SG :: Volume #1

#48: Becoming monk eminent monk

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Chen Feng.” 陈锋。” Xu Fei exciting coming. 徐飞兴奋的过来。 The Chen Feng corners of the mouth twitch slightly, look at Xu Fei that bare head, he always wants to smile. 陈锋嘴角微微抽搐,看着徐飞那颗光秃秃的脑袋,他总是想笑。 Knows that you want to smile, did not need to endure.” “知道你想笑,不用忍了。” Xu Fei looks at his appearance ill-humored saying. 徐飞看他的样子没好气的说道。 hā hā.” 哈哈。” The Chen Feng racket does his shoulder, produce reagent uselessly?” 陈锋拍拍他的肩膀,“没用生发试剂?” Produces reagent, F Grade 1-Star gene reagent, although no fight function, but is popular, because it can in a day make you have a beautiful long hair, what is casual you to cut. 生发试剂,一种F级一星基因试剂,尽管没什么战斗作用,但是却非常受欢迎,因为它可以一天内让你拥有一头秀丽的长发,然后随便你剪成什么样都可以。 Useless.” “没用。” The Xu Fei face is black. 徐飞脸黑黑的。 Has gone to the hospital.” “都去过医院了。” Saying that Zhou Ling says to smile: Doctor said, his scalp is impacted by unknown strength, is extremely hard, hair radically steadily.” 周玲接过话茬笑眯眯的说道:“医生说,他的头皮遭受未知力量冲击,太过坚硬,头发根本长不出来。” Chen Feng sympathy looked at his one eyes. 陈锋同情的看了他一眼。 Yeah, did not say this, unlucky.” “哎,不说这个,晦气。” Xu Fei beckons with the hand, „before , you with I relate, I am tidying up that to be black our hearse......, is black fellow of our speeding car, had not seen, afterward one busy forgot.” 徐飞摆摆手,“之前你跟我联系的时候,我正收拾那个黑我们灵车……啊呸,黑我们飞车的家伙呢,就没看到,后来一忙就忘了。” All right.” “没事。” Chen Feng said with a smile, has handled.” 陈锋笑道,“已经搞定了。” That is good, has anything to relate momentarily, if I have not received, the message is also good.” “那就好,有啥事随时联系,我要是没收到,留言也行。” Xu Fei is very happy, what matter today does the green mountain forest have? Can help?” 徐飞很痛快,“今天来青山林有什么事情?要不要帮忙?” Made with a friend.” “跟一个朋友约了。” Chen Feng shakes the head, no major problem.” 陈锋摇摇头,“没什么大问题。” Male female?” “男的女的?” Xu Fei Eight Trigrams (Gossip) said. 徐飞八卦道。 Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” Female?” “女的?” Xu Fei looked that Chen Feng this response knows. 徐飞陈锋这反应就知道。 Su Jin?” 苏瑾?” Xu Fei guessed, I you won't play the field operation by the brothers?” 徐飞猜测,“我靠兄弟你不会玩野战吧?” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” Wang Yao.” 王瑶。” Chen Feng sighed. 陈锋叹口气。 sī — 嘶— Xu Fei holds breath a cold air/Qi, your really being able to get down hand, the flowers of motherland.” 徐飞倒吸一口冷气,“你真下得去手,祖国的花朵啊。” She is Wang Yue Elder Sister.” “她是王越姐姐。” Chen Feng face one black, stared his one eyes ruthlessly, can should not be so dreadful?” 陈锋脸一黑,狠狠瞪了他一眼,“能不能不要这么猥琐?” Elder Sister?” 姐姐?” Xu Fei delay. 徐飞呆滞。 For a long time, recovers, calls out: Said, your boy did look for legitimate loli unexpectedly? The heaven is how unfair, unexpectedly lets you......” 许久,才回过神来,一声嚎叫:“这么说,你小子居然找了个合法萝莉?老天何其不公,居然让你……” shuā! 刷! One group of familiar flame appear. 一团熟悉的火焰出现。 The terrifying blazing high temperature makes Xu Fei keep silent, frightens the crazy retreat, however that rolled flame still not to have falling of indication to the head of Xu Fei on. 恐怖的炽热高温让徐飞噤若寒蝉,吓得疯狂后退,然而那团火焰仍旧毫无征兆的落到徐飞的脑袋上。 Bang!” “轰!” Thunders. 一阵轰鸣。 Woman forgives.” “女侠饶命。” A Xu Fei pitiful yell. 徐飞一声惨叫。 But at this time, the camp entrance, a petite form appears, impressively Wang Yao, her vision ice-cold has swept on Xu Fei, finally falls to Chen Feng on. 