“轰!”Fearfulstrengthcondensesin the Chang Huhand.
可怕的力量在常虎手中凝聚。ThatfarultraE Gradestrengthemerges, twoare not inferiorcompared with a dragondragon that Chen Fengmetinitially, brilliance that condenses, inthis moment, bangtoChen Feng.
那远超E级的力量涌现,比起当初陈锋遇到的龙一龙二也不逊色,那凝聚的光辉,在这一刻,轰向陈锋。„Chen Feng!”
The Wang Yaocomplexionchanges.王瑶脸色微变。
The breakthrough of Wang Yueis still continuing, sheis unable to act.王越的突破还在继续,她根本无法出手。„Bang!”
“轰!”Dazzlingwhite lighteruption.
完了。Wang Yaosighedonesecretly.王瑶暗叹一声。Whydoes not know, inherheartunexpectedlysomewhatinexplicablelosing.
要消失了吗?Inherheartmuttered, subconsciouslooked that toposition that Chen Fengwas, actuallysurpriseddiscovery, there, Chen Fengstillstrongis standing!
Is Chen Fengalso living?陈锋还活着?Wang Yaosmallmouthslightlysomewhatsurprised.王瑶小嘴微张有些吃惊。Chen Feng, is really living!陈锋,真的活着!Histranquilstanding there, even the complexiondoes not haveoneto change countenance, butin front ofhim, should a fistbangkillChen Feng'sChang Hu, actuallykneels downin front ofChen Feng.
The ground, was pounded a big hole!
到底发生什么?No oneknows.
没人知道。Alwayssees throughallWang Yao, somewhatwas blurry.
A Chang Hulowroar, fillingwas unwilling.常虎一声低吼,充满了不甘心。„hē hē.”
The Chen Fengcorners of the mouthrevealwipe the happy expression, bends the waist, saidin the Chang Huearin a soft voice: „intentnotunexpected? Is pleasantly surprised?”陈锋嘴角露出一抹笑意,弯下腰,在常虎耳边轻声道:“意不意外?惊不惊喜?”„Ikilledyou!”
“我杀了你!”Chang Huangrily roars.常虎怒吼。terrifyingstrengthis ascending, however......恐怖的力量在升腾,然而……Hedid not move!
The leg, broke.
The hand, was waste.
手,废了。Regardless ofhowhecannot think, gene that Gene Virusfirstcrushes, unexpectedlyishisbodygene! Unexpectedlyfirstmadehishands and feetallwaste! Heis not the spiritTypesoldier, heis the constitutionTypesoldier, the genebreak of handandfoot, makinghimbecome the disabled personthoroughly!
A Chang Hufacecollapse.常虎一脸崩溃。Did not say that thisprobabilityis very small?
不是说这种几率很小吗?Did not say, although the geneconsumptionis random, because the ultra-highgeneattributeandGene Abilityoccupied99.99%geneweight/quantity, will consumegenestillfirstto startfromhere? Evenis notthesegene, whycanstartsfrom the hand and foot?
为什么?!Chang Huis not really clear.常虎真的不明白。„Youwill not understand.”
The Chen Fengcorners of the mouthflash throughwipe the happy expression.陈锋嘴角闪过一抹笑意。WhenheknowsGene Virusisgenereagent of gamblingnature, heknows, Chang Hu, thistimereallymustgo down on hands and knees!
“结束吧。”Chen Fenglifts the wrist/skill.陈锋抬起手腕。„xiū!”
“咻!”Wind Edgeflashes through.风刃闪过。Chang Hu, death.常虎,死。
The dust on Chen Fengballballclothes, tranquilityas always, lookstoremainingonlyperson——WuFan.陈锋弹弹衣服上的灰尘,一如既往的平静,看向剩下的唯一一个人——吴凡。„, Was one's turnyou?”
“那么,轮到你了?”Chen Fengsmiles.陈锋笑笑。„Do not killme.”
“不要杀我。”WuFanis flurried, looked that the Chen Feng'slooklooks at the devilprobably.
吴凡慌乱,看陈锋的眼神像是看魔鬼。Onesecondcutsto killtwoGenetic Warrior, eventakesChang Hu that the Gene Virusbattle efficiencyincreased, kneels downin front ofChen Feng, is hepossibly an opponent?
一秒斩杀两名基因战士,甚至连服用了基因病毒战斗力大增的常虎,也跪倒在陈锋面前,他怎么可能是对手?Heis only a student!
他只是个学生啊!„Iwas wrong.”
“我错了。”WuFanspeaks incoherently, „Iwantto snatch the thingto run, Ido not wantto kill people, youcannotkillme, youwant the thing, Igiveyou, youwanthow muchmoneyto be good.”
