Gold City.金城。Under the lightshadow of livelycity, somegloomycorner, threeperson's shadowsencirclein the same place, is discussinganythingcautiously.
繁华城市的灯光阴影下,某个阴暗的角落,三个人影围在一起,正在小心翼翼的讨论着什么。„Second child, investigationhow?”
“老二,调查的怎么样了?”„Goalcharacterin the inquirydark clouds the material of continentanddesertcrazyant, myinvestigatespassed/lived, blood essence of thisthingis unable long timeto preserverecently, if the goalreallywantsthisthing, must the dark cloudscontinentgo, wehappen tocanfollow, gets rid ofhimin secret!”
“目标人物最近在查询黑云洲、沙漠狂蚁的资料,我查过了,这东西的精血无法长时间保存,如果目标真想要这东西的话,必须黑云洲去一趟,我们正好可以跟着过去,暗中干掉他!”„Is newsaccurate?”
“消息准确吗?”„Accurate! Ipaid very bigprice, making a hackergo inspeciallyblack the examination, that sideProducer Associationthat sideandChen Fenginvestigatespassed/lived, withoutproblem!”
“准确!我可是花了很大的代价,让一个黑客专门黑进去查看的,制作师协会那边和陈锋那边都查过了,没毛病!”„Thatis good, the third child, preparesfellow.”
The soundis gradually low and deep.
声音渐渐低沉。Threepeople of formssubmergein the darkness of night.
三人的身影淹没在夜的黑暗中。Next day, in the morning.
The brothersthreepeoplearrived at the dark cloudscontinent.
兄弟三人到了黑云洲。RidesquickestCloud Iron, theyused for onehourto arrive at the dark cloudscontinentmerely, to a camp near desertcrazyantappearing and disappearingplace.
The farthestplace that in order toletexplorerbettercompletiontask, Genetic Unionnear the city, theycanachieve, established the camp. Incampsrestrictionprivate war, entire journeymonitoring, eventhere is a specialfightrobotvalueto defend, isbestplace that the explorerrests.
为了让探险者更好的完成任务,基因工会在城市附近,他们所能达到的最远的地方,都建立了营地。营地中禁制私斗,全程监控,甚至有专门的战斗机器人值守,是探险者休息的最好地方。Threepeoplearrived at the camp.
The entirecampwas infiltratedby the sunlight, under a reflection of layer upon layerglass, unusualbeauty, however, heremost peopledo not have the timeto appreciate.
整个营地被阳光透入,在一层层玻璃的反射下,异样的美丽,然而,这里的绝大多数人都没时间欣赏。„Chen Fengto?”
The eldest childaskedin a soft voice.
老大轻声问道。„Un, hehas mountedCloud Iron, probably after onehour , arrived here.”
The second childhas a look at the information that the wristtookjustto send.
The eldest childis satisfied, „ourplansare very simple, hisgoalisto hunt and kill the desertcrazyant, so long aswedisguiseare the passers-by, whenhehunts and kills the desertcrazyanttimeactsin secret, candohimabsolutelywith ease.”
老大满意,“我们的计划很简单,他的目标是猎杀沙漠狂蚁,我们只要假装是路人,等他猎杀沙漠狂蚁的时候暗中出手,绝对能轻松搞死他。”„He may hire others.”
The third childsaidat this timein a low voice: „Chen Fengis onlyManufacturist, hemusthunt and kill the desertcrazyant, will definitely hiretwoE Gradesoldiers.”
老三这个时候低声道:“陈锋只是制作师,他要猎杀沙漠狂蚁,肯定会雇佣两个E级的战士。”„Has the expectationearly.”
“早有预料。”Eldest childto nod, sneersslightly: „No mattertwo, arethree, enemyinbright, Iindark, thisisouradvantages! Ourgoalsare onlyChen Feng, does not needto manage others, killedran. Also, do not forget, we have thatthing......”
老大微微点头,冷笑:“不管是两个,还是三个,敌在明,我在暗,这就是我们的优势!我们的目标只是陈锋,不用管其他人,杀了就跑。还有,你们别忘了,我们还有那东西……”Laoerthird childcannot bearto nod.
也是!Hasthatthing, even ifheaskedseveralE Gradesoldiersstill to die!
After onehour, the Chen Fengpreparationarrives inblackYunzhou.
The second childsaidin a low voice.
The eldest childordereddecisively: „Tags along afterhimtooto expose the target, wemustpassahead of time.”
“嗯。”Oneline of threepeoplewere ahead of time the desertcrazyantto appear and disappear.
一行三人提前到了沙漠狂蚁出没地。Theyare waiting foranything.
果然。Crossedwas less than a halfhour, the desertcrazyantterritory that nobody will ask, some peopleappeared, fordid not make the opposite partysuspect,their three peoplealsolooked for a desertcrazyantto hunt and kill, but, whatmadetheirunexpectedwas, the team that hunted and killed the desertcrazyant, did not haveChen Fengunexpectedly!
