SG :: Volume #1

#53: Gene Virus

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Fights a battle to force a quick decision.” “速战速决。” Chang Hu ordered. 常虎下令。 Three E Grade Genetic Warrior, clash toward Chen Feng. 三个E级基因战士,向着陈锋冲来。 Three do E Grade cope with F Grade? 三个E级对付一个F级 This is not a fight of rank! 这根本就不是一个级别的战斗! sōu! 嗖! Three people charge into Chen Feng. 三人冲向陈锋 „.” “呵。” Chen Feng sneers. 陈锋只是冷笑一声。 Also yes, previous time with Xu Fei their together times, he is only a Beginner Grade Manufacturist status. Should this pitiful child, not have to experience to act? 也是,上次跟徐飞他们一起的时候,他只是一个初级制作师的身份。这个可怜的孩子,应该没见识过自己出手吧? This time, will make you experience.” “这次,会让你见识的。” In the Chen Feng mouth muttered. 陈锋口中喃喃自语。 Dies!” “死来!” stretch/open Ling majors in the agility attribute, the speed is strange, first rushes to side Chen Feng, her speed is fastest, most is fierce, copes with Chen Feng this low level Gene Manufacturist, generally is insta-kill! 张玲主修敏捷属性,速度奇怪,第一个冲到陈锋身边,她的速度最快,也最是凶猛,对付陈锋这种低级的基因制作师,一般都是秒杀 shuā! 刷! The cold light flashes through. 寒光闪过。 However, no one has thought, Chen Feng erupted at this time. 然而,谁也没想到,陈锋在这个时候爆发了。 Goes!” “去!” Chen Feng void finger/refers. 陈锋虚空一指。 xiū! 咻! A series of Wind Edge bloom from his hand. 一连串风刃从他手中绽放。 First even/including ten rounds! 一连十发! Be careful!” “小心!” Chang Hu calls out in alarm. 常虎一声惊呼。 Has rushed to Chen Feng front stretch/open Ling, defends radically without enough time, can only look helplessly Wind Edge have delimited deep scars on the body! 已经冲到陈锋面前的张玲,根本来不及防守,只能眼睁睁看着一道道风刃在身上划过一道道深深的伤痕! But together, has delimited from her neck, bloodstain splash. 而其中一道,从她的脖子上划过,血迹飞溅。 Death! 死! stretch/open Ling, died like this. 张玲,就这样死了。 The fragrant disappearing jade perishes. 香消玉殒。 Everyone is shocked, did a E Grade soldier this die? 所有人震惊,一个E级战士就这就死了? No one has thought! 谁也没想到! Wu Fangeng is dumbfounded, does not dare to imagine, this previous time also takes advantage of gene reagent Chen Feng, now why so terrifying! 吴凡更是目瞪口呆,根本不敢想象,这个上次还只是依仗基因试剂陈锋,现在为什么如此恐怖 Next.” “下一个。” The Chen Feng corners of the mouth show the cold and gloomy smile. 陈锋嘴角露出森冷的笑容。 100 points of Spiritual Energy! 100点精神力啊! Crisp! 爽! Rises dramatically 100 points from 32 points, the Chen Feng's battle efficiency is assumes how much to climb to increase! Infinite Wind Edge might, to shocking situation! If powerhouse in E Grade, he has really not dared to annoy, but only several obviously are not the strong E Grade soldier...... 从32点一路飙升100点,陈锋的战斗力更是呈几何式攀增!无限风刃的威力,更是到了骇人听闻的地步!如果是E级中的强者,他还真不敢惹,但是区区几个明显不算强的E级战士…… Is a wool? 算个毛? Ling!” “玲儿!” Angry roaring, another person in Chang Hu team to/clashes crazily. 一声愤怒的咆哮,常虎队伍中的另外一个人疯狂的冲来。 Goes.” “去。” Chen Feng waves lightly. 陈锋淡淡挥挥手。 wēng — 嗡— A salvo jumps instantaneously shoots! 一连发瞬间迸射! You think that the father will fear you?” “你以为老子会怕你?” That person angrily roars. 那人怒吼。 Bang!” “轰!” Bunch deep-blue ice crystal condenses in his right hand arm, ruthlessly is killing to the in the air Wind Edge bang, terrifying strength shakes in this flash. 一团团湛蓝色冰晶在他右手臂凝聚,狠狠的对着空中的风刃轰杀下去,恐怖力量在这一瞬间震荡。 2-Star secret skill, ice crystal fist. 二星秘技,冰晶拳。