SG :: Volume #1

#58: Poorly to bare loan( holiday in addition)

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Un, is your side quite busy?” “嗯,你那边比较忙?” Chen Feng looked that his complexion is somewhat exhausted. 陈锋看他的脸色有些疲惫。 No.” “没啥。” Mu Yuan is very helpless, a while ago I to the E Grade level, was not preparing to fuse E Grade gene recently, in this case, my Gene Manufacture level can certainly significantly be improved! Gene Super Rookie Competition time, perhaps the opportunity flushes!” 牧原很是无奈,“前段时间我不是到了E级水准了么,最近正在准备融合E级基因,这样的话,我的基因制作水准一定能大幅度提升!基因新秀赛的时候,说不定还有机会冲一冲!” Mu Yuan spoke of also somewhat is finally excited. 牧原说到最后又有些兴奋。 Gene Fusion Reagent...... 基因融合试剂…… Chen Feng hesitates. 陈锋沉吟。 He has been busy at this period of time, perhaps also needed sprint E Grade, had existence of Golden Ant Mutated Gene, he was not worried about limit breakthrough actually, but choice of E Grade gene, was very important! 他忙过这段时间,恐怕也需要冲刺E级了,有了金蚁变异基因的存在,他倒是不担心极限突破,但是E级基因的选择,也是很重要的! What ability do you prepare to fuse?” “你准备融合什么能力?” Chen Feng asked. 陈锋问道。 Spirit eye.” “灵目。” Mu Yuan is excited: Can significantly enhance the eyesight, in the Gene Fusion stage, can make you better gains balanced, according to the Gene Manufacture Association statistics, has Manufacturist of spirit eye of ability, must be higher than 30% in the success ratio of Gene Fusion stage compared with others!” 牧原兴奋:“可以大幅度提升眼力,在基因融合阶段,可以让你更好的获取平衡,根据基因制作协会统计,拥有灵目能力的制作师,在基因融合阶段的成功率比其他人要高出30%!” Is so strong?” “这么强?” Chen Feng exclaimed in surprise. 陈锋惊叹。 Coordination of Gene Manufacture and Gene Ability? 基因制作基因能力的配合吗? Right.” “对啊。” Mu Yuan is excited, my F Grade fused special gene to raise the manufacture level, after waiting for E Grade gene to arrive, certainly can be stronger, if the luck were good, grasped these two gene 2-Star secret skill, my manufacture level, did not certainly lose anybody!” 牧原兴奋,“我F级就融合了一个特殊基因可以提升制作水准,等E级基因到位之后,一定能够更强,如果运气好的话,掌握这两个基因二星秘技,我的制作水准,一定不输任何人!” 2-Star secret skill...... 二星秘技…… The Chen Feng eye narrows the eyes. 陈锋眼睛一眯。 Although other Manufacturist do not have Luck Aura, but everyone has oneself powerful assistance Gene Ability, the Gene Super Rookie Competition opponent, will not be perhaps simple! 其他制作师虽然没有幸运光环,但是每个人都有自己强大的辅助基因能力,基因新秀赛的对手,恐怕不会简单! Oh, right, what matter did you look for my?” ,对了,你找我啥事?” The Mu Yuan chatterbox gets up not to end, this thinks that Chen Feng definitely has the matter to look for itself. 牧原话痨起来没完,这才想起来陈锋肯定有事找自己。 Un.” “嗯。” Chen Feng slightly to nod: Recently needs to select the seed capital, I want to ask that the Manufacturist status can loan? Regular that uploads the document, but does not need to take the fruit photo, does not need to pat the small video that! I have asked that they male.” 陈锋微微点头:“最近需要点初始资金,我想问制作师的身份可以不可以贷款?正规的那种,上传证件可以,但是不需要拍果照,也不需要拍小视频的那种!我问过了,他们不要男的。” Picture? 照片? Small video? 小视频? I go, this is the bare loan! 我去,这是裸贷啊! Mu Yuan does not know whether to laugh or cry. 牧原哭笑不得。 He then thinks, Chen Feng was only just the basic novice. 他这才想起来,陈锋只是个刚入门的新手。 