SG :: Volume #1

#52: You were certainly insane

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Drew near?” “快到了吗?” The Wang Yao corners of the mouth show the light smile. 王瑶嘴角露出淡淡的笑容。 It seems like this younger brother has not calculated that cannot hold the mud of wall, Wang Family trains him with emphasis is some truth, as for Chen Feng...... 看来这个弟弟还不算是扶不上墙的烂泥,王家重点培养他还是有些道理的,至于陈锋…… „Isn't your even this opportunity really able to grasp?” “你真的连这种机会都无法把握吗?” Wang Yao shakes the head, she is somewhat regrettable. 王瑶摇摇头,她有些遗憾。 Because of the Dragon's Passing Mountain event, she compares to favor to Chen Feng, will therefore also draw in Chen Feng to the life and death extremely boundary in conveniently, but has not thought...... 因为龙逝山的事件,她对陈锋还是比较看好的,所以才会顺手将陈锋也拖入到生死极境之中,但是没想到…… kā! 咔! A light sound. 一声轻响。 The strange sound conveys from the distant place. 奇异的声音从远处传来。 Has the person? 有人? Wang Yao has a look at also Chen Feng and Wang Yue in illusion, brow wrinkled, this may some not be wonderful. 王瑶看看还在幻境中的陈锋王越,眉头微皱,这可有些不妙啊。 Treads the tread! 蹬蹬! The disorderly sound of footsteps transmits, the group as if have nothing to conceal, arrived here, when sees Wang Yao several people, both sides were shocked. 杂乱的脚步声传来,一行人似乎根本没有任何掩饰,就到了这里,当看见王瑶几人的时候,双方都愣住了。 Is you?” “是你?” Wang Yao thought. 王瑶想起来了。 Wu Fan, a younger brother's schoolmate, previous Dragon's Passing Mountain has seen. 吴凡,弟弟的一个同学,上次龙逝山见过。 Wang Yao?” 王瑶?” Wu Fan complexion changes. 吴凡脸色微变。 At this time, how to bump into Wang Yao? Then has a look to fall into Chen Feng and Wang Yue in illusion again, he somewhat understood suddenly, „are you helping them break through?” 这个时候,怎么会碰到王瑶?再回头看看陷入幻境中的陈锋王越,他忽然有些明白了,“你在帮助他俩突破?” Leaves here.” “离开这里。” Wang Yao coldly (calmly) swept their one eyes, no longer opens the mouth. 王瑶冷冷的扫了他们一眼,不再开口。 „Did you know?” “你认识?” Chang Hu looks at some Wu Fan of fear. 常虎看着有些畏惧的吴凡。 Wang Family person.” 王家人。” Wu Fan said in a low voice, walks.” 吴凡低声道,“走吧。” He thinks subconscious wants to have several people to leave, looked here is somewhat mystical, thinks that what treasure, has not thought will run into these people, unlucky! 他想下意识的就想带着几人离开,原本只是看这里有些神神秘秘的,以为有什么宝物,没想到会遇到这几个人,晦气! What some unexpected is, Chang Hu at this time, had not listened unexpectedly his, but is the vision greedy looks to Wang Yao. 只是,有些意外的是,常虎这个时候,居然没有听他的,而是目光贪婪的看向王瑶 „Is she Wang Family person?” “她是王家的人?” Chang Hu asked suddenly. 常虎忽然问道。 You were insane!” “你疯了!” Wu Fan is fearful and apprehensive, this woman strength very terrifying.” 吴凡胆战心惊,“这女人实力很恐怖的。” What does a kid fear?” “一个小屁孩怕什么?” Chang Hu sneers, terrifying? A your F Grade soldier knows that what is terrifying? 常虎冷笑,恐怖?你一个F级战士知道什么叫恐怖 On her has many treasures?” “她身上有不少宝物吧?” Chang Hu licks the dry lip, greedy saying: Managing her is not strong, is useful? Now this condition, she cannot move, otherwise that two fellow will certainly become the disabled person! So long as is not excessive, she will definitely not begin! Good can such opportunity, how let off?” 常虎舔舔干涩的嘴唇,贪婪的说道:“管她强不强,有什么用?现在这个状态,她根本不能动弹,不然那两个家伙一定会成为废人!只要不过分,她肯定不会动手的!这么好的机会,怎么能放过?” You were insane.” “你疯了。” Wu Fan retrocedes panic-stricken. 吴凡惊恐的后退。 Snatches Wang Yao? 王瑶 This is fellow ignorant? 家伙到底多无知? The Chang Hu words made him think of something suddenly. 