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Ten Wind Edge were destroyed in the flash, reveals that person of fierce facial features, „, if not the sneak attack, you think you can kill Ling? Only F Grade, the father lets your blood debt blood......” 十道风刃在一瞬间被摧毁,露出那人狰狞的面容,“如果不是偷袭,你以为你能杀的了玲儿?区区一个F级,老子让你血债血……” Be careful!” “小心!” Chang Hu calls out in alarm. 常虎一声惊呼。 What?” “什么?” That person has turned head suddenly, this frightened discovery, when does not know, several Wind Edge that most starts to kill people, have not vanished unexpectedly, but transferred! Each Wind Edge, is carrying the terrifying speed, kills from the back to him. 那人猛然回过头,这才惊悚的发现,不知道何时,那最开始杀了人的几道风刃,居然没有消失,而是转回来了!每一道风刃,都携带着恐怖的速度,从背后杀向他。 Damn.” “该死。” He turns round to resist hurriedly. 他匆忙回身抵挡。 Bang!” “轰!” Also is a fist, ice crystal scatters. 又是一拳,冰晶四溅。 He is finally broken the Wind Edge bang, the instance that however, this he has turned around, in the Chen Feng hand blooms again ten Wind Edge, passes through him! 他终于将风刃轰碎,然而,就这个他转过身的瞬间,陈锋手中再次绽放十道风刃,将他生生贯穿! You......” “你……” His inconceivable looks at Chen Feng. 他不可思议的看着陈锋 Ten Wind Edge? 十道风刃 Also ten? 又十道? Also ten? 又十道? What this is damn ability? 这到底是什么见鬼的能力? hē hē.” 呵呵。” Chen Feng is only light smiling, looks to Chang Hu, „that remaining you?” 陈锋只是淡淡的笑笑,看向常虎,“那么,就剩下你了?” The Chang Hu complexion is ugly. 常虎脸色难看。 Manufacturist? 制作师 Damn Manufacturist! 见鬼的制作师 Your family Manufacturist battle efficiency as powerful as this situation? 你家制作师战斗力强悍到这种地步? A insta-kill person! 秒杀一人! Merely two seconds, his two companions, agility reaches as high as 300 points, strength reaches as high as 260 points E Grade Genetic Warrior, did not have! 仅仅两秒时间,他的两个同伴,一个敏捷高达300点,一个力量高达260点的E级基因战士,就这么没了! Dies in a F Grade hand? 死在一个F级手中? How possibly? 怎么可能? who are you?” 你到底是谁?” Chang Hu somewhat panic-stricken angry roaring. 常虎有些惊恐的怒吼。 Chen Feng, Beginner Grade Manufacturist.” 陈锋,一个初级制作师。” Chen Feng gives a calm smile. 陈锋淡然一笑。 Manufactures you to lull!” “制作你麻痹!” Chang Hu angrily roars, father does not believe that today cannot kill you, killed you, all things are my, what Wang Family, what Wu Family, father leaves Gold City, does not fear you.” 常虎怒吼,“老子就不信,今天杀不了你,杀了你,所有东西都是我的,什么王家,什么吴家,老子离开金城,根本不怕你们。” kā! 咔! kā! 咔! The Chang Hu whole body muscle inflates, turns into the golden color, just like angry glare King Kong. 常虎浑身肌肉膨胀,变成金色,宛若怒目金刚 Kills me?” “杀我?” Come!” “来啊!” Chang Hu angrily roars. 常虎怒吼。 Bang!” “轰!” Chen Feng's Wind Edge falls, only leaves behind together white seal on him, simply has not caused any damage. 陈锋的风刃落下,在他身上只留下一道浅浅的白印,根本没有造成任何伤害。 hā hā, this strength?” 哈哈,就这点力量?” Chang Hu laughs wildly, father constitution reaches as high as 450 points, coordinates Gene Ability, could not kill me, your F Grade peak, Spirit Attribute still only had 100 points even, even Gene Ability was strong, cannot break the defense of father!” 常虎狂笑,“老子体质高达450点,配合基因能力,根本杀不了我,你就算是F级巅峰,精神属性也只有100点,就算基因能力再强,也破不了老子的防御!” Yes?” “是么?” Chen Feng sneers. 陈锋只是冷笑。 sōu! 嗖! sōu! 嗖! A series of Wind Edge congeal in the hand unceasingly, float in the air, side Chen Feng, forms the Wind Edge dance, just like the fallen leaf is ordinary, unceasing revolving. 一连串的风刃不断在手中凝结,悬浮空中,在陈锋身边,形成风刃舞,犹如落叶一般,不断的旋转。 dāng dāng!” 