SG :: Volume #1

#41: Chen Feng's road

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wēng — 嗡— A Chen Feng tinnitus, only thought that the whole world is dark in the flash, the eye looks to Sun of out of the window, Sun unexpectedly is the green! 陈锋一阵耳鸣,只觉得整个世界在一瞬间黑暗,眼睛无意间看向窗外的太阳,太阳居然是绿色的! What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Chen Feng quite a while has not recovered. 陈锋半天没回过神来。 Crossed for two minutes, Chen Feng got strength back, this discovered when originally did not know, his Spiritual Energy dried up unexpectedly thoroughly! 足足过了两分钟,陈锋才缓过劲来,这才发现,原来不知道何时,他的精神力居然彻底枯竭了! In the digitization panel, Spiritual Energy there, turned into bright red 0! 数据化面板中,精神力那里,更是变成了鲜红的0! „Did Spiritual Energy consume spatially?” 精神力耗空了?” Chen Feng forced smile. 陈锋苦笑。 Then passes through the simplest two steps, the most troublesome third step, has not started! Dependency of Gene Manufacture on Spiritual Energy, is above beyond the Chen Feng's imagination by far. 这才走过最简单的两步,最麻烦的第三步,还没开始呢!基因制作精神力的依赖,远远超乎陈锋的想象之外。 He affirmed. 他肯定。 Oneself had traced the Strongest Gene threshold a moment ago, that improve Formula(s), that by gene of Luck Aura perfect manufacture, absolutely is enhancement of epic level! If oneself really can manufacture that gene, harvest that certainly can not dare to imagine absolutely! 自己刚才已经摸到了最强基因的门槛,那个自己改良配方,那个由幸运光环完美制作的基因,绝对是史诗级的加强!自己如果真的能制作出那个基因,一定能够得到绝对不敢想象的收获! However...... 但是…… Spiritual Energy! 精神力啊! „Was direction wrong?” “方向错了么?” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 Spiritual Energy, is the Gene Manufacture foundation. 精神力,是基因制作的基础。 Normally, Spiritual Energy of Chen Feng this level, dares to study ordinary gene generally, Chen Feng, because has Luck Aura to be auxiliary, therefore sweeps away, even 4-Star Thunder Snake gene and 5-Star Golden Ant gene solved, almost forgot Spiritual Energy to consume this matter! 正常情况下,陈锋这种水准的精神力,一般也就就敢研究一下普通基因,陈锋因为有着幸运光环辅助,所以一路横扫,连四星雷蛇基因五星金蚁基因都解决了,都差点忘了精神力消耗这回事了! Wood Bear Gene Manufacture, Spiritual Energy consumes 1 points. 木熊基因制作,精神力消耗一点。 Thunder Snake Gene Manufacture, Spiritual Energy consumes 10 points. 雷蛇基因制作,精神力消耗十点。 Golden Ant Gene Manufacture, Spiritual Energy consumes 20 points. 金蚁基因制作,精神力消耗20点。 But wants directly to improve Golden Ant gene Formula(s)? 而想要直接改善金蚁基因配方 Chen Feng estimated, oneself 90 point above Spiritual Energy, are impossible to succeed! But in fact? Considering everything, he also 32 points of Spiritual Energy! 陈锋估计,自己没有90点以上的精神力,根本不可能成功!而实际上呢?满打满算,他也才32点精神力 Background was too bad.” “底子太差了。” Chen Feng only has the forced smile. 陈锋唯有苦笑。 However, his aspect really this/should promotion! 不过,他这方面真的该提升了! Promotion of Spiritual Energy, to Gene Manufacture to strength, has certainly the big advantage, will not lose the Chen Feng too much time. On the contrary, after Spiritual Energy promotion, Chen Feng grasps the Formula(s) speed, perhaps also quicker promotion! 精神力的提升,无论是对基因制作还是对本身的实力,都有绝大的好处,并不会耽误陈锋太多时间。相反,精神力提升之后,陈锋掌握配方的速度,说不定还会更快的提升! First tries!” “先试试!” Chen Feng had the decision. 陈锋有了决定。 