SG :: Volume #1

#60: More fries is hotter

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Next day. 次日。 In the morning. 清晨。 Is quietly pale about Chen Feng's matter. 关于陈锋的事情已经悄然淡去。 The Strongest Gene shop is irritable, is taking advantage of Wood Bear Mutated Gene and Professor Tao reputation, now Chen Feng black no from place, people naturally did not have the pleasure, however no one has thought, at this time, suddenly/violently Xing the news transmitted suddenly. 最强基因小店之所以火爆,也是依仗着木熊变异基因陶教授的名头,如今陈锋被黑的无地自处,人们自然也没有了乐趣,然而谁也没想到,就在这个时候,一个劲暴性的消息忽然传来。 Golden Ant Mutated Gene, sold! 金蚁变异基因,卖出去了! 1,000,000 sky-high price! 100万的天价! Everyone hears this news time listened dull. 所有人听到这个消息的时候都听呆了。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Countless people lose one's voice, that trash gene, really do some people buy? 无数人失声,那种垃圾基因,真的有人买? Rumor? 谣言? Many people think that this possibility, goes in abundance the Strongest Gene shop, but there, that gene reagent that is suspending Golden Ant Mutated Gene, writes is being sold out two characters! 很多人想到这个可能,纷纷前去最强基因的店铺,而那里,那个摆着金蚁变异基因基因试剂,写着售罄两个字! Really sold!” “真的卖出去了!” The people were shocked. 众人惊呆了。 In order to look at this Golden Ant Mutated Gene, the Strongest Gene shop entrance, encircled a large crowd, even the current capacity of entire street welcomed the unprecedented peak! 为了看一看这个金蚁变异基因,最强基因小店门口,围了一大群人,甚至整个街道的流量都迎来了前所未有的高峰期! This trash gene, really do some people buy?” “这种垃圾基因,真的有人买?” Many people cannot believe. 很多人不敢相信。 But on Academic Forum, these crazy black Chen Feng's people, at this moment suddenly static, their most recent several minutes also sent this gene this whole life not the news that is possible to sell, who knows...... 学术论坛上,那些狂黑陈锋的人,这一刻忽然静止,他们前几分钟还发了这种基因这辈子都不可能卖出去的消息,谁知道…… Can be Chen Feng buys?” “会不会是陈锋自己买的?” Some people open the mouth suddenly. 有人忽然开口。 The people quickly grasp the meaning of something, immediately is sober, has the possibility very much! 众人一个激灵,顿时清醒,很有可能! Or 或者说 Radically is! 根本就是! Except for he himself, who will buy this trash gene?” “除了他自己,谁会买这种垃圾基因?” Yes, , to promote 20 points of Spiritual Energy talent several hundred thousand, his promotes 1 points of Spiritual Energy dares to sell 1,000,000! So long as the brain doesn't have the issue no one to buy?” “就是,要知道,就连提升20点精神力的才几十万,他这个提升一点精神力的就敢卖100万!只要脑子没问题就没人买吧?” The people disdain. 众人不屑。 Said, is really Chen Feng buys?” “这么说,真是陈锋买的?” Naturally!” “当然!” What is his goal? Like this is not meaningful except for the waste money probably?” “那他的目的是什么?这样除了浪费钱好像没啥意义?” Goal? hē hē, but also there is any goal! The propaganda, opens a shop newly the first day, must create a propaganda, but others are the promotions, but this did Chen Feng with this alternative propaganda way, Oh, right, he also participate in moon/month of campaign rank it is said?” “目的?呵呵,还有什么目的!宣传呗,新开店第一天,总要做个宣传的,只不过其他人都是促销活动,而这位陈锋用这种另类的宣传方式,,对了,据说他也参加了月营销活动排行?” The people awaken suddenly. 众人骤然惊醒。 Moon/Month campaign rank? 月营销活动排行? could it be is...... 难道是…… The people eyes stare in a big way. 众人眼睛瞪大。 I go, this is the flagrant brushing ticket! 我去,这是明目张胆的刷票啊! This fellow insane inadequate? Even if some people dare to play before, still quiet conducts, hidden in own turnover, is for fear that known by others, affects own prestige and credit, but this Chen Feng, is unscrupulous! 家伙疯了不成?