SG :: Volume #1

#40: Strongest Gene!

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But at this time. 而此时。 Gold City, rented room. 金城,出租屋。 Chen Feng looks the own acquired material is very satisfied, 30 desert crazy ant blood essence, oneself essence selects best gene that ten thousand choose. This is he collects the desert crazy ant blood essence way, a belt/bring big cash purchases, looks more beckoning compared with the account transfer! 陈锋看着自己收集到的材料很是满意,三十份沙漠狂蚁精血,还是自己精挑万选出来的最好基因。这就是他收集沙漠狂蚁精血的方式,带一大笔现金去收购,远比转账看上去更让人心动! Also must thank that three fools.” “还要感谢那三个傻蛋。” Chen Feng gives a calm smile. 陈锋淡然一笑。 Since knew the news ahead of time, he possibly can't feel these three people? They had tried hard very much, what a pity, the opponent elected wrong. 既然提前知道了消息,他怎么可能感觉不到这三个人呢?他们已经很努力了,可惜,对手选错了。 one portion Golden Ant gene reagent, needs ten desert crazy ant blood essence.” 一份金蚁基因试剂,需要十份沙漠狂蚁精血。” Chen Feng counts forget about it, he will accumulate in the near future has money, only supports him to make three portions. 陈锋算了一下,他近期攒下来的所有钱,只支持他做三份 This consumption is a little big.” “这个消耗有点大。” Some Chen Feng headaches. 陈锋有些头疼。 However does not have the means that this is must. 但是没办法,这是必须的。 Manufacturist this line, the itself/Ben is the earlier magnanimous investment, later can the sudden and huge profits gain! Therefore outstanding Gene Manufacturist, seems especially precious. 制作师这行,本就是前期海量投资,后期才能暴利赚回来!所以一名优秀的基因制作师,才会显得尤其珍贵。 First makes one portion to come out.” “先做一份出来。” Chen Feng got down the decision. 陈锋下了决定。 Goes ahead, he starts the crazy research Golden Ant gene data, entire two days grasp the data, the material collects, the cultivation fluid that especially third step Gene Fusion needs, needs not to know that many precious material mixes, does not have any mistake possibly. 说做就做,他开始疯狂的研究金蚁基因的数据,整整两天才将数据掌握,材料凑齐,尤其第三基因融合所需要的培育液,需要不知道多少珍贵的材料进行调配,不容许出现任何差错。 Golden Ant gene, is very difficult. 金蚁基因,很难。 Although the Chen Feng's Gene Manufacture level was improved much, but if forcefully manufacture this 5-Star Formula(s), success ratio pitiful 1%! 陈锋的基因制作水准虽然提升了不少,但是如果强行制作这种五星配方,成功率只有可怜的1%! Is good because, he has Luck Aura. 好在,他有幸运光环 Can start.” “可以开始了。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 Start! 开始! shuā! 刷! The light shadow circulation, Chen Feng enters Digitized Status. 光影流转,陈锋进入数维状态 Just like the manufacture of Thunder Snake gene, Golden Ant Gene Manufacture same is very difficult, enough 300 Gene Search, even if opening Luck Aura, Chen Feng is almost defeated! 雷蛇基因的制作一样,金蚁基因制作一样很难,足足三百条基因寻找,哪怕开着幸运光环,陈锋都差点失败! F Grade Formula(s) has Gene Search, caught up with the restriction difficulty that Lane Xu Fei came out? 一个F级配方基因寻找,就已经赶上了徐飞出来的禁制难度? Worthily is 5-Star Formula(s)! 不愧是五星配方 Is good because, after with a Xu Fei exploration, now Chen Feng's Gene Search level large scale increase, forcefully collects in the final stage. 好在,经过跟徐飞一次探险,如今陈锋的基因寻找水准大幅度提高,硬生生的在最后阶段凑齐。 