SG :: Volume #1

#56: F Grade Strongest Gene?

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Two days later. 两天后。 Gold City, rented room. 金城,出租屋。 Chen Feng also at the matter of busy material. 陈锋还在忙碌材料的事情。 Over the two days although he has not gone out, but also knows many news, for example Dragon's Passing Mountain these students for the letter of recommendation of school, prepared any investigation group initially, started to question anything. 这两天虽然他没出门,但是也知道了不少消息,比如当初龙逝山那些学生为了学校的推荐信,准备了一个什么调查小组,一个个开始盘查什么的。 Is good because, investigates the general time, the school stops suddenly. 好在,调查一般的时候,学校忽然叫停。 Chen Feng guessed, should be the principal discovers the thing in the Wang Yao hand, therefore can only depressed stopping? 陈锋猜测,应该是校长发现东西在王瑶手中,所以只能郁闷的叫停? It seems like at that time handed over the thing, is a wise choice. 看来当时把东西交出去,是个明智的选择。 Chen Feng affirmed. 陈锋肯定。 „The strength is not in the final analysis good.” “说到底还是实力不行。” Chen Feng muttered. 陈锋喃喃自语。 If he has Wang Yao such strength, but also needs to fear talent can arouse jealousy? 如果他有王瑶这样的实力,还需要怕怀璧其罪? Strengthen! 变强! Must grow stronger! 必须变强! In the Chen Feng eye radiance passes. 陈锋眼中光华流转。 Now various materials have prepared, Luck Value also restored 40 points, his long-awaited Gene Manufacture can start finally. 如今各种材料已经准备好,幸运值也恢复到了40点,他期待已久的基因制作终于可以开始了。 Strongest Gene, he really anticipated to be very long! 最强基因啊,他真的期待很久了! This Is the first step that he grows stronger! 就是他变强的第一步! Bang!” “轰!” Chen Feng enters the ultra condition. 陈锋进入超维状态。 Before has had an experience, therefore now Chen Feng is skilled. The first step, Gene Search, Chen Feng closes one's eyes, very relaxed completion! 之前有过一次经验,所以现在陈锋非常熟练。第一步,基因寻找,陈锋闭着眼睛,很轻松的完成! Consumes Luck Value 5 points. 消耗幸运值五点。 The second step, making all gene respond. The Luck Aura comprehensive operation, Chen Feng both hands have grasped fast, making gene respond according to the order completes. 第二步,让所有基因进行反应。幸运光环全面运作,陈锋双手快速抓过,让一条条基因按顺序反应完成。 Consumes Luck Value 10 points. 消耗幸运值十点。 third step, Gene Fusion! 第三步,基因融合 The Chen Feng's look also becomes somewhat different, before first two, has done one time, but this third step, he is also first time starts to attempt. 陈锋的神色也变得有些不一样,前两步之前都已经做过一次,而这第三步,他也是第一次开始尝试。 Gets up!” “起!” All materials float! 所有材料漂浮! Chen Feng does not dare to open the eye, was for fear that disturbed. 陈锋不敢睁开眼睛,生怕被干扰。 gene is strange, cultivating the fluid is also strange, he must use the existing material, oneself mix one portion to duplicate the gene liquid! 基因是陌生的,培育液也是陌生的,他必须用现有的材料,自己调配出一份能够复制基因的液体! Water, material and general cultivation fluid...... 水、材料、通用培育液…… All materials ferment under the Chen Feng's spirit control, because of five feeling shields, Chen Feng does not know what kind of dosage completely oneself used! 所有的一切材料都在陈锋的精神控制下发酵,因为五感屏蔽,陈锋完全不知道自己用了怎样的剂量! The material quantity, density and proportion, gave Luck Aura completely! 材料数量、浓度、比例,全部交给了幸运光环 shuā! 刷! shuā! 刷! Luck Value falls suddenly! 幸运值暴跌! 1 point, 2 points and 3 points...... 一点、二点、三点…… The Chen Feng look is dignified. 陈锋神色凝重。 dí — 嘀— dí — 嘀— In room some instrument unceasingly twinkle red light. 房间内某个仪器不断闪烁红光。 That is a videocorder! 那是录像仪! Under Digitized Status, Chen Feng is unable to record, but this last step, cultivates material and fusion that step the fluid needs, he must record! 数维状态下,陈锋无法录像,但是这最后一步,培育液所需要的材料和融合步骤,他必须记录! wēng — 嗡— Chen Feng controls unceasingly. 陈锋不断操控。 Videocorder faithful records all these. 录像仪忠实的将这一切记录下来。 Each material that Chen Feng uses, each order, as well as thing of response possibly production, even the proportion of each one portion solution, remembers clearly. 