当当!” Wind Edge fall several times, has not caused the damage to Chang Hu, solely is not the constitution powerful reason, what is more important, Chang Hu Gene Ability! 风刃几次落下,都没对常虎造成伤害,不单单是体质强悍的原因,更重要的是,常虎基因能力 „Can you my what?” “你能奈我何?” Chang Hu disdains radically. 常虎根本不屑。 Yes?” “是么?” The Chen Feng faint smile, such strong ability, how long can you support?” 陈锋似笑非笑,“这么强大的能力,你能支持多久?” The Chang Hu complexion changes. 常虎脸色微变。 Enrages me intentionally, wants to make me go all out with you now? hē hē, does not worry, in any case I not anxiously departure, un, making me think......” “故意激怒我,是想让我跟你现在拼命吧?呵呵,不着急,反正我又不急着离开,嗯,让我想想……” Once your Gene Ability does vanish or Wang Yue is sober?” “一旦你的基因能力消失或者王越清醒的话?” Chen Feng said with a smile, „was really perfect.” 陈锋笑道,“真是完美啊。” Damn.” “该死。” The Chang Hu complexion is ugly. 常虎脸色难看。 No matter method of goading somebody into action uses, the present student is so how clever, just like Chen Feng said that Chen Feng can delay the time, he is not good! 激将法不管用,现在的学生怎么都这么猴精,正如陈锋所说的,陈锋可以拖延时间,他不行! This is you compels my.” “这是你逼我的。” Chang Hu took a deep breath, I am not willing to use.” 常虎深吸一口气,“我本来不愿意用的。” Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh......” 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊……” Chang Hu fills some type of liquid suddenly, face upwards the long and loud cry, astonishing matter happened. 常虎忽然灌下某种液体,仰天长啸,惊人的事情发生了。 Day. 天。 Black. 黑了。 The sunny sky turns into the blood-color. 晴朗的天空变成血色。 A round of blood-red full moon from the sky appears, the Chang Hu body sends out a frightening ability, this is not the ordinary E Grade soldier can have! 一轮血红色的圆月在空中出现,常虎身上散发出一股令人恐惧的能力,这绝不是普通E级战士所能拥有的! Blood moon/month?!” “血月?!” The Wang Yao complexion is dignified. 王瑶脸色凝重。 Blood moon/month?” “血月?” Some Chen Feng unexpected. 陈锋有些意外 This Gene Virus.” “这一种基因病毒。” Wang Yao small face unprecedented serious, gene in human body has the infinite potential, but this virus through crushes gene forcefully, in a short time significantly promotes own strength, finally may cause gene attribute permanent to drop, some Gene Ability to vanish and other consequences, naturally, may lose some irrelevant gene.” 王瑶小脸前所未有的严肃,“人体内的基因拥有无穷潜力,而这种病毒就是通过强行粉碎基因,短时间内大幅度提升自己的力量,最终可能会造成基因属性永久下降、某种基因能力消失等后果,当然,也有可能只是损失一些无关基因。” Unexpectedly this reagent?” “居然还有这种试剂?” Chen Feng shock. 陈锋震惊。 Having, but this Gene Virus is the forbidden articles.” “有,但是这种基因病毒都是禁品。” Wang Yao reminded Chen Feng, this thing might was huge, unusual terrifying, did not permit the use! Does not know how this fellow gets so far as, you must be careful.” 王瑶提醒陈锋,“这东西威力巨大,非常恐怖,根本不允许使用!不知道这家伙怎么弄到的,你要小心点。” Virus......” “病毒……” The Chen Feng eye narrows the eyes. 陈锋眼睛一眯。 During this, he has attacked Chang Hu actually, however is not useful, every time said Wind Edge can only leave behind white seal on Chang Hu, wants to eliminate him, must wait for his Gene Ability duration to finish. But at this time, Chang Hu regained consciousness from that strange condition. 这期间他其实攻击过常虎,然而并没有什么用,每道风刃都只能在常虎身上留下浅浅的白印,想要消灭他,必须等他的基因能力持续时间结束。而这个时候,常虎从那种奇异状态中苏醒。 intent not unexpected?” “意不意外?” Chang Hu vision dense grinning fiendishly. 常虎目光森然的狞笑。 Bang!” “轰!” within the body strength shakes. 体内一股力量震荡。 Really is perfect strength.” “真是完美的力量啊。” Chang Hu muttered. 常虎喃喃自语。 