只是,常虎的话让他忽然想到了一些东西。 According to the family member said that Wang Family this time really has very great anticipation to Wang Yue, prepared some powerful E Grade gene reagent to Wang Yue! Since he now in breakthrough, perhaps that gene reagent on him? If that thing obtain...... 根据家里人说的,王家这次对王越真的有很大期待,给王越准备了某种强大的E级基因试剂!既然他现在在突破的话,或许那个基因试剂在他身上?如果那东西自己得到的话…… Perhaps rises is not Wang Yue, but is his Wu Fan? 或许崛起的就不是王越,而是他吴凡? As for Wang Yao...... 至于王瑶…… Her does could it be also dare killer under the urban district? 难道还敢在市区下杀手 Right! 对! That gene reagent...... 那个基因试剂…… Wu Fanxin moved. 吴凡心动了。 Hands over all your things.” “交出你们身上所有东西。” Wu Fan opens the mouth, the vision looks to Wang Yao: We will not offend somebody, therefore you do not need to give up them going all out with us, we want the thing, does not offend somebody!” 吴凡开口,目光看向王瑶:“我们不会伤人的,所以你不用放弃他们两个人跟我们拼命,我们只要东西,不伤人!” You are courting death.” “你在找死。” Wang Yao small face flood cold. 王瑶小脸泛冷。 We want the thing!” “我们只要东西!” Wu Fan clenches teeth, you, if hesitates, do not blame us not being impolite.” 吴凡咬咬牙,“你要是再犹豫,别怪我们不客气了。” Why rubbish with her?” “跟她废话干吗?” Chang Hu sneers, begins to snatch directly.” 常虎冷笑,“直接动手抢。” Do not overdo it.” “别乱来。” stretch/open Ling held on him, she saw that little girl is not right, perhaps Wu Fan said right, if really ends with loss of life, the little girl acts recklessly, we really may die here!” 张玲拉住了他,她看出那个小女孩不对劲,“或许吴凡说的没错,如果真闹出人命,小女孩不顾一切出手的话,我们真有可能死在这里!” Yes?” “是么?” Chang Hu looked at the moment on Wang Yao, point to nod that finally dreads. 常虎王瑶身上看了片刻,最终还是忌惮的点点头 Hands over the thing, otherwise I first killed this boy!” “交出东西,不然我先杀了这小子!” Chang Hu referred to Wang Yue, is ugly-looking, he by enough these sons of the influential, must butcher the wealthy and powerful family today! 常虎指了指王越,面目狰狞,他受够了这些公子哥了,今天就要宰一宰大户! Do not delay the time.” “别拖延时间。” Chang Hu sneers, „, otherwise I first download his arm.” 常虎冷笑,“不然我就先卸掉他一个手臂。” I give you.” “我给你。” Wang Yao coldly (calmly) visits them, finally agreed. 王瑶冷冷看着他们,最终同意。 stretch/open Ling, you goes.” “张玲,你去。” Chang Hu makes stretch/open Ling pass. 常虎让张玲过去。 Un.” “嗯。” stretch/open Lingmai the small broken step in the past, takes the thing of Wang Yao waist packet, looks at the Wang Yao light look, the whole body cold sweat, does not dare to stay for one second. 张玲迈着小碎步过去,将王瑶腰间小包的东西拿出来,看着王瑶淡淡的眼神,浑身冷汗,不敢多停留一秒。 But in that packet...... 而那小包之中…… This is......” “这是……” The people look that these reagent were shocked! This little miss thing, unexpectedly so many! Moreover many reagent, are priceless. 众人看着那些试剂惊呆了!这小姑娘身上的东西,居然这么多!而且很多试剂,都是价值连城。 Sent.” “发了。” Chang Hu and the others had a parched mouth. 常虎等人口干舌燥。 How many excited dividing the booty, even that has not wiped cold intent who notices in the Wang Yao eye to hide, is her Wang Yao thing so good to take? 几个人激动的分赃,甚至没有注意到王瑶眼中隐藏的那一抹冷意,她王瑶的东西是那么好拿的? She had decided, waits for Wang Yue and Chen Feng is sober, will make them live to might as well die! 她已经决定,等王越陈锋清醒,会让他们生不如死! But at this time. 而这时。 Wu Fan also walks, dug up Wang Yue thing directly, the aura of Wang Yue this moment whole body constantly changes, obviously had arrived at the breakthrough edge. 吴凡也走过去,把王越身上的东西直接扒了下来,王越此刻周身的气息不断变化,显然已经到了突破边缘。 