Manufactures ordinary gene time, the first step and second step, Chen Feng do not need to care, so long as consumes 1 Luck Value to conduct Gene Fusion finally, can easily succeed, but manufactures this very difficult gene, even if the first two steps, Chen Feng does not dare to have slightly laxly. 制作普通基因的时候,第一步和第二步,陈锋根本不用在意,只要最后消耗一点幸运值进行基因融合,就能轻易成功,但是制作这种高难度基因,哪怕是前两步,陈锋也不敢有丝毫松懈。 The first step, Gene Search, succeeds! 第一步,基因寻找,成功! Consumes Luck Value 1 points. 消耗幸运值一点。 The second step, Gene Reaction, succeeds! 第二步,基因反应,成功! Consumes Luck Value 1 points. 消耗幸运值一点。 300 the catalytic reactions of gene, making a Chen Feng parade big, but also has made rapid progress in present Chen Feng, methodical completes all responses. 三百种基因的催化反应,让陈锋一阵头大,还在如今的陈锋也进步很快,有条不紊的将所有反应完成。 The third step, Gene Fusion, succeeds! 第三步,基因融合,成功! Consumes Luck Value 1 points. 消耗幸运值一点。 The key point of special gene cultivation, is to cultivate fostering of fluid, that moment when that independent gene duplicates in the cultivation fluid, Golden Ant gene manufactures finally successfully! 特殊基因培育的重点,在于培育液的养成,当那独立基因在培育液中复制的那一刻,金蚁基因终于制作成功! Gene's Name: Golden Ant gene 基因名称:金蚁基因 Gene Type: Special 基因类型:特殊 gene function: Stimulates within the body gene potential, permanent to promote 20 points of Spiritual Energy. 基因作用:激发体内基因潜力,永久提升20点精神力 Limiting condition: F Grade Genetic Warrior only may use 1 time. 限制条件:F级基因战士仅可使用一次。 gene introduced: Is centered on desert crazy ant blood essence, conducts the refinement and cultivation with various precious materials, one special gene reagent that finally produces. 基因介绍:以沙漠狂蚁精血为核心,用各种珍贵的材料进行提炼和培育,最终生成的一种特殊基因试剂 Success! 成功了! Chen Feng is excited, this is first 5-Star difficulty reagent that he makes, value 250,000 Yuan full attribute Golden Ant gene reagent! So long as sells, his 20 Stars level difficulty perhaps at all is not the issue, but Chen Feng's hot blooded is quickly chilly. 陈锋激动,这是他做出来的第一五星难度试剂,一个价值25万元的满属性金蚁基因试剂!只要多卖出一些,他的二十星级难度或许根本不是问题,但是陈锋的热血很快清冷下来。 This gene reagent is the full attribute, but does not have mutate(d) as before. 这个基因试剂是满属性,但是依旧没有变异 Doesn't have mutate(d)?” “还是没有变异么?” Chen Feng realizes an issue. 陈锋意识到一个问题。 Thunder Snake gene, without mutate(d)! Golden Ant gene, does not have mutate(d) as before! Is because mutate(d) is too difficult, or is, these High Star Grade don't Formula(s) simply have mutate(d)? 雷蛇基因,没有变异金蚁基因,依旧没有变异!是因为变异太难,又或者是,这些高星级配方根本没有变异 Some Chen Feng worries. 陈锋有些担心。 His own advantage, can far exceed in the places of others, lies in being able to tap the unknown potential in that gene, even if the probability is small! 他自己的优势,能够远超于其他人的地方,就在于能够挖掘那基因中的未知潜力,哪怕几率再小! Therefore 所以 He has anticipated the arrival of second Mutated Gene. 他一直期待第二变异基因的到来。 However, no! 然而,没有! Thunder Snake gene and Golden Ant gene ordinary mutate(d) without, not to mention that does not know continually the low probability hidden gene, absolutely would have no! 雷蛇基因金蚁基因连普通变异都没有,更不用说那不知道多低几率的隐藏基因,根本就没有! Mutated Gene, eventually is only a few. 变异基因,终究只是少数。 Really doesn't have mutate(d)?” “真的没有变异么?” Chen Feng online inquired the moment, was very disappointed. 陈锋在网上查询片刻,很是失望。 