SG :: Volume #1

#57: Promotion

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

5-Star mutate(d) Formula(s).” 五星变异配方。” Chen Feng is excited. 陈锋激动。 He believes, this were true gaining to! 他相信,这次自己是真正的赚到了! This Golden Ant Mutated Gene, can certainly sell the ultra-high price, oneself 30 Luck Value and are close to 200,000 cost prices, finally can gain! 这个金蚁变异基因,一定能卖出超高的价格,自己30点幸运值和接近20万的成本费,终于能赚回来了! Naturally, this consumption is not fixed. 当然,这个消耗也不是固定的。 For example, the consumptions of 10 Luck Value, are because Chen Feng must debug the cultivation fluid, but next time, he according to the record option material of video recording, will mix directly is OK. 比如,其中十点幸运值的消耗,是因为陈锋要调试培育液,而下次,他根据录像的记录选择材料,直接调配就可以了。 Next time will manufacture, approximately can save 10 Luck Value. 下次制作,大约能省下十点幸运值 In other words 也就是说 The Golden Ant Mutated Gene basic cost, is 200,000 Yuan and 20 Luck Value! 金蚁变异基因的基本成本,是20万元和20点幸运值 Chen Feng thinks, planned chooses a right price to sell. 陈锋想了想,打算选择一个合适的价格卖出去。 Uses as for oneself? 至于自己用? He has not thought! 他没想过! What can oneself come out also to fear? 自己都能出来了还怕什么? Also. 再说了。 Without E Grade Fusing Genes, now breaks through has an egg to use? 没有E级融合基因,现在突破有个卵用? At this time if to break through took directly, he was the real poor wretch, even the cost did not have! He sells now, purchases the material also to continue to manufacture, this is a positive cycle! 这个时候要是为了突破直接服用了,他就是真的穷光蛋了,连成本都没有了!他现在卖出去,购买材料还可以继续制作,这是一个良性循环! How much money selling is cost-effective?” “卖多少钱划算?” Chen Feng hesitates. 陈锋沉吟。 This has never presented Gene Manufacture reagent! 这是从未出现过的基因制作试剂 Although the breakthrough of F Grade is not difficult, although F Grade is the Genetic Warrior lowest level, although they have all kinds of ways to surpass the limit! 尽管F级的突破并不算难,尽管F级基因战士的最底层,尽管他们有着各种各样的方式来超越极限! However 但是 Chen Feng's Golden Ant Mutated Gene, certainly is quickest! 陈锋的金蚁变异基因,一定是最快的! First hangs 1,000,000 to have a look at the situation.” “先挂100万看看情况。” Chen Feng decided. 陈锋决定。 Hangs to Virtual Community goes.” “挂到虚拟社区去。” Chen Feng excited to Virtual Community, as always to Pavilion of Wind, prepared the time that Golden Ant gene hangs uprightly, suddenly hand, stopped. 陈锋激动的到了虚拟社区,一如既往的到了风之阁,刚正准备将金蚁基因挂上去的时候,忽然手一顿,停下了。 Full hot blooded just like is irrigated basin cold water. 满腔的热血犹如被浇了一盆凉水。 Because of this time, he remembered the most important issue handling charge finally! 因为这个时候,他终于想起一个最重要的问题手续费! Handling charge that the shop sells on consignment, is 5%! 店铺寄售的手续费,可是5%! Initially to hang that 1,000,000 Wood Bear Mutated Gene, he paid 50,000 Yuan handling charges, to expose Professor Tao merely! Not only so, afterward to let Boss Pavilion of Wind Wind Hums emitted the transaction record, he paid 50,000 Yuan handling charges! 当初为了挂上去那个100万木熊变异基因,他足足付出了5万元的手续费,仅仅只是为了揭发陶教授!不仅仅如此,后来为了让风之阁老板风吟放出交易记录,他又付出了5万元的手续费! Chen Feng has not blamed Wind Hums but actually, after all this is a transaction. 陈锋倒也没有怪过风吟,毕竟这是一场交易。 However, oneself can later sell Golden Ant gene? gene 50,000 handling charges, ten are 500,000, 20 is 1,000,000! 但是,自己以后要出售金蚁基因呢?一个基因5万手续费,十个就是50万,二十个就是100万 Chen Feng light/only thinks, one meat pain! 陈锋光是想想,就一阵肉痛! Has a liking for the 50,000 handling charges on selling on consignment news, he does not dare under the point to confirm. But at this time, the light shadow flashed through, the Pavilion of Wind boss, Wind Hums appeared. 