SG :: Volume #1

#47: Comprehensive promotion!

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This......” “这……” Chen Feng can only smile bitterly. 陈锋只能苦笑。 This is nothing? 这算什么? Oneself did the mutate(d) people, how many F Grade Mutated Beast unexpectedly by be killed? 自己连变异人都搞死了,居然会被几个F级变异兽干掉? He has to jump the ranks the talent of challenge ability! 他可是拥有越级挑战能力的天才! But at this time, that several Mutated Beast as if felt Chen Feng Mortal Body strength, immediately the vision became greedy, the scarlet look filled killing intent. 而这时,那几头变异兽似乎感受到陈锋肉身力量,顿时目光变得贪婪,猩红色的眼神充满杀意 hǒu — 吼— A low roar. 一声低吼。 That crowd of Mutated Beast really flushed unexpectedly. 那群变异兽居然真的冲过来了。 Paralysis.” “麻痹。” Chen Feng forced smile. 陈锋苦笑。 Now he takes advantage only, only had Luck Aura! 现在他唯一依仗的,只有幸运光环了! merely...... 只是… At this time, really useful? 这个时候,真的有用? Luck Aura! 幸运光环 Opening! 开启! Luck Aura centered on Chen Feng will, otherwise, he only wants to send Wind Edge, Luck Aura actually affects all things, every second several hundred several thousand falls crazily, his Luck Value is insufficient! 幸运光环是以陈锋意志为中心的,不然的话,他只想发个风刃,幸运光环却影响所有事情,每秒几百几千的狂掉,他那点幸运值根本不够用的! Let me strengthen smoothly completes! 让我顺利强化完成吧! In the Chen Feng heart meditates. 陈锋心中默念。 Bang! 轰! within the body remaining 5 Luck Value, in this time crazy drop, almost consumed finally in the flash, but surrounding Mutated Beast, still also. 体内最后剩下的五点幸运值,在这个时候疯狂下降,几乎是在一瞬间消耗一空,而周围的变异兽,依然还在。 I really want.” “我果然想多了。” Chen Feng muttered. 陈锋喃喃自语。 Is Luck Value insufficient? 幸运值不够么? Chen Feng sigh. 陈锋叹息。 At present almost cannot see clearly, the pain of body is still continuing, felt that crowd of Mutated Beast clash, Chen Feng no longer pays attention simply , to continue own that read broken. 眼前几乎看不清,身体的痛苦还在继续,感觉到那群变异兽冲来,陈锋干脆不再理会,继续自己的那点碎碎念。 Is dying also feared a wool! 都要死了还怕个毛! Also does not know that the person sees off to oneself...... 也不知道有没有人给自己送行…… In the Chen Feng heart whispered. 陈锋心中嘀咕一句。 The consciousness is finally fuzzy at the last minute. 意识在最后一刻终于模糊。 Indistinct. 隐约中。 He as if heard a fierce demolition sound, the strengthening of body as if also finished at this time, the ache of body vanished at this time finally, Chen Feng just like the sweat to steam is the same, the whole body was wet, was pale, weak soft to the ground. 他似乎听到一股剧烈的爆破声,身体的强化似乎也在这个时候结束,身体的疼痛在这个时候终于消失,陈锋犹如汗水蒸过一样,浑身湿漉漉的,脸色发白,无力的软到在地上。 Success? 成功了? Failure? 还是失败了? Chen Feng has not felt completely. 陈锋完全没感觉了。 Chen Feng somewhat confused opening eye, even saw the familiar illusory image, he blinks, thought also not completely sober, the say/way of unexpected happening: Really is not even chest/heart.” 陈锋有些迷茫的睁开眼睛,甚至都看到了熟悉的幻影,他眨了眨眼睛,思维还没有完全清醒,鬼使神差的道:“果然不是平胸。” Bang!” “轰!” terrifying strength erupts in the abdomen, the Chen Feng whole person was trampled, hit two trees to stop. 一股恐怖力量在腹部爆发,陈锋整个人就被踹了出去,撞断了两棵树才停下。 sī — 嘶— A Chen Feng ache. 陈锋一阵酸痛。 This feeling...... 这种感觉…… Chen Feng awakens suddenly, „am I also living?!” 陈锋猛然惊醒,“我还活着?!” Yes. 是的。 Living! 活着! strength, is gradually returning. 力量,正在逐渐回归。 Chen Feng feels explosion strength that own within the body contains, the incomparably clear mind, understands suddenly, oneself crossed the most difficult stage! 陈锋感受到自己体内蕴含的爆炸力量,无比清晰的头脑,骤然明白过来,自己渡过了最艰难的阶段! gene strengthened, succeeds! 基因强化,成功了! Boiled! 熬过去了! Chen Feng is wild with joy. 陈锋狂喜。 Waiting......, if this is real, Chen Feng sees at present the familiar form, immediately holds breath a cold air/Qi. 等等……如果这是真的话,陈锋看着眼前熟悉的身影,顿时倒吸一口冷气。 