陈锋所用的每一个材料,每一个顺序,以及反应可能生成的东西,甚至每一份溶液的比例,都记得清清楚楚。 The third step, completes. 第三步,完成。 Consumes Luck Value, 10 points. 消耗幸运值,十点。 But this step, can finish ahead of schedule next time! 而这一步,下一次就可以提前完成! Then...... 那么…… On remaining in cultivating the fluid duplicated gene? 就剩下把基因在培育液之中复制了? sī — 嘶— Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 This Strongest Gene, must complete finally! 最强基因,终于要完成了! „!” “!” gene quiet integration, under the cultivation fluid, starts to duplicate and multiply crazily, Chen Feng Luck Aura full, is controlling the fusion rhythm. 基因悄无声息的融入,在培育液下,开始疯狂复制和繁衍,陈锋幸运光环全开,控制着融合的节奏。 Last, he did not allow any mistake. 最后一步了,他不容许任何失误。 1 point and 2 points...... 一点、二点…… In the Chen Feng heart calculates. 陈锋心中计算。 Waits for Luck Value to stop finally he knows, this F Grade most Formula(s) that improves from 5-Star Formula(s), completed the last step! 幸运值最终停下的时候他就知道,这个从五星配方改良出来的F级配方,完成了最后一步! Strongest Gene, completes! 最强基因,完成! Success?” “成功了?” Chen Feng is excited. 陈锋激动。 At present. 眼前。 A beach golden liquid scintillation flowing light. 一滩金色的液体闪烁流光。 Chen Feng cautious seals in it the reagent bottle, the gene sweep start, a brand-new data, appears in the panel of digitization. 陈锋小心翼翼的将它封装到试剂瓶中,基因扫描启动,一个崭新的数据,出现在数据化的面板中。 Gene's Name: Golden Ant Mutated Gene 基因名称:金蚁变异基因 Gene Type: Special 基因类型:特殊 gene function: Promotes 1 points of Spiritual Energy forcefully. 基因作用:强行提升一点精神力 Limiting condition: Only limits F Grade Genetic Warrior. 限制条件:仅限F级基因战士 gene introduced: Is centered on desert crazy ant blood essence, conducts the refinement and cultivation with various precious materials, one special gene reagent that finally produces. 基因介绍:以沙漠狂蚁精血为核心,用各种珍贵的材料进行提炼和培育,最终生成的一种特殊基因试剂 mutate(d)!” 变异了!” When Chen Feng sees the mutate(d) two characters, almost does not have excitedly jumps! Real mutate(d), Formula(s) improved, succeeds! This not possible Mutated Gene, appeared absolutely finally! 陈锋看到变异两个字的时候,差点没激动的跳起来!真的变异了,配方改善,成功了!这个绝对不可能出现的变异基因,终于出现了! hā hā.” 哈哈。” Chen Feng is wild with joy. 陈锋狂喜。 Consumed enough 30 Luck Value, his finally success! 消耗了足足30点幸运值,他终于成功了! Not solely because of the success of this Formula(s), but is this success, means, Chen Feng can unearth mysterious Formula(s) that all never unearths! 不单单是因为这个配方的成功,而是这一次成功,意味着,陈锋可以挖掘出所有从未挖掘出的神奇配方 Any Formula(s), has the possibility! 任何配方,都有可能! Was too strong.” “太强了。” Chen Feng is excited. 陈锋激动。 The exciting strength has not passed, when Chen Feng saw this Formula(s) affects, the expression on face immediately one stiff...... 只是,兴奋的劲头还没过去,当陈锋看到这个配方作用的时候,脸上的表情顿时一僵…… 1 points? 一点? Promotes 1 spirit forcefully? 强行提升一点精神 Chen Feng thinks oneself misread, carefully looked several, truly is 1 points. 陈锋以为自己看错了,仔细看了几遍,确确实实是一点。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Chen Feng is a little ignorant. 陈锋有点懵。 5-Star mutate(d) does Formula(s) promote 1 attribute? 五星变异配方提升一点属性? Ordinary 5-Star Rating Formula(s), can promote 20 points of Spiritual Energy, in this achievement 5-Star Formula(s) rarer can existence, why only increase 1 points merely? F Grade Genetic Warrior can only use one time, but also can only promote 1 point Spiritual Energy reagent...... 要知道,普通的五星级配方,都能够提升20点精神力,这个作为五星配方中更罕见的存在,为什么仅仅只能提升一点?F级基因战士仅可以使用一次,还只能提升一点的精神力试剂…… Chen Feng has the dessert to be cool. 陈锋有点心凉。 He thinks of words and expressions reversion mutate(d) suddenly! 他忽然想到一个词语逆向变异 mutate(d), is not necessarily good, although the mutate(d) representatives under most situations are stronger, but sometimes, mutate(d) will have a worse situation, this mutate(d), was called reversion mutate(d)! Reversion mutate(d) several sincere is very small, to can ignore! 