某遗迹。Ge Jundistressedescaped, althoughis injuredseriously, buthelivedas before! Even ifhisopponent, isseverely woundedD GradeGenetic Warrior! AlthoughthatD Gradesoldier the severe wound, endsto be oppressiveas beforehe, butfinally the moment, helosesThunder SnakeMutated Gene that boughtnewly!
“轰!”Heremembersthatnowas beforeradiant and sparkle.
他现在依旧记得那份璀璨和闪耀。Hislife, picked.
他的命,又捡回来了。Asmingles amongyear to yearinGenetic Warrior of life and deathline, hetooclearpowerfulcard in a handimportant, thatradicallyis a life!
作为常年混迹在生死线的基因战士,他太清楚一个强大的底牌到底有多重要,那根本就是一条命啊!Let alone, thisharvest......
After the simplegoinghospitaltreats, Ge Jungoes to the Strongest Gene Shoppurchaseagain, however, thatshopwas unexpectedly closedunexpectedly.
卖完了?Ge Junis somewhat regrettable, heknows,thistype the thingwas discoveredby others sooner or later, however, after hecarefullylooked, was actually shocked.
葛军有些遗憾,他就知道,这种好东西迟早被其他人发现,然而,等他仔细看了之后,却是愣住了。Was blocked?
被封杀了?Bureau of Prices?物价局?Ge Junfaceconfused, becauseprice-markedrandomlyis blocked?
葛军一脸懵逼,因为乱标价被封杀了?„oldcloud, what's the matter?”
“老云,怎么回事?”Ge Juncontacts with the friend who oneselfjustknewa while agoimmediately, clouds the culmination.
葛军马上联系自己前段时间刚认识的朋友,云中天。Speaking ofthiswith the process that cloudZhongtianknows, isinteresting, at that timetwo peopleopen countrybumped into, slaughtersmutually, finallyis evenly matched, simultaneouslypulls outowncard in a hand, however, whentwo peopleseein the opposite partyhandthatobviouslyto glitterdifferentbrillianceThunder Snakegenereagentstopped.
说到这个跟云中天认识的过程,也是有趣,当时两人野外碰到,互相厮杀,最终势均力敌,同时掏出自己的底牌,然而,当两人都看到对方手中那明显闪烁着不一样光辉的雷蛇基因试剂的时候停下了。„Strongest Gene?”
“最强基因?”Two peopleexploratory asked that understood.
两人试探性的问了一句,就明白了。Their two!
他们两个!Spent1,000,000, purchasedthismightastonishingThunder Snakegenereagent, thenno onedaresto begin, cracking a joke, the this thinganythingmighttheywere too clear! Reallyloses, can only perish together. Therefore, finally, two peoplelift up highThunder SnakeMutated Genesimultaneously.
都花了100万,购买了这个威力惊人的雷蛇基因试剂,这下谁也不敢动手了,开什么玩笑,这玩意什么威力他们太清楚了!真丢出去,只能同归于尽了。所以,最终,两人同时高举雷蛇变异基因。Slightlyat one fell swoop, shows the respect.
After understanding the opposite partymeaningmutually, two peopleverytacitreceives, such an exploration. Not onlybecause of the fate , because two peopleknew the card in a hand of opposite partymutually, compared withfeeling relieved.
“我看到了。”cloudZhongtiansighed, „paralysis, after buyingThunder Snakegene, was just crisp for twodays, has not thought that unexpectedlywas sealedbyBureau of Prices, thesebastardcouragewere too big.”
云中天叹气,“麻痹的,买到雷蛇基因之后刚爽了两天,没想到居然被物价局封了,这些王八蛋胆子太大了。”„Bureau of Pricesthesemental handicap, haven't weunderstood? ThatThunder Snakegene......”
“物价局那些智障不懂,咱们还不懂么?那雷蛇基因……”Ge Junsaidin a low voice.
葛军低声道。„Far more thanisThunder Snakegene.”
“何止是雷蛇基因。”cloudZhongtiansneers: „Ilistened toseveralfriends saying that Golden Antgene was also quite good, butweE Gradecould not have usednothing more. Isaidtoyou,thisManufacturistis not absolutely ordinary, wecan the appropriateselling pointfavor, othersnot needat this timeeven, can still mix a faceto be ripe.”
