SG :: Volume #1

#59: Murder case that Mutated Gene triggers

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Virtual Community. 虚拟社区 Transaction section. 交易部。 Every time, some people search Wood Bear gene, but, never expected that they, when searches Wood Bear gene, suddenly the discovery presents new gene, Wood Bear gene - Battle. 每时每刻,都有人搜索木熊基因,只是,没想到他们在搜索木熊基因的时候,忽然发现出现一个新的基因,木熊基因-战 This what thing?” “这什么东西?” Many people are confused, then discovered, this unexpectedly was a while ago that Wood Bear third Mutated Gene of fire! 很多人一头雾水,然后才发现,这居然就是前段时间大火的那个木熊第三变异基因 As before is the familiar attribute, familiar price. 依旧是熟悉的属性,熟悉的价格。 Unexpectedly is 99,000?” “居然还是9万9?” This fellow was insane......” “这家伙疯了吧……” Yeah, the attribute and do Gene Ability of this thing, the words in combat gene, it is estimated that also 20,000-30,000 Yuan, he dare to sell 99,000 unexpectedly?” “可不是么,这东西的属性和基因能力,在战斗基因中的话,估计也就20,000-30,000元,他居然敢卖9万9?” It is said his first several times 99,000 sold, therefore thinks that this was the market price.” “据说他前几次9万9卖出去了,所以才以为这是市价吧。” Some people taunted. 有人嘲讽。 Laughable.” “可笑。” That is because this thing just appeared, has research value nothing more.” “那不过是因为这东西刚出现,有研究价值而已。” Countless people sneer. 无数人冷笑。 But some people were curious to the Chen Feng's gene shop, was startled by this rampant incomparable name and synopsis in the entrance 而有些人一路好奇到了陈锋的基因小店内,更是在门口就被这嚣张无比的名字和简介惊到了 Strongest Gene? 最强基因 Similar gene, only then his here strongest?! 同类基因,只有他这里最强?! I go, this tone......” “我去,这口气……” Doesn't dare to say Great Manufacturist?” “就连制作大师都不敢这么说吧?” „Was luck good to make Wood Bear third Mutated Gene to become this rampantly?” “运气好做出来一个木熊第三变异基因就嚣张成这样了?” hē hē.” 呵呵。” The people sneer, look to other gene of his shop, the next quarter, everyone is surprised, in this shop, unexpectedly 5-Star gene! 众人冷笑,看向他店铺的其他基因,下一刻,所有人惊讶,这个店铺之内,居然还有一个五星基因 Is 5-Star gene, Golden Ant gene!” “是五星基因,金蚁基因!” Is mutate(d).” “是变异的。” More people are sharp-eyed, saw the mutate(d) two characters. 更多人眼尖,一眼就看出了变异两个字。 5-Star mutate(d)?” 五星变异?” sī — 嘶— The people hold breath a cold air/Qi. 众人倒吸一口冷气。 No wonder this fellow is so rampant, the novice made 5-Star Mutated Gene, but, they felt suddenly this Mutated Gene is not a little right. 难怪这家伙这么嚣张,才新手就做出了五星变异基因,只是,他们忽然感觉到这个变异基因有点不对劲。 Although how one looks at the appearance that roars flamboyant, but careful research...... 虽然咋一看牛逼哄哄的样子,但是仔细一研究…… „Can this attribute, be a little low?” “这个属性,会不会有点低?” Some people asked one subconsciously. 有人下意识的问了一句。 The people look again, yeah, solemn 5-Star does gene, why only promote 1 points of Spiritual Energy? Again in online, immediately Le Fan. 众人再一看,可不是么,堂堂五星基因,为什么只提升一点精神力?再在网上一查,顿时乐翻了。 Unexpectedly is reversion mutate(d)!” “居然是逆向变异!” Ordinary does gene increase 20 points? This does Mutated Gene only increase 1 points?” “普通基因提升20点?这个变异基因只提升一点?” This reversion counter went to mother 's womb.” “这个逆向逆到娘胎里去了吧。” Something went wrong [Not Found] Quick Gene Throwback?” “都快基因返祖了吧?” The people love, on this level, dares to call Strongest Gene unexpectedly?” 众人喜闻乐见,“就这种水准,居然还敢叫最强基因?” Quick. 很快。 