Thinks of this, he is speechless, is this novice, first was the front leg steps on Professor Tao, the back leg made Thunder Snake gene reagent, making his senior feel sad Ah? 想到这点,他更是无语,就是这个新手,先是前脚踩了陶教授,后脚又做出了雷蛇基因试剂,让他这个前辈情何以堪啊? Too exasperating! 太气人了! Has “有的” Helpless Mu Yuan said that this aspect Gene Manufacture Association is natural, everyone can loan, according to the Gene Manufacture Association different contributions, with own manufacture level, fame prestige anything, gives the loan of certain quota.” 牧原无奈说的,“这方面基因制作协会非常大方,每个人都可以贷款,根据对基因制作协会不同的贡献,和自己的制作水准,还有名气威望什么的,给予一定额度的贷款。” You wait/etc.” “你等等啊。” I have a look......” “我看看……” Un......” “嗯……” Here.” “在这里。” Mu Yuan said to the Chen Feng demonstration, selected here to be good, so long as on the light screen applied, that side system checking material, will send immediately to you.” 牧原陈锋演示道,“点开这里就行了,只要光幕上申请好,那边系统核实资料,马上就会给你发过来。” shuā! 刷! In light screen. 光幕中。 Personally what the Mu Yuan Manufacturist material lends there demonstration is 600,000 Yuan. 牧原制作师资料个人借贷那里显示的是60万元。 I said to you.” “我给你说啊。” Mu Yuan saw that here felt finally oneself retrieved some self-respect: Ordinary Gene Manufacturist only has 100,000 quotas, it is said that will raise a manufacture difficulty of star, the loan amount to promote 10,000 Yuan every time, like my old seniors of this 50 Star Rating manufacture levels, can loan are more. Naturally, you can not need to be discouraged, if really needs to spend money urgently, I can help you borrow.” 牧原看到这里终于觉得自己找回一些自尊了:“普通的基因制作师只有10万额度,据说,每提升一颗星的制作难度,贷款额度可以会提升1万元,像我这种50个星级制作水准的老前辈,才能贷款更多。当然,你可以不用灰心,如果真的需要紧急用钱的话,我可以帮你借一些。” I have a look.” “我看看。” Chen Feng opens interface according to the Mu Yuan instruction point. 陈锋按照牧原的指示点开界面 shuā! 刷! A lending page springs. 一个借贷页面弹出。 I have a look your, un......” “我看看你的,嗯……” Mu Yuan helps the Chen Feng examination, however saw Chen Feng's lends the quota the time, the expression on face suddenly stiff to same place, for a very long time had not responded. 牧原帮助陈锋查看,然而等看见陈锋的借贷额度的时候,脸上的表情忽然僵到了原地,久久没有反应。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Chen Feng took a look at one, was shocked. 陈锋自己瞅了一眼,也是愣住了。 1.1 million! 110万! His own lending quota, has 1.1 million unexpectedly! 他自己的借贷额度,居然有110万! How possibly?” “怎么可能?” The Mu Yuan eye stares in a big way, his 50 Star Rating old seniors 600,000 loan amounts, a Chen Feng novice, how possibly enough 1.1 million? 牧原眼睛瞪大,他一个50星级的老前辈都才60万贷款额度,陈锋一个新手,怎么可能足足110万? This...... 这…… Mu Yuan face confused. 牧原一脸懵逼 But at this time, Chen Feng thought probably, should be the Wood Bear Mutated Gene matter, a while ago Genetic Union asked me to make the registration.” 而这个时候,陈锋好像想起来,“应该是木熊变异基因的事情,前段时间基因工会找我做了登记。” Mu Yuan has tears streaming down the face. 牧原泪流满面。 He then thinks, Chen Feng discovers third Mutated Gene, the research to gene has very big help, the Gene Manufacture Association improvement quota is also natural. 他这才想起来,陈锋发现第三变异基因,对基因的研究是有很大的帮助的,基因制作协会提升额度也是理所当然的。 Why I must show off with this fellow...... 我为什么要跟这家伙炫耀…… Mu Yuan muttered, is reading disappearance broken. 牧原喃喃自语,碎碎念着消失。 