SG :: Volume #1

#55: who are you

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What did you say?” “你说什么?” The Chen Feng mind jumps crazily, is actually without turning a hair, very unexpected looks at Wang Yao: How possibly? I have not gone to sea.” 陈锋心神狂跳,却面不改色,很是意外的看着王瑶:“怎么可能?我又没下海。” Knows that you will not acknowledge.” “就知道你不会承认的。” Wang Yao does not have unexpected, „, if that thing really in your there, you is more careful, the value of this thing goes far beyond beyond your imagination, these people will not let off investigate anybody! I estimated, at that time Dragon's Passing Mountain everyone, had been investigated in secret.” 王瑶并没有意外,“如果那东西真在你那里,你要小心一些,这东西的价值远远超过你的想象之外,那些人不会放过调查任何人!我估计,当时龙逝山的所有人,都被暗中调查过了。” Moreover, even if you really attain Sea Dragon Blood Essence, useful?” “况且,就算你真拿到海龙精血,用得上吗?” blood essence of that rank, how many years do you want to wait to be able to use? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Your present strength, sold to anyone to eliminate a potential informant! Therefore, if gives me Sea Dragon Blood Essence, I can you a commitment, help you make a move unconditionally three times.” “那种级别的精血,你要等多少年才能用到?五年?十年?20年?你现在的实力,卖给谁都有可能被灭口!所以,如果将海龙精血交给我的话,我可以给你一个承诺,无条件帮你出手三次。” Wang Yao looks up Chen Feng, small face very earnest saying. 王瑶抬起头看着陈锋,小脸很认真的说道。 Three times! 三次! Chen Feng is suddenly excited. 陈锋骤然心动。 How long he starts to cultivate, how many dangers has encountered?! Dragon's Passing Mountain Long Family, is the mutate(d) person in green mountain forest, sometimes, radically is the nameless root of trouble! 他才开始修炼多久,就已经遇到多少次危险了?!无论是龙逝山龙家,还是青山林的变异人,有时候,根本就是无名祸端! Hides has no way to hide! 躲都没法躲! In most situations, he can solve, but some unforeseen crisis, but must have a solid background! But Wang Yao, is very good choice! 大部分情况下,他都能解决,但是有些无法预料的危机,还得有一个坚实的背景!而王瑶,就是很好的选择! Three opportunities, are equivalent to his three lives! 三次机会,相当于他的三条命! This business, cost-effective. 这个买卖,划算。 Just like Wang Yao said, which year Sea Dragon Blood Essence his is now useful? Keeping in the hand radically is a hot sweet potato, possibly has problems momentarily! 况且,正如王瑶所说,海龙精血现在他哪年用得上?留在手里根本就是个烫手的山芋,随时可能出问题! However...... 但是…… Chen Feng is lost in thought. 陈锋陷入沉思。 Issue that he most is worried about now, is not Wang Yao, but is Wang Yue! He relates not well with Wang Yue, later not, but Wang Yue eventually is the Wang Yao blood younger brother! 他现在最担心的问题,不是王瑶,而是王越!他跟王越关系不好,以后也不会好,但是王越终究是王瑶亲弟弟! This is he is worried. 这才是他担心的。 Naturally, he did not worry that Wang Yao is that acting unreasonably person, otherwise, to help over younger brother, she divided minute to extinguish Chen Feng. 当然,他不担心王瑶是那种乱来的人,不然的话,为了帮助弟弟出头,她分分钟可以灭了陈锋 By the Chen Feng's strength, has the resistance leeway? 陈锋的实力,有反抗余地? Obviously no. 显然没有。 But these, once has the relations with Sea Dragon Blood Essence...... 可这些一旦跟海龙精血扯上关系…… Became one group of messes! 就成了一团乱麻! „Are you worried about Wang Yue and Wang Family?” “你在担心王越王家?” Wang Yao opens the mouth suddenly. 王瑶忽然开口。 The Chen Feng eye narrows the eyes, without speech. 陈锋眼睛一眯,没有说话。 If yes, you do not need to be worried.” “如果是,你不用担心。” Wang Yao light saying, I am I, Wang Family is Wang Family, if because of the relations of Wang Yue, Wang Family these people does not pull on shoes to me does not match.” 