Spiritual Energy......” 精神力……” The Chen Feng hesitation moment, puts out that bottle of Golden Ant gene reagent stimulation within the body gene potential that oneself manufactured a moment ago, permanent promotes 20 points of Spiritual Energy. 陈锋沉吟片刻,拿出自己刚才制作的那瓶金蚁基因试剂激发体内基因潜力,永久提升20点精神力 According to his understanding, this permanent promotes gene attribute special reagent, each Grading can only use one time, no matter which gene attribute, so long as after promoting one time, cannot use absolutely again. Otherwise, many gene take, will cause spirit to split. 根据他的了解,这种永久提升基因属性的特殊试剂,每个等级只能使用一次,不管是哪种基因属性,只要提升一次之后,就绝对不能再使用。不然的话,过多基因摄入,会导致精神分裂。 He is the plan sold, but now looks like...... 原本他是打算出售的,但是现在看来…… Chen Feng online checked, spirit promotion reagent that now the entire transaction community has three types, moreover each type, the price is very expensive. 陈锋在网上查了下,现在整个交易社区存在的精神提升试剂只有三种,而且每一种,价格都十分昂贵。 Demon rabbit gene reagent, permanent increases Spiritual Energy 8 points, the price 80,000. 魔兔基因试剂,永久提升精神力八点,价格8万。 Blue Bat gene reagent, permanent increases Spiritual Energy 10 points, the price 100,000. 蓝蝠基因试剂,永久提升精神力十点,价格10万。 Crack wing gene reagent, permanent increases Spiritual Energy 13 points, the price 150,000. 裂翼基因试剂,永久提升精神力13点,价格15万。 Best also only has 13 points.” “最好的也只有13点。” Chen Feng is lost in thought. 陈锋陷入沉思。 Spiritual Energy is the Gene Manufacture basis, since he plans to promote Spiritual Energy, must best, the Golden Ant gene that oneself manufacture, simply customizes for oneself! 精神力基因制作的根本,既然他打算提升精神力,就一定要最好的,自己制作的这份金蚁基因,简直是为自己量身定做! shuā! 刷! Chen Feng takes directly. 陈锋直接服用。 wēng — 嗡— spirit surges. 精神涌动。 Chen Feng felt Spiritual Energy that own state of mind agility, keen ears and sharp eyes, that dried up, in this process, restores directly fully! 陈锋感觉到自己神思敏捷,耳聪目明,那原本枯竭的精神力,更是在这个过程中,直接恢复满! 52 points of Spiritual Energy! 52点精神力 Tries.” “试试。” Chen Feng attempts to enter Digitized Status. 陈锋尝试进入数维状态 shuā! 刷! shuā! 刷! Constructs the Digitized World speed, seeks for the gene speed, was quicker than before much, the overall progress of Gene Manufacture technique, was quicker than one time the past! Powerful Spiritual Energy, lets the Chen Feng all-around promotion, Wind Edge, compared with before big 1st. 无论是构建数维世界的速度,还是寻找基因的速度,都比之前快了不少,基因制作术的整体进度,比以往快了一倍!强大的精神力,让陈锋全方位的提升,就连风刃,比起之前都大了一号。 „Is this spirit powerful advantage?” “这就是精神强大的好处么?” Chen Feng shocks. 陈锋震撼。 He knows that the Spiritual Energy improvement increase is very big, but has never thought unexpectedly is in this situation. 他知道精神力提升增幅很大,但是从未想过居然到这种地步。 No wonder said that Spiritual Energy is the Gene Manufacture foundation, perhaps not just so, Spiritual Energy, is the spirit Type Genetic Warrior foundation! 难怪都说精神力基因制作的基础,恐怕不单单如此,精神力,也是精神类型基因战士的基础! Foundation...... 基础…… The Chen Feng hesitation moment, made the decision, must promote Spiritual Energy! 陈锋沉吟片刻,做了决定,必须提升精神力 Does not have him, he is really short now is too many. 无他,他现在欠缺得真的太多了。 Lacks Formula(s), lacks the sprint Formula(s) resources, Spiritual Energy is deficient, the battle efficiency is too weak! 