“确定吗?”„Determination, thatline of threepeople, withoutChen Feng!”
The eldest childsomewhathas doubts, „does could it behappen tocome tohereto hunt and kill the desertcrazyant the team?”
然后。Quick, the distant placealsohas the person's shadowto appear.
很快,远处又有人影出现。„Came the person!”
The eldest childcamespirit, „thistimeshouldbeChen Feng.”
老大来了精神,“这次应该是陈锋了。”Therefore, theyhunted and killed a desertcrazyantto camouflage itself, but others approached, theirsomegod'sdiscovery, camehereperson, was still notChen Feng!
于是,他们又猎杀了一头沙漠狂蚁伪装自己,但是等那些人靠近的时候,他们有些愣神的发现,来这里的人,依然不是陈锋!Stilldoes not haveChen Feng!
The desertcrazyant is not so goodto kill, theybustle aboutquite a whileto rub the desertcrazyant, then, the person of thatteamdepartsslowly.
沙漠狂蚁并不是那么好杀的,他们忙碌半天才将沙漠狂蚁磨死,然后,那个队伍的人又慢慢离去。„What's the matter?”
“怎么回事?”Threepeoplesomewhathave doubts, why hasn't Chen Fengcome?
三人有些疑惑,为什么陈锋还没有过来?„Yousaid,canChen Fengdiscoverus?”
The third childthinks: „Hemakesthesepeoplecomeintentionally, won't disruptusintentionally?”
老三想了想:“他故意让这些人过来,不会就是故意扰乱我们吧?”„Has the possibilityvery much!”
The eldest childquickly grasps the meaning of something.
“等!”„Chen Fengaffirmed that hiddenin!”
“陈锋肯定隐藏在其中一个!”„Hemakesotherteamscomeintentionally, tomanufacturechaotic, misleading, thenhiddeninsometeam, truemaking a move.”
“他故意让其他队伍过来,就是为了制作混乱,让人迷惑,然后隐藏在某个队伍中,真正的出手。”„Hewill certainly appear!”
The eldest childaffirmed.
老大肯定。However, over the following several hours, theirvisiblesomepeopleone after anotherwill hunt and kill the desertcrazyantin the , butdoes not haveChen Fengas before!
A morningpassed, they still have not seenChen Feng. If not the second childdetermined that Chen Fengalsoindark cloudscontinent, theyeventhink that Chen Fenghas walked.
一上午就这么过去了,他们依然没有看见陈锋。如果不是老二确定陈锋还在黑云洲的话,他们甚至以为陈锋已经走了.„Someare not right.”
“有些不对劲。”Third childpainstakingly a face.
The eldest childsneers, thoughtfor quite a while, simpleracketthigh, „wego to the campto have a look atwhatsituation.”
“好。”Threepeoplereturn to the camp.
三人回到营地。However, whatis somewhat unexpected, in the camp, lines upunexpectedly, manypeopleencirclein that side, why in making one unable to see clearly.
然而,有些出乎意料的是,营地里面,居然排起了长队,很多人围在那边,让人看不清里面在干吗。„The third child, you have a look.”
The eldest childsignals with the eyes.
“明白。”In a third childfaceintrusionteamdecidedly, after tenminutes, hepushed, a faceconfusedexpression, bosomstopper a bigbill.
Is eldest childsaying of hurriedly, „inpaying out money?”
老大急匆匆的说道,“里面在发钱?”„...... It is not.”
An expression of third childfacesuspicionlife, „yourselfhad a lookto know.”
The eldest childstaredhisoneeyes, „the second child, you have a look.”
The second childdespisessaw a third child, similarlyhas high moralecrushed into the crowd, after tenminutes, healsosomewhatdistressedpushed.
老二鄙视的看了一眼老三,同样斗志昂扬的挤进了人群中,十分钟后,他也有些狼狈的挤出来了。Samefaceconfused! A samebill!
同样的一脸懵逼!同样的一把钞票!„Second child?”
The eldest childasked.
The second childsimilarlyis an expression of suspicionlife, criedquickly, „I...... Idid not talk clearly...... the eldest child, youhad a lookto know.”
The eldest childsneers, „Imusthave a lookbut actually, is playingwhattrick!”
老大冷笑一声,“我倒要看看,到底在玩什么猫腻!”„Go away!”
“滚开!”Eldest childoverbearingpushing to crowd.
The surroundingpersonhas a look athim, the browwrinkles, thinks, even ifgoes innot necessarily canbe selected, has not spoken, whatever the eldest childpushed the innermost.
周围的人看看他,眉头皱起,不过想了想,就算进去也不一定能被选中,也就没有吭声,任由老大挤到了最里面。Then, the eldest childnoticed that letshisshockingperson——Chen Feng!
没错。Innermostsurroundedperson, unexpectedlyisChen Feng!
The eldest childmindjumps, felt not wonderful.
老大心神一跳,感觉到不妙。Butat this time, Chen Fengas ifnoticedhim, waved, „you, you.”
The surroundings a pieceheaved a sighimmediately.