“你是说……”Ge Junat presentonebright.
葛军眼前一亮。„Yourprevioususetimedidn't record?”
“你上次使用的时候不是录像了吗?”clouds that culminationhey heyonehappy, „turn headletsunder the personediting, sends a videoto come up.”
“好嘞。”Ge Junis excited.
葛军兴奋。Butat this time.
而此时。Wang Family.王家。On the Wang Chunfaceis brimming with the smile, ina moment ago, thatseveraluncletookhimto angrily rebukeas the material for negative education, byhisdirectresentment, was said the news that oneselfbroke throughwhile convenient, looks the elderdumbfoundedappearance of thesethink oneself infallible, heonlyfeelsrefreshing.王淳脸上洋溢着笑容,就在刚才,那几个叔伯又以他为反面教材怒斥,被他直接怼了回去,顺便说出了自己突破的消息,看着那些自以为是的长辈目瞪口呆的样子,他只觉得神清气爽。Toocrisp!
太爽了!To him, the onlydifficult positionis the limit, oncesurpasses the limit, hisbattle efficiencyassumeshow muchto rise dramatically! With the boundary, no oneishisopponent! To be honest, becauseif notchosespecialgene, takes a specialpath, howto allowthesefellowto be rampant?
对他而言,唯一的困境就是极限,一旦超越极限,他的战斗力就呈几何式暴增!同境界之内,无人是他的对手!说实话,若非因为选择了特殊的基因,走一条特殊的道路,怎容那些家伙嚣张?„wēng ——”
The wristbelt/bringvibrates.
腕带震动。Wang Chunopens the light screen.王淳打开光幕。„Elder Brother.”
A youngsterfacecompelspainstakingly.
一个少年一脸苦逼。„What's wrong, didn't the Strongest GeneshophaveGolden AntMutated Gene?”
“怎么,最强基因小店还没金蚁变异基因?”Wang Chuncurioussay/way.王淳好奇道。„The Strongest Geneshopwas sealed!”
The youngsterwant to cry but have no tears.
The Wang Chunmindshakescrazily.王淳心神狂震。
Since hebreaks through, recommendstoseveralrelationalbestfriends, the friendalsobroke throughrapidly, stepped intoE Grade, the friends in entirecirclewere excited, butfollowingseveraldays of Chen FenghungwaswhatThunder Snakegene, they can only waitdry/does.
自从他突破之后,就推荐给几个关系最好的朋友,有一个朋友也迅速突破,踏入了e级,整个圈子里的朋友都兴奋了,只是后面几天陈锋挂上去的都是什么雷蛇基因,他们只能干等着。No onehas thought,unexpectedlywill be sealed!
“谁干的?”Wang Chundoubts.王淳疑惑。„Bureau of Prices.”
The youngsterare depressed.
少年郁闷。„Bureau of Prices......”
The Wang Chunhesitationmoment, „Iknew, youmusthave the words of demandin view ofGolden Antgene, canentrusthimto manufacturedirectly, the expensive/noblepoint are not related, youare not short of money.”王淳沉吟片刻,“我知道了,你要针对金蚁基因有需求的话,可以直接委托他制作,贵点没关系,你又不缺钱。”„ToOh.”
The youngsterare excited, „Ihangnow.”
少年兴奋,“我现在就去挂。”generequest!基因委托!HighGradingGene Manufacturist, will have the request that the qualificationsaccept! Acceptsexpensivegenemaking to order! Thereforemanypeoplealsoneglectedsubconsciously!
但是——ThisGolden AntMutated Gene, completelyhasthisqualifications.
这个金蚁变异基因,完全有这个资格。Closed the communication.
关了通讯。Wang Chunis lost in thought.王淳陷入沉思。„Master.”
The backgentlevoiceresounds.
背后柔和的声音响起。On the Wang Chunfacereveals the god who spoils, has turned head, there, a beautifulyoung girlis visitinghimsmilingly, just likecharacter who walksfrom the comic book!王淳脸上露出溺爱的神,回过头,那里,一个绝美的少女正笑盈盈的看着他,宛若从漫画书里走出来的人物!Beautifulnotlocal products.
美艳不可方物。„What are youthinking?”