The post about Strongest Gene, appears on Academic Forum, supplementing, this fearful reversion mutate(d), is causing one to discuss. Because the post inscribed reversion gene these four characters directly, therefore forum Manufacturist, thinks is the fact, no one has suspected. 一个个关于最强基因的帖子,出现在学术论坛上,附带着,还有这可怕的逆向变异,引起一阵热议。因为帖子直接写上了逆向基因这四个字,所以论坛制作师,都以为是事实,没有人怀疑过。 Chen Feng, was again famous. 陈锋,再次出名了。 Even also some people inscribed message strongest retrogradation gene to him, a time counter to grandmother family/home! 甚至还有人给他写上了广告词最强逆反基因,一次逆到姥姥家! Academic Forum countless people go Virtual Community to look at reverently this time counter to Golden Ant gene reagent of grandmother family/home, leaves behind own respect in the message center while convenient. 学术论坛无数人前去虚拟社区瞻仰这一次逆到姥姥家的金蚁基因试剂,顺便在留言板留下自己的敬仰。 Chen Feng fire. 陈锋火了。 Strongest Gene fire. 最强基因火了。 The direction of this fire a little alternative. 只是,这火的方向有点另类。 Naturally, supplementing, a while ago matter is also following to be turned again, Professor Tao does not have/leave unexpected also with catching fire, it is well known. 当然,附带着,前段时间的事情也跟着再次被翻了出来,陶教授不出意外的也跟着火了一把,人人皆知。 ** ** Some Family member Institute. 某家属院。 Professor Tao looks that distant place several to the person who he directs, a face is black, the heat degree of that matter falls with great difficulty, he dares to go out finally. Who knows, today unexpectedly is turned! Goes out does grocery shopping is despised! Pointed at the nose to scold on the difference! 陶教授看着远处几个对他指指点点的人,一阵脸黑,那件事的热度好不容易降下去,他终于敢出门了。谁知道,今天居然又被翻出来了!出门买个菜都被人鄙视!就差被人指着鼻子骂了! After he goes back, knows that damn fellow, did the matter unexpectedly! 他回去之后才知道,那个该死的家伙,居然又搞事情了! Why?” “凭什么?” A Professor Tao anger. 陶教授一阵怒火。 So long as why this Chen Feng does the matter, can pull itself? What is because of revealing the Professor Tao true colors to become famous??? Uncovers screw you! 为什么只要这个陈锋搞事情,就要扯上自己?什么叫因为揭穿陶教授真面目而扬名???揭你大爷啊! He felt suddenly some are not wonderful, after could it be, this Chen Feng, so long as does the matter, for better or for worse, some people will draw one to flog a corpse him? 他忽然感觉有些不妙,难道以后这个陈锋,只要搞出事情,不管好坏,都会有人把他拉出来一顿鞭尸? Professor Tao thinks, but also really has the possibility! 陶教授想了想,还真有可能! Cannot like this.” “不能这样。” Cannot like this.” “绝不能这样。” Professor Tao muttered, immediately contacted with the son: Little Jun, that fellow status exposure! Now opens a shop in Virtual Community......” 陶教授喃喃自语,马上联系自己儿子:“小军,那个家伙身份曝光了!现在在虚拟社区开店……” I know.” “我知道。” Tao Lijun sighed: „Before he opens a shop, I have let the person with his several days, but still had not found the starting opportunity, this fellow vigilant heart is very strong, dark killer segment afraid is far-fetched.” 陶立军叹口气:“他开店之前,我已经让人跟了他几天了,只是一直没找到下手机会,这家伙警惕心很强,暗杀手段怕是不靠谱了。” That uses other methods.” “那就用其他手段。” Professor Tao wicked saying: I must make him disappear! I do not want to hear his any news again, no matter good, is bad!” 陶教授恶狠狠的说道:“我要让他消失!我不想再听到他任何消息,不管是好的,还是坏的!” Relax, father.” “放心吧,爸。” In the Tao Lijun eye flashes through wipes cold glow, I have the discretion.” 