Next day.
次日。In the morning.
清晨。Is quietly paleaboutChen Feng'smatter.
The Strongest Geneshopis irritable, is taking advantage ofWood BearMutated Gene and Professor Taoreputation, nowChen Fengblacknofromplace, peoplenaturallydid not have the pleasure, howeverno onehas thought,atthis time, suddenly/violentlyXing the newstransmittedsuddenly.最强基因小店之所以火爆,也是依仗着木熊变异基因和陶教授的名头,如今陈锋被黑的无地自处,人们自然也没有了乐趣,然而谁也没想到,就在这个时候,一个劲暴性的消息忽然传来。Golden AntMutated Gene, sold!金蚁变异基因,卖出去了!1,000,000sky-high price!100万的天价!Everyonehearsthisnewstimelisteneddull.
“怎么可能?”Countlesspeoplelose one's voice, thattrashgene, really do somepeoplebuy?
谣言?Manypeoplethink that thispossibility, goesin abundance the Strongest Geneshop, butthere, thatgenereagent that is suspendingGolden AntMutated Gene, writesis being sold outtwocharacters!
The peoplewere shocked.
众人惊呆了。In order tolook atthisGolden AntMutated Gene, the Strongest Geneshopentrance, encircled a large crowd, even the current capacity of entirestreetwelcomed the unprecedentedpeak!
为了看一看这个金蚁变异基因,最强基因小店门口,围了一大群人,甚至整个街道的流量都迎来了前所未有的高峰期!„Thistrashgene, really do somepeoplebuy?”
很多人不敢相信。ButonAcademic Forum, thesecrazyblackChen Feng'speople, at this momentsuddenlystatic, theirmost recentseveralminutesalsosentthisgenethis whole lifenot the news that is possibleto sell, whoknows......
而学术论坛上,那些狂黑陈锋的人,这一刻忽然静止,他们前几分钟还发了这种基因这辈子都不可能卖出去的消息,谁知道……„CanbeChen Fengbuys?”
“会不会是陈锋自己买的?”Somepeopleopen the mouthsuddenly.
The peoplequickly grasp the meaning of something, immediatelyis sober, has the possibilityvery much!
根本就是!„Except forhe himself, whowill buythistrashgene?”
“除了他自己,谁会买这种垃圾基因?”„Yes, , to promote 20points of Spiritual Energytalentseveralhundred thousand, his promotes1points of Spiritual Energydaresto sell1,000,000! So long as the braindoesn't have the issueno oneto buy?”
The peopledisdain.
众人不屑。„Said, is really Chen Fengbuys?”
“当然!”„What is hisgoal? Like thisis not meaningfulexcept for the wastemoneyprobably?”
“那他的目的是什么?这样除了浪费钱好像没啥意义?”„Goal? hē hē, but alsothere is any goal! The propaganda, opens a shopnewly the firstday, mustcreate a propaganda, but others are the promotions, butthis did Chen Fengwiththisalternativepropagandaway, Oh, right, healsoparticipate inmoon/month of campaignrankit is said?”
The peopleawakensuddenly.
月营销活动排行?could it beis......难道是……
The peopleeyesstarein a big way.
众人眼睛瞪大。Igo, thisis the flagrantbrushingticket!
我去,这是明目张胆的刷票啊!Thisfellowinsaneinadequate? Even ifsomepeopledareto playbefore, stillquiet conducts, hiddeninownturnover, is for fear that knownby others, affectsownprestige and credit, butthisChen Feng, is unscrupulous!
这家伙疯了不成?要知道,就算以前有人敢这么玩,也都是悄无声息的进行,隐藏在自己的营业额中,生怕被其他人知道,影响自己的声誉和信用,而这个陈锋,根本就是肆无忌惮啊!Virtual Communityonlypulls out1%!虚拟社区只抽成1%!Also means that so long as10,000handling charges, cancreate the 1,000,000turnover!
也就意味着,只要1万手续费,就能创造100万营业额!In order toreward, why not?
“脸呢!”„Igo, is thisalso good?”
The peoplewere shocked.
