SG :: Volume #1

#54: Viral killer!

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Bang!” “轰!” Fearful strength condenses in the Chang Hu hand. 可怕的力量常虎手中凝聚。 That far ultra E Grade strength emerges, two are not inferior compared with a dragon dragon that Chen Feng met initially, brilliance that condenses, in this moment, bang to Chen Feng. 那远超E级力量涌现,比起当初陈锋遇到的龙一龙二也不逊色,那凝聚的光辉,在这一刻,轰向陈锋 Chen Feng!” 陈锋!” The Wang Yao complexion changes. 王瑶脸色微变。 The breakthrough of Wang Yue is still continuing, she is unable to act. 王越的突破还在继续,她根本无法出手。 Bang!” “轰!” Dazzling white light eruption. 刺眼的白光爆发。 Ended. 完了。 Wang Yao sighed one secretly. 王瑶暗叹一声。 Why does not know, in her heart unexpectedly somewhat inexplicable losing. 不知道为何,她心中居然有些莫名的失落。 Variable...... 变数…… Can vanish? 要消失了吗? In her heart muttered, subconscious looked that to position that Chen Feng was, actually surprised discovery, there, Chen Feng still strong is standing! 她心中喃喃自语,下意识的看向陈锋所在的位置,却惊讶的发现,那里,陈锋依然坚挺的站着! Is Chen Feng also living? 陈锋还活着? Wang Yao small mouth slightly somewhat surprised. 王瑶小嘴微张有些吃惊。 Chen Feng, is really living! 陈锋,真的活着! His tranquil standing there, even the complexion does not have one to change countenance, but in front of him, should a fist bang kill Chen Feng's Chang Hu, actually kneels down in front of Chen Feng. 他平静的站在那里,甚至脸色都没有一丝动容,而他面前,本该一拳轰杀陈锋的常虎,却跪倒在陈锋面前。 The ground, was pounded a big hole! 地面,被砸出一个大坑! What exactly has? 到底发生什么? No one knows. 没人知道。 Always sees through all Wang Yao, somewhat was blurry. 就连一向看穿一切的王瑶,都有些迷糊了。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” A Chang Hu low roar, filling was unwilling. 常虎一声低吼,充满了不甘心。 hē hē.” 呵呵。” The Chen Feng corners of the mouth reveal wipe the happy expression, bends the waist, said in the Chang Hu ear in a soft voice: intent not unexpected? Is pleasantly surprised?” 陈锋嘴角露出一抹笑意,弯下腰,在常虎耳边轻声道:“意不意外?惊不惊喜?” I killed you!” “我杀了你!” Chang Hu angrily roars. 常虎怒吼。 terrifying strength is ascending, however...... 恐怖力量在升腾,然而…… He did not move! 他动不了! The leg, broke. 腿,断了。 The hand, was waste. 手,废了。 Regardless of how he cannot think, gene that Gene Virus first crushes, unexpectedly is his body gene! Unexpectedly first made his hands and feet all waste! He is not the spirit Type soldier, he is the constitution Type soldier, the gene break of hand and foot, making him become the disabled person thoroughly! 他无论如何也想不到,基因病毒最先粉碎的基因,居然是他身体基因!居然先让他的手脚全废了!他不是精神类型的战士,他是体质类型的战士啊,手部和脚部的基因断裂,让他彻底成了废人! How can...... 怎么会…… A Chang Hu face collapse. 常虎一脸崩溃。 Did not say that this probability is very small? 不是说这种几率很小吗? Did not say, although the gene consumption is random, because the ultra-high gene attribute and Gene Ability occupied 99.99% gene weight/quantity, will consume gene still first to start from here? Even is not these gene, why can starts from the hand and foot? 