Was sober?” “清醒了?” Wang Yao small face ice-cold visits him. 王瑶小脸冰冷的看着他。 Awoke.” “醒了。” A Chen Feng anxiety, for fear that this little miss move takes away him. 陈锋一个揪心,生怕这小姑娘一招带走他。 words, you gave me to say again.” “刚才的话,你给我再说一遍。” Wang Yao killing intent is steaming. 王瑶杀意腾腾。 Sorry.” “抱歉。” Chen Feng apologized again and again, he spoke the nonsense a moment ago muzzy, now does not dare to propose this. These said that next time will not dare, I am wait/etc that talked nonsense, so long as can be received the thread of conversation, the basic Shangfentou grass ten zhang (3.33 m) are high. 陈锋连连道歉,他刚才头脑发昏说了胡话,现在根本不敢提这茬。那些说‘下次不敢了’,‘我是瞎说的’等等,只要能被接下话茬的,基本上坟头草已经十丈高了。 Snort!” “哼!” Wang Yao cold snort/hum. 王瑶冷哼一声。 How can you here?” “您怎么会在这里?” Chen Feng scratches the head. 陈锋挠挠头。 Saved oneself twice people regarding this, he really somewhat is embarrassed. 对于这个救了自己两次的人,他还真有些不好意思。 Overhear here sound has a look, has not thought that unexpectedly picked a big living person.” “无意中听到这边的动静过来看看,没想到居然捡了一个大活人。” Wang Yao light saying. 王瑶淡淡的说道。 Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” Is his is picked by the loli roadside? 他这算是被萝莉路边捡到么? However he knows, has certain part is the Luck Aura effect, Wang Yao possibly passed by originally directly, because of existence of Luck Aura, made her notice here accidentally. 不过他知道,这其中有一定部分是幸运光环的功效,原本王瑶可能直接路过的,因为幸运光环的存在,才让她无意中注意到了这里。 These 5 Luck Value, value. 这五点幸运值,值了。 But at this time, a clenching jaws sound conveyed. 而这时,一个咬牙切齿的声音传来。 Chen Feng!” 陈锋!” Chen Feng turns head, immediately is surprised, unexpectedly is Wang Yue! 陈锋一回头,顿时惊讶,居然是王越 How can you here?” “你怎么会这里?” Chen Feng is surprised. 陈锋惊讶。 This saying I asked that you are right!” “这话我问你才对吧!” Wang Yue exploded with rage, entangles her to help itself strike with great difficulty to kill Mutated Beast to promote Spirit Attribute, without thinking just came to bump into fellow that Chen Feng this urged unlucky. 王越气炸了,好不容易缠着她来帮自己击杀变异兽提升精神属性,没想到刚来就碰到了陈锋这个倒霉催的家伙 If only then oneself...... 如果只有自己的话…… In the Wang Yue heart has flashed through oppresses innumerably the Chen Feng's little theater. 王越心中已经闪过无数凌虐陈锋的小剧场。 My Ah? “我啊? Chen Feng has not paid attention to him, turn head looks that the Wang Yao doubts the look answered, can only smile bitterly: Comes gene to strengthen, the background is too never expected that bad, has almost not withstood.” 陈锋没理会他,回头看着王瑶疑惑的眼神解释道,只能苦笑:“过来基因强化,没想到底子太差,差点没承受住。” Your this type of waste can withstand anything!” “你这种废物能承受住什么!” Wang Yue taunt. 王越嘲讽。 Really this? 真的这样么? The Wang Yao light vision has swept on the corpse of distant place, had not said. 王瑶淡淡的目光在远处的尸体上扫过,并没有多说。 Since met, happen.” “既然遇到了,正好。” Wang Yao was crooked the small head to think, I saved you, you help.” 王瑶歪着小脑袋想了下,“我救了你,你帮我个忙。” Bounden.” “义不容辞。” Chen Feng to nod. 陈锋点头 In the green mountain forest has a thing I to take, but restriction is somewhat troublesome, originally makes Wang Yue do, but his as if too waste.” “青山林里面有个东西我要拿,不过禁制有些麻烦,本来让王越做的,不过他似乎太废物了点。” Wang Yao light saying. 王瑶淡淡的说道。 Elder sister!” “姐!” The Wang Yue grievance said. 王越委屈道。 „???!” “???!” The Chen Feng eye opens suddenly. 陈锋眼睛猛然睁大。 Do I depend? 我靠? Elder sister??? 姐??? Looks at Wang Yao this small head, has a look at least one meter seven Wang Yue again, Chen Feng face confused, unexpectedly isn't the brother and sister? But is the sister and brother?! 看着王瑶这小个头,再看看至少一米七的王越,陈锋一脸懵逼,居然不是兄妹?而是姐弟?! Small unexpected.” “一点小意外。” Wang Yao does not want to say. 王瑶并不想多说。 