SG :: Volume #1

#43: Hunts and kills the wind fox

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green mountain forest. 青山林。 Chen Feng quiet stepping into. 陈锋悄无声息的踏入。 Hot. 烈日炎炎。 The sunlight by the crowded leaf, bringing one portion is scalding hot, Chen Feng is observing the surrounding environment discretely, the vigilant heart does not dare to relax one. 阳光透过密集的树叶,带来一份灼热,陈锋谨慎的观察着周围的环境,警惕心不敢放松一丝。 F Grade Mutated Beast, drills the bird.” F级变异兽,钻地鸟。” The Chen Feng vision has swept, cautious avoidance. 陈锋目光扫过,小心翼翼的避开。 Although these Mutated Beast will not become the threat to other party, but Mutated Beast of Chen Feng to this obvious does not have any income will not have any interest. 尽管这些变异兽不会对他造成威胁,但是陈锋对这种明显没有任何收益的变异兽不会有任何兴趣。 F Grade Mutated Beast, flees a day of monkey. F级变异兽,窜天猴。 F Grade Mutated Beast, flying pig. F级变异兽,飞天猪。 ...... …… Chen Feng is thorough, finally to the agglomeration of wind fox. 陈锋一路深入,终于到了风狐的聚集地。 Looks distantly. 遥遥望去。 Chen Feng can clear seeing, a leader bluish white fox of wander on the mountain, as if in pursuer anything, for a long time, a sad and shrill pitiful yell sound flashes through. 陈锋可以清晰的看到,一头头青白色的狐狸在山上游荡,似乎在追捕者什么,许久,一声凄厉的惨叫声闪过。 The Chen Feng mind jumps. 陈锋心神一跳。 Wind Edge erupt instantly. 一道道风刃刹那爆发。 The flying pig that top-grade goods cross was torn limb from limb by five horses, one crowd seemingly moe is the style wind fox, in an instant shows the vicious expression, crazy throws, tears and bites the fragment the flying pig directly, the sharp claws stretches out, the blood of blood-red stay behind following the fingertip, very infiltrates the person! 一头路过的飞天猪被五马分尸,一群看似萌系风格的风狐,刹那间露出凶狠的表情,疯狂的扑上去,将飞天猪直接撕咬成碎片,利爪伸出,一道道血红色的血液顺着指尖留下,十分渗人! sī — 嘶— Chen Feng holds breath a cold air/Qi. 陈锋倒吸一口冷气。 This is the mutate(d) wind fox! 这就是变异风狐! These Mutated Beast, with the increase of strength, the instinct that oneself slaughter also promotes much, the bloodthirsty becomes second nature, regardless of the semblance is how docile, itself very terrifying. 这些变异兽,随着实力的增强,自身杀戮的本能也提升不少,嗜血成性,无论外表如何温顺,本身都非常恐怖 shuā! 刷! Chen Feng cautious aims at a leaving behind wind fox. 陈锋小心翼翼的对准一头落单的风狐。 The wrist belt/bring slight vibration, has equipped the good Mutated Beast sensation chip to start to scan. 腕带轻微震动,早已装备好的变异兽感知芯片开始扫描。 gene attribute: 基因属性: strength: 15 力量:15 agility: 22 敏捷:22 constitution: 18 体质:18 spirit: 48 精神:48 dīng — 叮— According to with your ** the fork contrast, the result is as follows: strength increases 5 points, agility to increase 12 points, constitution to increase 8 points, spirit to reduce 4 points, did not suggest to fuse.” “根据与您的属**叉对比,结果如下:力量提升五点,敏捷提升12点,体质提升八点,精神降低四点,不建议融合。” Chen Feng shakes the head. 陈锋摇摇头。 Will other three attributes on forget about it, spirit also reduce unexpectedly? This is his core attribute, it seems like that this wind fox does not suit as the material that gene strengthens, Chen Feng lies in the grove, uses the monitoring of wrist belt/bring, is observing the surroundings unceasingly. 其他三个属性也就算了,精神居然会降低?这可是他的核心属性,看来这头风狐并不适合作为基因强化的材料,陈锋趴在树丛中,利用腕带的监控,不断的观察着周围。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Chen Feng sees an obviously big 1st wind fox, scanned subconsciously. 陈锋看到一头明显大一号的风狐,下意识的扫描了一下。 gene attribute: 基因属性: strength: 55 力量:55 agility: 52 敏捷:52 constitution: 88 体质:88 spirit: 100 精神:100 Fuck Me! 我靠! The Chen Feng mind shakes crazily. 陈锋心神狂震。 100 spirit? Is it possible that is Leader is inadequate? If killed him...... 100精神?莫非是首领不成?如果杀了他…… The Chen Feng eye was red. 陈锋眼睛红了。 However thinks the unknown danger that Mu Yuan said that Chen Feng calms down quickly, the wind fox of this rank, the gene attribute really surpassed Chen Feng is too many! 不过想想牧原说的未知危险,陈锋又很快冷静下来,这个级别的风狐,基因属性实在超过陈锋太多了! May have an accident very much! 