Hung the communication. 挂了通讯。 Chen Feng is somewhat helpless, hurt the feelings of veteran comrade a moment ago probably? However looks own 1.1 million quotas, Chen Feng is also excited. 陈锋有些无奈,刚才好像伤害了老同志的感情?不过看着自己110万的额度,陈锋又兴奋起来。 The filling in material applied, the quick loan got down. 填写资料申请,很快贷款就下来了。 1.1 million! Succeed in obtaining! 110万!到手! Buys the shop!” “买店铺!” Chen Feng has high morale. 陈锋斗志昂扬。 The gene shop buys, his fund quick was smooth on the turnover, so long as sells several Golden Ant gene, 1.1 million soon can return this! 基因店铺买好,他的资金很快就周转顺利了,只要卖出去几个金蚁基因,110万用不了多久就能回本了! Arrived Virtual Community. 到了虚拟社区 Chen Feng submits own personal data, the application shop. 陈锋提交自己的个人资料,申请店铺。 Virtual Community that side verification is not long, after all most of the time the staff are also only one, quick, some Virtual Community corner, a Hsintien appeared. 虚拟社区那边的审核并没有太久,毕竟大多时候工作人员也只是过一眼,很快,虚拟社区某个角落,一家新店出现了。 Chen Feng to oneself shop entrance, inside is only a nine square meters small shop front, inside only then ten show cases, are used to demonstrate the commodity, but at this time, the house number plate of shop had turned into the pure white, waits for Chen Feng to design. 陈锋到了自家店铺门口,里面只是一个九平米的小店面,里面只有十个玻璃柜台,用来显示商品,而此时,店铺的门牌已经变成了纯白色,等着陈锋自己设计。 Chen Feng walks into the store. 陈锋走入商店内。 Light screen float, obviously is waiting for the Chen Feng operation. 一个光幕悬浮,显然等着陈锋操作。 Un......” “嗯……” Shop......” “店铺名……” Chen Feng gets a sudden inspiration suddenly, inputs four characters: Strongest Gene!” 陈锋忽然灵机一动,输入四个字:“最强基因!” No matter what gene, no matter which gene, so long as he does, certainly can achieve strongly! Nowadays the shop wants to become famous is not easy, the identical product were too many, therefore the Chen Feng's signboard, is Strongest Gene! 不管什么基因,不管哪种基因,只要他做,一定可以做到最强!这年头店铺想要出名也不容易,雷同产品太多了,所以陈锋的招牌,就是最强基因 The name gets up, the shop formally starts to operate. 名字起好,店铺正式开始运营。 dīng — 叮— Strongest Gene starts to operate.” 最强基因开始运营。” Examines your shop to conform to the Monthly Sales rank activity, whether you do participate?” “检测到您的店铺符合月销售排行活动,请问您是否参加?” Participates!” “参加!” Chen Feng confirmed without hesitation. 陈锋毫不犹豫确认。 dīng — 叮— Registers successfully!” “报名成功!” Your current Monthly Sales volume is 0 Yuan, activity ranking: 32012 th.” “您的当前月销售额为0元,活动排名:第32012名。” Unexpectedly has more than 30,000.” “居然有三万多。” Chen Feng exclaimed in surprise. 陈锋惊叹。 Rank 1 shop seriously many oddness of this Virtual Community. 虚拟社区一级店铺当真多的离谱。 However Chen Feng affirmed, most Rank 1 shops, are only just here to buy soy sauce, truly participating shop, 1,000-2,000. Naturally, these are unimportant, his goal is also only first hundred nothing more, since Wind Hums can go, his issue should not be big. 不过陈锋肯定,绝大多数的一级店铺,都只是打酱油,真正参赛的店铺,也就1,000-2,000家。当然,这些都不重要,他的目标也只是前百名而已,既然风吟都能进去,他的问题应该也不大。 As for first several...... 至于前几名…… Chen Feng swept one, that several sales volumes had broken the ten million | whatever happens rank, qualifications that he simply has not competed with! 