“您在想什么?”Fewwomen's judosaskedsoftly.
少女柔柔问道。„Is thinking the Chen Feng'smatter.”
“在想陈锋的事情。”Wang Chunsaid with a smile.王淳笑道。„Chen Feng?”
The young girlsgreatlyare at present bright, „myobligationperson?”
少女眼前大亮,“我的大恩人?”„Let your suchsaying, but also.”
“让你这么一说,还真是。”Wang Chuncannot help laughing.王淳哑然失笑。Chen Feng......陈锋……In any event, whenhealmostdespairs, Chen Fenghelpedhimpass throughmost difficultonestep, a pointin one's powersmallbusy, musthelp.
The public opinion of blotting out the skyhas blasted open.
铺天盖地的舆论已经炸裂。Chen Fengcan be said as the trueseething discontent among the peoplenow, the target of universal detestationis chased by all, butatthis time, a videoquietemergenceinAcademic Forum, signature——F GradeStrongest Gene.陈锋现在可以说是真正的天怒人怨,过街老鼠人人喊打,而就在这个时候,一个视频悄无声息的出现在学术论坛,署名——f级最强基因。„IsthatChen Feng?”
“又是那个陈锋?”Manypeoplecuriousselected, the discoveryat all is not a matter.
很多人好奇的点了进去,发现根本不是一回事。Thatis a soldierat crucial moments, detonatedsomereagent, the terrifyingwhite lightdropped from the clouds, althougheveryonedid not lookclearly, butfeltthatterrifyingprestigeenergyas before, a D Gradesoldier of severe woundwas killed, the wreckage of groundconfirmeditsterrifying.
那是一个战士在危机时刻,引爆了某个试剂,恐怖的白光从天而降,虽然大家看不真切,但是依旧感受到那股恐怖的威能,一个重伤的d级战士被干掉,地面的残骸证实了它的恐怖。„fuck, is quite fierce!”
“这威力……”„Thiswhatreagent? Does not know,cannot see clearly.”
“太恐怖了!”„ThisisStrongest Gene!”
众人惊叹。Whatwritingdoes not have the pictureto comeis more solid.
什么文字都没有画面来的更实在。Blooming of Strongest Genereagent, caused a stir ineveryone, unlikeChen Fengthis period of timesunspot, thisvideoobtained the praise of mass.
一个最强基因试剂的绽放,轰动了所有人,跟陈锋这段时间的黑点不同,这个视频获得了大批量的赞誉。„Has a look, thisisStrongest Gene.”
“就是。”„ThatwhatStrongest Gene Shop, shouldlearnfromothersstudy.”
“那个什么最强基因店铺,就该跟人家学学。”„Youhave a look, hisbrokenThunder Snakegene, brokenGolden Antgene, daresto sell the sky-high price, othersthistrue are geneobscuregoodcuts down?”
“你看看,他一个破雷蛇基因,一个破金蚁基因,都敢卖出天价,人家这种真正的基因都是默默无闻的好伐?”Peoplein abundancetsukkomi.
众人纷纷吐槽。Evenno onenotices, thatgenebloomingtimethatwipesthunderlight, resembles the snakedragon.
甚至没人注意到,那基因绽放时候的那一抹雷光,似蛇似龙。Butatthis time, anotherpostrosewith great speed, «legendgeneappeared! ThisisF GradeStrongest Gene, your are gene a ball?!»
The aggressivetitle, attractedmanypeopleto pay attentionrapidly.
霸气的标题,迅速吸引了很多人注意。What is interesting is that.
Since Chen Fengfoundationtitleparty, the Academic Forumposthas a more and morelongfeeling, dazzling, eyes cannot take it all.
“什么传奇基因?”„Is so rampant?”
The peoplecuriouspoint of enters.
里面。Only has the one portionordinaryvideo recording.
只有一份普通的录像。Althoughhit the mosaic, but can still seeis100attributeF Gradesoldiers, butat this time, hetookonebottle of genereagent.
气息变动。Thatpersonbroke throughunexpectedlydirectly!
那人居然直接突破了!Scansagain, the datawas released that the ——geneattributepoint, had arrived at101impressively! Friend who... reads, youcansearch for„”, then the firsttimefoundhome stationOh.
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