SG :: Volume #1

#63: Block!

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Quickly.” “快。” Observes closely this fellow!” “盯住这家伙!” Just bought Thunder Snake gene the fellow.” “刚买走雷蛇基因的这家伙。” Li Dakang calls out, the entire Control Chamber everyone placed on this person, planned that by him as the breach, finds the true evidence. 李大康暴喝,整个监督小组所有人都放在了这个人身上,打算以他作为突破口,找出真正的证据。 Stares to tighten him.” “盯紧他。” This time, must find the evidence.” “这一次,一定要找出证据。” Li Dakang vision like a torch, others are also fighting intent rush. 李大康目光如炬,其他人也都是战意澎湃。 However. 然而。 They stared entire day, does not have the victory. 他们盯了整整一天,毫无战果。 That fellow seemed like some vestige to explore, when he came back, broke an arm, spent 3 million to join in the hospital! 那个家伙似乎去了某个遗迹探险,等他回来的时候,断了一条胳膊,在医院花了三百万才重新接上! This person, is very normal.” “这个人,很正常。” Control Chamber forced smile. 监督小组苦笑。 This purchases Thunder Snake gene fellow accidentally, really normal cannot be normal, will the person who brushes the turnover normally, break off a arm? 这个无意中购买雷蛇基因家伙,真的正常的不能再正常,正常刷营业额的人,会弄断自己一条胳膊? Normal?” “正常么?” Li Dakang muttered. 李大康喃喃自语。 „An arm 3 million.” “一条胳膊就三百万。” The team members sighed, „will such person, really brush the turnover?” 组员叹息,“这样的人,真的会刷营业额?” The people are silent. 众人沉默。 But at this time, they discovered that this fellow, arrived at Chen Feng's Strongest Gene Shop unexpectedly again, two Thunder Snake Mutated Gene that disposable will just hang, buy again! 而就在这个时候,他们发现这个家伙,居然再次到了陈锋的最强基因店铺,一次性将刚挂上去的两个雷蛇变异基因,再次买走! He bought two unexpectedly! 他居然又买了两个! Control Chamber everyone open the eye, how does this check? 监督小组所有人睁大眼睛,这怎么查? „The camouflage of company organization can brush the ticket specially?” “会不会是专门刷票的公司组织的障眼法?” Some people guessed. 有人猜测。 Not like.” “不像。” A person shakes the head: Other lines how?” 一人摇摇头:“其他线怎么样了?” All people who have purchased the Strongest Gene thing, staring, so far, have not been discovering any issue!” A team member shakes the head the forced smile, for Chen Feng, for a gene shop, the manpower and resources that they invest is huge, but still has no harvest. “所有购买过最强基因东西的人,都盯着呢,到目前为止,没有发现任何问题!”一个组员摇头苦笑,为了一个陈锋,为了一个基因店铺,他们投入的人力和资源都非常巨大,但是依然没有任何收获。 What's the matter......” “到底怎么回事……” Li Dakang cannot find way out. 李大康一筹莫展。 Ordinary Manufacturist, unexpectedly thoughts meticulous to so situation, can hide the truth from their Control Chamber? Or doesn't Strongest Gene Shop simply have the trick? 一个普通的制作师,居然心思缜密到如此地步,能瞒过他们监督小组?或者说,最强基因店铺根本没有猫腻? Looks at that obviously unreasonable marked price, they only then smile bitterly, how possibly?! 看着那明显不合理的标价,他们只有苦笑,怎么可能?! Chen Feng......” 陈锋……” What method do you with practice trickery?” “你到底用什么手段瞒天过海?” Li Dakang clenches jaws. 李大康咬牙切齿。 The pressure that they bear this period of time was too big! 他们这段时间承受的压力太大了! Above exerts pressure daily, but they do not have the evidence, what to do can? Regardless how to check, Chen Feng is pure, can't by the fabricated to seal/confer shop? 上面天天施压,可是他们没有证据,能怎么办?无论怎么查,陈锋都是清白的,总不能以莫须有封人家店铺吧? Eldest child, what to do?” “老大,怎么办?” Stares!” “盯!” Stared to tighten to me, I did not believe him to be able not to reveal any something that gives one away, as the person of purchase were getting more and more, he will certainly expose weaknesses!” “给我盯紧了,我就不信他能不露任何马脚,随着购买的人越来越多,他一定会露出破绽的!” Yes.” “是。” But at this time, finished from the Monthly Sales activity, three days! 而此时,距离月销售活动结束,还有三天! From the bottom third day. 倒数第三天。 