanyresults!
这跟网络上大家自由评论有很大的不同,媒体的真正插手,可以大幅度引导舆论的方向,甚至影响很多结果!Thismatteris a joke, whooncethinks, the mediawill meddleunexpectedly?
这件事原本就是个笑话,谁曾想,媒体居然会插手?«Reaps what has been sown! Consequence of ruletrampling!»——Clear Breeze Daily Paper.
《自食其果!规则践踏者的后果!》——清风日报。Daily Papernews, punctualpushall the customermethods of subscribingClear Breeze Daily Paper, deliver to the newscolumn of everyone, so long asopens the light screen to see!日报消息,准时的推送到所有订阅清风日报的客户手段,送到每个人的消息栏,只要打开光幕就能看到!Thisis the Daily Paperpush of new times.
这就是新时代的日报推送。ButDaily Papercontent, directlyfromChen Fengtopraiseto start, told that Chen Fengfor the current capacityandmarketing of geneshop, establishesjoke of milliongene, evenusesis much higher than the price of itsgenevalue, comes the maliciouscompetition, breaks the rule, the destructionis balanced!
而日报内容,直接从陈锋为了扬名入手,讲述陈锋为了自己基因小店的流量和营销,设置百万基因的噱头,甚至利用远远高于本身基因价值的价格,来恶意竞争,破坏规则,破坏平衡!Butfinally, reaps what has been sown!
而最终,自食其果!Thisis a typicalreactionary literature, the articledescribesChen Fengto be how bad, othershop ownerhowatmosphere, otherManufacturisthownotshamesbefriendwithhim, makingeveryoneshare a common hatred. Finally, howChen Fengends up the unluckyfate, making one clap and cheer, wishes one couldto brushonewave6666.
真的。Chen Fenglook,selects a to praisesilently.
就连陈锋自己看完,都默默点个赞。„The level of black personis very high.”
“黑人的水平很高嘛。”Chen Fengis filled with emotion.陈锋感慨万千。Regarding the appearance of mediahisnotunexpected, Tao LijunasBureau of PricesBureau Head, knew that somemediaare very normal, but, canseefromthisaspect, Bureau Head Taoreallyblack.
对于媒体的出现他不意外,陶立军身为物价局局长,认识一些媒体很正常,只是,从这方面可以看出,陶局长是真的黑。Strongest Gene Shopis only the Virtual Communitymatter!
原本最强基因店铺只是虚拟社区的事情!Even if the strongestshopwere blocked, affectsonChen Feng'sis notverybig, butwith the issue of Clear Breeze Daily Paper, the stress point of thismatter, fromStrongest Gene Shop, shiftsto the Chen Fengindividualonunexpectedlycompletely! Thistime, hemustdestroy, isChen Fengthisperson!
就算最强店铺被封杀,对陈锋的影响也不是很大,但是随着清风日报的发布,这件事的着重点,居然从最强基因店铺,完完全全转移到陈锋个人身上!这一次,他要毁的,是陈锋这个人!Thisisutterly destroys!
这是斩尽杀绝!Sealedyourshop, destroyedyourperson!
封了你的店铺,毁了你的人!Thisis the Tao Lijunmethod, was higher than Professor Taodoes not know where went.
这就是陶立军的手段,比陶教授高了不知道哪里去。„Is thispupil surpasses the teacherwinsinblue?”
“这是青出于蓝胜于蓝么?”Chen Fengfaint smile.陈锋似笑非笑。
The Tao Lijunmaking a movetimeis very good, blocks the public opinionto pursue, but, heneglectedonefundamentally, isheis impossibleto expectmatter that isChen Feng'sStrongest Gene, at all is not the trash that heappraises! This, is the most underlyingfact!陶立军出手时机很好,无论是封杀还是舆论追击,但是,他忽略了一个最根本,也是他根本不可能预料到的事情,那就是陈锋的最强基因,根本不是他所评估的垃圾!这,才是最根本的事实!If the bases of allblacksare false?
一切黑人的根据如果都是假的?How should matterdevelop?
事情该如何发展?Chen Fengsmiled, Professor Taomatter, canrepeatonetime?陈锋笑了,陶教授的事情,又要重演一次?
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