SG :: Volume #1

#49: Cold deep pool deep place

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This what thing?” “这什么东西?” Chen Feng is surprised. 陈锋惊讶。 Puts out a hand, bumps slightly. 伸出手,微微一碰。 wēng — 嗡— Mist shakes, Chen Feng was sprung by gentle strength. 一股雾气震荡,陈锋被一股柔和的力量弹出。 restriction? 禁制 Chen Feng shocks. 陈锋震撼。 Looks at the mist of in the air invisible congealment, he knows restriction that fierce of restriction, more powerful blood essence, manufactures is also complex! 看着空中无形凝结的雾气,他知道禁制的厉害,越强大的精血,制作出来的禁制也就越是复杂! However 但是 restriction that the mist composes? 雾气组成的禁制 blood essence? 精血呢? This is natural restriction.” “这是天然禁制。” The Wang Yao chilly sound conveys, this is drop of Fog Cloud Beast blood essence, evolves after the years, blood essence dissipates, the ability that in its blood essence contains with the surrounding mist ingenious union in one, formed this special natural restriction, is more powerful than general restriction.” 王瑶清冷的声音传来,“这本就是一滴雾云兽精血,经过岁月演化,精血逸散,它精血中蕴含的能力跟周围的雾气巧妙的结合在了一起,形成了这种特殊的天然禁制,比一般的禁制更强大。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 Puts out a hand, induces restriction again, Chen Feng enters Digitized Status, however, unexpectedly, this restriction not extremely complex. 伸出手,再次感应禁制,陈锋进入数维状态,然而,出乎意料的是,这种禁制并没有太过复杂。 kā! 咔! gene of defect found, restriction relieves, even has not used Luck Value. 缺失的基因找到,禁制解除,甚至都没有动用幸运值 shuā! 刷! The surrounding mist silent diverges, give away a channel. 周围的雾气无声散去,让出一条通道。 As if does not have any extraordinarily.” “似乎并没有什么出奇的。” Some Chen Feng doubts. 陈锋有些疑惑。 However, three people pass through this restriction, back mist unexpectedly quiet again closed, these restriction, played the role unexpectedly! 然而,三人走过这道禁制,背后的雾气居然悄无声息的再次闭合,那些禁制,居然又发挥作用了! Unexpectedly automatic closed? 居然会自动闭合? Infinite number of times? 无限次数么? The Chen Feng eye narrows the eyes, originally this is the natural restriction powerful place! 陈锋眼睛一眯,原来这才是天然禁制的强大之处! Thing that I want in the innermost.” “我要的东西在最里面。” Wang Yao leads the way in front. 王瑶在前面开路。 Un.” “嗯。” Chen Feng two people follow, steps into the fog deep place. 陈锋两人紧随其后,踏入云雾深处。 But at this time. 而此时。 green mountain forest camp. 青山林营地。 A well-equipped team appeared, one line of four people, at least three wear obviously good clothes, look at the material absolute value not poor. 一个装备精良的队伍出现了,一行四人,至少有三个穿着明显不俗的衣服,看材料绝对价值不菲。 Only middle that youngster, looks incomparably immature. 唯独中间那个少年,看上去无比稚嫩。 Wu Fan, here?” “吴凡,就在这里吗?” team leader Chang Hu opens the mouth to ask. 队长常虎开口问道。 Un.” “嗯。” Wu Fan is excited, my Fusing Genes Mutated Beast, in the fog of green mountain forest deep place. I now 25 : 00 agility, so long as 75 points can rush to 100 points!” 吴凡兴奋,“我融合基因变异兽,就在青山林深处的云雾之中。我现在25点敏捷,只要75点就能冲到100点!” Relax.” “放心。” Chang Hu selects to nod, „, since we wrapped your form, can certainly make you promote. 1 prime attribute 10,000 Yuan, 75 points total 750,000, other attributes are bestow, without issue?” 常虎点头,“既然我们包了你的单子,就一定能让你提升上去。