SG :: Volume #1

#44: Your this possibly is the false bloodlines

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On hill. 山丘上。 That wind fox Leader stands proudly, the body sits delicate and pretty peerless young people, his faint vision has swept on Chen Feng, in the look fills endless despises. 那风狐首领傲然而立,身上坐着一个俊美绝伦的年轻人,他淡漠的目光在陈锋身上扫过,眼神中充满无尽蔑视。 On!” “上!” Rubbish. 没有废话。 He waves, 30 wind fox rush headlong into mass action. 他挥了挥手,三十头风狐一哄而上。 What person?” “什么人?” The Chen Feng mind jumps crazily, jumps to retreat backward, terrifying Wind Edge, leaves behind deep scars in the land that the under foot passes through. 陈锋心神狂跳,一个纵身向后退去,一道道恐怖风刃,在脚下走过的土地留下一道道深深的伤痕。 sī — 嘶— Chen Feng holds breath a cold air/Qi. 陈锋倒吸一口冷气。 Suddenly!” “忽!” Wind Edge has cut. 风刃斩过。 Chen Feng took a deep breath, releases the instantaneous eruption that Wind Edge stagnates while these wind fox, ten salvos, carried off two wind fox, then hides rapidly. agility that today just promotes played the huge role at this time, Chen Feng several thrilling evading attacks. 陈锋深吸一口气,趁这些风狐释放完风刃停滞的瞬间爆发,一个十连发,带走了两头风狐,然后又迅速躲起来。今天刚刚提升的敏捷在这个时候发挥出了巨大的作用,陈锋几次都惊险的躲过攻击。 Wind Edge! 风刃 Everywhere Wind Edge! 漫天的风刃 He is first the feeling of experiencing the opponent. 他还是第一次体验自己对手的感觉。 Is good because. 好在。 These Wind Edge are the straight-lines attack. 这些风刃都是直线攻击。 These low level wind fox, do not understand the utilization of Wind Edge obviously, even if can the second company send, three salvos, goes straight there and comes straight back, Chen Feng can see through the route by far, takes the rocks and trees of mountain forest as the bunker, his several salvos easily, carried off 78 wind fox. 这些低级的风狐,明显不懂得风刃的运用,纵然可以二连发、三连发,也是直来直去,陈锋远远就能看穿路线,以山林的岩石和树木为掩体,他轻易的几次十连发,带走了七八头风狐。 But on this time, they stopped. 而就这个时候,它们停下来了。 Quick. 很快。 These wind fox make way gradually. 那些风狐渐渐让开。 That wind fox Leader leads the young people to go down slowly, Chen Feng sees clearly his appearance finally. 那个风狐首领带着年轻人缓缓走下,陈锋终于看清他的容貌。 That is......” “那是……” The Chen Feng pupil contracts suddenly. 陈锋瞳孔猛然收缩。 This is attractive to the shocking man, but most makes Chen Feng shocking is not his appearance, but is his face side that furry ear, as well as behind that long tail! 这是个漂亮到惊艳的男人,但是最让陈锋震惊的不是他的长相,而是他脸侧那毛茸茸的耳朵,以及背后的那根长长的尾巴! mutate(d) person! 变异人! The Chen Feng mind appears suddenly this words and expressions. 陈锋脑海忽然浮现这个词语。 He had looked in the book, because does not meet the condition, but forcefully Fusing Genes reagent, after fusion failure, there is a very small probability to have mutate(d), by the gene leadership body of Mutated Beast, degenerated into the lifeform of half -and-a-half people of beasts since then, becomes big different kind in lifeform! 他曾经在书中看过,因为不符合条件,但是强行融合基因试剂,融合失败之后,有很小几率发生变异,被变异兽基因主导身体,从此沦为半人半兽的生物,成为生物中的一大异类! They are very dangerous! 他们很危险! Because Human Race through absorbing the Mutated Beast gene strengthening! 因为人类通过摄取变异兽基因强化! But they...... 而他们…… Through absorbing the Human Race gene strengthening. 通过摄取人类基因强化。 Nearly natural enemy! 近乎天敌! It seems like did not have the leeway of rotation.” “看来没有回转的余地了。” Chen Feng has not thought, can see in this green mountain forest aimed at hunting and killing Human Race the mutate(d) person, looks that the look of opposite party he knows, this is one does not die the continuous fight. 陈锋也没想到,在这青山林就能看到以猎杀人类为目的的变异人,看着对方的眼神他就知道,这是一场不死不休的战斗。 He, has become the prey of opposite party. 他,已经成了对方的猎物。 Was somewhat troublesome.” “有些麻烦了。” Chen Feng has a parched mouth. 陈锋口干舌燥。 