很有可能会出事! Wind fox Leader...... 风狐首领…… Chen Feng fishes out Thunder Snake gene reagent, looked at this wind fox Leader digitization attribute greedyly quite a while, finally chose giving up. 陈锋摸出雷蛇基因试剂,眼馋的看了看这头风狐首领的数据化属性半天,最终还是选择了放弃。 Mu Yuan words, there is a certain effect. 牧原的话,还是有一定效果的。 At this time 这个时候 Too may have an accident greedily! 太贪心可能会出事! Trades one.” “还是换一个吧。” Chen Feng sighed , to continue to seek in the surrounding. 陈锋叹口气,继续在外围寻找。 An appropriate wind fox is not easy to look, Chen Feng knows that own strength and weakness, crossed for one hour, Chen Feng in a peripheral lock(ing) goal. 一个合适的风狐并不好找,陈锋知道自己的优势和劣势,足足过了一个小时,陈锋才在外围锁定一个目标。 All attributes I am more than 4 points, after the gene strengthening, should be 2 points.” “所有属性都比我多四点,基因强化后应该是二点。” Chen Feng heart movement. 陈锋心动。 This goal, feasible. 这个目标,可行。 Chen Feng nearness quietly, however, from the wind fox ten meters, saw only the wind fox nose to move slightly probably, looked suddenly to position that Chen Feng was. 陈锋悄悄的靠近,然而,在大概距离风狐十米的时候,只见风狐鼻子微微动了一下,猛然看向陈锋所在的位置。 It is not good, was discovered. 不好,被发现了。 The Chen Feng mind jumps. 陈锋心神一跳。 The attribute and strength of light attention wind fox, forgot this fellow sensation is also powerful. 光注意风狐的属性和力量了,忘了这家伙本身的感知也非常强大。 sōu! 嗖! The wind fox notices the strange aura, flees instantaneously, the speed also wants on the quick several points compared with Chen Feng, a series of three Wind Edge almost condense before the body instantly. 风狐注意到陌生气息,瞬间窜来,速度比陈锋还要快上几分,一连串三个风刃几乎刹那在身前凝聚。 xiū! xiū! 咻!咻! Wind Edge come air-splitting. 一道道风刃破空而来。 The Chen Feng mind jumps crazily, this special is 5%? 陈锋心神狂跳,这特么是5%? shuā! 刷! Chen Feng subconscious release together Wind Edge. 陈锋下意识释放一道风刃 Only presents one merely. 仅仅只出现一个。 deep-blue the Light Edge collision of brilliance following fox, however, merely one instance, Chen Feng's Wind Edge collapses directly, but in this instantly, the wind fox has thrown, three Wind Edge follow, merely several seconds, the wind fox erupts the strong hunting and killing ability. 湛蓝色的光辉跟风狐的光刃碰撞,然而,仅仅一个瞬间,陈锋的风刃就直接崩坏,而就在这个刹那,风狐已经扑来,三道风刃跟随,仅仅几秒钟的时间,风狐爆发出自己强大的猎杀能力。 Cannot drag.” “不能拖了。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 This wind fox exceeds itself comprehensively, if not use Luck Aura, almost does not have any opportunity. 这头风狐全面超越自己,如果不用幸运光环,几乎没有任何机会。 “嗷 Saw that Wind Edge has approached. 眼看风刃已经靠近。 Chen Feng took a deep breath, own Wind Edge erupts in this moment finally, Luck Value consumes 1 points, the fearful prestige can bloom in this flash. 陈锋深吸一口气,自己的风刃终于在这一刻爆发,幸运值消耗一点,可怕的威能在这一瞬间绽放。 Ten salvos! 十连发! pū! pū! pū! 噗!噗!噗! Blue light twinkle. 蓝光闪烁。 , The wind fox has lost the consciousness. 一声嗷呜,风狐已经失去意识。 Chen Feng put out prepared gene ingestion rapidly, the gene ingestion of wind fox, injected own within the body. 陈锋迅速拿出早已准备的基因摄取器,将风狐的基因摄取,注射到自己体内。 Buzz! 嗡! Chen Feng felt that a warm current floods into. 陈锋感觉到一股暖流涌入。 gene of gene and within the body that just took in started to fuse, the body gave off heat slightly, some beads of sweat appeared, but too has not in a big way affected. Chen Feng can feel the physical quality comprehensively is strengthening, waited for gene to strengthen finished the time, his gene attribute has been promoted. 刚摄入的基因和体内的基因开始融合,身体微微发热,些许汗珠出现,不过并没有太大影响。陈锋能感觉到身体素质正在全面增强,等基因强化结束的时候,他的基因属性已然得到提升。 gene attribute: 基因属性: strength: 12 力量:12 agility: 12 敏捷:12 constitution: 12 体质:12 spirit: 54 精神:54 Four species comprehensively increase two points, wind fox that wants to look for a conjunction, is not then easy! 四种属性全面提升两点,想要找一个契合的风狐,并不是那么容易的! Rustle! 沙沙! Chen Feng has not tasted with enough time, felt various strange sounds that periphery broadcasts convey, in the ground the light smell of blood starts to turn toward the surroundings to dissipate. 