一点主属性1万元,75点共计75万,其他属性算是赠送,没问题吧?” Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” Wu Fan is excited. 吴凡激动不已。 Finally can promote! 终于能提升了! Although his family/home is rich, what a pity in the family/home these people do not favor him, does not give him to arrange the specialist sparring partner, otherwise, will he be worse than Wang Yue? 他家虽然有钱,可惜家里那些人并不看好他,根本不给他安排专人陪练,不然的话,他怎么会比王越差? Is good because, accumulated two years of spending money to play the role finally! 好在,攒了两年的零花钱终于能起到作用了! Own present high school graduates, is reliable, does not need to be worried to have problems, Wang Yue that fellow rushed to 80 points, how can oneself fall behind? Especially after previous Dragon's Passing Mountain, he is deeply is more disappointed, therefore spends the high price, decides to rush to the F Grade peak. 自己如今高中毕业,基础扎实,根本不用担心出问题,王越家伙都冲到八十点了,自己怎么能落后?尤其是上次龙逝山之后,他更是深受打击,所以花大价钱,决定冲到F级巅峰。 That Chen Feng...... 还有那个陈锋…… Wu Fan clenches teeth, the trash that initially the fellow student association looked down upon, saved them unexpectedly, this most taunted. Today he must rush to the F Grade peak, then breaks through the limit, steps into E Grade! 吴凡咬咬牙,当初同学会看不起的垃圾,居然救了他们,这才是最嘲讽的。今天他一定要冲到F级巅峰,然后突破极限,踏入E级 When the time comes...... 到时候…… hēng hēng. 哼哼 Walks.” “走吧。” Chang Hu has a look at the weather, „your students, although the foundation is good, but the willpower is too bad, can only promote 1-2 gene one time, the promotion were many resulted in the crying father to shout mother on the pain, wanted to promote, must kill 40-50 appropriate Mutated Beast to be good, must be busy at work for several days.” 常虎看看天色,“你们这些学生虽然基础不错,但是意志力太差,一次只能提升1-2点基因,提升多了就痛得哭爹喊娘,想要提升上去,要杀40-50个合适的变异兽才行,得忙活好几天。” Therefore, on the road gives me peacefully!” “所以,路上给我安静点!” Chang Hu vision bone-chilling cold, this place is not low level Mutated Beast that only then you must strengthen, more terrible thing, if attracted powerful fellow to come, we may be unable to attend to you.” 常虎目光凛冽,“这地方可不是只有你要强化的低级变异兽,还有更可怕的东西,如果吸引了强大的家伙过来,我们可顾不得你。” Knows.” “知道啦。” Wu Fan impatient saying. 吴凡不耐烦的说道。 Chang Hu attitude? 常虎的态度? He does not care. 他根本不在意。 Only several E Grade soldiers, depend on the belt/bring person to promote the gene attribute to live, is alternative works a clan! 750,000 look, three people are busy at work for a week, finally average every day only then 10,000-20,000 Yuan can nothing more, what do in this time? 区区几个E级战士,靠着带人提升基因属性为生,也算是另类的打工一族!75万看着很多,三个人忙活一周,最后平均每天只有10,000-20,000元而已,在这个时代能干什么? The grassroots forever is the grassroots. 草根永远是草根。 In Wu Fanxin disdains, although in his family/home is less than Wang Yue to have the capital, but also is rich and powerful people's family/home, only several million do not place in the eye. 吴凡心中不屑,他家中虽然不及王越家有资本,但是也是富豪之家,区区几百万还是不放在眼中的。 Limelight do not let him act unreasonably.” “注意点别让他乱来。” Chang Hu did not feel relieved, said to side only female teammate stretch/open Ling in a low voice, „, if he randomly calls, blocked to me, cannot have other troubles.” 