SG :: Volume #1

#3: Eruption!

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Gold City. 金城 Shark bay. 鲨海湾。 The sea breeze has blown slowly, the fresh air makes people intoxicated. 海风徐徐吹过,清新的空气让人心醉。 Five tall and powerfully built men, are ready to fight, are preparing anything, in the hand operates the sharp weapon of front, reflects the dazzling ray under the sunlight. 五个身材魁梧的汉子,正在摩拳擦掌,准备着什么,手中都是开锋的利器,在阳光下反射出耀眼的光芒。 Prepared?” “准备好了吗?” A middle-aged person look serious walks. 一位中年人神色严肃的走来。 don't eldest child, relax.” “莫老大,放心吧。” That several guys are laughing and playing. 那几个大汉嬉笑。 Gives me earnestly.” “都给我认真点。” Mo Lei stared their one eyes ruthlessly: mutate(d) Black Sea shark that this time we must hunt and kill, is the King of this sea area, strength very terrifying. In perhaps your hands these things, even its cover does not puncture broken, wants truly hunts and kills it, but must depend on your Gene Ability.” 莫雷狠狠的瞪了他们一眼:“这次我们要猎杀的变异黑海鲨,是这片海域的王者,实力非常恐怖。你们手中那些东西,恐怕连它的外皮都刺不破,想要真正的猎杀它,还要靠你们的基因能力。” „Is that thing so strong?” “那东西这么强?” Several guy complexions are finally dignified. 几个大汉脸色终于凝重起来。 Otherwise will ask you to come?” “不然会叫你们来?” Mo Lei forced smile: To be honest, previous time has Gene Team to hunt and kill it, finally died here completely, a person has not gone on living. Because if not the Old Lord injury is too serious, the material that the treatment needs must be the liver of mutate(d) Black Sea shark, I will not come to here absolutely.” 莫雷苦笑:“说实话,上次有一个基因小队来猎杀过它,最后全部死在了这里,一个人都没活下去。若非因为老爷子伤势太重,治疗需要的材料又必须是变异黑海鲨的肝脏,我绝对不会来这里。” Got it.” “明白了。” Several guys look at each other one, the look unprecedented earnestness. 几个大汉对视一眼,神色前所未有的认真。 That is good.” “那就好。” Mo Lei relaxes, is certainly careful, if not good, leaves on the speed.” 莫雷松口气,“一定要小心谨慎,如果不行,就速度离开。” Hope......” “希望……” This time can be smooth.” “这次能顺利。” Mo Lei gently casts into several drops of shark souls to be fragrant, this thing is most attractive to the mutate(d) Black Sea shark, it quick will come, prepares for hunting and killing!” 莫雷轻轻的撒入几滴鲨魂香,“这东西对变异黑海鲨最有吸引力,它很快就会过来,做好猎杀准备!” Understood!” “明白!” The atmosphere becomes with deep veneration. 气氛变得肃然。 Everyone flashing eyes, are staring at the tranquil sea level. 所有人目光炯炯,盯着平静的海面。 huā — 哗— Sea level shake. 海面震荡。 A black blue radiance flashes through from the sea level. 一道黑蓝色的光华从海面闪过。 He came!” “他来了!” Mo Lei rouses, on.” 莫雷振奋,“上。” shuā! 刷! shuā! shuā! 刷!刷! Sharp weapons insert to the mutate(d) Black Sea shark on, actually by it thick skin separating, unexpectedly no wound to its slightest, even a seal has not stayed behind. 一根根利器插到变异黑海鲨身上,却被它厚厚的皮肤弹开,居然没有伤到它分毫,甚至连一个印子都没留下。 I come!” “我来!” A guy right hand makes a fist, a layer upon layer purple black strange trace following his right arm spread, strength that made the person palpitation condensed in his right fist. 一个大汉右手握拳,一层层紫黑色的奇异纹路顺着他的右臂蔓延,一股令人心悸的力量在他的右拳凝聚。 Reaches as high as 60 points strength under the Gene Ability stimulation of movement, displays the pinnacle. 高达60点的力量基因能力催动下,更是发挥到了极致。 Qilin! Qilin! Fist!” “麒!麟!拳!” The guys soar, a fist bang ruthlessly on sea level mutate(d) Black Sea shark. 大汉腾空而起,一拳狠狠的轰在海面的变异黑海鲨上。 Bang!” “轰!” terrifying strength in this flickers the eruption, sweeps across all around, at least raises five meters ocean waves. 恐怖力量在这一瞬爆发,席卷四周,至少掀起五米的海浪。 „!” “嗷!” mutate(d) Black Sea shark calls out. 变异黑海鲨一声嚎叫。 