These ordinary wind fox he do not care, but that terrifying wind fox Leader, uses Luck Value even he still not necessarily is an opponent! 那些普通的风狐他根本不在乎,但是那头恐怖的风狐首领,就算动用幸运值他也不见得是对手! Very dangerous! 非常危险! Unexpectedly, that mutate(d) person touches the head of wind fox Leader, unexpectedly walked on own initiative, stands opposite of Chen Feng's. 只是,出乎意料的是,那变异人摸摸风狐首领的脑袋,居然主动走了下来,站到陈锋的对面。 Bang!” “轰!” terrifying strength blooms from the mutate(d) human body, he stands proudly, coldly (calmly) looks at Chen Feng, deep-blue Wind Edge surrounds in the side together. 恐怖力量变异人体内绽放,他傲然而立,冷冷的看着陈锋,一道湛蓝色风刃在身边环绕。 He, is provoking! 他,在挑衅! 100 spirit? Arrived the F Grade limit?” “100点精神?到了F级极限了?” Chen Feng understood suddenly. 陈锋忽然明白了。 Limiting condition. 极限状态。 This is an extremely special condition. 这是一个极其特殊的状态。 The gene attribute promotion, the essence is to stimulate the gene potential in within the body. 基因属性的提升,本质是激发体内的基因潜力。 However the body of person has the limit, even if passes through the body of Gene Fusion, has the limit as before! But the F Grade Genetic Warrior limit, is 100 attribute points! Which gene attribute regardless, reaches 100 points time, will enter the limiting condition of human body! 但是人的身体是有极限的,哪怕是经过基因融合的身体,依旧有极限!而F级基因战士的极限,就是100属性点!无论哪一种基因属性,达到100点的时候,都会进入人体的极限状态! The limiting condition, is very difficult to promote. 极限状态,很难提升。 At this time, you only have to surpass the limit, the breakthrough present difficult position, can promote again. 这个时候,你唯有超越极限,突破眼前的困境,才能再次提升。 With the view of Genetic Union, Human Race is actually extremely promising, but was surrounded by not visible chains, this is the so-called limiting condition. Only has to untie these chains, breaks the shackles, surpasses the limit, superego, can become stronger. 基因工会的说法,人类其实原本是潜力无限的,只是被一道道看不见的锁链困住了,这就是所谓的极限状态。唯有解开这一道道锁链,打破枷锁,超越极限,超越自我,才能变得更强。 To surpass the limit, many methods. 想要超越极限,有很多方法。 Some people train unceasingly, and diligently under sweat superego! 有人不断训练,在汗水和努力下超越自我! Some people fight to slaughter, in the hopeless situation and erupts superego! 有人战斗厮杀,在绝境和爆发中超越自我! Some person of good luck simultaneous/uniform heaven, in opportunity and coincidence superego! 有人鸿运齐天,在机遇和巧合中超越自我! But some people...... 而有些人…… Is not actually able to exceed life-long! 却终生无法超越! Human Race so, the mutate(d) person is also so. 人类如此,变异人也是如此。 The present mutate(d) person, arrived at the limiting condition obviously, now is planning to use Chen Feng as the springboard, the breakthrough limiting condition, steps into E Grade! 眼前的变异人,显然也到了极限状态,现在正打算以陈锋为跳板,突破极限状态,踏入E级 “嗷呜 The surrounding all wind fox bring up the rear for him. 周围所有风狐为他压阵。 That mutate(d) person step by step walks, terrifying strength is condensing, Chen Feng can feel that familiar strength in the periphery unceasing shake, that is strength of wind fox bloodlines! 变异人一步步走来,恐怖力量在凝聚,陈锋能感觉到熟悉的力量在周围不断的震荡,那是风狐血脉的力量 Roar!” “吼!” Angrily roars. 一声怒吼。 The mutate(d) person aims at Chen Feng, in the hand Wind Edge erupts, unlike Wind Edge of common wind fox, the Wind Edge obvious speed that this mutate(d) person projects is quicker, the might is stronger, even the quantity are more! 变异人对准陈锋,手中风刃爆发,跟寻常风狐的风刃不同,这变异人射出的风刃明显速度更快,威力更强,甚至数量更多! He must cut to kill Chen Feng, steps into E Grade! 他要斩杀陈锋,踏入E级 I, when springboard?” “那我当跳板?” Chen Feng smiled. 陈锋笑了。 Come!” “来吧!” In the Chen Feng eye the cold light flashes through. 陈锋眼中寒光闪过。 Wind Edge showdown? 风刃对决? Whom hasn't he really feared?! 他还真没怕过谁?! Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” The terrifying demolition sound transmits unceasingly. 恐怖的爆破声不断传来。 