王瑶平淡的说道,“我是我,王家王家,如果不是因为王越的关系,王家那些人给我提鞋都不配。” The Chen Feng mind jumps. 陈锋心神一跳。 You with the Wang Yue gratitude and grudges, oneself solve.” “你跟王越的恩怨,自己解决。” Wang Yao looked at Chen Feng one, the look is faint, „...... I had said as for Wang Family helps you make a move three times, the life-saving kills people, in this......” 王瑶看了陈锋一眼,神色淡漠,“至于王家……我说过帮你出手三次,无论是救人还是杀人,这里面……” Wang Yao sweet smiles, killing intent is astonishing: Including the Wang Family person.” 王瑶甜甜一笑,杀意惊人:“包括王家的人。” sī — 嘶— In the Chen Feng heart holds breath a cold air/Qi. 陈锋心中倒吸一口冷气。 Good including the Wang Family person! 好一个包括王家人! The distinction that he looks, this little miss will not deceive him, does not need! killing intent when speaking of Wang Family, in the little miss eyes flashes through is really astonishing! 他看的分明,这小姑娘不会骗他,也没必要!在说到王家的时候,小姑娘眼中闪过的杀意着实惊人! This indicated 这说明 If he makes Wang Yao kill some Wang Family people, she will really kill! 如果他让王瑶杀一些王家人,她真的会杀! Some this terrifying. 这就有些恐怖了。 Is this little miss, really the Wang Family person? No, if she is the Wang Family person, by her talent, Wang Family should train her to be right with emphasis, why can train Wang Yue? 这小姑娘,真的是王家人?不,如果她是王家人,以她的天赋,王家应该重点培养她才对,为什么要培养王越 But she clearly is Wang Yue own Elder Sister, this was surprised. 可她分明是王越姐姐,这就惊奇了。 Wang Yao, who are you? 王瑶,你到底是谁 I will not handle these things.” “我本不会做这些事情。” Wang Yao said suddenly in a soft voice, I help these things that Wang Yue handles now, helps him do as Elder Sister finally, if he is besotted, keeps Wang Family as before, his future......” 王瑶忽然轻声道,“我现在帮王越做的这些事情,也是作为一个姐姐最后帮他做的,若是他执迷不悟,依旧留在王家,他的未来……” Wang Yao all has been said that but Chen Feng hear of soul-stirring of as before. 王瑶言尽于此,但是陈锋听的依旧惊心动魄。 Wang Family...... 王家…… Wang Yao...... 王瑶…… Their relations are not really simple. 他们的关系果然不简单。 Why said these to me?” “为什么跟我说这些?” Chen Feng asked suddenly. 陈锋忽然问道。 Heart secret conceals is too long, tired.” “心底秘密藏太久,累。” The Wang Yao nimble and resourceful double pupil flashes through a confusedness, quickly becomes pure brightness, light saying: Does not make you be able rest assured that you will give me Sea Dragon Blood Essence?” 王瑶灵动的双眸闪过一丝迷茫,很快又变得清明,淡淡的说道:“不让你放心,你会把海龙精血交给我?” Chen Feng static visits her. 陈锋静静的看着她。 Wang Yao also raised the head, looks at the Chen Feng's eye. 王瑶也是抬起头,看着陈锋的眼睛。 Time. 时间。 As if in this moment static. 似乎在这一刻静止。 Chen Feng suddenly discovered, this strength terrifying, the little miss of cold Aoru frost , other side has, he looks at the eye of Wang Yao, as if sees myriad world. 陈锋忽然发现,这个实力恐怖,冷傲如霜的小姑娘,也有着另一面,他看着王瑶的眼睛,似乎看到万千世界。 For a long time. 许久。 You such definitely in my hands?” “你就这么肯定在我手中?” Chen Feng sighed. 陈锋叹气。 Intuition.” “直觉。” Wang Yao mischievous blinking. 王瑶调皮的眨眨眼睛。 You won.” “你赢了。” Chen Feng surrender. 陈锋投降了。 Cooperation is happy.” “合作愉快。” Wang Yao light putting out a hand. 王瑶淡淡的伸出手。 Chen Feng shakes hand with her, felt that warms like the jade. 陈锋跟她握手,感觉温暖如玉。 Returns to the camp. 回到营地。 Wang Yue bored waited some little time. 王越已经无聊的等了好一会了。 Elder sister.” “姐。” Sees Wang Yao and Chen Feng comes back, Wang Yue hurries, we......” 看见王瑶陈锋回来,王越赶紧上去,“我们……” You first go back.” “你先回去吧。” Wang Yao beckons with the hand, I with the Chen Feng also a little matter.” 王瑶摆摆手,“我跟陈锋还有点事情。” „???” “???” Wang Yue face confused. 