众人惊呆了。Theyhave never thought that the facial skin of somepeoplecan the sinceresosituation, brushturnovertype of thing, butwill be despisedbyeveryone!
他们从未想过,有人的脸皮能够厚道如此地步,要知道,刷营业额这种东西,可是会被所有人鄙视的啊!„Personis not concerned about face, unmatched in the world.”
“人不要脸,天下无敌。”Somepeoplesneer, „othersfacesdo not want, how can youalso?”
有人冷笑,“人家脸都不要了,你还能怎样?”Butat this time, Chen Fengeasewaking up, sees the Golden AntMutated Genesell the news, immediatelybought a bulk materialwith joy, manufacturedone portionGolden AntMutated Genereagent.
而此时,陈锋悠悠然的醒来,看到金蚁变异基因出售的消息,顿时喜滋滋的买了一大批材料了,又制作了一份金蚁变异基因试剂。„It seems likeeveryonecan judge the quality of goodsvery much.”
“看来大家还是很识货的嘛。”Chen Fengis very satisfied.陈锋很是满意。200,000cost prices, 20Luck Value, one portionGolden AntMutated Genereagent!
After hanging upagain, learn/study that Chen Fengfeels at ease.
再次挂上之后,陈锋就安心的学习去了。Butat this moment, Strongest Gene Shop, thesecrowdsarefaceconfusedlooksChen Fengfrank and uprighthung upGolden AntMutated Genereagentto be shockedbeforethem.
而此刻,最强基因店铺,那些围观群众则是一脸懵逼的看着陈锋光明正大的在他们面前挂上一个金蚁变异基因试剂都惊呆了。„Did hehang uplike thiswalks?”
“他就这样挂上就走了?”„In front ofour?”
众人一脸懵逼。Inthismatter, shouldn'texplain? So manypeoplequestioned, as long asyoutake a face, shouldexplainwhat's the matter?
发生这种事情,不应该解释一下吗?这么多人质疑,但凡你要一点脸,都应该解释一下怎么回事吧?However, no.
然而,没有。Chen Fenghas not paid attention tothemfrom the start.陈锋压根没有理会他们。„This......”
“这……”„Hedoes not wantto explain, hasn't paid attention tousfrom the start?”
The peoplegot angry.
众人怒了。Theyhave never seen the sorampantperson!
他们从未见过如此嚣张之人!Therefore, the Chen Fengfire, the fireespeciallywas again hot.
于是,陈锋火了,再一次大火特火。Whatifyesterdayfireisstrongestretrogradationgenethisteasing-typejoke, thentoday the Chen Feng'sfire, is the personalitycharm.
嗯……Isn't concerned about facealsocalculates the charisma?
不要脸也算人格魅力吧?Academic Forum, isreprimanding of blotting out the sky. AllManufacturistthreatened,shamesis a companioninChen Feng! Evensomepeoplerequested that removesfromGene Manufacturist AssociationChen Fengand so on. In brief, for several hours, Chen Feng'snameagainpraisingentireVirtual Community!学术论坛,更是铺天盖地的斥责。所有制作师都扬言,羞于陈锋为伍!甚至有人请求将陈锋从基因制作师协会除名云云。总之,短短几个小时,陈锋的名字就再次扬名整个虚拟社区!In the afternoon.
下午。WhenChen Fengcrams ferociously the Manufacturistknowledgecrazily, suddenlyreceived the Mu Yuanmessage.
当陈锋疯狂恶补制作师知识的时候,忽然收到了牧原的消息。„Chen Feng, thatGolden AntMutated Genewhatsituation?”
“啥?”Chen Fenga littleconfused.陈锋有点懵逼。AfterMu Yuandoes not know whether to laugh or cryhe explained that heknows that what happened, thatgroup of idiots, thinkunexpectedlyishedirects and perform?
真是……„Really is you do?”
“真是你自己搞得?”Mu Yuandoes not believe that greatlyChen Fengwill dothismatter.牧原不大相信陈锋会做这种事。„Of course not.”
“当然不是。”Chen Fengshakes the head.陈锋摇摇头。„Butthatattribute......”