不是说尽管基因消耗是随机的,但是因为超高的基因属性和基因能力占据了99.99%的基因分量,就算消耗基因也会先从这里开始吗?就算不是这些基因,为什么偏偏要从手部和脚部开始? Why?! 为什么?! Chang Hu is not really clear. 常虎真的不明白。 You will not understand.” “你不会明白的。” The Chen Feng corners of the mouth flash through wipe the happy expression. 陈锋嘴角闪过一抹笑意。 When he knows Gene Virus is gene reagent of gambling nature, he knows, Chang Hu, this time really must go down on hands and knees! 在他知道基因病毒是赌博性质的基因试剂的时候,他就知道,常虎,这次是真的要长跪不起了! Finished.” “结束吧。” Chen Feng lifts the wrist/skill. 陈锋抬起手腕。 xiū! 咻! Wind Edge flashes through. 风刃闪过。 Chang Hu, death. 常虎,死。 The dust on Chen Feng ball ball clothes, tranquility as always, looks to remaining only person Wu Fan. 陈锋弹弹衣服上的灰尘,一如既往的平静,看向剩下的唯一一个人吴凡。 „, Was one's turn you?” “那么,轮到你了?” Chen Feng smiles. 陈锋笑笑。 Do not kill me.” “不要杀我。” Wu Fan is flurried, looked that the Chen Feng's look looks at the devil probably. 吴凡慌乱,看陈锋的眼神像是看魔鬼。 One second cuts to kill two Genetic Warrior, even takes Chang Hu that the Gene Virus battle efficiency increased, kneels down in front of Chen Feng, is he possibly an opponent? 一秒斩杀两名基因战士,甚至连服用了基因病毒战斗力大增的常虎,也跪倒在陈锋面前,他怎么可能是对手? He is only a student! 他只是个学生啊! I was wrong.” “我错了。” Wu Fan speaks incoherently, I want to snatch the thing to run, I do not want to kill people, you cannot kill me, you want the thing, I give you, you want how much money to be good.” 吴凡语无伦次,“我只是想抢了东西跑的,我没想杀人的,你也不能杀我,你要东西,我给你,你要多少钱都行。” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” The Gold City high school child, is I.Q so low? 金城高中孩子,智商都这么低吧? Chen Feng shakes the head. 陈锋摇摇头。 Also yes. 也是。 The brain must really sufficient, how dares to snatch Wang Yao? 脑子要真的够用,怎么敢抢王瑶 wēng — 嗡— Chen Feng lifts the hand slightly. 陈锋微微抬起手。 I am the Wu Family person.” “我是吴家人。” My cousin is very strong!” “我堂哥很强!” My cousin is also very fierce!” “我表姐也很厉害!” You killed me is very troublesome.” “你杀了我会很麻烦的。” Really......” “真的……” You dislike to trouble is right?” “你讨厌麻烦对不对?” Wu Fan looks that Chen Feng approaches gradually, almost the collapse, do not kill me, really do not kill me, I made a mistake, you cannot kill me, our Wu Family is very strong.” 吴凡看着陈锋渐渐逼近,几乎崩溃,“不要杀我,真的不要杀我,我错了,你不能杀我,我们吴家很强的。” Ahhhhhhh 啊啊啊啊 Wu Fan panic-stricken unceasing retreat, unceasing implored with various ways: Chen Feng, you are only an average person, does not need with our Wu Family to oppose right? Do I give you money to be good?” 吴凡惊恐的不断后退,不断的用各种方式祈求:“陈锋,你只是一个普通人,没必要跟我们吴家作对对吧?我给你钱好不好?” hē hē.” 呵呵。” Chen Feng shakes the head to smile. 陈锋摇头笑笑。 Finished.” “结束吧。” His tranquil waving. 他平静的挥了挥手。 Suddenly! 忽! Wind Edge flashes through. 风刃闪过。 Bloodstain splash. 血迹飞溅。 Chen Feng look calm fearfulness. 陈锋神色冷静的可怕。 