而此时,营地门口,一个娇小的身影出现,赫然正是王瑶,她目光冰冷的在徐飞身上扫过,最终落到陈锋身上。 Walks.” “走吧。” Wang Yao light saying. 王瑶淡淡的说道。 Good.” “好。” The Chen Feng racket the shoulder of Xu Fei, looks that he changed the hairstyle head, only then sympathizes, Brothers, your mouth cheap problem should change. 陈锋拍拍徐飞的肩膀,看着他又变了发型的脑袋只有同情,兄弟,你这嘴贱的毛病是该改改了。 But after they leave. 而就在他们离开后。 Xu Fei shivers is opening the light screen, the image aims at itself, dull looks nine sunspots that on the scalp were just scorched. 徐飞颤抖着打开光幕,影像对准自己,呆呆的看着头皮上刚被烧焦出来的九个黑点。 Abstains from the scar?” “戒疤?” Also especially nine?” “还特么九个?” Father do not become monk!” “老子不要出家啊!” Xu Fei pitiful crying out strangely, Zhou Ling smiled in the one side insanely, little miss this was makes you cultivation the shutting up Zen, because your mouth was too cheap.” 徐飞一声凄惨的怪叫,周玲在一旁笑疯了,“人家小姑娘这是让你修炼闭嘴禅,因为你嘴真的太贱了。” Has the law of the land!” “有没有王法!” This is a camp, isn't cannot begin?!” “这可是营地啊,不是不能动手么?!” A Xu Fei face complaint looks to the fight robot of camp, you when like this decorates?” 徐飞一脸怨念的看向营地的战斗机器人,“你们就这样当摆设?” Hello mister.” “您好先生。” The fight robot eye red indicating lamp is glittering, honest saying, according to our computed results: First, making a move not killing intent. Second, making a move energy extremely terrifying, if acts, possibly caused the camp to destroy and everyone died. Third, we have monitored the video recording upload to Genetic Union, if must pursue the responsibility or encounters the danger, will assign the Genetic Union high level to come urgently, whether needs?” 战斗机器人眼睛红色指示灯闪烁着,诚实的说道,“根据我们的计算结果:其一,出手者并无杀意。其二,出手者能量太过恐怖,若是出手,可能导致营地毁灭和所有人死亡。其三,我们已经监控录像上传至基因工会,如需追责或遇到危险,会紧急调派基因工会高层前来,请问是否需要?” What? 什么? Possibly caused the camp to destroy and everyone died? 可能导致营地毁灭和所有人死亡? Xu Fei and the others the ghost all braves, fearful and apprehensive, this Wang Yao what person?! 徐飞等人亡魂皆冒,一阵心惊肉跳,这个王瑶到底什么人?! This is the green mountain forest camp! 这可是青山林营地啊! Genetic Union domain! 基因工会的地盘! Even if only the most periphery's young camp, that is also the Genetic Union domain! Wang Yao unexpectedly doesn't terrifying to letting the fight robot dare to begin? 哪怕只是一个最外围的小营地,那也是基因工会的地盘啊!王瑶居然恐怖到让战斗机器人都不敢动手? Who is she? 她到底是谁? Xu Fei felt suddenly, oneself does not have dead simply is the miracle. 徐飞忽然觉得,自己没死简直是奇迹。 It seems like you really must cultivation the shutting up Zen.” “看来你真要修炼闭嘴禅了。” Zhou Ling opens the mouth suddenly. 周玲忽然开口。 Xu Fei was silent. 徐飞沉默了。 Whether needs to pursue the responsibility?” “请问是否需要追责?” Robot as before faithful asking. 机器人依旧忠实的问道。 Pursues a wool?! 追个毛?! Xu Fei beckons with the hand, bringing the team to leave, they have oneself task to do today, but he ponders the moment, reported the news to Chen Feng. 徐飞摆摆手,带着队伍离开,他们今天也有自己的任务要做,不过他沉思片刻,还是给陈锋发了消息。 But at this time. 而这个时候。 Chen Feng and Wang Yao just left shortly. 陈锋王瑶刚刚离开没多久。 wēng — 嗡— The wrist belt/bring vibrates. 腕带震动。 Chen Feng looked at one, immediately speechless, unexpectedly is the Xu Fei news: Gives the Wang Yao miss to apologize for me, this month, I will cultivate the shutting up Zen. 陈锋看了一眼,顿时哑然,居然是徐飞的消息:替我给王瑶姑娘道歉,这一个月,我会修炼闭嘴禅。 Chen Feng looked to Wang Yao. 陈锋王瑶看了。 Your friend is very intelligent, although the mouth was inexpensive.” “你朋友很聪明,虽然嘴贱了点。” Wang Yao light saying. 王瑶淡淡的说道。 oh? 哦? Some Chen Feng unexpected. 