要知道,就算以前有人敢这么玩,也都是悄无声息的进行,隐藏在自己的营业额中,生怕被其他人知道,影响自己的声誉和信用,而这个陈锋,根本就是肆无忌惮啊! Virtual Community only pulls out 1%! 虚拟社区只抽成1%! Also means that so long as 10,000 handling charges, can create the 1,000,000 turnover! 也就意味着,只要1万手续费,就能创造100万营业额! In order to reward, why not? 为了奖励,何乐而不为? Face!” “脸呢!” I go, is this also good?” “我去,这也行?” „This......” “这这……” The people were shocked. 众人惊呆了。 They have never thought that the facial skin of some people can the sincere so situation , brush turnover type of thing, but will be despised by everyone! 他们从未想过,有人的脸皮能够厚道如此地步,要知道,刷营业额这种东西,可是会被所有人鄙视的啊! Person is not concerned about face, unmatched in the world.” “人不要脸,天下无敌。” Some people sneer, others faces do not want, how can you also?” 有人冷笑,“人家脸都不要了,你还能怎样?” But at this time, Chen Feng ease waking up, sees the Golden Ant Mutated Gene sell the news, immediately bought a bulk material with joy, manufactured one portion Golden Ant Mutated Gene reagent. 而此时,陈锋悠悠然的醒来,看到金蚁变异基因出售的消息,顿时喜滋滋的买了一大批材料了,又制作了一份金蚁变异基因试剂 It seems like everyone can judge the quality of goods very much.” “看来大家还是很识货的嘛。” Chen Feng is very satisfied. 陈锋很是满意。 200,000 cost prices, 20 Luck Value, one portion Golden Ant Mutated Gene reagent! 20万成本费,20点幸运值,一份金蚁变异基因试剂 Cost-effective! 划算! After hanging up again, learn/study that Chen Feng feels at ease. 再次挂上之后,陈锋就安心的学习去了。 But at this moment, Strongest Gene Shop, these crowds are face confused looks Chen Feng frank and upright hung up Golden Ant Mutated Gene reagent to be shocked before them. 而此刻,最强基因店铺,那些围观群众则是一脸懵逼的看着陈锋光明正大的在他们面前挂上一个金蚁变异基因试剂都惊呆了。 „Did he hang up like this walks?” “他就这样挂上就走了?” „In front of our?” “当着我们面?” People face confused. 众人一脸懵逼 In this matter, shouldn't explain? So many people questioned, as long as you take a face, should explain what's the matter? 发生这种事情,不应该解释一下吗?这么多人质疑,但凡你要一点脸,都应该解释一下怎么回事吧? However, no. 然而,没有。 Chen Feng has not paid attention to them from the start. 陈锋压根没有理会他们。 This......” “这……” He does not want to explain, hasn't paid attention to us from the start?” “他不想解释,还是压根就没把我们放在眼里?” The people got angry. 众人怒了。 They have never seen the so rampant person! 他们从未见过如此嚣张之人! Therefore, the Chen Feng fire, the fire especially was again hot. 于是,陈锋火了,再一次大火特火。 What if yesterday fire is strongest retrogradation gene this teasing -type joke, then today the Chen Feng's fire, is the personality charm. 如果说昨天火的是最强逆反基因这种调侃式的噱头的话,那么今天陈锋的大火,就是人格的魅力。 Un...... 嗯…… Isn't concerned about face also calculates the charisma? 不要脸也算人格魅力吧? Academic Forum, is reprimanding of blotting out the sky. All Manufacturist threatened, shames is a companion in Chen Feng! Even some people requested that removes from Gene Manufacturist Association Chen Feng and so on. In brief, for several hours, Chen Feng's name again praising entire Virtual Community! 学术论坛,更是铺天盖地的斥责。所有制作师都扬言,羞于陈锋为伍!甚至有人请求将陈锋基因制作师协会除名云云。总之,短短几个小时,陈锋的名字就再次扬名整个虚拟社区 In the afternoon. 下午。 When Chen Feng crams ferociously the Manufacturist knowledge crazily, suddenly received the Mu Yuan message. 陈锋疯狂恶补制作师知识的时候,忽然收到了牧原的消息。 Chen Feng, that Golden Ant Mutated Gene what situation?” 陈锋,那个金蚁变异基因什么情况?” What?” “啥?” Chen Feng a little confused. 陈锋有点懵逼 After Mu Yuan does not know whether to laugh or cry he explained that he knows that what happened, that group of idiots, think unexpectedly is he directs and perform? 牧原哭笑不得的给他解释之后,他才知道发生了什么事情,那群蠢货,居然以为是他自导自演的? Really...... 真是…… Really is you do?” “真是你自己搞得?” Mu Yuan does not believe that greatly Chen Feng will do this matter. 