wēng — 嗡— Strange shake wave transmits. 一股奇异的震荡波传来。 pū! 噗! The body that the guys have not dropped starts the wind blood unexpectedly. 大汉还未落下的身体居然开始飙血。 „It is not good, the spirit attack, this mutate(d) Black Sea shark arrived at evolve to this situation unexpectedly.” “不好,精神攻击,这头变异黑海鲨居然到了进化到了这种地步。” The Mo Lei complexion big change, orders decisively! Quickly, comes back the third child belt/bring, gives up hunting and killing the action!” 莫雷脸色大变,果断下了命令!“快,把老三带回来,放弃猎杀行动!” Understood.” “明白。” Behind a guy launches a light light wing, afterimage flashes through, the soon faint third child who was hit by the mutate(d) Black Sea shark will bring. 一名大汉背后展开一层薄薄的光翼,残影闪过,将那被变异黑海鲨打的即将昏迷的老三带来回来。 Damn.” “该死。” The Mo Lei double fist gets hold, unwilling looks at that mutate(d) Black Sea shark. 莫雷双拳握紧,不甘心的看着那头变异黑海鲨。 Hunted and killed the action not to start to be defeated, presented the time from the spirit attack, he knows, the mutate(d) Black Sea shark of this rank at all was not they can deal with. 猎杀行动还未开始就失败了,从精神攻击出现的时候,他就知道,这种级别的变异黑海鲨根本不是他们可以应付的。 don't eldest child.” “莫老大。” Several guys are very ashamed. 几个大汉很是惭愧。 Does not blame you.” “不怪你们。” The Mo Lei look is somewhat low-spirited: This mutate(d) Black Sea shark evolve to this situation, is not the average person can hunt, only if true powerhouse......” 莫雷神色有些黯然:“这头变异黑海鲨进化到这种地步,已经不是普通人可以狩猎的,除非是真正的强者……” But at this time. 而就在这个时候。 Suddenly, a sad and shrill pitiful yell sound resounds through the skies. 忽然,一声凄厉的惨叫声响彻云霄。 “嗷 What is that?!” “那是什么?!” Mo Lei and the others look suddenly to the sea level, immediately saw astonishing one. 莫雷等人猛然看向海面,顿时看到了惊人的一幕。 That a moment ago also complacent mutate(d) Black Sea shark, suddenly painful tumbles in the sea level, huge body unceasing moving, raises the single layer the ocean waves of single layer. 那刚才还洋洋得意的变异黑海鲨,忽然痛苦的在海面翻滚,巨大的身体不断的甩动,掀起一重又一重的海浪。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Mo Lei and the others were panic-stricken. 莫雷等人惊骇。 But at this moment, more astonishing matter happened. 而就在这时,更惊人的事情发生了。 On the mutate(d) Black Sea shark has bloodstains suddenly, that they exhaust the skin that the method is unable to puncture, collapses in them like this at present. 变异黑海鲨身上忽然出现一道道血痕,那个他们用尽手段也无法刺破的皮肤,就这样在他们眼前崩坏。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” fresh blood incarnadine the sea water, the terrifying ocean waves were getting higher and higher. 鲜血染红了海水,恐怖的海浪越来越高。 Suddenly, radiant deep-blue Light Edge projected from mutate(d) Black Sea shark within the body together, frightens them to jump, however before they have not responded, multi-channel deep-blue Light Edge jumped to shoot from mutate(d) Black Sea shark within the body, under shining of sunlight, each Light Edge sparkled like that! 忽然,一道璀璨的湛蓝色光刃变异黑海鲨体内射出,吓了他们一跳,然而他们还没反应过来之前,更多道湛蓝色光刃变异黑海鲨体内迸射而出,在阳光的照耀下,每一道光刃都是那般闪耀! What is this? 这是什么? Everyone delay looks at this to shock one that. 所有人都呆滞的看着这震撼的一幕。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Bang!” “轰!” The sea level begins the thunder, fierce thundering, the vigorous form kills together from mutate(d) Black Sea shark within the body, steadily falling of dāng dāng in the shore of shark bay. 海面再起雷霆,一阵剧烈的轰鸣,一道矫健的身影从变异黑海鲨体内杀出,稳稳当当的落在了鲨海湾的岸边。 The blood light scatters. 身后,血光四溅。 The mutate(d) Black Sea shark that roared turned over, did not have the sound again. 那咆哮的变异黑海鲨翻个身,再也没有了声音。 