王越一脸懵逼 This is nothing? Did he shut out? 这算什么?他又被嫌弃了? Looks that Elder Sister brings Chen Feng to leave, he very not wonderful premonitions, the paralysis, won't Chen Feng develop own brother-in-law suddenly? 看着姐姐带着陈锋离开,他忽然有一种很不妙的预感,麻痹的,陈锋不会发展成自己的姐夫吧? fuck! 靠! That picture thinks to infiltrate the person. 那画面想想就渗人。 No, cannot.” “不,不会的。” Wang Yue muttered, Elder Sister was his idol, how to have a liking for Chen Feng this type of trash! They have certainly the matter, certainly! 王越喃喃自语,姐姐可是他的偶像,怎么会看上陈锋这种渣渣!他们一定是有事,一定! In fact. 事实上。 Chen Feng and Wang Yao really have the proper business. 陈锋王瑶真有正事。 Nearby ruined Dragon's Passing Mountain, shore, when Chen Feng from a shrubbery, discovers by Sea Dragon Blood Essence that the sand buries time, a Wang Yao face is speechless. 已经毁掉的龙逝山附近,岸边,当陈锋从一个灌木丛中,找出被沙子埋住的海龙精血的时候,王瑶一脸无语。 Therefore......” “所以……” You under our eyes did hide took away Sea Dragon Blood Essence?” “你就在我们眼皮子底下就拿走了海龙精血?” Wang Yao rubs own small face. 王瑶揉揉自己的小脸。 cough cough.” 咳咳。” Chen Feng coughs. 陈锋咳嗽一声。 „......” “……” What can Wang Yao say? 王瑶能说什么? Bold? 胆大包天? But others succeeded! 可是人家成功了! To be honest, if not this time to help oneself relieves restriction, she has not really been possible to find the problem, but finally, she also suspects nothing more even if. 说实话,如果不是这次为了帮助自己解除禁制,她还真不一定能发现问题,而哪怕最后,她也只是怀疑而已 This Chen Feng, is really uncommon. 这个陈锋,果然不凡。 Two people do not have the stay is too long, Wang Yao soon brings Chen Feng to leave. 两人没有停留太久,王瑶很快带着陈锋离开。 But after two people leave, powerful Spiritual Energy has swept from here together, stays for a long time, has not discovered anything, this vanishes quietly. 而就在两人离开之后,一道强大的精神力从这里扫过,停留许久,没有发现什么,这才悄然消失。 Strange......” “奇怪……” Clearly feels anything......” “分明感觉到什么……” Misconception?” “错觉么?” ** ** Night. 夜深。 Gold City, rented room. 金城,出租屋。 Chen Feng came back. 陈锋回来了。 After Wang Yao delivers to the urban district, him walked. 王瑶将他送到市区之后就走了。 Chen Feng go home, actually the feeling unprecedented relaxedness, Sea Dragon Blood Essence delivered, the stone in his heart fell to the ground finally. 陈锋自己一个人回家,却感觉前所未有的轻松,海龙精血送出去了,他心中的石头终于落地。 After this thing succeeds in obtaining, he has been worried! 这玩意到手之后,他一直在担心! Because he has no special method to shield, therefore was for fear that investigated by certain strange abilities, has been worried can have an accident! 因为他没有什么特殊的手段可以屏蔽,所以生怕被某些奇异的能力侦查出来,一直担心会出事! Is good because, these person not these methods. 好在,那些人并没有这些手段。 Was picked by the Wang Yao roadside, is the tour of this time cold deep pool, Chen Feng felt oneself as if owe debt of thanks, this feeling, making him very uncomfortable. Now with Sea Dragon Blood Essence that a drop could not use also the favor, but also traded three lives, he thought that this wave did not owe. 况且,无论是被王瑶路边捡到,还是这次的寒潭之行,陈锋都觉得自己似乎欠了人情,这种感觉,让他很不爽。如今用一滴用不上的海龙精血还了人情,还换了三条命,他觉得这波不亏。 At least 至少 He currently has with the right of Wang Yao equal dialog. 他现在有了跟王瑶平等对话的权利。 Was a little too androcentrism?” “是不是有点太大男子主义了?” Chen Feng self-ridiculed that smiles. 陈锋自嘲一笑。 Why does not know, in front of this small Elder Sister, he does not want to seem base and low by own status, even if his present strength is very weak. 不知道为何,在这位小姐姐面前,他就是不想让自己的身份显得卑微,哪怕他现在的实力还是很弱。 Cannot want is too many.” “不能想太多。