周围顿时一片唉声叹气。In front ofarrivingChen Feng that the eldest childmaintains composure, the dagger in handhas prepared, butsees the fightrobot of distant placelock(ing), gave upquietly.
老大不动声色的走到陈锋面前,手中的匕首已经准备好,但是看到远处的战斗机器人将自己锁定,又悄无声息的放弃了。Thisplace, is impossibleto killChen Feng.
这地方,根本不可能杀的了陈锋。„Yourdesertcrazyantblood essencetakes.”
“你的沙漠狂蚁精血拿出来吧。”Chen Fenglightsaying.陈锋淡淡的说道。„Un?”
The eldest childmindjumps, howthisfellowknows do oneselfhavedesertcrazyantblood essence? Was could it beLaoerthird childthattwobastardsbetrayed itself? Justwantsto sayanything, looks that surroundingonegroup of peoplegather round themselves, the look of thatmurder, the eldest childhands overblood essence that oneselfjustobtainedhurriedly.
老大心神一跳,这家伙怎么知道自己有沙漠狂蚁精血?难道是老二老三那两个王八蛋出卖了自己?正想说什么,看着周围一群人围着自己,那杀人的眼神,老大匆忙交出了自己刚获得的精血。„Un, the qualityis good.”
“嗯,成色不错。”Chen Fenglooked, thengave the price.陈锋看了看,然后给出了价格。„, Yourmoney.”
“喏,你的钱。”Chen Fenggrasps a billto loseto the eldest child, is shoutingto the crowd: „Next! Isaidoneagain, so long as the qualityis best, buys at a high price! Quality not gooddo not come.”陈锋抓过一把钞票丢给老大,对着人群喊道:“下一个!我再说一遍啊,只要成色最好的,高价收购!成色不好的就不要来了啊。”„Mygood!”
“我的好!”„Mygood, comes outfreshly, is absolutely good.”
The eldest childis holding the billlike this, faceconfusedwas pushed, butafterbeing pushed, hefinallyclearlywhat happened!
老大就这样抱着钞票,一脸懵逼的被挤了出去,而直到被挤出去之后,他才终于明白发生了什么事情!Chen Feng, purchasesdesertcrazyantblood essenceunexpectedlyhere!陈锋,居然在这里收购沙漠狂蚁精血!Simplyhas not plannedto go out!
暗杀?Otherssimplyhave not plannedto give you opportunity!
人家根本没打算给你机会!Butwhatis most pitiful, desertcrazyantblood essence that their morninghunts and kills, sold toChen Fenglike this, gene that their three peoplehit, unexpectedly is the bestquality! Was all selectedbyChen Feng?! Gatheredthemto be busy at workonein the morning, workedtoChen Feng?
而最可悲的是,他们一早上猎杀的沙漠狂蚁精血,就这样卖给了陈锋,他们三个人打出来的基因,居然全是最好的成色!全被陈锋选中了?!合着他们忙活一早上,就是给陈锋打工了是吧?Thought ofthis point, eldest childthoroughconfused.
想到这一点,老大彻底懵逼了。At this time, whyheknewLaoerthird childthisday of dogsexpressionfinally.
这个时候,他终于知道老二老三为啥这幅日了狗的表情了。„What to do?”
The eldest childis bewildered.
老大一脸茫然。„Perhaps, will Chen Fengalso come out?”
他们猜测。However, a daypassed by.
The weatheris lategradually, Chen FengsitsCloud Ironto return toGold City, theirbrothersthreepeople were also bewilderedfollowingChen Fengwent back, camouflage?
天色渐晚,陈锋坐着云铁回到了金城,他们兄弟三人也是一脸茫然的跟着陈锋回去了,伪装?Currentlyalso needs of camouflage?
现在还有伪装的必要吗?Even ifreturns toGold City, theyhad not foundanyopportunity!
哪怕回到金城,他们也没有找到任何机会!At night.
同一个角落。Threeperson's shadowssit, face can confused, whylike this?
三个人影席地而坐,一脸懵逼,为什么会这样?Theyhave carried outmanytask, the goal is also Beginner GradeManufacturistandF GradeGenetic Warriorand so on, butlooks likeChen Fengto instigate......
他们执行过很多次任务,目标也都是初级制作师、F级基因战士之类的,但是像陈锋这么怂的……Thatabsolutelydoes not have!
那绝对没有!From beginning to end, otherscontinuouslyinsafety zone!
从头到尾,人家就一直在安全区域!What to do can you?
你能怎么办?„Won't helaterstayunder the monitoringforever?”
The second childalmostdespairs.
The third childmuttered.
老三喃喃自语。„forget about it, finds the opportunityagain.”
The eldest childclenches teeth, „the tasktimealsohas, firstdo not worryto give up, ifhedid go out?”
老大咬咬牙,“任务时间还有一些,先别着急放弃,万一他出门了吧?”If by some chance......
A sigh.
一声叹息。Threepeople of formsdisappearin the dim light of night.
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