Has saved itself regarding one, can under the killer person, count on that what good thing he can be? He affirmed, if lets off Wu Fan, behind is the real big trouble! 对于一个救过自己,都能下杀手的人,指望他能是什么好东西?他肯定,如果放过吴凡,后面才是真正的大麻烦! Clapping. 拍拍手。 Chen Feng has a look at the sky, that blood-color nighttime sky vanished. 陈锋看看天空,那血色的夜空消失了。 All, finished. 一切,结束了。 You killed Wu Fan, doesn't fear the Wu Family person?” “你就这么杀了吴凡,不怕吴家人?” In the Wang Yao eye flashes through curiously. 王瑶眼中闪过好奇。 Wu Fan?” “吴凡?” Chen Feng shows the look of doubts, who is that?” 陈锋露出疑惑的神色,“那是谁?” .” “噗。” Wang Yao smiled, the nimble and resourceful big eye smiled the crescent moon to be curved, was very moving. 王瑶笑了出来,灵动的大眼睛笑成了月牙弯,很是动人。 Some of my also issues want to ask you.” “我也有问题想问你。” Chen Feng asked suddenly, „, if they do want to move you bold?” 陈锋忽然问道,“如果他们胆大包天想动你呢?” Un......” “嗯……” Wang Yao is crooked the head to think, somewhat regrettable saying: That looked like Wang Family only to raise Wang Yue for a lifetime.” 王瑶歪着脑袋想了想,有些遗憾的说道:“那看来王家只能养王越一辈子了。” hā hā.” 哈哈。” Chen Feng laughs. 陈锋大笑。 Worthily is Wang Yao! 不愧是王瑶 Was this rather Wang Yue becomes the disabled person also to kill them? 这是宁可王越成为废人也要杀了他们? Ok! 可以的! He is certain now, this Wang Yao, absolutely is not an average person! Although she is very good to Wang Yue, but Chen Feng still cannot see a warmth from her look. 他现在可以肯定,这个王瑶,绝对不是一般人!尽管她对王越很好,但是陈锋依然从她的眼神中看不到一丝温暖。 That feeling...... 那种感觉…… Very strange. 很奇怪。 Is Wang Yao, who? 王瑶,到底是谁? Obviously is the biological sister and brother, obviously...... 明明是亲姐弟,明明…… Chen Feng concluded, on her, decides however has the big secret. 陈锋断定,她身上,定然有着大秘密。 However, who doesn't have? 不过,谁没有呢? The Chen Feng corners of the mouth show the smile. 陈锋嘴角露出笑容。 For a long time. 许久。 Wang Yue aura starts to vibrate suddenly, powerful strength erupts instantaneously, all illusion crush in this flash, Wang Yue, return! 王越身边的气息忽然开始抖动,一股强大的力量瞬间爆发,所有的幻境在这一瞬间粉碎,王越,回归! Bang!” “轰!” The purple light ball cracks. 紫色光球崩裂。 Wang Yue opens the eye, is somewhat pleasantly surprised, „did I break through?” 王越睁开眼睛,有些惊喜,“我突破了?” hā hā, really broke through.” 哈哈,真的突破了。” Wang Yue is wild with joy. 王越狂喜。 Waits to turn head, sees Chen Feng already sobers the time, immediately understands clearly, „should you not have the breakthrough limit?” 等回过头,看见陈锋已经清醒的时候,顿时了然,“你应该没有突破极限吧?” He felt Chen Feng aura, really F Grade! 他感觉了陈锋身上的气息,果然还是F级 hē hē.” 呵呵。” Wang Yue is self-satisfied, how your does Spiritual Energy catch up with me? First breaks through the limit steps into E Grade me! So long as successful integration that gene......” 王越得意,“你精神力追上我又如何?最先突破极限踏入E级的还是我!只要成功融合那个基因……” Bang!” “轰!” The Wang Yao handle he tramples flies. 王瑶一脚把他踹飞。 Elder sister!” “姐!” The Wang Yue grievance, his performance clearly Chen Feng is much better, why to hit him. 