SG :: Volume #1

#4: Plays the egg!

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Gold City. 金城 Urban district, an ordinary rented housing. 市区,一个普通的出租房。 Chen Feng just went home, the wrist belt/bring communication meter received various messages. 陈锋刚回到家,腕带通讯仪就收到了各种消息。 Because last day has not taken a test, therefore Schoolmate Chen Feng the leading result, setting the base of gorgeously and beautifully, the college entrance examination failed an admissions examination directly, henceforth misses the university. 因为最后一天没有考试,所以陈锋同学原本领先的成绩,华丽丽的垫底,高考直接落榜,从此无缘大学。 Here report card comes out is very actually quick.” “这里的成绩单出来倒是挺快。” Chen Feng shakes the head. 陈锋摇摇头。 University...... 大学…… Do the words that does not go to college, affect in a big way? 不上大学的话,影响大吗? Chen Feng understood in the Original Host memory, the brow wrinkles immediately, this world, on the high school and university, are huge difference. The high school builds the solid foundation, the university being well-prepared high-speed sprint, this is this world's most normal cultivation rhythm! 陈锋原主人的记忆中了解了一下,顿时眉头皱起,这个世界,上不上高中、大学,都是天壤之别。高中打造坚实的基础,大学厚积薄发高速冲刺,这是这个世界最正常的修炼节奏! Can't attend the high school? 上不了高中? Can't be admitted to a university? 考不上大学? Fuses gene that suits the work, the little darling goes out to work. 融合一个适合工作的基因,乖乖出去打工吧。 This is one person of can fuse the Mutated Gene world, but Gene Ability is also divided into two categories, suits the work Gene Ability, with true fight Gene Ability! Without a doubt, latter's status, must be much more than former, is Original Host has pursued. 这是一个人人都可以融合变异基因的世界,但是基因能力也分为两大类,适合工作的基因能力,和真正战斗的基因能力!毫无疑问,后者的身份,要远远大于前者,也是原主人一直追求的。 combat gene?” 战斗基因么?” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 This is a world of law of the jungle, he quiet losing, no one was detected, can explain the fearfulness of this world. 这是一个弱肉强食的世界,他被人悄无声息的丢到海里,都没有人察觉,更能说明这个世界的可怕。 Without the strength, share that only then allows to be oppressed, therefore, wants to live splendidly, Chen Feng must become true powerhouse. 没有实力,只有任人宰割的份,所以,想要活得精彩,陈锋一定要成为真正的强者 However has not been admitted to a university, as if is a little also troublesome...... 但是没有考上大学,似乎也有点麻烦…… What other also means has?” “还有什么其他办法?” Chen Feng remembers Original Host goal Gene Manufacturist suddenly. 陈锋忽然想起原主人的目标基因制作师 Genetic Warrior each stage can fuse new gene, after for example achieves the F Grade Gene Fusion condition, can fuse F Grade Mutated Gene, becomes F Grade Genetic Warrior. After achieving the E Grade Gene Fusion condition, can fuse Mutated Gene again, becomes E Grade Genetic Warrior! 基因战士每个阶段都可以融合一个新型基因,比如达到F级基因融合条件之后,可以融合F级变异基因,成为F级基因战士。达到E级基因融合条件之后,可以再次融合变异基因,成为E级基因战士 Ex analogia. 以此类推。 Each stage, can fuse brand-new gene. 每个阶段,都可以融合崭新的基因 But gene that here fuses, through from blood essence and various gene reagent fusions of Mutated Beast within the body refinement, calls it Gene Fusion Reagent! 而这里融合的基因,就是通过从变异兽体内提炼的精血和各种基因试剂融合而成,称之为基因融合试剂 But manufacture these people, are Gene Manufacturist. 而制作这些的人,就是基因制作师 Original Host goal, is Gene Manufacturist, because is very simple, he was clear that oneself weak area does not have the background and poverty, therefore, an appropriate concurrent job must, to him, if becomes Gene Manufacturist fortunately, perhaps really can solve the problem. 