SG :: Volume #1

#50: Life and death extremely boundary

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Came.” “来了。” The Chen Feng mind moves slightly. 陈锋心神微动。 He knows, this is Wang Yao is helped by oneself was busy. Although Wang Yao can definitely the violence destroy, perhaps but will that lotus flower also be ruined? 他知道,这就是王瑶让自己帮的忙了。虽然王瑶完全可以暴力摧毁,但是那莲花恐怕也会被毁掉吧? I come.” “我来。” Chen Feng said in a soft voice. 陈锋轻声道。 Yesterday Wang Yao rescued his life, he returns the favor today, only this nothing more. Completes this matter, he was also wrote off with Wang Yao, as for Wang Yue? 昨天王瑶救了他一命,他今天来还人情,仅此而已。完成这件事,他跟王瑶也算是一笔勾销了,至于王越 hē hē hē hē. 呵呵呵呵 wēng — 嗡— In the hand the flowing light twinkle, Chen Feng is preparing to solve restriction. 手中流光闪烁,陈锋正准备解禁制 „.” “等。” Wang Yao holds on him. 王瑶一把拉住他。 Un?” “嗯?” Some Chen Feng doubts. 陈锋有些疑惑。 Wang Yao shakes the head slightly, oneself walk up, the right hand lifted, aimed at that White Lotus flower. 王瑶微微摇头,自己走上前去,右手微抬,对准了那朵白莲花。 Bang!” “轰!” terrifying strength erupts instantaneously. 恐怖力量瞬间爆发。 Chen Feng mouth slightly. 陈锋嘴巴微张。 I depend, how this is must ruin this thing Ah? this little miss not to press the common sense to play a card directly Ah? 我靠,这是要直接毁掉这玩意啊?这小姑娘怎么不按常理出牌啊? However. 然而。 At this time, in that cold deep pool, a low and deep shouting sound transmitted, terrifying strength jumped from the cold deep pool shoots, unexpectedly destroyed the attack of Wang Yao! 就在这个时候,那寒潭之中,一声低沉的嘶吼声传来,一股恐怖力量从寒潭中迸射,居然摧毁了王瑶的攻击! Rumble!” “咕噜!” The cold deep pool surges, the water surface shakes. 寒潭涌动,水面震荡。 Danger! 危险! The Chen Feng complexion big change, will retreat hurriedly in the future. 陈锋脸色大变,匆忙往后退去。 Bang!” “轰!” spring water blasts open suddenly. 泉水忽然炸裂。 A colossus, emerges from the cold deep pool suddenly, the diameter ten meters, a form occupied cold deep pool enough half of places unexpectedly! 一头庞然大物,忽然从寒潭中涌现,直径十米,一个身影居然就占据了寒潭足足一半的地方! sī — 嘶— Chen Feng holds breath a cold air/Qi, this unexpectedly is great turtle. 陈锋倒吸一口冷气,这居然是一头巨龟 The great turtle physique is huge, above the tortoise shell the flowing light extraordinary splendor, is very astonishing, that whole body green skin fills layer upon layer the fold, the thick letting person is inconceivable, but under the head of that great turtle, among the napes of the neck seems to be hanging rusty nameplate, visibles faintly Duma two characters. 巨龟体格庞大,龟壳之上流光异彩,很是惊人,那浑身绿色的皮肤充满层层褶皱,厚实的让人难以想象,而那巨龟的头颅之下,脖颈间似乎吊着一个锈迹斑斑的铭牌,隐约可见‘杜马’二字。 Roar!” “吼!” great turtle angrily roars, the depressed sound just like the day to collapse, brings the terrifying pressure. Blasting open spring water from the sky congeals, turns into sharp ice arrows, killed toward Chen Feng and the others! 巨龟一声怒吼,沉闷的声音犹如天崩,带来恐怖的威压。炸裂的泉水在空中凝结,化成一根根锐利的冰箭,向着陈锋等人杀来! Snort!” “哼!” Wang Yao sneers. 王瑶冷笑一声。 Bang!” “轰!” A sword has cut. 一剑斩过。 The fiery-red shake wave flashes through, all ice arrow void evaporations. 火红色的震荡波闪过,所有冰箭虚空蒸发。 Human Race......” 人类……” I waited for hundred years of thing, do you also dare to bribe?” “我等了百年的东西,你们也敢染指?” The great turtle opens the mouth, the mung bean small eye, condenses is wiping the fearful murderous intention. 巨龟开口,绿豆般的小眼睛,凝聚着一抹可怕的杀机。 Chen Feng heard that some word livers tremble, this will great turtle speak unexpectedly? Is the monster of what rank! 陈锋闻言有些肝颤,这巨龟居然会说话?