常虎还是不太放心,低声给身边唯一的女队友张玲说道,“如果他乱叫,给我封死了,绝不能出现其他乱子。” Understood.” “明白。” stretch/open Ling slightly to nod. 张玲微微点头 Walks.” “走吧。” In the Chang Hu eye flashes through despises. 常虎眼中闪过鄙夷。 This so-called second generation of rich he saw, hearts were higher than the day, think in own family/home rich, is admitted to a university, can sweep away the world, simply was laughable. 这种所谓的富二代他见多了,一个个心比天高,以为自己家里有钱,考上了大学,就可以横扫天下了,简直可笑。 The promotion of F Grade can spend to hire them to help, rushes to 100 points limits with ease, then? F级的提升可以花钱雇佣他们帮忙,轻松冲到100点的极限,然后呢? . 要知道。 The F Grade limit is 100 points, the E Grade limit is 1000 points. Promotes to surpass 3 points by them each time on the will of painful randomly calling, but also wants to promote rapidly? F级极限是100点,E级极限可是1000点。就以他们每次提升超过三点就痛苦的乱叫的意志,还想快速提升? Too naive! 太天真了! The resources of rich man are indeed powerful, can promote to be quicker than the average person, this is the timeless principle, but wants to become powerhouse finally, only by money is not possible. 有钱人的资源的确强大,能比一般人提升更快,这是亘古不变的法则,但是最终想要成为强者,只靠金钱是绝不可能的。 Let alone. 更何况。 gene strengthens and takes promotion reagent, is the training exercise, the attribute point that can increase normally, at most can arrive at the limiting condition! 无论是基因强化、服用提升试剂,还是训练锻炼,能够正常提升的属性点,最多也只能到了极限状态! To break through the limit? 想要突破极限? Also must spell! 还得拼! This type assists the person who reaches the limit through others, waits for limit breakthrough time, meets the deactivation absolutely you! 这种通过其他人辅助达到极限的人,等极限突破的时候,绝对会卡死你! Idiot.” “白痴。” Chang Hu sneers in secret, one line of four people step into the green mountain forest. 常虎暗中冷笑,一行四人踏入青山林。 But at this time. 而此时。 Chen Feng and the others had arrived at the fog deep place. 陈锋等人已经到了云雾深处。 When he personally sees Wang Yao to destroy completely Mutated Beast conveniently, loses conducts gene strengthens the time to Wang Yue, finally knows that the Golden Ant Gene Formula income why so lower. 当他亲眼看见王瑶随手灭掉一只变异兽,丢给王越进行基因强化的时候,终于知道金蚁基因配方收益比为何那么低了。 5-Star Formula(s), the difficulty is high, gene reagent that makes laboriously, as if is also this effect? 五星配方,难度还高,辛苦做出来的基因试剂,似乎也是这个效果? Mu Yuan said really right, this F Grade High Star Grade Formula(s) is giant pit, is good is the promotion manufactures Star Rating because of his main objective, otherwise definitely owed. 牧原说的果然没错,这种F级高星级配方就是一个巨坑,好在他的主要目标是提升制作星级,不然肯定亏死了。 Also, this gene reagent can only for promote normally, but also can only use one time, has no egg to use to limit breakthrough. 再说了,这种基因试剂只能适用于正常提升,还只能使用一次,对极限突破没有任何卵用。 Therefore. 所以说。 Is its main audience, these death dwelling Manufacturist that is disinclined to go out? 它的主要受众,是那些懒得出门的死宅制作师 Really is this/should elimination Formula(s).” “果然是该淘汰的配方。” A Chen Feng sigh. 陈锋一声叹息。 Your Spiritual Energy how many?” “你精神力多少了?” Wang Yao looks to Wang Yue. 王瑶看向王越 81 points.” “81点。” Wang Yue head high, chest out, happily looked at Chen Feng one, I have said that after leaving the school, I will surpass you by far, flings you after behind, you now how many Spiritual Energy?” 