Chen Feng sells two Thunder Snake Mutated Gene again. 陈锋再次售出两份雷蛇变异基因 Although has the Thunder Snake gene person is not many, but these person of strengths are good, particularly after feeling in gene reagent that obviously big an energy, some people started without hesitation, at least the range estimate, the this thing might was over three times of ordinary version! 虽然拥有雷蛇基因的人不多,但是这些人实力都不俗,尤其是感受到基因试剂中那明显大了一圈的能量之后,很多有人就毫不犹豫的下手了,至少目测,这玩意的威力是普通版的三倍以上! Naturally, these average people cannot feel. 当然,这些普通人感受不到。 They can only curse angrily the Chen Feng backstage to be hard repeatedly, is not concerned about face, the Control Chamber non- achievement, Virtual Community is unfair and so on, making the Chen Feng's popularity sky-rocket. 他们只能一遍遍怒骂陈锋后台硬,不要脸,监督小组不作为,虚拟社区不公平云云,让陈锋的人气一涨再涨。 But at this time, the Chen Feng's turnover breaks through 8 million, enters first ten! 而此时,陈锋的营业额突破800万,进入前十! From the bottom second day. 倒数第二天。 Chen Feng sells two Thunder Snake Mutated Gene again, the turnover breaks through 10 million, rushed to the sixth name at one fell swoop, but at this time, third 1 2,000,000! 陈锋再次售出两份雷蛇变异基因,营业额突破1000万,一举冲到了第六名,而此时,第三名只有一200万 So long as makes one portion Thunder Snake Mutated Gene, Chen Feng can break in first three in last day at one fell swoop! 只要多做一份雷蛇变异基因,陈锋就能在最后一天一举冲入前三! As for first two? 至于前两位? first name, 15.8 million turnovers! 第一名,1580万营业额! second name, 15.5 million turnovers! 第二名,1550万营业额! Chen Feng swept one, the idea of radically even competing with does not have. These two shops to attack the first name, do not know that held many promotions, invested the big funds, he only has day, killed cannot catch up. 陈锋扫了一眼,根本连竞争的想法都没有。这两个店铺为了冲击第一名,不知道举行了多少次促销活动,投入了大笔的资金,他只剩下一天的时间,打死都追不上了。 Tomorrow will manufacture four again, rushes to third.” “明天再制作四份,冲到第三。” Chen Feng looks own other 40 Luck Value, is very satisfied. 陈锋看着自己剩余的40点幸运值,很是满意。 The plan is very smooth. 计划很顺利。 The Thunder Snake gene might is it seems like good, Chen Feng saw several repeat customers unexpectedly, since he starts to sprint first three, so far, and does not have any unexpected happened, as for the online black mole......, really should thank them, without them, Chen Feng is impossible to sell so many! 雷蛇基因的威力看来不俗,陈锋居然看到了几次回头客,从他开始冲刺前三,到目前为止,并没有什么意外发生,至于网上的黑子……嗯,真应该感谢他们,如果没有他们,陈锋也不可能卖出去这么多! The thing is good, some people see line of Ah? 东西再好,也得有人看到才行啊? This aspect, is black his person to have lasting achievements. 这方面,黑他的人功不可没。 Tomorrow attains 4-Star Formula(s), manufacture Star Rating that I can learn/study had ten four Star Rating.” “明天拿到四星配方,我可以学习的制作星级就有十四星级了。” Chen Feng is excited. 陈锋激动。 Thinks that never 20 Stars level manufacture difficulty, at this moment is close, if he is willing to spend, buys two three Star Rating Formula(s) with own profit again, 20 Star Rating on entire! Naturally, this is only Formula(s), Chen Feng must grasp merely completely. 原以为遥遥无期的二十星级制作难度,此刻近在咫尺,如果他舍得花,用自己的利润再买两个三星级配方,二十个星级就全了!当然,这仅仅只是配方,陈锋还必须全部掌握才可以。 step by step comes.” “一步步来。” Chen Feng stands firm the mind. 陈锋稳住心神。 However. 然而。 He has not thought that when his step by step plans the future, a sudden matter happened, disrupted his all plans! 他没想到,就在他一步步规划自己未来的时候,一个突如其来的事情发生了,打乱了他所有计划! Strongest Gene Shop, was sealed! 最强基因店铺,被封了! „???” “???” A Chen Feng face is bewildered. 陈锋一脸莫名其妙。 Was sealed? 被封了? How possibly?! 怎么可能?! Chen Feng goes to the gene shop to examine hurriedly, sure enough, present Strongest Gene has closed. Solely was not sealed, because of the irregularity, all funds freezes temporarily! 