到底是什么级别的怪物! Day material treasure, belonged to the nature, when became you?” “天材地宝,本就属于大自然,什么时候成了你的?” Wang Yao sneers, hands over the thing, I forgive your life.” 王瑶冷笑,“交出东西,我饶你一命。” You court death!” “你找死!” great turtle roared. 巨龟一声咆哮。 Bang!” “轰!” The storm sweeps across. 风暴席卷。 terrifying strength erupts again. 恐怖力量再次爆发。 Wang Yao does not care at all, in the hand the fiery-red big sword flashes through, forcefully the great turtle suppression in same place, Chen Feng, then gave you.” 王瑶毫不在意,手中火红色的大剑闪过,强行将巨龟镇压在原地,“陈锋,接下来就交给你了。” Understood.” “明白。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 He knows, now is acts. 他知道,现在才是自己出手的时候。 wēng — 嗡— One step treads. 一步踏出。 Chen Feng the fog flutters at present. 陈锋眼前云雾飘荡。 shuā! 刷! In an instant Chen Feng enters Digitized Status. 刹那间陈锋进入数维状态 This time, Chen Feng does not dare to have the least bit to stay, restriction that but this time he needs to seek, unexpectedly enough 2000, go far beyond beforehand all restriction! Also Chen Feng Spiritual Energy promotes luckily now, otherwise normal Digitized World revolves unable to insist radically continually! 这种时刻,陈锋不敢有半点停留,但是这次他需要寻找的禁制,居然足足两千条,远远超过之前所有禁制!也幸亏陈锋精神力现在提升了,不然根本连正常的数维世界运转都坚持不下来! Luck Aura, opening! 幸运光环,开启! Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 Bang!” “轰!” within the body Luck Value crazy drop. 体内幸运值疯狂下降。 1 point, 2 points and 3 points...... 一点、二点、三点…… The Chen Feng flash can find several hundred defects gene, but did to gene that this time must seek for too to be really many, he can only step by step advance. 陈锋一瞬间就能找到数百缺失的基因,但是奈何这次要寻找的基因真的太多了,他只能步步推进。 One second and two seconds...... 一秒、两秒…… The time is jumping. 时间在跳。 How this small does fellow possibly untie cold deep pool restriction?” “这种小家伙怎么可能解开寒潭禁制?” In the great turtle look fills to disdain. 巨龟眼神中充满不屑。 The years precipitate, many years later, he experienced too many so-called talents, only Beginner Grade Manufacturist wants to relieve cold deep pool restriction, is extremely rather naive. 岁月沉淀,多年下来,他见识了太多所谓的天才,区区一个初级制作师就想解除寒潭禁制,未免太过天真。 How doesn't try to know?” “不试试怎么知道?” Wang Yao lightly like water. 王瑶平淡如水。 Broken bans forcefully, careful restriction backlashes.” “强行破禁,小心禁制反噬。” The great turtle jar sound threatens. 巨龟瓮声威胁。 However at this time, a strange light sound transmitted, great turtle turn head looked, immediately the shocking discovery, cold deep pool restriction, was relieved unexpectedly. 然而就在这个时候,一声奇异的轻响传来,巨龟回头看去,顿时震惊的发现,寒潭禁制,居然被解除了。 Then how many seconds? Are 5 seconds 6 seconds? 这才几秒?五秒还是六秒? „???” “???” great turtle confused, the deep sleep hundred years, Beginner Grade was Manufacturist of this time so a little strong? 巨龟有点懵逼,沉睡了百年,这个时代的初级制作师都这么强了? wēng — 嗡— Surrounding fog natural dispersing. 周围的云雾自然的散开。 How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” great turtle recovers finally, a face is alarmed and afraid. 巨龟终于回过神来,一脸惊惧。 Its life span is long-time, experience many Gene Manufacturist, but no one lifting of embargo speed such rapidness, particularly Beginner Grade Manufacturist. 它寿命长久,见识过不少基因制作师,但是从来没有人解禁速度如此之快,尤其是一个初级制作师 „It is not good.” “不好。” great turtle responded suddenly, restriction was relieved, that lotus flower...... 巨龟猛然反应过来,禁制被解除,那莲花…… It is being towed by Wang Yao now, that lotus flower must fall into the Chen Feng hand shortly, immediately is distressed. 