SG :: Volume #1

#42: gene strengthening!

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„Do you do this expression?” “你干嘛这种表情?” The Mu Yuan inexplicable feeling is somewhat absolutely terrified. 牧原莫名感觉有些毛骨悚然。 All right.” “没事。” Chen Feng thinks of the proper business: You know how to promote Spiritual Energy?” 陈锋想到正事:“你知道如何提升精神力吗?” Gene Manufacture.” 基因制作啊。” Mu Yuan natural saying: To our Gene Manufacturist, so long as manufactures gene, Spiritual Energy will increase, if you dislike to grow slowly, can conduct the gene exercise of certain extent, some difficult training classes, can promote some Spiritual Energy.” 牧原理所当然的说道:“对我们基因制作师来说,只要制作基因,精神力就会增加的,如果你嫌增长慢的话,可以进行一定程度的基因锻炼,一些高难度训练班,也能提升一些精神力的。” I must promote rapidly.” “我要快速提升的。” Chen Feng shakes the head. 陈锋摇摇头。 He who Mu Yuan said also knows that is the Manufacturist normal improvement way, but to him, most lacks now, is the time! 牧原所说的他也知道,那是制作师的正常提升途径,但是对他而言,现在最缺少的,就是时间! Fast?” “快速?” Mu Yuan knits the brows, I think that...... buys the permanent promotion gene reagent? Although is a little expensive.” 牧原皱眉,“我想想……买个永久提升的基因试剂?虽然有点贵。” Has used.” “用过了。” Chen Feng decisive decline. 陈锋果断回绝。 „Didn't that have probably?” “那好像没有了吧?” Mu Yuan thought of anything suddenly, shakes the head: „The Gene Manufacturist lifting method, these planted, basically there is no shortcut, but if Genetic Warrior......” 牧原忽然想到了什么,摇摇头:“基因制作师的提升方式,就这几种了,基本没什么捷径可言,但是如果是基因战士……” Chen Feng at present one bright, right, Gene Manufacturist, to put it bluntly is spirit Type Genetic Warrior! These pure Genetic Warrior Gene Manufacture, how won't they promote? 陈锋眼前一亮,对啊,基因制作师,说白了就是精神类型基因战士!那些纯粹的基因战士可不会基因制作,他们怎么提升的? Does not know that should say this to you.” “也不知道该不该给你说这个。” „Does Genetic Warrior that the Mu Yuan forced smile, the hesitant moment, you know how enhance the strength?” 牧原苦笑,犹豫片刻,“你知道的基因战士如何提升实力吗?” Exercise?” “锻炼?” Chen Feng guessed. 陈锋猜测。 That is only part.” “那只是其中一部分。” Mu Yuan took a deep breath, besides normal practice and high-intensity training, Genetic Warrior also quickly however also more dangerous way gene strengthening!” 牧原深吸一口气,“除了正常的练习和高强度训练之外,基因战士还有一个更快捷但是也更危险的方式基因强化!” gene strengthening?” 基因强化?” Chen Feng at present slightly bright, he seems to have listened to this noun. 陈锋眼前微亮,他似乎听过这个名词。 Right, gene strengthening!” “对,基因强化!” Mu Yuan selects to nod: So-called gene strengthens, hunts and kills homogeneous Mutated Beast, uses for oneself its gene! For example your F Grade fusion Wood Bear gene, then you, so long as hunts and kills Wood Bear Mutated Beast that you are more powerful, absorbs own within the body its gene, can strengthen own Wood Bear gene!” 牧原点头:“所谓基因强化,就是猎杀同种变异兽,将它的基因为自己所用!比如你F级融合的木熊基因,那么你只要猎杀比你强大的木熊变异兽,将它的基因摄取到自己体内,就能强化自身的木熊基因!” How to strengthen?” “怎么强化?” Chen Feng is a little dizzy. 陈锋还是有点晕乎。 Hunts and kills, ingestion, fusion.” “猎杀,摄取,融合。” Mu Yuan spoke frankly, gene strengthens with blood essence quenchings differently, wants to absorb within the body gene, strengthens gene, must guarantee the gene activeness! In other words, hunts and kills Mutated Beast in several minutes, must complete gene to strengthen, otherwise the gene activeness will vanish.” 牧原直言,“基因强化跟精血淬炼不一样,想要将基因摄取到体内,强化自身基因,必须保证基因的活性!也就是说,猎杀变异兽几分钟内,必须完成基因强化,否则基因活性就会消失。” So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Chen Feng thinks carefully, does not seem like very difficult Ah? 