陶立军眼中闪过一抹冷芒,“我有分寸。” Processes as soon as possible.” “尽快处理。” Under Professor Tao then conceals the somewhat flurried mood, is for a lifetime respected, was punctured this period of time, his simply lives to might as well die! 陶教授这才掩饰下有些慌乱的情绪,一辈子受人尊敬,被人戳穿这段时间,他简直生不如死! If the one had only known, he kills does not dare to act to Chen Feng. 若是早知如此,他是打死也不敢对陈锋出手的。 Hope, this matter passes as soon as possible.” “希望,这件事尽快过去啊。” Professor Tao muttered. 陶教授喃喃自语。 Meeting.” “会的。” Saying of Tao Lijun coldly (calmly). 陶立军冷冷的说道。 Is the night, large numbers of sailors appear and disappear in Academic Forum, start various flower type black Chen Feng, from individual character, to behavior, nothing which is not with extremely! 是夜,一大批水军在学术论坛出没,开始各种花式黑陈锋,从个人性格,到生活作风,无所不用极其! This is only starts.” “这只是开始。” The Tao Lijun vision is spooky: Chen Feng, this time may want your real disappearance!” 陶立军目光幽幽:“陈锋,这次可要你真正的消失!” Since the assassination is far-fetched, he does not plan to use again, if Chen Feng makes his Manufacturist calmly and steadily, he also really has no means that but do oneself open a shop the sale? 既然暗杀不靠谱,他就不打算再用,如果陈锋安安稳稳做他的制作师,他还真没什么办法,可是自己开店销售? hē hē, that is brings about own destruction! 呵呵,那可是自寻死路啊! Night. 夜。 Deeper. 更深了。 Gold City, Wang Family. 金城,王家 A youth exercises under the moonlight, under the Spiritual Energy control, leaf quiet revolving that these fall gently, finally neat swayed in stone. 一个青年在月光下锻炼,在精神力控制下,那些飘落的树叶悄无声息的旋转,最终整整齐齐的摆在石头上。 „A year?” “一年了?” A youngster sigh. 少年一声叹息。 He called Wang Chun, this year 19 years old, big new student/life. 他叫王淳,今年19岁,大一新生。 He once was the Wang Family talent, the high school foundation sprinted to 40 points of Spiritual Energy, then conducted gene to strengthen, sprinted the F Grade peak 100 points at the extremely quick speed! 他曾经是王家的天才,高中基础就冲刺到40点精神力,而后进行基因强化,以极快速度冲刺到了F级巅峰100点! Then, his permanent card here. 然后,他就永久的卡在这里。 wēng — 嗡— His wrist/skill brandishes, this half illusory books in hand float. 他手腕挥舞,一本半虚幻的书本在手中悬浮。 blue light shadow twinkle. 蓝色光影闪烁。 Only is like that beautiful. 那般唯美。 For you, what I do is to is wrong?” “为了你,我做的是对是错?” Wang Chun in a low voice twittering. 王淳低声呢喃。 F Grade, he fused mysterious and powerful legendary gene, once this ability blooms, in the future will even have the opportunity to become Big Dipper Fused Secret Skill! However, this Gene Ability very big drawbacks, that will also cause on limit breakthrough difficult many times! F级,他就融合了一个神奇而又强大的传奇基因,这个能力一旦绽放,未来甚至有机会成为七星融合秘技!然而,这个基因能力也有一个很大的弊端,那就是会导致极限突破难上很多倍! He was too self-confident. 他太自信了。 Self-confidently to thinking does not need to care! 自信到以为根本不用在乎! Then, his card here entire one year. 然后,他就卡在这里整整一年。 These followed his person initially, initially favored his person, now does not have, the entire Wang Family resources also inclined on his younger male cousin. 那些当初追随他的人,当初看好他的人,如今已经没有了,整个王家的资源也倾斜到了他堂弟身上。 Suddenly. 忽然。 The vision gazes at together. 一道目光注视过来。 Wang Chun looked at his one eyes subconsciously, the corridor in distant place, a person's shadow flashed through, looked at his one eyes, treated as has not seen, tranquil getting out of the way. 