它现在被王瑶拖着,那莲花眼看就要落入陈锋手中,顿时心焦。 That thing! 那东西! For this thing...... 为了这东西…… It waited for enough hundred years! 它可是等了足足百年啊! Can hundred years wait, how easily carry off by them? Anxious time, suddenly, some unexpected, Wang Yao suppresses its method, unexpectedly shows a flaw! Gives it a short crevice, but regarding their powerhouse, a crevice, was enough! 百年等待,怎么能被他们轻易带走?正焦急的时候,忽然,有些意外的,王瑶压制它的手段,居然露出一丝破绽!给它一个短暂的空隙,而对于它们这种强者来说,一点空隙,足够了! Is now. 就是现在。 Roar!” “吼!” great turtle roared. 巨龟一声咆哮。 Bang!” “轰!” Trembles void. 虚空震颤。 It puts out one group of purple black light balls, the light ball floats spatially, the twinkle light purple brilliance, the purple light sweeps across everyone in the flash, is centered on great turtle, no difference radiation, surrounding area hundred meters, including Wang Yao, completely move! 它吐出一团紫黑色的光球,光球浮空,闪烁淡淡的紫色光辉,紫光在一瞬间席卷所有人,以巨龟为中心,无差别辐射,方圆百米,包括王瑶在内,全部中招! This is the great turtle card in a hand life and death extremely boundary. 这是巨龟的底牌生死极境。 I must kill “我要杀 great turtle is self-satisfied, is preparing to extinguish them, the frightened discovery, that little miss has sobered to come unexpectedly, immediately is fearful and apprehensive, holds in the mouth the White Lotus flower, runs into the cold deep pool rapidly. 巨龟得意,正准备灭了他们,惊悚的发现,那个小姑娘居然已经清醒过来,顿时心惊胆颤,一口叼走白莲花,迅速逃入寒潭之中。 It escaped unexpectedly like this! 它居然就这样逃了! You used this move finally.” “你终于用这招了。” The Wang Yao small face shows the smile. 王瑶小脸露出笑容。 Lotus flower? 莲花? Does she want that thing to be useful? 她要那玩意有什么用? She exposes weaknesses intentionally, the true goal, is the great turtle life and death extremely boundary, this needs to take hundred years of life span as the price, urges the powerful illusion attack method of sending! 她故意露出破绽,真正的目的,就是巨龟的生死极境,这个需要以百年寿命为代价,催发的强大幻境攻击手段! Life and death extremely boundary!” “生死极境!” Gets up!” “起!” Wang Yao controls this fearful purple light ball. 王瑶控住这可怕的紫色光球。 wēng — 嗡— The purple light ball blooming brilliance, Chen Feng and on the Wang Yue face shows the painful look. 紫色光球绽放光辉,陈锋王越脸上都露出痛苦的神色。 Only!” “净!” Wang Yao lifts the hand. 王瑶抬手。 The bunch energy blooms from her hand, changes to red ray, surrounds the purple light ball, all from the energy of purple light ball release, turned unexpectedly completely passed the brilliant color! 一束束能量从她手中绽放,化作一条条红色的光线,将紫色光球环绕,所有从紫色光球释放的能量,居然全部变成了透明色! Started.” “开始了。” The Wang Yao vision is light. 王瑶目光平淡。 This is the powerful attack method, but now, she by oneself strong Spiritual Energy, purifies this life and death boundary extremely, writes off all negative energies, making Wang Yue experience great turtle these hundred years of life and death, the breakthrough limit, becomes the benefits of promotion strength and breakthrough! 这本是强大的攻击手段,但是现在,她以自己超强的精神力,将这生死极境净化,将所有负面能量抹杀,让王越经历巨龟这百年的生生死死,突破极限,成为提升实力和突破的福利! This, is she gives the Wang Yue gift. 这,就是她给王越的礼物。 But Chen Feng...... 陈锋…… Her vision has swept on Chen Feng, this is fellow that unexpected presents, a variable. 她目光在陈锋身上扫过,这是个意外出现的家伙,一个变数。 You should not appear here.” “你本不该出现在这里。” „But since appeared, is the fate.” “但是既然出现了,就是缘分。” In Wang Yao that pair of nimble and resourceful double pupil blooms the fearful brilliance, resembling to see through the past and present, to gain experience of this life and death boundary, looked extremely you can realize many!” 