王越委屈,他这次表现分明比陈锋好得多,为什么要打他。 Not very loses face?” “还不够丢人么?” Wang Yao looks to the front, light saying. 王瑶看向前方,淡淡的说道。 But at this time, Wang Yue noticed one piece in ground in confusion, that several corpses, this knows, likely had some matter a moment ago. 而这个时候,王越才注意到地面上的一片狼藉,还有那几具尸体,这才知道,刚才可能发生了一些事情。 Walks.” “走吧。” Wang Yao had not explained. 王瑶没有解释。 „?” “?” Wang Yue face confused. 王越一脸懵逼 Chen Feng has not paid attention to him, the Spiritual Energy consumption was a little a moment ago big, he seized the chance to restore, but in cold deep pool edge, he picked a strange object. 陈锋也没有理会他,刚才精神力消耗有点大,他趁机恢复了一下,而在寒潭边上,他捡到了一个奇怪的物体。 Is that nameplate.” “是那个铭牌。” Chen Feng has grasped conveniently. 陈锋顺手抓过。 This is on that great turtle carries. 这是那巨龟身上携带的。 Duma...... 杜马…… Chen Feng hesitation moment. 陈锋沉吟片刻。 Is the name of that turtle? Also or...... 是那个乌龟的名字?又或者…… Shaking the head. 摇摇头。 Chen Feng has not cared, takes advantage of opportunity to receive, takes a break same place, waits for the spirit condition to restore, Wang Yao leads them to return to the green mountain forest camp. 陈锋没有在意,顺势收起来,原地休息片刻,等精神状态恢复,王瑶带着他们回到青山林营地。 Bye.” “再见。” Yesterday's benevolence, Chen Feng not like with their many disputes. 昨天的恩情也还了,陈锋并不像跟他们过多纠葛。 Wait.” “等等。” Wang Yao opens the mouth suddenly. 王瑶忽然开口。 Has the matter?” “有事?” Some Chen Feng unexpected. 陈锋有些意外 The Wang Yao delicate nose wrinkled the wrinkle, thinks saying: „Under you come with me.” 王瑶秀气的鼻子皱了皱,想了想道:“你跟我来下。” Said. 说罢。 She brings Chen Feng to go out. 她带着陈锋出去。 Elder sister??” “姐??” Wang Yue face confused. 王越一脸懵逼 Was he breaks through E Grade obviously, was Elder Sister so how strange to the Chen Feng's attitude? could it be he breaks through, what happened? 明明是他突破到了E级,怎么姐姐陈锋的态度这么奇怪?难道他突破的时候,发生了什么事情? Wang Yue is confused. 王越一头雾水。 But at this time. 而此时。 Outside camps. 营地外。 Wang Yao Spiritual Energy has swept in the surroundings, after determining no one, this looks to Chen Feng, the look shows the happy expression: I was indefinite, but the performance looks like from today......” 王瑶精神力在周围扫过,确定无人之后,这才看向陈锋,眼神露出笑意:“原本我不确定的,但是从今天你的表现看来……” What matter?” “什么事?” The Chen Feng eye narrows the eyes. 陈锋眼睛一眯。 Sea Dragon Blood Essence, in your there?” 海龙精血,在你那里吧?” Wang Yao opens the mouth suddenly. 王瑶忽然开口。 ??! ??! Chen Feng heart fierce jumps. 陈锋心脏猛的一跳。 PS: Collects the Chen Feng's E Grade fusion ability, some can 90° Below Zero i message Oh ~ has a look at everyone to have what wonderful idea in the beginning book review and my meagerness...... some wooden words, I deferred to the established program to launch ~ PS:征集陈锋的E级融合能力,有的可以在起点书评和我的微薄‘零下九十度i’留言~看看大家有什么奇思妙想……木有的话,我就按照既定大纲展开了~
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