陈锋仔细想了想,似乎不是很难啊? Assuming that what he fuses is Wood Bear gene, the strength 30 points, so long as that hunts and kills strength over 30 Wood Bear Mutated Beast, then absorbs own within the body its gene, can complete the promotion? This gene strengthening looks very simple, some where Mu Yuan said is so dangerous! 假设他融合的是木熊基因,力量30点,那么只要猎杀力量30以上的木熊变异兽,然后将它的基因摄取到自己体内,就能完成提升?这基因强化看起来很简单啊,哪有牧原说的那么危险! „Is attribute increase 100%?” “属性增幅是100%?” Chen Feng thinks of anything suddenly. 陈锋忽然想到什么。 Of course not.” “当然不是。” Mu Yuan shakes the head, gene strengthens, you can be regarded as two liquid fusions of different density, the attribute meets the average. In other words you hunted and killed to be higher than 2 strength Mutated Beast, can only obtain 1 strength! But if in gene some species is lower than you......” 牧原摇摇头,“基因强化,你可以当做是两种不同浓度的液体融合,属性会平均的。也就是说你猎杀了一个比自己高出二点力量变异兽,只能获得一点力量!但是如果基因中某种属性比你低……” hey hey, your some species will also drop.” 嘿嘿,你的某种属性还会下降。” Attribute promotion, once some attribute falls, gene degenerates, is huge to the damage that the body causes, the consequence is dreadful.” “属性提升还算好,一旦某个属性出现下降,基因退化,对身体造成的伤害非常巨大,后果不堪设想。” sī — 嘶— Chen Feng holds breath a cold air/Qi. 陈锋倒吸一口冷气。 Drop? 下降? gene degeneration? 基因退化? He somewhat was suddenly clear. 他忽然有些明白了。 In other words, wants the real gene strengthening, must hunt and kill strength, agility, spirit and constitution, exceeds own Mutated Beast all-around. 也就是说,想要真正的基因强化,必须猎杀一个力量敏捷精神体质,全方位超越自己的变异兽才可以。 Otherwise, hunts and kills Mutated Beast laboriously, after the gene strengthening, the attribute also dropped, to be laughable? 不然的话,辛苦猎杀一头变异兽,基因强化之后,属性还下降了,岂不是可笑? However, did not say that found to meet the condition Mutated Beast many from the Mutated Beast ethnic group is not easy, even found, are you really victorious? The same attribute and same Gene Ability Mutated Beast, the Main Body strength is much more than same stage Human Race, not to mention strong! 然而,不说从变异兽的族群找到符合条件的变异兽多不容易,就算是找到了,你真的打得过?要知道,同属性、同基因能力变异兽,本体实力远远大于同阶段的人类,更不用说比自己强的了! This is the gene strengthening! 这就是基因强化! Hunts and kills Mutated Beast, absorbs its gene, with Gene Fusion of own within the body, completes the strengthening of gene, own gene attribute can be promoted! 变异兽猎杀,摄取它的基因,跟自己体内的基因融合,完成基因的强化,自己的基因属性就可以获得提升! This is the Genetic Warrior lifting method. 这就是基因战士的提升方式。 Simple! 简单! Crude! 粗暴! danger! 还有危险! Therefore......” “所以……” The Mu Yuan low and deep say/way, „the Genetic Warrior mortality rate, is very high.” 牧原低沉道,“基因战士的死亡率,很高。” Understood.” “明白。” The Chen Feng mind is imposing, but, this derives another issue, that I, if looks for several 100 point full attribute homogeneous Mutated Beast to get rid of, to divide minute to reach the F Grade limit?” 陈锋心神凛然,不过,这就衍生出另一个问题,“那我如果找几个100点满属性的同种变异兽干掉,岂不是分分钟就到F级极限了?” Some Chen Feng wishful thinkings. 陈锋还是有些小心思的。 If Wind Edge firepower full...... 如果风刃火力全开…… Where is so easy.” “哪有那么容易。” Mu Yuan ill-humored saying, you really think that gene does strengthen is so easy? The intensity that gene strengthens, has much to do with your body bearing capacity and willpower, the F Grade improvement intensity that Genetic Union suggested time was probably 1-2 gene attributes, too many somewhat will be dangerous.” 牧原没好气的说道,“你真以为基因强化那么容易?基因强化的强度,跟你的身体承受能力和意志力有很大关系,基因工会建议的F级提升强度是一次大概1-2点基因属性,太多了会有些危险。” What danger?” “什么危险?” Chen Feng is curious. 