Perhaps, his first time discovered that Wood Bear Mutated Gene is really only the coincidence, happen to Wood Bear gene has recessive gene nothing more, henceforth can vanish however in numerous? 或许,他第一次发现木熊变异基因真的只是巧合,正好木熊基因有隐性基因而已,从此就要泯然于众? Why does not know, Chen Feng some are unwilling. 不知道为何,陈锋有些不甘心。 Has enjoyed the fame advantage, even if only little...... 享受过名气的好处,哪怕只是一点点…… Chen Feng some are unwilling. 陈锋都有些不甘心。 „Don't I look like now like Professor Tao?” “我现在像不像陶教授?” Chen Feng cannot help laughing, but, he thought of anything quickly. 陈锋哑然失笑,不过,他很快就想到了什么。 How does Gene Formula unearth? 基因配方是如何挖掘出来的? Is seniors attempts, in the science lab unceasing scientific research, after does not know many people study, many years improvements, are successful! Since then, Formula(s) is studies, in other words, their research, possibly does itself have existence of loophole? 是前辈们一个个尝试,是在科学实验室不断科研,经过不知道多少人研究,多少年的完善,才成功的!那么,既然配方本身就是研究出来的,也就是说,他们的研究,可能本身就有漏洞的存在? For example, Wood Bear Mutated Gene! 比如,木熊变异基因 Perhaps...... 或许…… Does Formula(s) have the issue? 配方本身就有问题? Chen Feng has a parched mouth. 陈锋口干舌燥。 As a Manufacturist novice, he is questioning the predecessor! 作为一个制作师新手,他在质疑前人! It is not because the predecessor ability is not good, but if certain how many sincere is very low, perhaps their present couldn't Formula(s), discover these things? 不是因为前人能力不行,而是如果某些几率真的很低的话,他们现在的配方,或许根本就发现不了那些东西? If so, can I improve Formula(s)? 如果是这样的话,我是否能改良配方 The Chen Feng look is blazing. 陈锋眼神炽热。 The first time, he feels himself so crazily. 第一次,他感觉到自己如此疯狂。 Tries.” “试试吧。” Chen Feng demonstrates the fiery heart. 陈锋演示自己火热的心。 Since the heart had the idea, he must try, but how to carry out? 既然心中有了想法,他必须试试,但是怎么执行呢? Formula(s)......” 配方……” Improvement......” “改善……” Chen Feng is lost in thought. 陈锋陷入沉思。 The Gene Manufacture three steps he has found out, if must change, the nature three aspects must change! The Chen Feng busy two days, are prepare the thing. 基因制作的三个步骤他已经摸清楚,如果要改,自然三方面全要改!陈锋忙忙碌碌两天,才算是把东西准备好。 first step, Gene Search. 第一步,基因寻找 Bang!” “轰!” At present radiance blasts open, Chen Feng enters Digitized Status. 眼前光华炸裂,陈锋进入数维状态 In the past, Chen Feng sought each time opens Luck Aura to grasp conveniently, sufficiently collects the quantity on the line, because he knows, gene that he caught, most tallied certainly! 以往,陈锋每次寻找都是开着幸运光环顺手抓,凑够数量就行,因为他知道,他抓到的基因,一定是最符合的! However, doesn't this quantity really have the issue? 但是,这个数量真的没问题? If improvement the best quantity after of Formula(s) demand, isn't 300? Or Formula(s) demand is Type even different? 如果改善后的配方需求的最好数量,并不是三百条呢?或者说,连配方本身的需求类型都不同呢? Then...... 那么…… Chen Feng closed the eyes slowly. 陈锋缓缓闭上了双眼。 He used Spiritual Energy to shield oneself Five Feelings, Six Senses, shielded all conditions, entered special Digitized World, this world, a darkness! 他用精神力屏蔽了自己的五感六识,屏蔽了所有状态,进入一个特殊的数维世界,这个世界,一片黑暗! He cannot see anything, but can feel. 他看不到任何东西,但是能感觉到。 shuā! 刷! Chen Feng optional start capture. 陈锋随意的开始抓取。 Does not look at Type, does not care about the quantity, turns toward grasps at present, can catch many to calculate many. All, look at the face completely! This is the Chen Feng's strongest manufacture condition! 