王瑶那双灵动的双眸中绽放可怕的光辉,似能看穿古今,“这生死极境的历练,就看你能体会多少了!” Bang!” “轰!” In Wang Yao hand red light greatly hold. 王瑶手中红光大盛。 Life and death extremely boundary! 生死极境! Start! 开始! ** ** green mountain forest. 青山林。 Somewhere. 某处。 Pitiful yell sounds transmit unceasingly. 一声声惨叫声不断传来。 The appearance also calculates that delicate Wu Fan pours in ground unceasing struggling at this moment, the whole body twitches, the fearfulness on the face twisting, is just like withstanding some criminal law probably. 长相还算秀气的吴凡此刻倒在地上不断的挣扎,浑身抽搐,脸上扭曲的可怕,活脱脱像是正在承受某种刑法。 Sound shield?” “声音屏蔽了吗?” Chang Hu sighed. 常虎叹口气。 Un, shield.” “嗯,屏蔽了。” Opens Ling to let go, was not I said why to make him try this?” 张玲摊手,“不是我说,何必让他尝试这个呢?” He must try.” “他自己要试的啊。” Chang Hu is also very helpless, this young master spoke, did we dare not to let try? However, his pain becomes this unexpectedly, this promotes 3 gene attribute gene strengthening. I remember you promoted 4 gene attribute times initially, without loudly responded?” 常虎也是很无奈,“这位少爷发话,我们敢不让试?但是没想到,他居然痛苦成这样,这才提升三点基因属性的基因强化啊。我记得你们当初提升四点基因属性的时候,也没这么大反应吧?” Others status is different.” “人家身份毕竟不一样。” stretch/open Ling shakes the head, „behind seems like 1 point or 2 attributes promotes like this.” 张玲摇摇头,“看来后面还是一点或者二点属性这样提升吧。” Only can like this.” “只能这样吧。” Chang Hu is very disappointed, gene will strengthen in the future, will suit attribute Mutated Beast is not easier to look, it seems like we must stay for several days in this green mountain forest.” 常虎很失望,“基因强化越往后,适合属性的变异兽越不好找,看来我们要在这青山林多呆几天了。” 750,000 where have are so good to gain.” “75万哪有那么好赚。” stretch/open Ling smiles. 张玲笑笑。 Also yes.” “也是。” Chang Hu told the water, the look revealed greedily, „, if butchered this boy......” 常虎吐口水,眼神露出贪婪,“要是宰了这小子……” Do not overdo it.” “别乱来。” Opens Ling to hold on him, said in a low voice: „Did you forget previous time almost to be discovered? Even if Gold City knew that our are not many, this matter must be little done, said again, this Wu Family is not simple, kicks the sheet iron carefully.” 张玲拉住他,低声道:“你忘了上次差点就被发现了?就算金城认识我们的不多,这种事情也要少做,再说了,这吴家也不简单,小心踢到铁板。” Knew.” “知道了。” Chang Hu is somewhat regrettable, that does not have ten thousand advantages! 常虎有些遗憾,那可是无本万利! But at this time. 而这时。 Ahhhhhhh 啊啊啊啊 The gene strengthening seemed like the final stage, Wu Fan pitiful yell sound was more intense, several person knitting the brows covered the ear, was lucky they to prepare the shield method ahead of time, the sound is controlled in three meters range, otherwise on Wu Fan this sound, everyone must die here. 基因强化似乎到了最后阶段,吴凡的惨叫声更加强烈,几个人都是皱眉的捂住了耳朵,万幸他们提前准备了屏蔽手段,声音被控制在三米范围之内,不然就吴凡这动静,所有人都得死在这里。 When Wu Fan strengthens gradually, Chang Hu sets out. 等到吴凡渐渐强化完毕,常虎才起身。 Restores reagent to give him.” “恢复试剂给他。” Remember, one bottle sells 10,000, gives me to butcher him ruthlessly!” “记住,一瓶卖一万,给我狠狠宰他!” Chang Hu wicked saying, he restored.” 常虎恶狠狠的说道,“等他恢复好了就出发。” Good.” “好。” Opens Ling to nod. 张玲点头 PS: This is on this book time, to the waistcoat of Duma sauce arrangement, he said that only lived a chapter, is not very long-time. Therefore We racked one's brains for night...... to give him an absolute live long-time waistcoat PS:这是上本书的时候,给杜马酱安排的马甲,他说只活了一章,不够长久。所以朕苦思一夜……给了他一个绝对活的长久的马甲 ~ ~ You look! 你看! I love your! 我还是爱你们的!
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