缺少配方,缺少冲刺配方的资源,精神力匮乏,战斗力太弱! Just the high school graduated participates in Gene Super Rookie Competition, eventually was too reluctant. If the competition time insufficiently were defeated that too to be awkward because of Spiritual Energy, therefore, only then the fast promotion of Spiritual Energy, can make him grow stronger comprehensively! Can quicker grasps 20 Star Rating Formula(s)! 刚高中毕业就参加基因新秀赛,终究还是太勉强了。如果比赛时候因为精神力不够而失败那就太尴尬了,所以,只有精神力的快速提升,才能够让他全面变强!才能够更快的掌握二十个星级配方 Naturally, that the tentacle has been possible and Strongest Gene. After 5-Star Gene Formula improves what can Strongest Gene be? 当然,还有那个已经触手可及的最强基因五星基因配方改良后的最强基因会是什么? He anticipated very much. 他很期待。 Some of his even premonitions, Strongest Gene that if he makes is really unique, can bring massive advantage to him absolutely, all resources that even these 20 Star Rating need can handle! 他甚至有种预感,如果他做出的最强基因真的是绝无仅有的,绝对能给他带来大量的好处,甚至这二十个星级所需要的所有资源都能搞定! . 只是。 How should promote Spiritual Energy? 该怎么提升精神力 To make Strongest Gene, at least needs 90 points of Spiritual Energy. 想要做出最强基因,至少需要90点精神力 Chen Feng thought of Wang Yue suddenly, before this goods , is close to 30 points of Spiritual Energy, did not have to be high. However did the graduation then the time, progress by leaps and bounds for half a month unexpectedly, rushed to 80 points? In other words, this short for half a month, Wang Yue promoted 50 points of Spiritual Energy. 陈锋忽然想到了王越,这货之前也只有接近30点精神力,还没自己高。但是毕业这才半个月时间,居然突飞猛进,冲到了80点?也就是说,这短短半个月,王越就提升了50点精神力 Even if his passive Gene Ability increases 10 points additionally, even if he takes with Chen Feng is the same full attribute 5-Star Rating promotion reagent, where do his remaining 20 points come? 就算他本身的被动基因能力额外增加十点,就算他服用的跟陈锋是一样的满属性五星级提升试剂,那他剩下的20点是哪里来的? Pure exercise? 纯粹的锻炼? He does not believe absolutely! 他绝对不信! „The Spiritual Energy promotion, has a quicker way inevitably.” 精神力提升,必然有更快捷的途径。” Chen Feng affirmed. 陈锋肯定。 But at this time, the Chen Feng wrist belt/bring vibrated, the Mu Yuan image appeared suddenly. 而就在这个时候,陈锋腕带震动,牧原的影像忽然浮现。 Hello, Mu Yuan.” “你好,牧原。” Chen Feng gives a calm smile. 陈锋淡然一笑。 For a long time does not see.” “好久不见。” Mu Yuan vision spooky looks at Chen Feng, I have waited for you to reply to me, your previous Beginner Grade Manufacturist authenticates final, chose what gene. After you asked me, ran directly, has considered the feeling of Gemini?” 牧原目光幽幽的看着陈锋,“我一直等着你给我回复呢,你上次初级制作师认证最后,到底选择了什么基因。你问了我之后直接就跑了,考虑过双子座的感受么?” Sweat.” “汗。” Chen Feng wipes away sweat, never expected that Mu Yuan keeps thinking now. 陈锋擦汗,没想到牧原惦记到现在。 Therefore, what gene you did choose finally?” “所以,你最后选择了什么基因?” Mu Yuan cannot bear the curious say/way, this issue he has suppressed for several days. 牧原忍不住好奇道,这个问题他已经憋了好几天了。 Thunder Snake gene.” 雷蛇基因。” Chen Feng replied truthfully. 陈锋如实回答。 Really......” “果然……” Mu Yuan complexion immediately one stiff, saying of expecting too much: I am worried about this, Brothers. I said how many times, cannot choose very difficult Formula(s), you think that Gene Manufacture Association does provide these very difficult Formula(s) is the benefits?” 