SG :: Volume #1

#45: Despaired Lands confrontation

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green mountain forest. 青山林。 Wind fox in region. 风狐所在区域。 A state-of-art showdown is also in progress. 一场尖端对决还在进行中。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Wind Edge blasting open. 风刃炸裂。 The arrogance mutate(d) person the lip blanch, a face tremble is always launching Wind Edge at this time, looks continual Wind Edge that opposite does not stand still, almost despaired! 一向傲气的变异人此时嘴唇发白,一脸哆嗦的发射着风刃,看着对面毫不停歇的连续风刃,几乎绝望了! How possibly? 怎么可能? In mutate(d) person heart panic-stricken. 变异人心中惊恐。 Normally, Wind Edge does not have the Cooldown time. Because needs congealment Formation Law, urges to send, and movement stagnation after release, average one second can only launch Wind Edge time, if masters some special skills, the fire rate may speed up, achieves launches in salvos much. 正常情况下,风刃没有冷却时间。但是因为需要凝结阵法,催发,以及释放后的动作停滞,平均一秒只能够发射一次风刃,如果掌握一些特殊技巧的话,发射速度可能会加快,达到多连发。 This, is the essence of Wind Edge salvo! 这,就是风刃连发的精髓! As the mutate(d) person, has the wind fox bloodlines, he almost understands to have a thorough understanding of Wind Edge, release Wind Edge time, does not have any stagnation! 身为变异人,拥有风狐血脉,他对风刃几乎完全理解吃透,释放风刃的时候,根本没有任何停滞! Therefore 所以 He can achieve the absolute hundred salvos. 他能够达到绝对的百连发。 Does not depend on the special probability, by oneself strength, achieves hundred salvos merely. 不靠特殊几率,仅仅凭借自身实力,达到百连发。 Wind Edge consumes 1 points of Spiritual Energy one time, he has 100 points of Spiritual Energy, therefore each time the lowest standard is 100 salvos, once triggers the special probability, Wind Edge that he releases are more. He believes that after waiting to break through E Grade, he certainly will become more powerful! 要知道,风刃一次消耗一点精神力,他有100点精神力,所以每次最低标准都是100连发,一旦触发特殊几率,他释放的风刃更多。他相信,等突破E级之后,他一定会变得更加强大! But speaking of extra chain blows probability...... 而说到额外的连击几率…… This is also his proud place. 这也是他自豪的地方。 The ordinary Human Race Wind Edge chain blows rate/lead is 5%, but he, has the mutate(d) person of wind fox bloodlines, is 20%, a scared number! In addition the possible second company sends, Wind Edge that three salvos, he erupts each time, in 120 to 150! 普通人类风刃连击率是5%,而他,身为拥有风狐血脉的变异人,是20%,一个令人胆寒的数字!再加上可能出现的二连发,三连发,他每次爆发的风刃,都在120到150之间! Made everyone scared number. 一个令所有人胆寒的数字。 Therefore, even if the gene sudden change degenerates into the mutate(d) person, he also never regretted. 所以,纵然基因突变沦为变异人,他也从不后悔。 However now...... 然而现在…… Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” A series of Wind Edge fall. 一连串的风刃落下。 The mutate(d) person complexion is calculating the digit palely, 280! 变异人面色惨白的计算着数字,二百八十道! This damn Human Race has launched in salvos entire 280 Wind Edge, he mutate(d) person all proud destroys completely, devastated ruthlessly. 这该死的人类已经连发了整整二百八十道风刃了,他将变异人所有的骄傲全部打碎,又狠狠的蹂躏了一遍。 He was certainly about unable to support.” “他一定快撑不住了。” In the mutate(d) person heart prayed. 变异人心中祈祷。 However, he discovered sorrowfully own 100 points Spiritual Energy almost dry up. 然而,他悲哀的发现自己100点的精神力几乎枯竭。 Naturally, he has also never thought that from the beginning, he understood to make a mistake, the Chen Feng's hundred salvos, 200 salvos, basic displayed the speed with Wind Edge irrelevant, but was the pure chain blows probability! 当然,他也从未想过,从一开始,他就理解错了,陈锋的百连发,二百连发,根本跟风刃施展速度无关,而是单纯的连击几率! Bang!” “轰!” Also is a series of Wind Edge falls. 又是一连串风刃落下。 290! 二百九十道! 300! 三百道! pū! 噗! The mutate(d) person has not withstood eventually. 变异人终究是没承受住。 Bang!” “轰!” The whole person was rumbled to fly. 整个人被轰飞出去。 Wind Edge showdown! 风刃对决! He defeated. 他败了。 Why...... can like this? 为什么……会这样? The mutate(d) person is bewildered. 变异人一脸茫然。 Good opportunity.” “好机会。” In the Chen Feng eye the cold light flashes through. 