Uses this type of thing, even if won you is still waste.” “动用这种东西,就算赢了你也废了。” Chen Feng light saying. 陈锋淡淡的说道。 Which how?” “哪又如何?” Chang Hu grins fiendishly, killed you, the old innertube the thing is making a getaway, who can control me? Had these things, the father later did not practice even can still be rich.” 常虎狞笑,“杀了你,老子带着东西逃之夭夭,谁能管得了我?有了这些东西,老子以后就算不修炼也能富甲一方。” You think that I can't do to you?” “你以为我奈何不了你?” hē hē, naive.” 呵呵,天真。” From now on, this is my home game!” “从现在开始,这是我的主场!” Chang Hu laughs wildly. 常虎狂笑。 Yes?” “是么?” Chen Feng sneers, that tries.” 陈锋冷笑,“那就试试吧。” The Chang Hu whole body golden light goes pale, when he completes the transformation, Gene Ability also quiet disappearance of his King Kong angry glare. 常虎周身金光淡去,在他完成蜕变的时候,他那个金刚怒目的基因能力也悄无声息的消失。 Is now!” “就是现在!” In Chen Feng eye cold light twinkle. 陈锋眼中寒光闪烁。 wēng — 嗡— All Wind Edge sweep across in the Chen Feng body side crazily. 所有的风刃陈锋身侧疯狂席卷。 Strong winds chaotic dance! 狂风乱舞! Bang!” “轰!” All Wind Edge fall in torrents under. 所有风刃倾泻而下。 About hundred Wind Edge that Chen Feng this half of the day controls, erupt in this flash, everywhere deep-blue Light Edge, blotting out the sky is pounding to Chang Hu, terrifying in this way. He believes, even the Chang Hu defensive power is strong, by so many Light Edge centralized same positions, still might be injured! 陈锋这半天控制的近百道风刃,在这一瞬间爆发,漫天的湛蓝色光刃,铺天盖地的对着常虎砸去,恐怖如斯。他相信,就算常虎防御力再强,被这么多光刃集中同一个位置,也有可能受伤! However, Chang Hu is fierce smiles. 然而,常虎只是狰狞一笑。 To father po!” “给老子破!” Bang!” “轰!” Chang Hu acted. 常虎出手了。 wēng — 嗡— Astonishing strength blooms from the Chang Hu hand. 一股惊人的力量常虎手中绽放。 Bang!” “轰!” A light fist rumbles, earth-shaking. 平淡的一拳轰出,石破天惊。 Bang!” “轰!” A loud sound. 一声巨响。 All Wind Edge were crushed in the flash unexpectedly, that seems like the imposing manner to be imposing, conquering the whole world about hundred deep-blue Light Edge, did not have unexpectedly! 所有风刃居然在一瞬间被粉碎,那看上去气势凛然,席卷天下的近百道湛蓝色光刃,居然就这么没了! Was too weak.” “太弱了。” Chang Hu sneers. 常虎冷笑。 Airborne. 空中。 That blood moon/month sparkles. 那轮血月闪耀。 Chen Feng even can feel, the space of Chang Hu whole body presents the distortion, because strength of blood moon/month is too powerful, will therefore overflow from Chang Hu within the body? 陈锋甚至能感觉到,常虎周身的空间出现扭曲,因为血月的力量太强大,所以才会从常虎体内溢出么? Chen Feng has a look at the sky, he is seeking for the flaw. 陈锋看看天空,他在寻找破绽。 strength of blood moon/month is strong, is impossible to affect this world truly! He can affect, only then their several people, with this flake region! 血月的力量再强,也不可能真正影响这个世界!他所能影响的只有他们几个人,和这一小片区域! This entire blood-color world, possibly is the false appearance that powerful strength carries! 这整个血色世界,可能都是强大力量所携带的假象! That blood moon/month, is inevitably false! 那轮血月,必然也是假的! How to collapse? 如何破局? Chen Feng vision staring. 陈锋目光凝视。 However, Chang Hu at all not to the opportunity of Chen Feng ponder, after a fist breaks Chen Feng's Wind Edge, his appearance fierce looks at Chen Feng, killing intent reveals completely. 然而,常虎根本不会给陈锋思考的机会,一拳破掉陈锋的风刃之后,他面目狰狞的看着陈锋,杀意毕露。 I have said that this is my home game!” “我说过,这是我的主场!” Now.” “现在。” Dies to the father!” “给老子去死吧!” shuā! 刷! The Chang Hu figure sticks out suddenly suddenly. 常虎身形猛然暴起。
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