陈锋有些意外 powerhouse has the powerhouse dignity, is not everyone looks like me is so good to speak.” 强者强者的尊严,不是每个人都像我这么好说话。” The Wang Yao facial expression is faint. 王瑶神情淡漠。 Oh.” 。” Chen Feng tranquil should say. 陈锋平静的应道。 Although he knows Wang Yao said is very reasonable, but why does not know, looks that this 11-12 facial features said seriously this words, some of his little misses moe turned the feeling unexpectedly, even if he knows that Wang Yao has multi- terrifying! 虽然他知道王瑶说的很有道理,但是不知道为何,看着这十一二面容一本正经的说这种话,他居然有种这小姑娘萌翻了的感觉,哪怕他知道王瑶有多恐怖 I was certainly insane.” “我一定疯了。” Chen Feng sighed secretly, it seems like his some hypotheses to this world somewhat accepted cannot. 陈锋暗自叹口气,看来他对这个世界的一些设定还是有些接受不能啊。 But at this moment. 而就在这时。 Chen Feng!” 陈锋!” A clenching jaws sound conveys, Wang Yue ruthlessly is staring at him, this Chen Feng, has not looked at his one eyes unexpectedly from beginning to end, when radically he does not exist! 一个咬牙切齿的声音传来,王越狠狠的盯着他,这个陈锋,居然从头到尾没有看他一眼,根本就当他不存在! Too excessive! 太过分了! Drew near?” “快到了吗?” Chen Feng has a look at the distant place. 陈锋看看远处。 Arrived.” “到了。” Wang Yao leads them to arrive at the mountain forest deep place, there, has woof Shenqi spring water it is said. 王瑶带着他们走到山林深处,那里,据说有着一汪神奇的泉水 Chen Feng!” 陈锋!” Wang Yue angrily roars, you dare to pay no attention to me unexpectedly!” 王越怒吼,“你居然敢不理我!” Chen Feng faint looked at his one eyes, this time is I helps your Elder Sister, your little darling worked as your child in such an arrangement to be good, rubbish. The university entrance examination you sent people to plot against my matter not to ask you to do accounts, if were not your Elder Sister, you thought that you can live now?” 陈锋淡漠的看了他一眼,“这次是我来帮你姐姐的,你就乖乖当好你的拖油瓶就好了,不要废话。当初高考你派人暗算我的事情还没找你算账的,如果不是你姐姐,你觉得你能活到现在?” You shut up!” “你闭嘴!” The Wang Yue mind jumps crazily, complexion big change. 王越心神狂跳,脸色大变。 Plots......” “暗算……” Wang Yao opens the mouth suddenly, what's the matter?” 王瑶忽然开口,“是怎么回事?” It‘s nothing.” “没什么。” Wang Yue swallows the saliva, damn, he is all right to provoke Chen Feng to do. 王越吞咽一下口水,该死,他没事招惹陈锋干嘛。 „Don't you know?” “你不知道?” Chen Feng is somewhat surprised, but shakes the head at once, did not matter, was the past things, today I am help your, did not say these.” 陈锋有些惊讶,不过旋即摇摇头,“无所谓了,都是过去的事情了,今天我是来帮你的,不说这些。” Wang Yao that pair of bright eyes have swept on Chen Feng and Wang Yue, finally affirmed, walks.” 王瑶那双明眸在陈锋王越身上扫过,最终才肯定,“走吧。” green mountain forest deep place. 青山林深处。 Chen Feng had seen spring water that flows. 陈锋已经看到了那流淌下来的泉水 This is Qingshan Spring.” “这是青山泉。” Has certain intelligence, is many Gene Manufacture materials, but our time goals are not this, but is the Qingshan Spring end point!” “拥有一定的灵性,也是很多基因制作的材料,不过我们这次的目标不是这个,而是青山泉的终点!” Wang Yue to make up for the mistake, said in a low voice. 王越为了弥补刚才的失误,低声说道。 Oh.” 。” Chen Feng shows neither approval nor disapproval. 陈锋不置可否。 Wang Yue looked that his expression felt the heart flame of anger gets up. 王越看他的表情就感觉心头无名火起。 Three people step onto following Qingshan Spring, when the deep place, the surroundings had been covered by the dense fog, almost cannot see clearly the thing, invisible restriction keeps off before them. 三人顺着青山泉一路走上,在更深处的时候,周围已经被迷雾笼罩,几乎看不清东西,一个无形的禁制挡在他们面前。
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