原主人的目标,也一直是基因制作师,因为很简单,他清楚自己的短板是没有背景和穷,所以,一个合适的兼职是必须的,对于他而言,如果有幸成为基因制作师,也许真的能解决问题。 What a pity, he failed. 可惜,他失败了。 Becoming Gene Manufacturist is very difficult. 成为一个基因制作师很难。 According to Chen Feng's understood, becomes the Gene Manufacturist first step, must succeed to manufacture first share gene reagent, only then after at least succeeds time one, you will be authorized as Gene Manufacturist! But new first manufacture success ratio 根据陈锋的了解,成为基因制作师第一步,就是必须成功制作出第一基因试剂,只有至少成功一次之后,你才会被认可为基因制作师!而一个新手初次制作的成功率 0.1%! 0.1%! What concept is this? 这是什么概念? It means that needs at least 1000 materials, even if the material of most trash only needs 1000 costs, need total price 1,000,000 Yuan investment, but the most important thing is, manufactures of these 1000 reagent, but must guarantee to concentrate on, cannot be a little lax! 它意味着需要至少1000份的材料,哪怕最垃圾的材料只需要1000成本,也需要总价100万元的投入,而最重要的是,这1000份试剂的制作,还必须保证全神贯注,不能有一点松懈! Naturally, some people talents different reported, possibly several succeeded, but some faces are black...... 当然,有些人天赋异禀,可能几份就成功了,而有些脸黑的…… Possibly is for a lifetime impossible to succeed! 可能一辈子都不可能成功! Before Chen Feng, has played a game of xx th division in Earth, a half year gets down a SR card not to pull out to the direct moon/month sees black, obviously then face black degree. 陈锋以前在地球玩过一个xx师的游戏,半年下来一张sr卡没抽到直接月见黑,可见当时的脸黑程度。 Even lucks out, still starts merely. 况且,就算侥幸成功,也仅仅只是开始。 Beginner Grade Gene Manufacture, be only very low success ratio, wants continually to be raised, only then unceasing manufactures and studies! 初级基因制作,只有很低的成功率,想要不断提升,只有不断的去制作和学习! These, need the terrifying fund to take the foundation. 这些,都需要恐怖的资金作为基础。 Naturally, once crossed this most difficult stage, grasps some gene reagent Formula(s) perfectly, henceforth after the bitter comes the sweet, steps onto Kang village Great Dao! 当然,一旦渡过了这最为艰难的阶段,完美掌握某个基因试剂配方,从此苦尽甘来,走上康庄大道 But this, is Original Host has anticipated. 而这,也是原主人一直期待的。 In other words......” “也就是说……” If becomes Gene Manufacturist, could change my present issue?” “如果成为基因制作师,或许能改变我现在的问题?” Chen Feng at present one bright. 陈锋眼前一亮。 Does not have the qualifications to enter the university, making his starting line compared with others lower, but if Gene Manufacturist can make up for these, he did not use what university. 没资格进入大学,让他起跑线比其他人低了很多,但是如果基因制作师能够弥补这些,他根本不用去什么大学。 What resources lacks? 缺什么资源? Buys and that's the end! 买买买就是了! Gene Manufacture......” 基因制作……” Chen Feng heart movement. 陈锋心动了。 Original Host why continuously in zero point? 原主人为什么一直在原点? Except that whole time are used to study and cultivation , the face is the most important thing is black! But Chen Feng, most does not fear is this! 除了大部分时间用来学习和修炼,最重要的是,脸黑!而陈锋,最不怕的就是这个! 0.1% success ratio? 0.1%的成功率? hey hey.” 嘿嘿。” Chen Feng smiled. 陈锋笑了。 „Outside goes to buy a material, first tries this Gene Manufacture what's the matter.” “去外面买点材料,先试试这基因制作是怎么回事。” Chen Feng cleaned up some rooms, planned that the entrance store buys the most foundation the material, where that looks at thing to have itself to experience personally solidly from the Original Host memory. 