陈锋扫了一眼,那几家的销售额已经破了千万级别,他根本没有竞争的资格! Three Star Rating Formula(s), worked as the extra income.” “一个三星级配方,就当外快了。” Chen Feng but actually also indifferent. 陈锋倒也无所谓。 First hangs up the sale.” “先挂上销售。” Chen Feng hangs up own gene in the shop. 陈锋在店铺内挂上自己的基因 Golden Ant Mutated Gene, 1,000,000 Yuan. 金蚁变异基因,100万元。 As for Wood Bear gene - Battle...... 至于木熊基因-战…… Chen Feng thinks, hung 99999 Yuan. 陈锋想了想,还是挂了99999元。 He has not sold is only left over two, reason that hangs the high price, to attract the attention of others, entire Virtual Community, sells Wood Bear gene - Battle gene after all, only then his! Let others notice here, his newly-opened shop will have the current capacity. 他没卖出去的只剩下两个,之所以挂高价,也是为了吸引其他人的注意力,毕竟整个虚拟社区,出售木熊基因-战基因的,只有他一个!让其他人注意到这里,他这个新开的店铺才会有流量。 After finishing, Chen Feng on winding. 忙完之后,陈锋就下线了。 To him, participating in the shop moon/month campaign is a small extra income, has not cared, his center of gravity in promotion! 对于他而言,参加店铺月营销活动本身就是个小外快,并没有太在意,他的重心还是在提升上! Said accurately 更准确的说 Is the promotion of Spiritual Energy! 精神力的提升! Yesterday manufactured Golden Ant gene time he discovered, 100 points of Spiritual Energy, manufactured same gene reagent with past 32 points of Spiritual Energy, was no comparison between them completely, crisply to flying! After Spiritual Energy promotion, the Chen Feng's Gene Manufacturist speed improving five times continued! 昨天制作金蚁基因的时候他就发现了,100点精神力,跟以往32点精神力制作同一个基因试剂,完全不可同日而语,爽到飞起!精神力提升之后,陈锋的基因制作师速度提高了五倍不止! Spiritual Energy, is the core of improvement! 精神力,才是提升的核心! Ultra-high Spiritual Energy, can make his Gene Manufacture technique stronger, grasps Formula(s) quickly and raises the success ratio. 超高的精神力,能让他基因制作术更强,更快掌握配方和提高成功率。 My present Spiritual Energy 100 points, breakthrough words......” “我现在精神力100点,突破的话……” Chen Feng hesitation moment. 陈锋沉吟片刻。 The breakthrough to him is not the issue. 突破对他来说不是问题。 Had Golden Ant Mutated Gene, so long as he has the adequate fund momentarily to break through, but after the breakthrough ? What gene his does E Grade fuse? 有了金蚁变异基因,他只要有足够的资金随时可以突破,但是突破之后呢?他E级融合什么基因 Since does not plan to fuse to assist gene, what is capable of being able with Wind Edge to coordinate? 既然不打算融合辅助基因的话,有什么能力能跟风刃更配合? Chen Feng is lost in thought. 陈锋陷入沉思。 The knowledge in this aspect, he was too deficient. 这方面的知识,他真的太缺乏了。 The plan of Original Host, is the pure pure Manufacturist route, Chen Feng, since does not plan to fuse to assist gene, the knowledge in this aspect, learned/studied. 原主人的计划,是纯粹的纯制作师路线,陈锋既然不打算融合辅助基因,这方面的知识,就得自己学习了。 Only then first understands clearly, will not elect wrong. 只有先了解清楚,才不会选错。 It seems like for these days must cram ferociously some Gene Fusion Reagent knowledge.” “看来这几天要恶补一些基因融合试剂的知识了。” Chen Feng rubs the head. 陈锋揉揉脑袋。 Thing that he must learn/study, were too many. 他要学习的东西,太多了。 After leaving Virtual Community, Chen Feng enters during the comprehensive learn/study, however, what Chen Feng does not know, two gene that oneself hang, stir the controversy in entire Virtual Community. 离开虚拟社区之后,陈锋就进入全面学习之中,然而,陈锋不知道的是,自己挂上去的两个基因,在整个虚拟社区都引起轩然大波。
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