陈锋好奇。 How I know, I am not Genetic Warrior.” “我怎么知道,我又不是基因战士。” Mu Yuan white Chen Feng, then the look becomes very serious: Speaking of the danger, I thought that you now are the real danger. Chen Feng, I know that you want to promote Spiritual Energy rapidly, but you some worry now!” 牧原白了陈锋一眼,然后神色变得很严肃:“说到危险,我觉得你现在才是真正的危险啊。陈锋,我知道你想快速提升精神力,可是你现在有些太着急了!” Is so obvious?” “有这么明显吗?” Chen Feng is somewhat embarrassed. 陈锋有些不好意思。 Do not be serious.” “别不当回事。” Mu Yuan sighed, remembers in childhood I was short of money, found out various types quickly and convenient money-making method, but did not have the ability to implement, after growing up , the preparation started to do, discovered that these so-called quick methods, were written about «Law».” 牧原叹口气,“记得小时候我缺钱的时候,也是想出了各种快捷而又方便的赚钱方法,只是没能力实施,长大后准备开始做的时候,发现这些所谓的快捷方法,都被写到了《法律》中。” „......” “……” Is the matter of violating the law Chen Feng is dumbfounded, before gathering you, is wanting to do? 陈锋目瞪口呆,合着你以前想干的都是犯法的事情? Understands my meaning?” “明白我的意思没?” The Mu Yuan consolation said: Generally walks the shortcut the matter, along with the danger, is quicker, the risk is bigger! Even gene strengthens, must advance gradually slowly, cannot act unreasonably.” 牧原劝慰道:“一般走捷径的事情,都伴随着危险,越快捷,危险性就越大!就算是基因强化,也要徐徐渐进,不能乱来。” Many thanks.” “多谢。” Chen Feng understands his meaning. 陈锋明白他的意思。 „To promote rapidly, inevitably risky.” “想要快速提升,必然是有风险的。” Mu Yuan said with a smile: „It is not everyone can like our Manufacturist, so long as calm and steady manufacture gene, can enhance the strength. You look at me, Spiritual Energy promotes with steady steps, now has broken through E Grade.” 牧原笑道:“不是所有人都能像咱们制作师一样,只要安安稳稳的制作基因,也可以提升实力。你看我,精神力稳步提升,现在已经突破E级了。” Mu Yuan is self-satisfied, this is also a Gene Manufacturist popular place. 牧原得意,这也是基因制作师受欢迎的一个地方。 That actually.” “那倒是。” Chen Feng cannot help laughing. 陈锋哑然失笑。 ten million | whatever happens do not act unreasonably.” 千万别乱来啊。” Mu Yuan urging. 牧原叮嘱。 Naturally.” “当然。” Chen Feng smiles. 陈锋笑笑。 After Mu Yuan expressed thanks, Chen Feng hung the communication. 牧原表达了感谢之后,陈锋挂了通讯。 Although this words discussed version intimate friend Elder Brother repeatedly to stress that outside was very dangerous, but in the Chen Feng heart has the plan, was dangerous, can have the previous Dragon's Passing Mountain danger?! 尽管这位‘话唠版知音哥哥’一再强调外面很危险,但是陈锋心中已经有了打算,再危险,能有上次龙逝山危险?! From the beginning, Chen Feng has not planned to become dwelling male Manufacturist! 从一开始,陈锋就没打算成为一个宅男制作师 Because of the relations of Gene Manufacture, most Manufacturist fusions assists gene, therefore the itself battle efficiency wants weak many. Although Great Manufacturist can definitely ask the person to protect itself, but later can own safety, place on others? 因为基因制作的关系,大多数制作师融合的都是辅助基因,所以本身战斗力要弱的多。尽管制作大师完全可以请人保护自己,但是以后都要将自己的安危,放在别人身上? Chen Feng self-examines unable to achieve. 陈锋自问做不到。 The will of the people are too complex. 人心太复杂。 Especially in this dangerous and strange world! 尤其在这个危险而又陌生的世界! Chen Feng does not want to rely on others to protect forever, or is a Foreign World dwelling male in the safety zone forever, this world has too the mysterious place, he wants to have a look! 陈锋可不想永远依赖其他人保护,或者永远都在安全区域做一个异世界的宅男,这个世界有太多神奇的地方,他都想去看看! Who said that Gene Manufacturist can fuse to assist gene? 谁说基因制作师必须融合辅助基因 Who said that Gene Manufacturist doesn't have the battle efficiency? 