陈锋眼中寒光闪过。 Gets sick while him, wants him to assign/life, in the Chen Feng hand Wind Edge making a move again without hesitation, the terrifying strength passes through the mutate(d) person, although nearby wind fox is anxious, but has not acted. But saw that Chen Feng's Wind Edge must cut the mutate(d) person kills, the mutation suddenly lives! 趁他病,要他命,陈锋手中风刃毫不犹豫的再次出手,恐怖的力道将变异人贯穿,旁边的风狐虽然焦急,但是始终没有出手。而眼看陈锋的一道道风刃要将变异人斩杀的时候,异变突生! Bang!” “轰!” Astonishing and terrifying strength erupts from the mutate(d) person. 一股惊人而又恐怖力量变异人身上爆发。 terrifying strength enters the clouds. 恐怖力量直入云霄。 This aura......” “这气息……” The Chen Feng mind jumps. 陈锋心神一跳。 E Grade! This did fellow really break through the limit unexpectedly? E级!这家伙居然真的突破极限了? hā hā hā!” 哈哈哈!” The mutate(d) person laughs wildly. 变异人狂笑。 “嗷 mutate(d) human body rises dramatically, the whole body multiplies the white hair, that originally only then the phenomenon of ear and tail was covered thoroughly, only then that face looks that also somewhat looks like Human Race. 变异人体型暴增,浑身滋生出白色的毛发,那原本只有耳朵和尾巴的异象被彻底覆盖,只有那张脸看着还有些像人类 Head/Number of people fox body! 人头狐身! This is the true mutate(d) person! 这才是真正的变异人! The Chen Feng mind is imposing. 陈锋心神凛然。 hā hā hā.” 哈哈哈。” The mutate(d) person laughs wildly, broke through, I finally broke through, our mutate(d) person does not need each Grading Fusing Genes reagent, hey hey, so long as swallows you......” 变异人狂笑,“突破了,我终于突破了,我们变异人不需要每个等级融合基因试剂,嘿嘿,只要吞噬你……” Your ability!” “你的能力!” Your gene!” “你的基因!” Your is my.” “你所有的一切都是我的。” The mutate(d) person appearance is fierce, that handsome appearance looks at the incomparable distortion at this time. 变异人面目狰狞,那英俊的模样此时看着无比扭曲。 Thump!” “噔!” Thump “噔” His step by step goes out, terrifying strength is shaking. Although the breakthrough limit promoted 1 attribute, but E Grade of mutate(d) person, making wind fox the strength of bloodlines bloom, body unusual animals, had the thick hair and richer bloodlines, the battle efficiency increases. 他一步步走出,恐怖力量在震荡。尽管突破极限只是提升了一点属性,但是变异人的E级,让风狐的血脉之力绽放,身体更加异兽化,拥有了厚实的毛发和更浓郁的血脉,战斗力大增。 Wind Edge showdown?” 风刃对决是吧?” I will let know, who is the genuine wind fox bloodlines.” “我会让知道,谁才是真正的风狐血脉。” The mutate(d) person angrily roars. 变异人怒吼。 xiū! 咻! Wind Edge erupts again. 风刃再次爆发。 However, Chen Feng is only coldly (calmly) visits him, who special compares the wind fox bloodlines with you? Saw that this fellow breaks through E Grade, wind fox Leader eyes covetously, the surrounding these ordinary wind fox also besieged, Chen Feng without hesitation loses the bluish white to be together glorious. 然而,陈锋只是冷冷的看着他,谁特么跟你比风狐血脉?眼看这家伙突破E级,风狐首领虎视眈眈,周围的那些普通风狐也围攻了过来,陈锋毫不犹豫的丢出一道青白色光辉。 What?” “什么?” The mutate(d) person gawked. 变异人愣了一下。 „!” “嗷!” The vigilant wind fox Leader feeling was not wonderful, him knocks down. 一直警惕的风狐首领感觉不妙,一把将他扑倒在地。 Bang!” “轰!” As powerful as a thunderbolt, terrifying strength was rumbled to fly directly wind fox Leader, falls ruthlessly in the ground, the bloodstain splash, has not crawled again. The surrounding these ordinary wind fox, under Thunder Snake gene reagent, the exploded death not entire corpse, have not left behind a living witness. 雷霆万钧,恐怖力量将风狐首领直接被轰飞出去,狠狠摔在地面,血迹飞溅,再也没有爬起来。周围的那些普通风狐,更是在雷蛇基因试剂下,被炸的死无全尸,没留下一个活口。 The mutate(d) person, is seriously injured! 变异人,身受重伤! Fox!” “皮皮狐!” mutate(d) person calls out, difficult crawls, panic-stricken looks at this, he has not thought, oneself just broke through E Grade, welcomed unexpectedly was this move! 变异人一声嚎叫,艰难的爬起来,惊恐的看着这一幕,他怎么也没想到,自己刚突破E级,迎来的居然是这一招! Unexpectedly hasn't died?” “居然没死?” Chen Feng was somewhat a pity. 陈锋有些可惜。 This wind fox Leader Reaction Speed was too quick, unexpectedly protects the mutate(d) person with own life, it seems like really regarded own clansman him! Moreover after this Mutated Beast breaks through E Grade, the whole body thick fur/superficial knowledge, withstood massive injuries for him! 