“可是那一点属性……”Mu Yuansomeare incomprehensible.牧原有些不能理解。„limit breakthroughuses.”
“极限突破用的。”Chen Fengshrugs.陈锋耸耸肩。„Limit...... fuck, limit breakthrough?!”
“极限……卧槽,极限突破?!”Mu Yuanquickly grasps the meaning of something, was frighteneddirectlybyChen Feng, „yousaid,this thingcanuseinlimit breakthroughunexpectedly, final100pointstimeuses?!”牧原一个激灵,直接被陈锋吓到了,“你是说,这玩意居然能用在极限突破,最后100点的时候用?!”„Naturally, otherwise do Idareto sellthatexpensively?”
“当然,不然我敢卖那么贵?”Chen Fengshows the whites of the eyes.陈锋翻个白眼。„fuck! fuck! fuck!”
“卧槽!卧槽!卧槽!”Mu Yuanexplodesthreeswearingscontinually, has not recoveredobstinately, heknows that the Chen Fengcomparisonhas the talent, buthas never thought that histalentunexpectedly as powerfulasthissituation!牧原连爆三句粗口,愣是没回过神来,他知道陈锋比较有天赋,但是从未想过,他天赋居然强悍到了这种地步!Thatislimit breakthrough!
那可是极限突破啊!Limit that many of cardsfor a long timeare unable to break through!
多少人卡了很久都无法突破的极限啊!Suchsmallgene can reagent, handle? Mu Yuanfierceswallows the saliva, hefeltsuddenly,thisthingsells1,000,000, does not oweabsolutely!
“你牛。”RegardingChen Feng, heis speechless.
“我去帮你解释下。”Mu Yuansneers, „thatcrowd of mental handicapthingdaresoto be blackyou, Imayprobablyhittheirfaceswell.”牧原冷笑,“那群智障玩意敢这么黑你,我可要好好打打他们脸。”„Does not use.”
“不用。”Chen Fengshakes the head, „thisis good.”陈锋摇摇头,“这样就挺好。”„Ah?”
“啊?”Mu Yuangawked.牧原愣了一下。„Has the discussionto have the heat degree.”
“有议论才有热度。”Chen Fengsmiles, „, althoughIam disinclinedto do, sincehas the ready-madehype, whycanwaste? Makethemblack, Idid not fearin any case.”陈锋笑笑,“虽然我自己懒得搞,但是既然有现成的炒作,为什么要浪费?让他们黑吧,反正我根本不怕。”Mu Yuan: „......”牧原:“……”Thisbrothersknowaboutthisaspectvery much.
“还是小心点好。”Mu Yuanreminded: „Youparticipated inmoon/month of campaignafter all, it is estimated that the Virtual CommunityactivityControl Chamberhas meddledto investigateyou.”牧原提醒道:“你毕竟参加了月营销活动,估计虚拟社区的活动监督小组已经插手调查你了。”„Makesthemcheck.”
“让他们查吧。”Chen Fengdoes not care, „Iam much better, but alsofeared that theydo check?”陈锋根本不在乎,“我行得正,还怕他们查?”Butat this time.
而此时。Virtual Community.虚拟社区。Just likeMu Yuan said that the Control Chamberhas been beginningto investigatethismatter.
正如牧原所说的,监督小组已经在着手调查这件事了。Nowadays, becausestrangeandspecialGene Ability, wantsto cheatin front of the Control Chamber, almost impossible! Although, the Control Chamberhas the Gene Abilitymethod, cheatsalsohas the Gene Abilitymethod, butordinary does Manufacturist, howdobig enterprise has lots of assetsVirtual Community?
The Virtual CommunityControl Chamber, has the strongestdetectionability!虚拟社区的监督小组,拥有最强的侦查能力!Nothingcanhide the truth fromthem!
没什么能够瞒过他们!However, today, thiswas known as the Control Chamber that checksnothing which is not, in the investigationin front of the fieryChen Fengevent, ateoneto be unable to speak out about one's grievancesrecentlyvery muchthoroughly!
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