王淳下意识看了他一眼,远处的过道,一个人影闪过,看了他一眼,又当做没看见,平静的走开。 Is he...... 是他…… Wang Chun pinched tightly the fist. 王淳捏紧了拳头。 That is his younger male cousin, Wang Yue! 那是他的堂弟,王越 Now just the college entrance examination ended, becomes the Gold City college entrance examination foremost person in the field, is the present Wang Family talent youngster! Yesterday just came back after a historical site, resources that in addition in the family/home provides, now has consolidated in E Grade! 如今刚高考结束,成为金城高考状元,也是如今王家的天才少年!昨天刚从一个古迹回来之后,再加上家里提供的资源,如今已经稳固在了E级 He, was exceeded thoroughly. 他,被彻底超越了。 hē hē.” 呵呵。” Wang Chun self-ridicules smiles, „can I really stay here for a lifetime?” 王淳自嘲一笑,“我真的要一辈子留在这里?” Returns to the room. 回到房间。 Wang Chun has a look at own deposit silently, enters Virtual Community, starts to seek in the transaction section, gene have looked, shakes the head. 王淳默默的看看自己的存款,进入虚拟社区,开始在交易部寻找,一个个基因看过,又摇摇头。 He remembers, gene reagent in legend can let the person breakthrough limit! 他记得,有一种传说中的基因试剂可以让人突破极限! However this gene only happens by happy circumstance! 但是这种基因可遇不可求! The legend, eventually is only the legend. 传说,终究只是传说。 He had looked for a month, simply has not seen, today here, he also has a look casually, walks on the Virtual Community street, suddenly, Wang Chun footsteps, sees a gene shop entrance, unexpectedly scattered several people. 他已经找了一个多月了,根本没有看到过,今天来这里,他也只是随便看看,一路走在虚拟社区的街道上,忽然,王淳脚步一顿,看见一家基因小店门口,居然还有零零散散的几个人。 Now is so hot? 现在还这么火? Wang Chun is somewhat surprised, but now 1 : 00 am! 王淳有些惊讶,现在可是凌晨 1 点啊! Subconscious. 下意识的。 He took a look at name Strongest Gene, the synopsis of that tyrant air/Qi, the mind shakes immediately, gene that only then he manufactures is strongest? 他瞅了一眼店名最强基因,还有那霸气的简介,顿时心神一震,只有他制作的基因都是最强的吗? The Wang Chun mind surges. 王淳心神激荡。 Walks, his first eye saw that bottle of golden liquids, 5-Star mutate(d), even affects is only the simple improvement 1 attribute. 走进去,他第一眼就看到了那一瓶金色的液体,五星变异,甚至连作用都只是简单的提升一点属性。 1 points?” “一点?” Wang Chun looks at dumbly. 王淳呆立。 Retrogradation? 逆反? The Wang Chun facial expression delay, is this possibly retrogradation gene? He inquired reagent about breakthrough limit recently crazily, looks distinctly compared with anybody! 王淳神情呆滞,这怎么可能是逆反基因?他最近疯狂查询关于突破极限的试剂,比任何人都看得分明! This, is the breakthrough limit special-purpose! 这,就是突破极限专用的! A Wang Chun palpitation, this type of thing, really appeared. 王淳一阵心悸,这种东西,真的出现了。 This is...... 这可是…… Wang Chun bites the tongue, making oneself sober. 王淳咬一下舌头,让自己清醒。 He knows, own chance came! 他知道,属于自己的机缘来了! Looks own account the deposit, has a look at that gene following marked price again, he decides taking advantage of the money, even if only has a possibility, he must attempt! 看着自己账户的存款,再看看那个基因下面的标价,他决定去借点钱,哪怕只有一丝可能,他必须尝试! For, own future! 为了,自己的未来! But at this time, as Wang Chun departs, in the shop some people chirp the discusser, one group of people chatted as before, as if despised Chen Feng several, can appear itself fiercely to be the same. 而此时,随着王淳离去,店铺内依旧有些人叽叽喳喳的讨论者,一群人说说笑笑,似乎鄙视陈锋几句,就能显得自己多厉害一样。 A night. 一夜。 Quietly however goes. 悄然而去。
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