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 At present raises own level is most important! 眼下提升自己的水准才是最重要的! Meets by chance the mutate(d) person and cold deep pool tour, making the Chen Feng's gene attribute be in a brand-new stage, the overall strength is to climb to increase to a new peak! 偶遇变异人和寒潭之行,让陈锋的基因属性进入一个崭新的阶段,整体实力更是攀增到一个新的高峰! gene attribute: 基因属性: strength: 50 力量:50 agility: 50 敏捷:50 constitution: 50 体质:50 spirit: 100 精神:100 Presently condition: 当前状态: Physical strength: 50 / 50( each constitution promotes 1 physical strength upper limit) 体力:50/50(每一点体质提升一点体力上限) Spiritual Energy: 100 / 100( each spirit promotes 1 points of Spiritual Energy upper limit) 精神力:100/100(每一点精神提升一点精神力上限) ...... …… 100 points!” “100点了!” The Chen Feng mind shakes, finally sufficed! 陈锋心神震荡,终于够了! According to the beforehand speculation, Strongest Gene that Golden Ant gene transforms, needs to consume probably 90 points of Spiritual Energy, massive Luck Value! 根据之前推测,金蚁基因改造的最强基因,需要消耗大概90点精神力,还有大量的幸运值 I should be able to attempt now to surpass the limit!” “我现在应该可以尝试超越极限了!” But, limit breakthrough requires the time, will not have the too big promotion to E Grade, does not need to worry, Strongest Gene does is most important!” “但是,极限突破需要时间,就算到了E级也不会有太大提升,不用着急,最强基因做出来才是最重要的!” Chen Feng analyzes silently. 陈锋默默分析。 Presently first goal, manufacture of Strongest Gene! 当前第一目标,最强基因的制作! Opens the experimental box. 打开实验箱。 Chen Feng from the safe refrigerator of seal, puts out Golden Ant blood essence that seals, somewhat is immediately helpless, on that full blood essence grew some green wools. 陈锋从密封的保险冷柜中,拿出封存的金蚁精血,顿时有些无奈,那原本饱满的精血上面长了一些绿毛。 Deteriorated......” “变质了……” Chen Feng forced smile. 陈锋苦笑。 The Golden Ant blood essence warranty is only three days. 金蚁精血保质期只有三天。 He prepared the three portions Golden Ant gene blood essence material before, one portion manufactures successfully, the one portion manufacture failure, one portion does not have the time to use finally, seals simply, wants to try the effect, has not thought that then passed 1-2 days, this blood essence material was really bad. 他之前准备了三份金蚁基因精血材料,其中一份制作成功,其中一份制作失败,最后一份没时间使用,干脆封存起来,想试试效果,没想到这才过了1-2的时间,这份精血材料果然坏了。 However, unlike these low level Formula(s), High Star Grade Formula(s), blood essence is only small parts in all materials, the cultivation fluid of gene duplication is the big end. 不过,跟那些低级配方不一样,高星级配方,精血只是所有材料中的一小部分,基因复制的培育液才是大头。 It seems like can only wait.” “看来只能等等了。” Chen Feng hesitates. 陈锋沉吟。 Solely is not the Golden Ant blood essence issue, his Luck Value also only has 3 points! 不单单是金蚁精血的问题,他的幸运值也只剩下三点! Previous Gene Manufacture first two steps consumed 15 Luck Value, the final cultivation fluid debugging and Gene Fusion, do not know that must consume many! 上次基因制作前两步就消耗了15点幸运值,最终的培育液调试和基因融合,更是不知道要消耗多少! At least needs to prepare 40 points!” “至少要准备40点!” Chen Feng had the idea. 陈锋有了主意。 Although possibly has more than enough so many, but is forearmed is best. 尽管可能用不了这么多,但是有备无患是最好的。 Happen , the two days time, was used to prepare Golden Ant blood essence and some materials. Chen Feng money on hand is not much left , can only prepare these. 正好,这两天的时间,用来准备金蚁精血和一些材料。陈锋手头的钱所剩无几,也只能够准备这些了。 It seems like must put together one finally.” “看来要最后拼一把了。” Chen Feng has high morale. 陈锋斗志昂扬。
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