看上寄售消息上的5万手续费,他迟迟不敢点下确认。而就在这个时候,光影闪过,风之阁的老板,风吟出现了。 Chen Feng?” 陈锋?” Wind Hums smiling saying, sells on consignment Ah? 风吟笑盈盈的说道,“又来寄售啊? Un.” “嗯。” Chen Feng slightly to nod. 陈锋微微点头 Is indebted the attendance.” “承蒙照顾。” Grinning with ear to ear that Wind Hums smiles, „the Virtual Community Rank 1 shop has the sale campaign this month, gene that because you sell on consignment, the sales volume of our shop has gone far beyond opposite that only King Kong vegetable/dish chicken, can attain the good reward.” 风吟笑的合不拢嘴,“虚拟社区一级店铺这个月有销售活动,因为你寄售的基因,我们店铺的销售额已经远远超过对面那只金刚菜鸡,能够拿到不错的奖励。” This matter?” “还有这事?” Chen Feng is surprised, it seems like where has the competition. 陈锋惊讶,看来哪里都有竞争啊。 hā hā, not only so.” 哈哈,不光如此。” I and King Kong is a school, is conducting the competition of graduation fieldwork, although I do not care about this very much, but can exceed him, must thank your help.” “我和金刚还是一个学校的,正在进行毕业实习的竞争,虽然我并不是很在意这个,但是能够超越他,还是要感谢你的帮助。” Wind Hums confident saying. 风吟坦然的说道。 You might as well give back to me that 50,000 Yuan.” “那你不如把那个五万元还给我。” Chen Feng shows the whites of the eyes. 陈锋翻个白眼。 This is not good.” “这可不行。” Wind Hums complacent saying, that 50,000 Yuan, but requests me to announce that the transaction cost of customer list, is I gains, hā hā. However, looks in you helps in my face, will wait to move to finish several days later, I can sell to you reward Formula(s) cheaply.” 风吟得意洋洋的说道,“那五万元,可是要求我公布顾客名单的交易费,是我自己赚来的,哈哈。不过,看在你帮我的面子上,等过几天活动结束,我可以把奖励的配方便宜卖给你。” Formula(s)?” 配方?” Chen Feng footsteps suddenly. 陈锋脚步忽然一顿。 Right.” “对啊。” Wind Hums had not realized anything at this time, complacent said to Chen Feng: For the stimulation spends, the Monthly Sales activities that Virtual Community holds, first 100 have the Formula(s) reward, more proceeds to reward is better, I can take 3-Star fight Formula(s) when the time comes.” 风吟这个时候还没意识到什么,得意洋洋的对陈锋说道:“为了刺激消费,虚拟社区举办的月销售活动,前一百名都有配方奖励,越往前奖励越好,我到时候就能拿个三星战斗配方。” Formula(s)! 配方 Chen Feng heart movement. 陈锋心动。 This activity, does Virtual Community often have?” “这种活动,虚拟社区经常有?” Chen Feng thought of anything suddenly. 陈锋忽然想到了什么。 Naturally.” “当然了。” Wind Hums selects to nod: „Like the supermarket promotion, conducts some activities to let the sales volume increase, basically every month has. Also, each pen traded the successful form, Virtual Community has 1% deducting a percentage, the sales volume increase, they gain are also more.” 风吟点头:“就跟超市促销一样啊,多搞一些活动才能够让销售额提升啊,基本上每个月都有。再说了,每笔交易成功的单子,虚拟社区都有1%的提成,销售额提升,他们赚的也更多。” So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 Oh, right, was your time, what prepares to sell on consignment?” ,对了,你这次来,是准备寄售什么的?” Saying that Wind Hums smiles, he also counted on that Chen Feng leads him to proceed to flush again. 风吟笑眯眯的说道,他还指望陈锋带他再往前冲一冲呢。 All right.” “没事。” Chen Feng beckoned with the hand leaves. 陈锋摆摆手就离开了。 Wind Hums is confused, looks that in the shop simply does not have the data that Chen Feng sells on consignment is a face is also bewildered, the words that does not sell on consignment, does Chen Feng do? 风吟一头雾水,看着店内根本没有陈锋寄售的数据也是一脸莫名其妙,不寄售的话,陈锋来干嘛的? But at this time. 而此时。 Chen Feng returns to the reality, starts to think deeply about this issue. 陈锋回到现实,开始思索这个问题。 After this period of time understanding, he has known, 4-Star Formula(s) and 5-Star Formula(s) this type of thing, only then the activity and competition or requirement, may appear. 