谁说基因制作师就没有战斗力? Even Gene Manufacturist, he must become battle efficiency strongest Gene Manufacturist! 就算是基因制作师,他也要成为战斗力最强的基因制作师 Chen Feng is self-confident. 陈锋自信。 Since must become powerhouse, the most basic fight and to gain experience may not be short! 而既然要成为一名强者,最基本的战斗和历练是绝不可少的! gene strengthening? 基因强化? Chen Feng must go. 陈锋必然要去。 Returns, he must certainly prepare completely safe. 只是,去归去,他肯定要做好万全准备。 On the same day. 当天。 Chen Feng online checked the Wind Edge news, his gene Source in Mutated Beast named wind fox, many places has. 陈锋在网上查了查风刃的消息,他的这种基因能力来源于一种叫做风狐的变异兽,很多地方都有。 Gold City words...... 金城的话…… After Chen Feng conducts screening, is only left over a place green mountain forest. 陈锋进行筛选后,只剩下一个地方青山林。 green mountain forest. 青山林。 South hundred 20 li a position situated in Gold City, giant wooded mountains, because the terrain is rugged, the habitation is rare, there became dozens Mutated Beast habitats. Usually rarely has the person, only then quite powerful Gene Team, dares to go to there to conduct the gene strengthening! 位于金城南面一百二十里的位置,有一座巨大山林,因为地形崎岖,人烟稀有,那里成了数十种变异兽的栖息地。平时鲜有人至,只有较为强大的基因小队,才敢去那里进行基因强化! But the wind fox, is one in that dozens Mutated Beast. 而风狐,就是那数十种变异兽中的一种。 Un......” “嗯……” Chen Feng carefully looked, fortunately, the wind fox does not like living in groups. 陈锋仔细看了看,还好,风狐并不喜欢群居。 „The present stage Mutated Beast advantage is big, is more powerful than me, cannot be victorious.” “现阶段变异兽优势较大,比我强大的,根本打不过。” Chen Feng is lost in thought that but if opens Luck Aura, the insta-kill powerful wind fox, the strength rise will be quite also quick. 陈锋陷入沉思,但是如果开启幸运光环,秒杀比自己强大的风狐,实力提升也会比较快。 Un...... 嗯…… 1 spirit can promote 1 points of Spiritual Energy upper limit, his present Spirit Attribute only has 52 points. 一点精神能够提升一点精神力上限,他现在精神属性只有52点。 Also misses 38 points.” “还差38点。” The Chen Feng's request is not high, Spiritual Energy reaches 90 points, enough he makes Strongest Gene. If seeks for Mutated Beast reasonably, perhaps has the opportunity to sprint to 90 points in a short time! 陈锋的要求不高,精神力达到90点,足够他做出最强基因就可以。如果合理寻找变异兽,说不定有机会在短期内冲刺到90点! Hopeful.” “有希望。” Chen Feng is ready to make trouble. 陈锋蠢蠢欲动。 After the computation, has Luck Aura, goes to the green mountain forest to hunt and kill the wind fox, his risk is not too big, the income of however obtaining, is high! 经过计算,有幸运光环在,去青山林猎杀风狐,他的危险性并不算太大,但是得到的收益,却非常高! Can go.” “可以去。” Chen Feng made the resolution. 陈锋做了决断。 Some issues. 只是,还有一些问题。 For example 比如 Initially traced own that three mental handicap, although they had never appeared afterward, but Chen Feng has to enhance vigilance, was well prepared. 当初追踪自己的那三个智障,尽管他们后来从未出现过,但是陈锋不得不提高警惕,做好一切准备。 spirit restores reagent, three bottles. 精神恢复试剂,三瓶。 spirit strengthens reagent, three bottles. 精神增强试剂,三瓶。 Thunder Snake gene reagent, one bottle. 雷蛇基因试剂,一瓶。 Mutated Beast perceptron, one portion. 变异兽感知器,一份 ...... …… Two days later, Chen Feng is well prepared. 两天后,陈锋做好一切准备。 What a pity, the original plan was to manufacture two bottles of Thunder Snake gene reagent, does to present Chen Feng is really poor wretch, all funds can only make one. 可惜,原计划是制作两瓶雷蛇基因试剂的,奈何现在的陈锋是真的是穷光蛋一个,所有资金只能做出一个来。 All preparations are appropriate, he then arrived at the Genetic Union green mountain forest camp. 一切准备妥当,他这才到了基因工会的青山林营地。
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