吴凡语无伦次,“我只是想抢了东西跑的,我没想杀人的,你也不能杀我,你要东西,我给你,你要多少钱都行。”Chen Feng: „......”陈锋:“……”
The Gold Cityhigh schoolchild, is I.Qsolow?金城高中孩子,智商都这么低吧?Chen Fengshakes the head.陈锋摇摇头。Alsoyes.
The brainmustreallysufficient, howdaresto snatchWang Yao?
脑子要真的够用,怎么敢抢王瑶?„wēng ——”
“嗡——”Chen Fenglifts the handslightly.陈锋微微抬起手。„Iam the Wu Familyperson.”
“我是吴家人。”„Mycousinis very strong!”
“我堂哥很强!”„Mycousin is also very fierce!”
“我表姐也很厉害!”„Youkilledme is very troublesome.”
“真的……”„Youdisliketo troubleis right?”
“你讨厌麻烦对不对?”WuFanlooks that Chen Fengapproachesgradually, almost the collapse, „do not killme, reallydo not killme, Imade a mistake, youcannotkillme, ourWu Familyis very strong.”
“啊啊啊啊——”WuFanpanic-strickenunceasingretreat, unceasingimploredwithvariousways: „Chen Feng, youare only an average person, does not needwithourWu Familyto opposeright? Do Igiveyoumoneyto be good?”
吴凡惊恐的不断后退,不断的用各种方式祈求:“陈锋,你只是一个普通人,没必要跟我们吴家作对对吧?我给你钱好不好?”„hē hē.”
“呵呵。”Chen Fengshakes the headto smile.陈锋摇头笑笑。„Finished.”
忽!Wind Edgeflashes through.风刃闪过。Bloodstainsplash.
血迹飞溅。Chen Fenglookcalmfearfulness.陈锋神色冷静的可怕。Has saved itselfregardingone, canunder the killerperson, count on that whatgoodthinghecanbe? Heaffirmed, iflets offWuFan, behindis the realbigtrouble!
拍拍手。Chen Fenghas a look at the sky, thatblood-colornighttime skyvanished.陈锋看看天空,那血色的夜空消失了。All, finished.
一切,结束了。„YoukilledWuFan, doesn't fear the Wu Familyperson?”
“你就这么杀了吴凡,不怕吴家人?”In the Wang Yaoeyeflashes throughcuriously.王瑶眼中闪过好奇。„WuFan?”
“吴凡?”Chen Fengshows the look of doubts, „who is that?”陈锋露出疑惑的神色,“那是谁?”„Pū.”
“噗。”Wang Yaosmiled, the nimble and resourcefulbigeyesmiled the crescent moonto be curved, was very moving.王瑶笑了出来,灵动的大眼睛笑成了月牙弯,很是动人。„Some of myalsoissueswantto askyou.”
“我也有问题想问你。”Chen Fengaskedsuddenly, „, iftheydo wantto moveyoubold?”陈锋忽然问道,“如果他们胆大包天想动你呢?”„Un......”
“嗯……”Wang Yaois crooked the headto think, somewhatregrettablesaying: „Thatlooked likeWang Familyonly to raiseWang Yuefor a lifetime.”王瑶歪着脑袋想了想,有些遗憾的说道:“那看来王家只能养王越一辈子了。”„hā hā.”
“哈哈。”Chen Fenglaughs.陈锋大笑。WorthilyisWang Yao!
Was thisratherWang Yuebecomes the disabled personalso to killthem?
可以的!Heis certainnow, thisWang Yao, absolutelyis not an average person! Althoughsheis very goodtoWang Yue, butChen Fengstillcannot see a warmthfromherlook.
Is Wang Yao, who?王瑶,到底是谁?Obviouslyis the biologicalsister and brother, obviously......
明明是亲姐弟,明明……Chen Fengconcluded, onher, decideshoweverhas the bigsecret.陈锋断定,她身上,定然有着大秘密。However, whodoesn't have?
The Chen Fengcorners of the mouthshow the smile.陈锋嘴角露出笑容。For a long time.
许久。Wang Yueaurastartsto vibratesuddenly, powerfulstrengtheruptsinstantaneously, allillusioncrushinthisflash, Wang Yue, return!王越身边的气息忽然开始抖动,一股强大的力量瞬间爆发,所有的幻境在这一瞬间粉碎,王越,回归!„Bang!”
The purplelight ballcracks.
紫色光球崩裂。Wang Yueopens the eye, is somewhat pleasantly surprised, „did Ibreak through?”王越睁开眼睛,有些惊喜,“我突破了?”„hā hā, reallybroke through.”