陈锋匆忙去基因小店查看,果不其然,现在的最强基因已经关门了。不单单是被封了,因为违规操作,所有资金暂时冻结! Very good.” “很好。” In the Chen Feng heart the anger emerges, he one has not cheated, two have not disturbed, why does Virtual Community seal his shop? Who gives their courage? 陈锋心中火气涌现,他一没作弊,二没捣乱,虚拟社区凭什么封他的店铺?谁给他们的胆子? Fabricated? 莫须有么? hē hē. 呵呵 Chen Feng relates the Control Chamber directly: This matter, I need an explanation.” 陈锋直接联系监督小组:“这件事,我需要一个解释。” But at this time. 而此时。 The Control Chamber receives the Chen Feng's communication is a face is also bewildered. 监督小组接到陈锋的通讯也是一脸莫名其妙。 Was sealed? 被封了? Team leader Li Dakang face confused, who seals? 组长李大康一脸懵逼,谁封的? What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Li Dakang angrily roars, evidence had not found, hand that who moves?” 李大康怒吼,“证据都没找到,谁动的手?” This style, does not seem like our people.” “这种行事风格,不像是我们的人。” Some people said. 有人说道。 Except for us, who dares to block the shop?” “除了我们,谁敢封杀店铺?” Li Dakang is angry. 李大康愤怒。 Can be that side Bureau of Prices?” “会不会是物价局那边?” A team member said suddenly. 一个组员忽然说道。 Bureau of Prices...... 物价局…… In Li Dakang eyes the cold glow flashes through, thinks, immediately contacts with a person, Old Ding, Strongest Gene Shop, what's the matter?” 李大康眼中冷芒闪过,想了想,马上联系一个人,“老丁,最强基因店铺,是怎么回事?” Can what's the matter, the contrary business, seal.” “能怎么回事,违规营业,封了呗。” The Old Ding light sound floats. 老丁淡淡的声音飘来。 Really is you!” “果然是你们!” Li Dakang is burning with anger, what gauge disobeyed, our Control Chamber had not found the evidence, your can Bureau of Prices find? Who gives your courage to block.” 李大康怒火中烧,“违什么规了,我们监督小组都没找到证据,你们物价局就能找到了?谁给你们的胆子封杀的。” Evidence? Isn't this bright swayed such?” “证据?这不是明摆这么?” Old Ding laughs, your Control Chamber must look for the cheating evidence, so long as we looked for the marked price evidence to be randomly good, only Thunder Snake gene dares to sell 1,000,000, this was obviously contrary! Wanted me saying that you informed me early, this matter had finished up!” 老丁大笑,“你们监督小组要找作弊证据,我们只要找乱标价证据就行了,区区一个雷蛇基因都敢卖100万,这明显是违规啊!要我说啊,你们早通知我,这件事早就完事了!” Where was contrary.” “哪里违规了。” Li Dakang is pressing the anger: Chen Feng's gene is Mutated Gene, your Bureau of Prices does could it be have this Mutated Gene price assessment data?” 李大康压着火气:“陈锋的基因都是变异基因,你们物价局难道还有这种变异基因的价格评估数据吗?” Before did not have, now had.” “以前没有,现在有了。” Old Ding light saying: Evaluation sheet I pass on to you, since we must move Chen Feng, the natural procedure has managed entire, hē hē, this matter also no one accountant, favored.” 老丁淡淡的说道:“评估表我给你传过去,我们既然要动陈锋,自然手续已经办全了,呵呵,这件事也没人会计较,众望所归。” Quick. 很快。 That side Bureau of Prices passes on a form. 物价局那边传过来一个表格。 Li Dakang looks, the helpless closing eye, this processing mode is really...... 李大康看完,无奈的闭上眼睛,这种处理方式真的是…… What to do?” “怎么办?” A team member said suddenly: „The Chen Feng communication hit.” 一个组员忽然说道:“陈锋通讯又打过来了。” Puts to him the evaluation sheet, told him our meaning.” “把评估表给他放过去,告诉他我们的意思。” Li Dakang sighed. 李大康叹口气。 „Can this be not quite good?” “这样会不会不太好?” The team members somewhat hesitate, sold Bureau of Prices like this? 组员有些犹豫,就这样把物价局卖了? Doesn't sell you to be a scapegoat?” “不卖了你背锅?” Li Dakang angrily rebukes, lulls Bureau of Prices to do this handbook to come is not atypical in secret , the reputation he gained, the pot, I carry, put his mother's fart!” 李大康怒斥,“麻痹物价局暗中搞这一手本来就不地道,啊,名声他赚了,锅,我来背,放他娘的屁!” Yes.” “是。” The people keep silent. 众人噤若寒蝉。
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