不看类型,不在意数量,就那么向着眼前一抓,能抓到多少算多少。一切,全部看脸!这才是陈锋的最强制作状态! Chen Feng calls it the ultra condition. 陈锋称之为超维状态。 His plan is very simple, in this special condition, completes the transformation of Formula(s)! 他的计划很简单,在这个特殊的状态,完成配方的改造! Strongest Gene! 最强基因 I must make Strongest Gene! 我一定要做出最强基因 In the Chen Feng heart meditates. 陈锋心中默念。 Luck Aura is based on the Chen Feng's will, starts to stimulate to movement, some mysterious strength starts to revolve crazily, Luck Value of Chen Feng within the body also in drop slowly. 幸运光环陈锋的意志为基础,开始催动,某种神秘的力量开始疯狂运转,陈锋体内的幸运值也在缓缓的下降。 Started! 开始了! 1 point...... 一点…… 2 points...... 二点…… 3 points...... 三点…… Luck Value to 5 points time stops, the consumption, Chen Feng is no longer clear, Gene Search this step, has possibly been completed! 幸运值到了五点的时候才堪堪停止,不再消耗,陈锋清楚,基因寻找这一步,可能已经完成! Opens the eye to look, the Chen Feng mind shakes. 张开眼睛一看,陈锋心神一抖。 Really...... 果然…… 560 gene! 五百六十条基因 With beforehand 300, even completely different gene! 跟之前三百条,甚至完全不一样的基因 This is Luck Aura own screening! 这是幸运光环自己的筛选! The first step, completes. 第一步,完成。 Very good.” “很好。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 So long as there is an effect, is great, then, starts second step Gene Reaction. 只要有效果,就是好样的,那么,开始第二基因反应 shuā! 刷! Chen Feng closes the eyes. 陈锋闭上双眼。 He must stay this condition, if opens the eye, he will certainly be disturbed by these gene, been familiar gene locks the influence! 他必须保持这个状态,因为如果睁开眼睛,他一定会被这些基因所干扰,被熟悉的基因锁影响! shuā! 刷! All gene order chaos. 所有基因顺序大乱。 Chen Feng has grasped gene conveniently, starts to respond. 陈锋随手抓过一个个基因,开始进行反应。 Response! 反应! Has the function! 一个个发生作用! Chen Feng does not care about the order, but this pass/test, obviously is most difficult, Luck Value of Chen Feng within the body is dropping crazily, is quick somewhat scary, when Chen Feng completes all Gene Reaction, Luck Value in within the body consumed 10 points, may be called terrifying! 陈锋也根本不在意顺序,而这一关,显然是最难的,陈锋体内的幸运值在疯狂下降,快得有些吓人,当陈锋完成所有基因反应的时候,体内的幸运值足足消耗了十点,堪称恐怖 Handle! 搞定! The second step, completes! 第二步,完成! Chen Feng does not dare to open the eye. 陈锋没敢睁开眼睛。 He knows, second step Gene Reaction has completed, that special Mutated Gene, oneself have possibly done, below is the third step, Gene Fusion! 他知道,第二基因反应已经完成,那特殊的变异基因,自己可能已经做出来了,下面就是第三步,基因融合 So long as fuses successfully, this Strongest Gene, is possibly born! 只要融合成功,这个最强基因,就可能诞生! However this step, most troublesome. 然而这一步,最麻烦。 Solely is not the duplication of gene, what is most essential, duplicates cultivation fluid that gene needs, simply does not have! He must use the existing these materials, makes one portion to duplicate the Mutated Gene cultivation fluid personally. 不单单是基因的复制,最关键的是,复制基因所需要的培育液,根本没有!他必须用现有的这些材料,亲手做出一份能够复制变异基因的培育液。 This is strange gene and strange cultivation fluid. 这是一个陌生的基因和陌生的培育液。 To complete, only then by Luck Aura. 想要完成,只有靠幸运光环了。 Luck light......” 幸运光……” Chen Feng is preparing to continue, suddenly a day spin faints. 陈锋正准备继续,忽然一阵天旋地晕。
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