牧原脸色顿时一僵,恨铁不成钢的说道:“我就担心这个啊,兄弟。我说了多少次,不能选择高难度的配方,你以为基因制作协会提供这些高难度配方是福利吗?” That is a trap! Brothers!” “那是陷阱啊!兄弟!” Mu Yuan hates bitterly, F Grade High Star Grade Formula(s), is the weak! The cost is too high, the price is too low! Because Grading only has F Grade, sells no one to want, even if you invested the magnanimous resources to grasp this Formula(s), could not make several money! You said that owes?” 牧原痛心疾首,“F级高星级配方,都是鸡肋!成本太高,价格太低!因为等级只有F级,卖贵点都没人要,就算你投入海量资源掌握了这个配方,也赚不了几个钱!你说多亏不亏?” Why knows?” “知道为什么吗?” Supply in excess of demand!” “供过于求!” Gene Manufacturist must promote to produce massive low level reagent, but the F Grade gene stage is the stage of Genetic Warrior easiest improvement, mixed good already E Grade or D Grade, mixed not well, what 4-Star 5-Star gene reagent can have several money to buy, you said is right?” 基因制作师要提升会产生大量低级试剂,而F级基因阶段又是基因战士最容易提升的阶段,混的好早就E级或者D级了,混得不好的,能有几个钱买什么四星五星基因试剂,你说对不对?” F Grade radically is the lower class, gene reagent that just needed truly in high Grading, they are expense backbone strength.” F级根本就是社会底层,真正刚需的基因试剂都在高等级,他们才是消费的中坚力量啊。” You must do, raises the manufacture level as soon as possible!” “你要做的,是尽快提升制作水准啊!” Mu Yuan is sincere, let alone, by your unique talent, manufacturing 1-Star and 2-Star gene success ratio should be high? Why to bump four Star Rating Formula(s)? Although this High Star Grade Formula(s) the might is good, but the performance-to-price ratio is too low, that pit father's success ratio......” 牧原语重心长,“更何况,以你独特的天赋,制作一星二星基因成功率应该非常高了吧?何必碰四星级配方呢?这种高星级配方虽然威力不俗,但是性价比太低,还有那坑爹的成功率……” But I did.” “可是我做出来了啊。” Chen Feng shrugs. 陈锋耸耸肩。 What doing to be useful......?” “做出来有什么用……什么?” The Mu Yuan eye stares suddenly in a big way, „did you do?” 牧原眼睛猛然瞪大,“你做出来了?” „.” “啊。” Chen Feng selects to nod. 陈锋点头 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Mu Yuan calls out in alarm, that thing difficulty high oddness, I one month had not done at that time, was hung on the tree to punch by my father......” 牧原一声惊呼,“那玩意难度高的离谱,我当时一个月都没做出来,被我爸吊树上揍……” Mu Yuan realized suddenly anything stops suddenly. 牧原忽然意识到什么戛然而止。 But at this time, by the light screen, he sees the Chen Feng faint smile the look, immediately is awkward. 而此时,透过光幕,他看到陈锋似笑非笑的眼神,顿时一脸尴尬。 cough cough.” 咳咳。” That anything...... I initially was also self-confident excessive, chose Thunder Snake gene, therefore did not want you to make same mistakes over again, you were never so expected that fierce. Yeah, if I have your day tax, resentment that old man who initially can also coax flamboyant.” “那啥……我当初也是自信过头,选择了雷蛇基因,所以才不希望你重蹈覆辙,没想到你这么厉害。哎,要是我有你这天赋,当初也能牛逼哄哄的怼那老头子了。” Mu Yuan somewhat regrettable saying. 牧原有些遗憾的说道。 Chen Feng cannot help laughing, this does fellow have the big complaint to his father? 