这风狐首领反应速度太快了,居然用自己的性命保护变异人,看来是真的把他当成了自己的族人!而且这变异兽突破E级之后,浑身厚实的皮毛,替他承受了大量的伤害! But at this time. 而这时。 Unexpected, that mutate(d) person deep looked at wind fox Leader one, unexpectedly turned around to escape! 出乎意料的,那变异人深深的看了风狐首领一眼,居然转身逃了! „To walk?” “想走?” Chen Feng several Wind Edge have cut. 陈锋几道风刃斩过。 However, this time mutate(d) person has broken through E Grade, although is injured, however speed still above Chen Feng, vanishes in the Chen Feng field of vision quickly. 然而,此时的变异人已经突破到了E级,虽然受了伤,但是本身的速度还在陈锋之上,很快消失在陈锋视野中。 Could not catch up.” “追不上了。” Chen Feng shakes the head. 陈锋摇摇头。 But here the domain of wind fox, making this fellow run is greatly troublesome. 这里可是风狐的地盘,让这家伙跑了是个大麻烦。 First leaves here.” “先离开这里。” Chen Feng looked at the ground. 陈锋看了看地面。 Killed wind fox are many, but these ordinary wind fox under the Thunder Snake gene violence devastates, even the corpse burnt, let alone gene activeness, only then skin coarse meat thick powerful wind fox Leader, the corpse is perfect. 被干掉的风狐很多,但是那些普通风狐在雷蛇基因的暴力摧残下,连尸体都烤焦了,更别说基因活性了,只有皮糙肉厚实力强大的风狐首领,尸体还完好无损。 pū! 噗! Chen Feng the gene ingestion of wind fox Leader, leaves fast. 陈锋将风狐首领基因摄取,快速离开。 However, just left for about one minute, Chen Feng felt that rustle the sound conveys unceasingly, a leader wind fox appears from various places, in this region unceasing search. That Mutated Beast has come back, brings over a hundred wind fox in the unceasing search, seeks for Chen Feng! 然而,刚离开一分钟左右,陈锋就感觉到沙沙的声音不断传来,一头头风狐从各种地方出现,在这片区域不断的搜查。那变异兽已经回来,带着上百只风狐在不断的搜索,寻找陈锋 Such quickly!” “这么快!” The Chen Feng mind is imposing. 陈锋心神凛然。 Now he in the wind fox domain deep place, cannot run away in a short time, but that mutate(d) person never forgets to Chen Feng's gene...... 现在他在风狐地盘深处,短时间内根本逃不出去,而那个变异人对陈锋的基因可是念念不忘…… Was somewhat troublesome.” “有些麻烦了。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 This mutate(d) person convenes the speed of wind fox, is above beyond his imagination by far, but also has the quantity, as if time meets first are more than! 变异人召集风狐的速度,远远超乎他的想象之外,还有着数量,似乎比第一次遇到的时候更多! Is because broke through E Grade?” “是因为突破到了E级?” Chen Feng guessed. 陈锋猜测。 What to do?” “怎么办?” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 He knows, that mutate(d) person, wants his in dire straits here. 他知道,那变异人,是想将他困死在这里。 Only if......” “除非……” Chen Feng looks to gene in hand. 陈锋看向手中的基因 This was just gene that absorbs from wind fox Leader, its gene attribute is high, if the successful integration, Chen Feng's Spiritual Energy can promote from 62 to 81 points, increased 19 points, but other attributes rise dramatically, strength, constitution and agility, will rise dramatically to 50 points! 这是刚刚从风狐首领身上摄取的基因,它的基因属性非常高,如果成功融合,陈锋的精神力能从62点提升到81点,足足提升了19点,而其他属性更是暴增,力量体质敏捷,也会飙升到50点! This is a strong comprehensive promotion! 这是一次超强的全面提升! The battle efficiency rises dramatically comprehensively, coordinates infinite Wind Edge again, he might as well be able to fight! 战斗力全面暴增,再配和无限风刃,他未尝不能一战! However...... 但是…… Chen Feng thinks suddenly words that Mu Yuan spoke, unknown danger. 陈锋忽然想到了牧原说的话,未知危险。 The fusion surpasses the body intensity and will gene, will present the unknown danger, Chen Feng somewhat hesitates, but smiles bitterly at once, does he currently have the choice? 融合超过自身身体强度和意志的基因,会出现未知危险,陈锋有些犹豫,不过旋即苦笑,他现在有选择吗? Wind fox Leader gene possibly loses the activeness momentarily, if hesitates, perhaps he did not have this only hope! 风狐首领基因随时可能失去活性,如果再犹豫,他恐怕连这个唯一的希望都没有了! Hopes that you will not disappoint me.” “希望你不会让我失望。” Chen Feng muttered. 陈锋喃喃自语。 pū! 噗! He gene injection within the body, at this time, can only put together! 他将基因注射体内,这个时候,只能拼了!
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