Understood.” “明白。” Chen Feng suppresses shock and rich Eight Trigrams (Gossip) desire in heart, looks at killing intent in little miss eyes, he knows that oneself asked again perhaps really has the fatal disaster. 陈锋强忍住心中的震撼和浓郁的八卦欲望,看着小姑娘眼中的杀意,他知道自己再问恐怕真有杀身之祸。 Rubbish, you said that complies.” “别废话,你就说答不答应。” Wang Yue impatient saying, my elder sister saved you a moment ago!” 王越不耐烦的说道,“我姐刚才可是救了你!” Now is not good.” “现在不行。” Chen Feng shakes the head, I this condition has had no way to lift a ban now, tomorrow will be OK.” 陈锋摇摇头,“我现在这个状态已经没法解禁了,明天就可以了。” Wang Yao swept one on Chen Feng, looks by the tattered clothes of sweat percolation, as well as pale Chen Feng, this to nod, tomorrow I look for you slightly.” 王瑶陈锋身上扫了一眼,看着被汗水浸透的破烂衣服,以及脸色苍白的陈锋,这才微微点头,“明天我找你。” Which so many take time.” “哪那么多费事。” Wang Yue whispered, was stared one by Wang Yao ruthlessly. 王越嘀咕了一句,被王瑶狠狠瞪了一眼。 shuā! 刷! The light shadow flashes through, the fog soars. 光影闪过,云雾腾空。 Wang Yao, grabs Chen Feng and Wang Yue returns to the camp. Wang Yao after Chen Feng exchanged the contact method brings Wang Yue to leave. 王瑶一手一个,抓着陈锋王越回到营地。王瑶陈锋交换了联系方式之后就带着王越离开了。 The Chen Feng intention is grateful. 陈锋心怀感激。 Although this little miss is always combative, but that is also to the enemy! 这小姑娘虽然总是杀气腾腾的,但是那也是对敌人! Helps her relieve restriction? 帮她解除禁制么? Chen Feng must be ready. 陈锋要做好准备。 Returns to the urban district. 回到市区。 Own rented room, Chen Feng direct as weak as bed on. 自家的出租屋,陈锋直接瘫软到床上。 Too tired! 太累了! Too dangerous! 太危险了! Even if he prepared enough 50 Luck Value, prepared one bottle of Thunder Snake gene reagent! Extremely discrete, still a narrow escape, has almost not come back. To promote rapidly, price that he pays, imagine also wants terrifying! However, was good comes back because of this security. 哪怕他准备了足足50点幸运值,准备了一瓶雷蛇基因试剂!万分谨慎,依然九死一生,差点没回来。想要快速提升,他付出的代价,比自己想象中还要恐怖!不过,好在这次安全的回来了。 However this harvest...... 不过这次的收获…… Chen Feng scans own gene data. 陈锋扫描自己的基因数据。 gene attribute: 基因属性: strength: 50 力量:50 agility: 50 敏捷:50 constitution: 50 体质:50 spirit: 81 精神:81 Comprehensive promotion! 全面提升! With the beforehand comparison, is completely two ranks. 跟之前的自己比较,完全是两个级别的。 The risk is bigger, the income is bigger! 风险越大,收益越大! The price of this narrow escape, is originally only then 10 attribute strength agility constitution rushed to 50 points, but originally only then 52 points spirit, turned into 81 points, overall promotion the and of gene attribute, reaches as high as 149 points! An incomparable terrifying digit! 这次九死一生的代价,就是原本只有十属性点的力量敏捷体质冲到了50点,而原本只有52点的精神,变成了81点,整体提升的基因属性之和,高达149点!一个无比恐怖的数字! Has been close to 100 points limits.” “已经接近100点的极限了。” Chen Feng is excited. 陈锋激动。 Value! 值了! Tomorrow after helping Wang Yao relieves restriction, he again prepares, then hunts and kills some wind fox Leader, certainly can sprint to 100 points in a short time! 明天帮王瑶解除禁制之后,他再准备准备,然后去猎杀一些风狐首领,一定能在短时间内冲刺到100点! By that time, Strongest Gene...... 到了那个时候,最强基因…… He can certainly research and develop! 他一定能够研发出来! The Chen Feng heart is fiery. 陈锋心头火热。 Luck Value consumes, tomorrow must help, Chen Feng has not wasted Luck Value, let alone, has Wang Yao, which dares to do! 幸运值消耗一空,明天还要去帮忙,陈锋没有浪费幸运值,更何况,有王瑶在,哪个敢来作死! A calm and steady rest night. 安稳的休息一夜。 The second day, Chen Feng arrived at the green mountain forest camp. 第二天,陈锋就到了青山林营地。 He comes time, the Wang Yao sister and brother have not arrived, what lets his some unexpected is, unexpectedly here saw the Xu Fei small team. 他过来的时候,王瑶姐弟还没到,但是让他有些意外的是,居然在这里看到了徐飞的小团队。
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