Walks quickly!” “快走!” He broke through quickly completes.” “他快突破完成了。” Wu Fan looks at reagent in hand to be excited. 吴凡看着手中的试剂激动不已。 Searches for the thing of that person.” “搜一搜那个人的东西。” Chang Hu referred to Chen Feng, told: Attains leaves immediately.” 常虎指了指陈锋,吩咐道:“拿到立刻离开。” Hurry up.” “快点。” Wu Fan some are impatient, what good thing can the Chen Feng body have? 吴凡有些不耐烦,陈锋身上能有什么好东西? Compels nothing more poorly. 一个穷逼而已 However, unexpectedly, when that person bumps into the Chen Feng's flash, the eyes that Chen Feng that shuts tightly open suddenly, tramples to fly him. 然而,出乎意料的是,当那个人碰到陈锋的一瞬间,陈锋那紧闭的双眼骤然睁开,将他一脚踹飞出去。 What person?” “什么人?” Chen Feng drinks coldly. 陈锋一声冷喝。 He, was sober. 他,清醒了。 Wang Yao somewhat astonished looks at Chen Feng one, the illusion had not finished, was he unexpectedly sober? 王瑶有些惊异的看着陈锋一眼,幻境还没结束,他居然清醒了? How possibly? 怎么可能? The life and death boundary, final limit breakthrough, looks for powerful BOSS extremely, devastates you unceasingly, gives you pressure and crisis, breaks through until you! 生死极境,最后的极限突破,就是找一个强大的BOSS,不断蹂躏你,给你压力和危机,直到你突破! Even if you died, can the rebirth! 哪怕你死了,都能重生! But now 而现在 Did he awake unexpectedly? 他居然醒了? Wang Yao is astonished. 王瑶惊异。 But at this time, Chen Feng coldly (calmly) looks presents several people who at present, touches his instance in some people, he in the flash erupts Wind Edge that in the illusion saves, cuts to massacre that Mutated Beast, returns to the reality directly! 而此时,陈锋冷冷的看着眼前出现的几个人,在有人触碰他的瞬间,他就将幻境中积攒的风刃在一瞬间爆发,斩杀掉那个变异兽,直接回归现实! Because he is maintaining ultra-high vigilant! 因为他一直保持着超高警惕! Not only guards against the enemy...... 不仅仅防备敌人…… Also must guard against Wang Yao and Wang Yue! 还要防备王瑶王越 Even if he has somewhat known about Wang Yao now, but Chen Feng own life, will not give them, especially Wang Yue also in situation. 哪怕他现在对王瑶已经有些了解,但是陈锋也不会将自己的性命,交给他们,尤其王越也在的情况下。 Therefore, he has been ready! 所以,他早已经做好了准备! However, does the matter unexpectedly is these people at present, looks the thing that Wu Fan and in Chang Hu hand takes, Chen Feng understood anything. 但是没想到,搞事的居然是眼前这几个人,看着吴凡和常虎手中拿的东西,陈锋明白了什么。 „Do you dare to rob unexpectedly?” “你们居然敢抢劫?” Chen Feng was shocked. 陈锋惊呆了。 Really. 真的。 This is his first response. 这是他的第一反应。 Unexpectedly! 居然! Has the person! 有人! Dares to snatch Wang Yao?! 敢抢王瑶?! They were certainly insane! 他们一定是疯了! Especially sees Wu Fan time, he is the affirmation, this child is incurable. First did not say that Wang Yao has saved him, said that only Wang Yao this type can resist strength of principal, is really your student can start? 尤其是看到吴凡的时候,他更是肯定,这孩子已经没救了。先不说王瑶救过他,就单说王瑶这种能对抗校长的力量,真是你一个学生能下手的? This child simply does! 这孩子简直是作死! „Did you awake unexpectedly?” “你居然醒了?” Wu Fan does not feel wonderfully, greeted Chang Hu: We walk quickly.” 吴凡感觉不妙,招呼常虎:“我们快走。” What walks to walk?” “走什么走?” Chang Hu despises, does not kill this boy, making him inform Wang Family, can we also be able to get away?” 常虎鄙视,“不杀了这小子,让他通知了王家,我们还能走得了?” But...... “可是……。” Wu Fan hesitated, Chen Feng has saved him after all. 吴凡犹豫了,陈锋毕竟救过他。 However, quick, his look immediately becomes vicious, how has saved him? For this gene reagent, to become future powerhouse...... 不过,很快,他神色马上变得狠毒,救过他又如何?为了这个基因试剂,为了成为未来的强者…… Chen Feng, must die! 陈锋,必须死!
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