变异,不一定都是好的,虽然绝大多数情况下的变异都代表更强,但是有些时候,变异会出现更差的情况,这种变异,被称之为逆向变异!只是,逆向变异的几率真的很小,小到可以忽略不计! But now 而现在 Chen Feng here appeared. 陈锋这里出现了。 From 20 points reversion mutate(d) to 1 points? 从20点逆向变异到一点? The heart that Chen Feng wants dead had. 陈锋想死的心都有了。 Calculates carefully this manufacture, consumed 30 Luck Value, the gene material also consumed probably about 200,000, simply owed to the grandmother family/home! 仔细算算这次的制作,消耗30点幸运值,基因材料也消耗了大概在20万左右,简直亏到姥姥家了! Is this Luck Aura so-called Strongest Gene? 这就是幸运光环所谓的最强基因 Chen Feng is somewhat grieved. 陈锋有些心痛。 Shaking the head. 摇摇头。 Time that Chen Feng is preparing to receive, suddenly gawked, because of this time, he contrasted original gene ordinary gene, finally notices the descriptions of two gene, as if has some that slight differences. 陈锋正准备收起来的时候,忽然愣了一下,因为这个时候,他对比了一下原本的基因普通基因,终于注意到两个基因的描述,似乎有那么一些细微的差别。 Golden Ant Mutated Gene: Promotes 1 spirit forcefully. 金蚁变异基因:强行提升一点精神 Golden Ant gene: Stimulates within the body gene potential, permanent to promote 20 spirit. 金蚁基因:激发体内基因潜力,永久提升20点精神 20 points......” “20点……” 1 point......” “一点……” Chen Feng hesitates. 陈锋沉吟。 But F Grade Genetic Warrior that in addition, the Chen Feng surprised discovery, on Golden Ant gene reagent writes only may use one time, turned only limited F Grade Genetic Warrior! 而除此之外,陈锋惊奇的发现,金蚁基因试剂上写的F级基因战士仅可使用一次,也变成了仅限F级基因战士 Only may use not to have one time......” “仅可使用一次没有了……” The Chen Feng brow walks, „can could it be use infinitely? But, this is also useless! Who spends 150,000 to promote 1 gene attribute, the brain to have the hole?” 陈锋眉头微走,“难道可以无限使用?可是,这样也没什么用啊!谁花15万提升一点基因属性,脑子有洞?” Said, oneself possibly does improve trash Formula(s)? 这么说,自己可能改良出一个垃圾配方 Chen Feng does not know whether to laugh or cry. 陈锋哭笑不得。 However...... 不过…… Chen Feng always felt oneself missed anything. 陈锋总觉得自己错过了什么。 1 attribute......” “一点属性……” Forcefully......” “强行……” Chen Feng looks at the Golden Ant mutate(d) Gene Formula data, is lost in thought. 陈锋看着金蚁变异基因配方的数据,陷入沉思。 For a long time. 许久。 Chen Feng thought of anything suddenly, some shake. 陈锋忽然想到了什么,有些手抖。 Forcefully......” “强行……” In the Chen Feng mouth muttered, in the eye bloomed the different brilliance. 陈锋口中喃喃自语,眼中绽放出不一样的光辉。 So that's how it is! 原来如此! This is this Formula(s) true value! 这才是这个配方真正的价值! Because were many these two characters, this gene price, can surmount several times, even if it can only promote 1 gene attribute merely! 就因为多了这两个字,这个基因的价格,足足能够翻越好几倍,哪怕它仅仅只能够提升一点基因属性! Because of forcefully these two characters! 就因为‘强行’这两个字! gene attribute promotion, actually essence through other gene, stimulates the gene potential of your within the body, making your strength conduct the small range increase! Therefore, which gene promotion reagent regardless , can only use one time, which gene promotion reagent regardless, is unable to break through the limit! 基因属性的提升,其实本质是通过其他基因,来激发你体内的基因潜力,让你的实力进行小范围提升!所以,无论哪种基因提升试剂,都只能使用一次,无论哪种基因提升试剂,都无法突破极限! However now...... 然而现在…… Chen Feng looks on Golden Ant gene reagent forcefully two characters, the eye was red. 陈锋看着金蚁基因试剂上的强行两个字,眼睛红了。 Stimulates the potential? 激发潜力? No, it does not need to stimulate the potential! 不,它根本不需要激发潜力! It can give you to promote 1 gene attribute forcefully, regardless of you do have the potential! 它可以强行给你提升一点基因属性,无论你有没有潜力! It fused some Golden Ant gene secret and mysterious gene, at crucial moments, will help you pass through this last step, surpasses the limit! 它融合了金蚁基因某个隐秘而又神奇的基因,在关键时刻,会帮助你走过这最后一步,超越极限! This is this Formula(s) true value! 这才是这个配方的真正价值! violently break through! 暴力突破 Incomparable! 无可比拟!
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