牧原不大相信陈锋会做这种事。 Of course not.” “当然不是。” Chen Feng shakes the head. 陈锋摇摇头。 But that attribute......” “可是那一点属性……” Mu Yuan some are incomprehensible. 牧原有些不能理解。 limit breakthrough uses.” 极限突破用的。” Chen Feng shrugs. 陈锋耸耸肩。 Limit...... fuck, limit breakthrough?!” “极限……卧槽,极限突破?!” Mu Yuan quickly grasps the meaning of something, was frightened directly by Chen Feng, you said, this thing can use in limit breakthrough unexpectedly, final 100 points time uses?!” 牧原一个激灵,直接被陈锋吓到了,“你是说,这玩意居然能用在极限突破,最后100点的时候用?!” Naturally, otherwise do I dare to sell that expensively?” “当然,不然我敢卖那么贵?” Chen Feng shows the whites of the eyes. 陈锋翻个白眼。 fuck! fuck! fuck!” 卧槽卧槽卧槽!” Mu Yuan explodes three swearings continually, has not recovered obstinately, he knows that the Chen Feng comparison has the talent, but has never thought that his talent unexpectedly as powerful as this situation! 牧原连爆三句粗口,愣是没回过神来,他知道陈锋比较有天赋,但是从未想过,他天赋居然强悍到了这种地步! That is limit breakthrough! 那可是极限突破啊! Limit that many of cards for a long time are unable to break through! 多少人卡了很久都无法突破的极限啊! Such small gene can reagent, handle? Mu Yuan fierce swallows the saliva, he felt suddenly, this thing sells 1,000,000, does not owe absolutely! 就这样一个小小的基因试剂,就能搞定?牧原猛的吞咽一下口水,他忽然觉得,这东西卖100万,绝对不亏! Your cow.” “你牛。” Regarding Chen Feng, he is speechless. 对于陈锋,他无话可说。 I help under your explanation.” “我去帮你解释下。” Mu Yuan sneers, that crowd of mental handicap thing dare so to be black you, I may probably hit their faces well.” 牧原冷笑,“那群智障玩意敢这么黑你,我可要好好打打他们脸。” Does not use.” “不用。” Chen Feng shakes the head, this is good.” 陈锋摇摇头,“这样就挺好。” Ah? 啊? Mu Yuan gawked. 牧原愣了一下。 Has the discussion to have the heat degree.” “有议论才有热度。” Chen Feng smiles, „, although I am disinclined to do, since has the ready-made hype, why can waste? Make them black, I did not fear in any case.” 陈锋笑笑,“虽然我自己懒得搞,但是既然有现成的炒作,为什么要浪费?让他们黑吧,反正我根本不怕。” Mu Yuan: „......” 牧原:“……” This brothers know about this aspect very much. 这兄弟对这方面很了解嘛。 Selects carefully.” “还是小心点好。” Mu Yuan reminded: You participated in moon/month of campaign after all, it is estimated that the Virtual Community activity Control Chamber has meddled to investigate you.” 牧原提醒道:“你毕竟参加了月营销活动,估计虚拟社区的活动监督小组已经插手调查你了。” Makes them check.” “让他们查吧。” Chen Feng does not care, I am much better, but also feared that they do check?” 陈锋根本不在乎,“我行得正,还怕他们查?” But at this time. 而此时。 Virtual Community. 虚拟社区 Just like Mu Yuan said that the Control Chamber has been beginning to investigate this matter. 正如牧原所说的,监督小组已经在着手调查这件事了。 Nowadays, because strange and special Gene Ability, wants to cheat in front of the Control Chamber, almost impossible! Although, the Control Chamber has the Gene Ability method, cheats also has the Gene Ability method, but ordinary does Manufacturist, how do big enterprise has lots of assets Virtual Community? 这年头,因为奇异而又特殊的基因能力,想要在监督小组面前作弊,几乎不大可能!虽然,监督小组有基因能力手段,作弊也有基因能力手段,但是一个普通制作师,如何搞得过家大业大的虚拟社区 The Virtual Community Control Chamber, has the strongest detection ability! 虚拟社区的监督小组,拥有最强的侦查能力! Nothing can hide the truth from them! 没什么能够瞒过他们! However, today, this was known as the Control Chamber that checks nothing which is not, in the investigation in front of the fiery Chen Feng event, ate one to be unable to speak out about one's grievances recently very much thoroughly! 然而,今天,这个号称无所不查的监督小组,在调查最近火热的陈锋事件面前,吃了一个很彻底哑巴亏!
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