陈锋收拾了一些房间,打算去门口的商店买点最基础的材料,从原主人的记忆中看的东西哪有自己亲自体验实在。 He must try Luck Aura to display big strength in the Gene Manufacture aspect! 他必须试一下幸运光环基因制作方面到底能发挥出多大力量 Some big abilities handle the big matter, arrives at this strange world, if to an own strength accurate localization, he cannot die is very miserable. 有多大能力做多大事情,来到这个陌生的世界,如果对自己实力没有一个准确的定位,他一定会死的很惨。 „From Wood Bear gene.” “就从木熊基因开始吧。” Chen Feng got down the decision. 陈锋下了决定。 The reason does not have him, this is only public Gene Formula, is the average person wants the basic Gene Manufacturist only way. 原因无他,这是唯一一个公开的基因配方,也是普通人想要入门基因制作师的唯一途径。 Wood Bear gene. 木熊基因 Fusion requirements: strength 10 points, constitution 5 points. 融合要求:力量十点,体质五点。 Foundation gene: strength 2-3 points, constitution 2-3 points. 基础基因:力量2-3点,体质2-3点。 Gene Ability: Fury of Wood Bear, in 10 seconds increases strength 10 points, the Cooldown 60 seconds. 基因能力:木熊之怒,十秒内提升力量十点,冷却60秒。 Suits the work: Constructs the unskilled laborer and others. 适合工作:建筑小工等。 Here fusion requirements, are the Gene Manufacture Association evaluation, can fuse the lowest attribute request of Mutated Gene safely, is lower than this request, the body is unable to withstand, may have an accident very much. 这里的融合要求,是基因制作协会评测的,所能安全融合变异基因的最低属性要求,低于这个要求,身体无法承受,很有可能出事。 Foundation gene, then after refers to the fusion, gene attribute that can promote immediately. 基础基因,则是指融合之后能够立刻提升的基因属性。 As for 2-3 attribute sectors, is related with Gene Manufacturist, gene reagent that more powerful Gene Manufacturist, manufactures is more outstanding. 至于2-3的属性区间,则是跟基因制作师有关,更强大的基因制作师,制作出来的基因试剂更优秀。 But here Gene Ability, is the Gene Fusion most important place, can be the mutate(d) lifeform unique ability. For example this Fury of Wood Bear, only then after having Wood Bear gene, may release Fury of Wood Bear, in a short time significantly promotes own strength. 而此处的基因能力,就是基因融合最重要的地方,可以拥有属于变异生物独特的能力。比如这个木熊之怒,只有拥有木熊基因之后,才有可能释放出木熊之怒,短时间内大幅度提升自己的力量 The strong promotion, restoration ultra-fast, making it most receives one of the work site welcome Gene Ability. 超强的提升,超快的恢复,让它成为了最受工地欢迎的基因能力之一。 However, Wood Bear gene sells 5000 Yuan, the materials expenses need 4000 Yuan, after deducting various expenses, could not make what money, few people manufactured. Therefore, to balance the Wood Bear gene enormous demand quantity, Gene Manufacture Association publicized Wood Bear gene Formula(s), making him crosses the threshold to practice Formula(s). 然而,木熊基因出售5000元起,材料费就需要4000元,扣除各种费用后根本赚不了什么钱,很少有人制作。所以,为了平衡木熊基因的巨大需求量,基因制作协会公开了木熊基因配方,让他成为入门练习配方 Left the community, Chen Feng to nearby material shop. 离开小区,陈锋到了附近的材料店。 Young Feng came.” 小锋来了啊。” Uncle Zhang of material shop said with a smile: This time can buy the gene material?” 材料店的张叔笑道:“这次又要买基因材料?” Un, comes five Wood Bear Gene Manufacture materials.” “嗯,来五份木熊基因制作的材料。” Chen Feng selects to nod. 陈锋点头 Good.” “好。” Uncle Zhang collects the material to him, actually, Young Feng, does not know that the interest does come here to work?” 张叔凑齐材料给他,却顿了一下,“小锋啊,不知道有没有兴趣来我这里工作?” Ah? 啊? Chen Feng was shocked. 陈锋愣住了。 Yeah.” “哎。” Uncle Zhang sighed, regretted saying: I know your college entrance examination unfavorable situation, but the child, the person must proceed to look. If you do not shut out, first comes to Uncle Zhang here to do, when found to work, leaves momentarily is.” 