“哈哈,真的突破了。”Wang Yueis wild with joy.王越狂喜。Waitsto turn head, seesChen Fengalreadysobers the time, immediatelyunderstands clearly, „should younot have the breakthroughlimit?”
等回过头,看见陈锋已经清醒的时候,顿时了然,“你应该没有突破极限吧?”HefeltChen Fengaura, reallyF Grade!
他感觉了陈锋身上的气息,果然还是F级!„hē hē.”
“呵呵。”Wang Yueis self-satisfied, „howyour does Spiritual Energycatch up withme? Firstbreaks through the limitsteps intoE Grademe! So long assuccessful integrationthatgene......”王越得意,“你精神力追上我又如何?最先突破极限踏入E级的还是我!只要成功融合那个基因……”„Bang!”
The Wang Yaohandlehetramplesflies.王瑶一脚把他踹飞。„Elder sister!”
The Wang Yuegrievance, his performanceclearlyChen Fengis much better, why to hithim.王越委屈,他这次表现分明比陈锋好得多,为什么要打他。„Not veryloses face?”
“还不够丢人么?”Wang Yaolooksto the front, lightsaying.王瑶看向前方,淡淡的说道。Butat this time, Wang Yuenoticedonepiece in groundin confusion, thatseveralcorpses, thisknows,likelyhadsomemattera moment ago.
“走吧。”Wang Yaohad not explained.王瑶没有解释。„?”
“?”Wang Yuefaceconfused.王越一脸懵逼。Chen Fenghas not paid attention tohim, the Spiritual Energyconsumption was a little a moment ago big, heseized the chanceto restore, butincolddeep pool edge, hepicked a strangeobject.陈锋也没有理会他,刚才精神力消耗有点大,他趁机恢复了一下,而在寒潭边上,他捡到了一个奇怪的物体。„Isthatnameplate.”
“是那个铭牌。”Chen Fenghas graspedconveniently.陈锋顺手抓过。Thisisonthatgreat turtlecarries.
这是那巨龟身上携带的。Duma......杜马……Chen Fenghesitationmoment.陈锋沉吟片刻。Is the name of thatturtle? Alsoor......
是那个乌龟的名字?又或者……Shaking the head.
摇摇头。Chen Fenghas not cared, takes advantage of opportunityto receive, takes a breaksame place, waits for the spiritconditionto restore, Wang Yaoleadsthemto return to the green mountainforestcamp.陈锋没有在意,顺势收起来,原地休息片刻,等精神状态恢复,王瑶带着他们回到青山林营地。„Bye.”
“再见。”Yesterday'sbenevolence, Chen Fengnotlikewiththeir many disputes.
“等等。”Wang Yaoopens the mouthsuddenly.王瑶忽然开口。„Has the matter?”
“有事?”SomeChen Fengunexpected.陈锋有些意外。
The Wang Yaodelicatenosewrinkled the wrinkle, thinks saying: „Under youcomewithme.”王瑶秀气的鼻子皱了皱,想了想道:“你跟我来下。”Said.
说罢。ShebringsChen Fengto go out.
她带着陈锋出去。„Elder sister??”
“姐??”Wang Yuefaceconfused.王越一脸懵逼。Washebreaks throughE Gradeobviously, was Elder Sistersohow strangeto the Chen Feng'sattitude? could it behebreaks through, what happened?
明明是他突破到了E级,怎么姐姐对陈锋的态度这么奇怪?难道他突破的时候,发生了什么事情?Wang Yueis confused.王越一头雾水。Butat this time.
营地外。Wang YaoSpiritual Energyhas sweptin the surroundings, after determiningno one, thislookstoChen Feng, the lookshows the happy expression: „Iwas indefinite, but the performancelooks likefromtoday......”王瑶精神力在周围扫过,确定无人之后,这才看向陈锋,眼神露出笑意:“原本我不确定的,但是从今天你的表现看来……”„Whatmatter?”
The Chen Fengeyenarrows the eyes.陈锋眼睛一眯。„Sea Dragon Blood Essence, inyourthere?”
“海龙精血,在你那里吧?”Wang Yaoopens the mouthsuddenly.王瑶忽然开口。
??!Chen Fengheartfiercejumps.陈锋心脏猛的一跳。PS: Collects the Chen Feng'sE Gradefusionability, somecan‚90° Below Zeroi’messageOh~has a look ateveryoneto havewhatwonderful ideain the beginningbook reviewandmymeagerness...... some woodenwords, Ideferred to the establishedprogramto launch~
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