王越昂首挺胸,得意看了陈锋一眼,“我说过,当离开学校之后,我会远远的超过你,将你甩在身后,你现在多少精神力了?” 81 points.” “81点。” Chen Feng is unemotional. 陈锋面无表情。 What? 什么? The expression on Wang Yue face immediately one stiff, Wang Yao also somewhat looked at Chen Feng one surprisedly, Chen Feng what status she was too clear, unexpectedly also rushed to 81 points?! 王越脸上的表情顿时一僵,王瑶同样有些惊讶看了陈锋一眼,陈锋什么身份她太清楚了,居然也冲到了81点?! Thinks that pitiful condition that yesterday Chen Feng gene strengthened...... 想想昨天陈锋基因强化的那副惨状…… This Chen Feng, is not really ordinary! 这个陈锋,果然不一般! How possibly?” “怎么可能?” The Wang Yue delay, you talked nonsense?” 王越呆滞,“你瞎说的吧?” Shut up.” “闭嘴。” Wang Yao trampled his foot, not very loses face?” 王瑶踹了他一脚,“还不够丢人的?” Wang Yue lowers the head. 王越低下头。 Chen Feng is only light smiling. 陈锋只是淡淡的笑笑。 Your Spiritual Energy surpasses 80 points, suits Mutated Beast that your gene strengthens is not easy to look, almost should go to there.” “你精神力超过80点,适合你基因强化的变异兽已经不好找了,差不多该去那里了。” Wang Yao looks to the fog deep place. 王瑶看向云雾深处。 Powder!” “散!” Void. 虚空一点。 The surrounding fog dissipates instantaneously, unexpectedly give away a channel, on the road all low level restriction, unseals in the flash completely, this is the Wang Yao strength! 周围的云雾瞬间逸散,居然让出一条通道,路上所有低级禁制,在一瞬间全部解封,这就是王瑶的实力! The violence lifts a ban! 暴力解禁! Wang Yao took back the hand lightly. 王瑶淡淡的收回了手。 One line of three people step into, without the hindrance of fog, does not need to hunt and kill Mutated Beast, they arrive at the place that spring water flowed out to put quickly, that is a diameter dozens meters cold deep pool, the water current falls into the cold deep pool from the summit, turns into spring water to incite, flows from the ravine. 一行三人踏入,没了云雾的阻碍,也不需要猎杀变异兽,他们很快就到了泉水流出的地放,那是一个直径数十米的寒潭,水流从山巅落入寒潭之中,又变成泉水滋滋而下,从山间流淌而过。 But the cold deep pool center, has a lotus flower, is glittering the holy brilliance. 而寒潭中心,有着一株莲花,闪烁着圣洁的光辉。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Hiss ~ ~ ~ “嘶~~~ A physique huge python appears, the whole body brings terrifying killing intent, to/clashes toward three people, however, but also without and other Chen Feng recovered, sees in the Wang Yao hand the red light to flash through, has caught that python conveniently, twists one group of giant bread twists, lost conveniently. 一只体格庞大的巨蟒出现,浑身带着恐怖杀意,向着三人冲来,然而,还没等陈锋回过神来,就看见王瑶手中红光闪过,顺手抓过那条巨蟒,拧成一团巨大的麻花,随手丢了出去。 Bang!” “轰!” The python falls to the ground, was pounded to faint directly. 巨蟒落地,直接被砸昏过去。 Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” Is this protection Mutated Beast of this lotus flower? 这就是这朵莲花的守护变异兽 Pays silent tribute for it. 为它默哀。 Suddenly. 忽然。 The unusual fragrance appears, Chen Feng looks to the cold deep pool, the light mist appears from the water, gradually becomes rich, surrounds near the lotus flower, unexpectedly formed natural restriction! 异样的香气出现,陈锋看向寒潭,淡淡的雾气从水中浮现,渐渐变得浓郁,环绕在莲花附近,居然形成了天然禁制
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