张叔叹口气,惋惜道:“我知道你高考失利,但是孩子啊,人总要往前看的。你要是不嫌弃,就先来张叔这里干着,什么时候找到好工作,随时离开就是。” „.” “呃。” Chen Feng sweat. 陈锋大汗。 This propagation velocity was too astonishing! 这传播速度太惊人了吧! Then how many hours? 这才几个小时? Obviously, he does not know, because the university entrance examination result was 6 : 00 pm comes out on time, everyone can online inquire, therefore before several hours, they knew. They have not thought that usually in outstanding Chen Feng, will fail an admissions examination at the college entrance examination unexpectedly. 显然,他不知道,因为高考成绩都是当天下午六点准时出来,所有人都可以在网上查询,所以几个小时前他们就都知道了。他们也没想到,平日里成绩优秀的陈锋,居然会在高考落榜。 Yo, Young Feng also came.” “呦,小锋也来了啊。” Nearby Aunt Liu also collected, hasn't attended the gathering?” 附近的刘大妈也凑了过来,“没参加同学聚会?” What?” “什么?” Chen Feng was shocked, what gathering? 陈锋又愣住了,什么同学聚会? Is you graduates......” “就是你们毕业……” Aunt Liu said half found Uncle Zhang is staring him, immediately awakens, yeah, looks at my mouth!” 刘大妈说了一半发现张叔正瞪着他,顿时醒悟,“哎,看我这嘴!” Is the graduation meeting of your class.” “是你们班的毕业聚会。” Uncle Zhang sighed: Properly speaking, after the college entrance examination the result came out on the same day, the class leader will invite everyone to attend the graduation meeting, making everyone finally gathering, but your schoolmates......” 张叔叹息:“按理来说,高考当天成绩出来后,班长会邀请所有人参加毕业聚会,让大家最后聚一聚,不过你那些同学……” Uncle Zhang shakes the head, obviously had not been invited to be very discontented to Chen Feng, has not entered the society on so the influence, these students......” 张叔摇摇头,显然对陈锋没被邀请很是不满,“还没进入社会就如此势力,这些学生……” Snort!” “哼!” Young Feng, with that crowd of snobbishness same places, later you definitely do not have prospects compared with them.” 小锋,别跟那群势利眼一起,以后你肯定比他们有出息。” The Aunt Liu comfort said. 刘大妈安慰道。 However they were clear, has not been admitted to a university, perhaps Chen Feng and these schoolmates have does not have any happening together again, has prospects compared with them? Also can only say in the dream. 但是他们都清楚,没考上大学,陈锋和这些同学恐怕再也没有任何交集,比他们有出息?也只能在梦里面说说了。 But also on this time, Chen Feng had the profound impression to the university in this world. 而也就这个时候,陈锋才对这个世界的大学有了深刻的印象。 Originally, in all person hearts, cannot be admitted to a university, didn't have the qualifications to become true Genetic Warrior? University boundary that distinguishes right from wrong, is more fearful than Earth on! 原来,所有人心中,考不上大学,就没有资格成为真正的基因战士了?那泾渭分明的大学界限,比地球上还要可怕! However...... 不过…… Will Chen Feng care? 陈锋会在乎? Attends the gathering? Plays the egg! 参加同学聚会?玩蛋去吧! These relational not good schoolmates, are not worth him wasting the time, now to him, the most important thing is tests the Luck Aura might! 那些关系不好的同学,根本不值得他浪费时间,现在对他而言,最重要的是测试幸运光环的威力! Luck Aura and might of Wind Edge overlay he has attempted, that astonishing infinite even/including cutting makes him also mean to the present still completely, then, Luck Aura and Gene Manufacture technique? 幸运光环风刃叠加的威力他已经尝试过了,那惊人的无限连斩让他到现在还意味犹尽,那么,幸运光环基因制作术呢? He anticipated very much. 他很期待。 PS: Asked the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection! PS:求推荐票!求收藏!
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