陈锋哑然失笑,这家伙到底对他爹有多大怨念? But, even if manufactured by luck successfully, I did not suggest that you continued to sprint.” “不过,就算侥幸制作成功了,我也不建议你继续冲刺。” Mu Yuan said in a low voice, to you said straight tip, these High Star Grade Formula(s) are the older generation remains, the material is complex, the success ratio is low, the performance-to-price ratio is low, the scientific research value is much more than practical value. It is said that side the gene association is studying, how to simplify these Formula(s) or cancels simply.” 牧原低声说道,“给你说点内幕消息吧,这些高星级配方都是老一辈留下来的,材料复杂,成功率低,性价比低,科研价值远远大于实用价值。据说基因协会那边正在研究,如何精简这些配方或者干脆取消。” Un.” “嗯。” Chen Feng shows neither approval nor disapproval. 陈锋不置可否。 The meaning of Mu Yuan, he was clear. 牧原的意思,他清楚。 The ordinary Manufacturist method, is choice massive high incomes compared with Formula(s) sprints, not only can make money, and can raise the manufacture level, after waiting for later to arrive at Middle Grade Manufacturist High Grade Manufacturist, was the big fund incomes, such easy life moistened! 普通制作师的方法,就是选择大量高收益比的配方来冲刺,既能赚钱,又能提升制作水准,等以后到了中级制作师高级制作师之后,更是大笔大笔的资金进账,这样小日子何等滋润! This is also many grassroots Manufacturist most correct choice! 这也是很多草根制作师最正确的选择! Chen Feng has attempted with Wood Bear gene at first, the Wood Bear gene cost only needs 4000 Yuan, the full attribute price 10,000 Yuan, the income compared with has 150%! The mutate(d) later selling price 20,000 Yuan, the income ratio is to reach as high as 500%! But F Grade many popular Formula(s), the income ratio is higher! 陈锋最初用木熊基因尝试过,木熊基因成本只需要4000元,满属性价格1万元,收益比都有150%!变异之后售价2万元,收益比更是高达500%!而F级很多热门的配方,收益比更高! However, this is really Chen Feng needs? 但是,这真的是陈锋需要的吗? Obviously is not. 显然不是。 Why does he choose High Star Grade Formula(s)? 他为什么选择高星级配方 Promotes Star Rating! 提升星级 Thunder Snake is Gene Formula cost-effective? 雷蛇基因配方划算吗? It is not cost-effective! 不划算! Golden Ant is Gene Formula cost-effective? 金蚁基因配方划算吗? It is not cost-effective! 不划算! However they to Chen Feng, instead are most cost-effective, so long as because grasped these two Formula(s), the Chen Feng's manufacture level can promote nine Star Rating! 但是它们对陈锋而言,反而是最划算的,因为只要掌握了这两个配方,陈锋的制作水准能提升九个星级 Consumption same Luck Value, Chen Feng is used to sprint Wood Bear Formula(s) only to promote Star Rating, is used for sprint Golden Ant Formula(s) actually to promote five Star Rating, why doesn't he do? 消耗同样的幸运值,陈锋用来冲刺一个木熊配方只能提升一个星级,用来冲刺金蚁配方却能提升五个星级,他为什么不做? This is the route of Chen Feng choice. 这就是陈锋选择的路线。 A lifting method of simple and crude! 一个更加简单粗暴的提升方式! It is not Manufacturist this industry so, because of existence of Luck Aura, Chen Feng walked one from the beginning with other person completely different roads! 不是制作师这个行业本身如此,而是因为幸运光环的存在,陈锋一开始就走了一条跟其他人完全不同的路! The Mu Yuan good intention, Chen Feng can only decline with thanks. 牧原的好意,陈锋只能心领了。 Naturally, in the Chen Feng heart thought of wicked interest, Thunder Snake gene you frighten this all, if makes you know Golden Ant gene, can have a fit of bad temper? If makes you know that I am studying terrifying 5-Star mutate(d) Formula(s), F Grade Strongest Gene, can frighten the urine? 当然,陈锋心中无不恶趣味的想到,一个雷蛇基因你就吓成这样,如果让你知道金蚁基因,会不会炸毛?如果让你知道我正在研究更恐怖五星变异配方,F级最强基因,会不会吓尿?
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