陈锋没来得及回味,就感觉到周围传来的各种奇异声音传来,地面上淡淡的血腥味开始向着周围逸散。 Leaves here.” “离开这里。” The Chen Feng vigilance, leaves immediately. 陈锋警觉,马上离开。 But in he leaves less than one minute, more than ten Mutated Beast appear, wrestles in the same place, is split up the corpse of wind fox. 而就在他离开不到一分钟的时间,十几头变异兽出现,扭打在一起,将风狐的尸体四分五裂。 This is the Mutated Beast world! 这就是变异兽的世界! If not has Luck Aura to be auxiliary, Chen Feng possibly torn that. 若非有着幸运光环辅助,陈锋可能就是被撕裂的那个。 Next.” “下一个。” The Chen Feng vision wanders on the wind fox of distant place, is seeking for own target. 陈锋目光在远处的风狐身上游荡,寻找着自己的目标。 ...... 一个…… Two...... 两个…… Three...... 三个…… Chen Feng quiet hunting and killing. 陈锋悄无声息的猎杀。 These wind fox after all are only ordinary F Grade Mutated Beast, in Chen Feng infinite Wind Edge under erupts, does not have the strength to hit back, Chen Feng needs to care only, after is finished up, must leave immediately, cannot be discovered by other ominous beasts, otherwise dies without the burial ground absolutely. 这些风狐毕竟只是普通的F级变异兽,在陈锋无限风刃的爆发下,根本毫无还手之力,陈锋唯一需要在意的,就是完事后必须立刻离开,绝不能被其他凶兽发现,不然绝对死无葬身之地。 Most of the day the time passes by, Chen Feng's spirit arrived at 62 points finally. 大半天时间过去,陈锋的精神终于到了62点。 Four 1 promotion, three 2 promotion! 四次一点提升,三次二点提升! It is not easy. 太不容易了。 Seven hours, conducted seven gene to strengthen merely, average one hour can only find appropriate Mutated Beast. 七个小时,仅仅进行了七次基因强化,平均一个小时只能找到一头合适的变异兽 Chen Feng forget about it calculates, total consumes Luck Value 10 points, another 3 Luck Value, are discovered by several meeting by chance Mutated Beast accidentally, temporarily escape time consumes. 陈锋算了算,共计消耗幸运值十点,其中另外三点幸运值,是无意中被几个偶遇的变异兽发现,临时逃命的时候消耗的。 Consumed 10 Luck Value to promote 10 spirit?” “消耗了十点幸运值才提升十点精神么?” In the Chen Feng heart calculates silently. 陈锋心中默默计算。 Has Luck Aura him so, others? 拥有幸运光环的他都如此,其他人呢? gene strengthens, really bad risk extremely. 基因强化,果然凶险万分。 In the afternoon, hunted and killed several to go back again.” “下午了,再猎杀几个就回去。” Chen Feng said secretly. 陈锋暗自说道。 Why does not know, all wind fox disappeared suddenly. 只是,不知道为何,所有风狐忽然消失了。 Chen Feng seeks for the moment, has not discovered any wind fox, even if he approached the derivation place of wind fox thoroughly, still has not discovered a wind fox. 陈锋寻找片刻,没有发现任何风狐,哪怕他更加深入的靠近了风狐的衍生地,依然没有发现一只风狐。 „It is not a little right.” “有点不对劲。” Chen Feng does not feel wonderfully. 陈锋感觉不妙。 Remove! 撤! Chen Feng round trip without hesitation runs, however, at this time. 陈锋毫不犹豫的往回跑,然而,这个时候。 xiū! 咻! The cold and gloomy brilliance pastes the scalp to fly together, Chen Feng danger dangerous evades an attack, if not agility has enhanced the reaction to increase today, he had died a moment ago. 一道森冷的光辉贴着头皮飞过,陈锋险之又险的避过一次攻击,若非今天敏捷有所提升反应力增加,他刚才已经死了。 What thing.” “什么东西。” Chen Feng swept one subconsciously, immediately the ghost all braves. 陈锋下意识的扫了一眼,顿时亡魂皆冒。 The surroundings dense and numerous wind fox appear, oneself will encircle in the middle, the look ice-cold looks at itself, neat, unexpectedly no wind fox runs all over the place. 周围密密麻麻的风狐出现,将自己围在中间,神色冰冷的看着自己,整整齐齐,居然没有一只风狐乱跑。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Chen Feng does not feel right, by wind fox surrounding? 陈锋感觉不对,被风狐包围了? This low level will Mutated Beast, how have the wisdom?! 这种低级的变异兽,怎么会拥有智慧?! Chen Feng is feeling strange time, that wind fox Leader appears from the mountain top, but what most person is frightened, on that wind fox Leader sits young people unexpectedly! 陈锋正奇怪的时候,那头风狐首领从山头出现,而最人惊悚的是,那只风狐首领上居然坐着一个年轻人! Works as the mount with the wind fox? 用风狐当坐骑? The Chen Feng mind jumps, this anything person! 陈锋心神微跳,这什么人!
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