经过这段时间的了解,他已经知道,四星配方五星配方这种东西,只有活动、比赛或者一些委托,才有可能出现。 Normally, you want to buy cannot buy. 正常情况下,你想买都买不到。 But he himself? 而他自己呢? Needed is this High Star Grade Formula(s)! 需要的就是这种高星级配方 No matter to sprint Star Rating manufacture, is for the Formula(s) improvement! 不管是为了冲刺星级制作,还是为了配方改良! Regarding grasping Luck Aura him, starts to practice from 1-Star Rating Formula(s), with starts to practice from 5-Star Rating Formula(s), the needed time will not miss are too much. Such being the case, why doesn't start from the high difficulty, raises own manufacture level? 对于掌握幸运光环的他来说,从一个一星级配方开始练习,和从一个五星级配方开始练习,需要的时间不会差太多。既然如此,为何不从高难度入手,提升自己的制作水准? Therefore, he needs High Star Grade Formula(s)! 所以,他需要高星级配方 Waits to entrust is not a little far-fetched, moreover entrusted is too dangerous, he does not want to go. 等委托有点不靠谱,而且很多委托太危险,他不想去。 Then...... 那么…… Only then competition and activity! 只有比赛和活动了! But the Monthly Sales activity of this gene shop, happen to conforms to the Chen Feng's appetite. 而这个基因店铺的月销售活动,正好符合陈锋的胃口。 Not only so, initially the high handling charge of disturbance or selling on consignment of Professor Tao event, Chen Feng decided, oneself opens a shop is most cost-effective! 不单单如此,无论是当初陶教授事件的风波还是寄售的高额手续费,陈锋都决定,自己开店是最划算的! Kill several birds with one stone! 一举数得! He looked at the time, this month also has one week. 他看了看时间,这个月还有一周。 This month activity he was hopeless, but before Gene Super Rookie Competition, happen to also two months perhaps, oneself can also reward anything with the activity when the time comes also perhaps. 这个月的活动他是没指望了,但是基因新秀赛前,正好还有两个月的时间,到时候自己说不定还能拿点活动奖励什么的也说不定。 Even if not rare Formula(s), mixing an extra income is still good. 就算不是稀有配方,混点外快也行。 He requests is not really high. 他要求真的不高。 Un...... 嗯…… Feasible. 可行。 In the Chen Feng heart had the plan. 陈锋心中有了打算。 Open a shop! 开店! However, before then, a major problem, Chen Feng has a look at own account, a sigh, poor!” 不过,在这之前,还有个大问题,陈锋看看自己的账户,一声叹息,“穷啊!” In order to manufacture Golden Ant Mutated Gene, Chen Feng all deposits exhaust, does not remain. 为了制作金蚁变异基因,陈锋所有存款耗尽,一点不剩。 First sells some gene? 先卖一些基因 Some Chen Feng on hand actually Wood Bear Mutated Gene, but besides the scientific research, this thing value is not high, most 20,000-30,000 supported, as for selling Golden Ant Mutated Gene, solely that 50,000 Yuan handling charges can also make him love dearly dies. 陈锋手头倒是有一些木熊变异基因,但是除了科研之外,这东西本身价值并不高,最多20,000-30,000撑死了,至于出售金蚁变异基因,单单那5万元的手续费也能让他心疼死。 Un......” “嗯……” Chen Feng counts forget about it. 陈锋算了一下。 Virtual Community purchases a small shop, needs the 1,000,000 Yuan, pulls out 1%, this percentage he can withstand actually, but the premise is 虚拟社区购买一个小店铺,需要100万元,抽成1%,这个百分比他倒是能承受,但是前提是 He must have 1,000,000. 他得有100万 First has the chicken first to have the issue of egg.” “先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题。” Chen Feng sighed spookily. 陈锋幽幽一叹。 At this time, he thought of an issue suddenly, what previous life very popular home loan, should here also be able to lend? 只是,这个时候,他忽然想到一个问题,前世很流行房贷什么的,这里应该也可以借贷吧? Thinks of here, the Chen Feng online inquiry, after understanding one, the brow wrinkles slightly. 想到这里,陈锋网上查询,了解一番之后,眉头微微皱起。 These loans...... 这些贷款…… As if not quite credible? 似乎不太靠谱? Thinks, he plans to ask Mu Yuan. 想了想,他还是打算问问牧原 Has the matter?” “有事?” Mu Yuan seems to be busy at this time. 牧原这个时候似乎在忙。
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