Void, a series of Wind Edge blast open unceasingly, surrounding wind fox forced retreat several steps, panic-stricken looks at in the air that stirring one. 虚空中,一连串风刃不断炸裂,周围的风狐都被逼迫的后退几步,惊恐的看着空中那震撼人心的一幕。 Ten Wind Edge! 十道风刃 20 Wind Edge! 二十道风刃 30 Wind Edge! 三十道风刃 ...... …… green mountain forest region was covered by the deep-blue brilliance thoroughly, incomparable sparkle, does not have any trace of stopping, endless Wind Edge showdown! 青山林这片区域被湛蓝色的光辉彻底笼罩,无比闪耀,没有任何停下的痕迹,只有无尽的风刃对决! Unexpectedly really dares with my Wind Edge showdown?” “居然真敢跟我风刃对决?” That mutate(d) person is very from the beginning self-confident. 变异人一开始还无比自信。 Who is he? 他是什么人? mutate(d) person! 变异人! As the mutate(d) person, although loses, but obtained the most outstanding wind fox bloodlines! 身为变异人虽然失去很多,可是却得到了最优秀的风狐血脉! Compared with Wind Edge? 风刃 Always no one can exceed him! Even if wind fox Leader is not good! 从来没人能超越他!哪怕风狐首领也不行! Let alone, his Wind Edge is obviously stronger than Chen Feng, Wind Edge can destroy Chen Feng two Wind Edge together, with his showdown Wind Edge, simply courts death! 更何况,他的风刃明显比陈锋更强,一道风刃就能摧毁陈锋两道风刃,跟他对决风刃,简直是找死! However, after Wind Edge of two people showdown surpasses 50, he somewhat is finally surprised, consecutively 50 Wind Edge, the seems like this youth's research to Wind Edge almost reached the limit, is the world rare talent! 然而,等两人对决的风刃超过五十之后,他终于有些惊讶,连续五十道风刃,看来这个少年对风刃的研究几乎到了极限,属于人间少有的天才! When Wind Edge of showdown to 100, his complexion somewhat changed finally, even if his Wind Edge quantity only needs 50, only needs half! 而当对决的风刃到了一百的时候,他脸色终于有些变化了,纵然他的风刃数量只需要五十道,只需要一半! But this quantity, but also is increasing! 而这个数量,还在增加! Wind Edge 风刃 Never stops! 从未停下! Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” The Wind Edge quantity of two people showdown rises dramatically again. 两人对决的风刃数量再次飙升。 120! 一百二十道! 130! 一百三十道! 150! 一百五十道! The complexion of mutate(d) person is somewhat green. 变异人的脸色已经有些绿了。 „Is this really Human Race?” “这真的是人类?” How does Human Race possibly achieve this situation?” 人类怎么可能做到这种地步?” However, two people showdowns still have not stopped, at this time, no one dares to stop, who first calls a halt, who is the dead end! 然而,两人的对决依然还没有停止,这个时候,谁也不敢停下来,谁先停手,谁就是死路一条! 170! 一百七十道! 180! 一百八十道! The mutate(d) person was shocked thoroughly. 变异人彻底惊呆了。 Who is the mutate(d) person?” “谁才是变异人?” I am the successor of wind fox bloodlines!” “我才是风狐血脉的继承者啊!” I am the purest wind fox bloodlines!” “我才是最纯正的风狐血脉啊!” He has started to suspect own bloodlines, could it be gene changed suddenly at that time time, changing suddenly is false wind fox bloodlines? 他已经开始怀疑自己的血脉了,难道自己当时基因突变的时候,突变出来是一个假的风狐血脉? Why can like this? 为什么会这样? He is not clear. 他不明白。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” 190! 一百九十道! 200! 二百道! That terrifying Wind Edge quantity finally breaks through 200. 恐怖风刃数量终于突破二百。 But the Wind Edge eruption quantity in mutate(d) person hand also finally achieves 100, however, what makes his panic-stricken is, even if at this time, Wind Edge of opposite party, but also is continuing. 变异人手中的风刃爆发数量也终于达到一百,然而,让他惊恐的是,纵然这种时候,对方的风刃,还在继续。 Still is continuing?” “还在继续?” Has not to end?” “有完没完?” „Isn't this issue of probability?” “这已经不是几率的问题了吧?” „Does Wind Edge condense the speed also to be insufficient this again quickly?” 风刃凝聚速度再快也不至于这样吧?” The mutate(d) person almost collapsed. 变异人几乎崩溃了。 He wants Chen Feng to him pressure limit breakthrough nothing more, but, Chen Feng pit-a-pat a series of Wind Edge, hit he almost suspects the life! 他只是想要陈锋给他一点压力极限突破而已,但是没想到,陈锋突突一连串的风刃,打的他几乎怀疑人生! Does not bring to bully the person! 不带这么欺负人啊!
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