Mo Lei and the others had a parched mouth, inconceivable looks presents the person's shadow that at present, gene powerhouse of that insta-kill mutate(d) Black Sea shark is one seems like the somewhat immature youth unexpectedly. 莫雷等人口干舌燥,不可思议的看着眼前出现的人影,那秒杀变异黑海鲨的基因强者居然是一个看上去有些稚嫩的青年。 Came out!” “出来了!” Chen Feng is joyful. 陈锋欣喜。 Beautiful sunlight, fresh air. 明媚的阳光,清新的空气。 hā hā hā! 哈哈哈 He is living, has a look in within the body, 10 Luck Value have exhausted thoroughly, opens Wind Edge and Luck Aura instance in him simultaneously, that by everyone is thought is trash Gene Ability, blooms the shocking attack! Infinite Wind Edge erupts, sweeps away all obstacles! 他活着出来了,看看体内,十点幸运值已经彻底耗尽,在他同时开启风刃幸运光环的瞬间,那个被所有人认为是垃圾的基因能力,绽放出令人惊艳的攻击!无限风刃爆发,所向披靡! In the Luck Aura condition, erupts ten Wind Edge every second, consumes 1 Luck Value merely, theoretically, if Luck Value is enough, he even can infinite Wind Edge arrive in ancient times! 幸运光环状态下,每秒足足爆发十个风刃,仅仅消耗一点幸运值,理论上,如果幸运值足够,他甚至可以无限风刃到天荒地老! Although the striking power is very weak. 虽然攻击力着实很弱。 Then...... 那么…… Should go back? 该回去了吧? Chen Feng moves the physique, this looked that to has been staring at his several people: Has the matter?” 陈锋活动一下筋骨,这才看向一直盯着他的几个人:“有事?” No, all right.” “没,没事。” Mo Lei speaks incoherently. 莫雷语无伦次。 powerhouse! 强者 This absolutely is true powerhouse! 这绝对是真正的强者 Such small age, has such terrifying strength, perhaps is the talent is not so only simple, this powerhouse back influence terrifying also cannot be underestimated. 这么小的年纪,就拥有如此恐怖力量,恐怕不仅仅是天赋那么简单,这位强者背后的势力恐怖也不容小觑。 No, has the matter.” “不,有事。” Saying of some Mo Lei stutter, that senior, can the liver of this mutate(d) Black Sea shark sell to me?” 莫雷有些结巴的说道,“那个前辈,这头变异黑海鲨的肝脏可不可以卖给我?” mutate(d) Black Sea shark?” 变异黑海鲨?” Chen Feng swept one in the sea level, immediately speechless, this shark sold to you.” 陈锋在海面上扫了一眼,顿时哑然,“这头鲨鱼都卖给你了。” Thanks!” “谢谢!” Mo Lei excited saying. 莫雷激动的说道。 Good, the father could be saved! 太好了,老爹有救了! Takes to select the light screen in the wrist quickly, Mo Lei turns around the entire 500,000 Yuan to Chen Feng. 在腕带上点出光幕,莫雷很快给陈锋转过来整整50万元。 According to the understanding of Chen Feng this world currency, this price is not absolutely low. Just Transmigration came to harvest such a sum of money, to Chen Feng absolutely is a huge harvest. Naturally, if there are if possible, Chen Feng will not give the mutate(d) Black Sea shark to swallow again one time, was too dangerous! 根据陈锋对这个世界货币的了解,这个价位绝对不低。刚穿越过来就收获这么一笔钱,对陈锋而言绝对是一个大丰收。当然,如果有可能的话,陈锋也绝不会再给变异黑海鲨吞噬一次,太危险了! Many thanks senior.” “多谢前辈。” Mo Lei unceasing thanks. 莫雷不断的感谢。 Chen Feng shows a faint smile, this leaves. 陈锋微微一笑,这才离开。 Luck was good.” “运气太好了。” Mo Lei is excited: Can happen to bump into powerhouse to hunt and kill the mutate(d) Black Sea shark . Moreover the opposite party has not cared about this money, otherwise......” 莫雷激动:“能够正好碰到一位强者猎杀变异黑海鲨,而且对方还根本不在乎这点钱,不然的话……” „Are the present students so strong?” “现在的学生都这么强吗?” That faint guy has waked up, bitter and astringent say/way. 那位昏迷的大汉已经醒来,苦涩道。 This is the advantage of going to school.” “这就是上学的好处啊。” Mo Lei sighed: Starts to study the gene curriculum from the high school, the school provides all kinds of resources and conditions, even if these students cross the threshold the cultivation speed, is still our several times. This is because the high school mainly studies the foundation, merely reason that the college entrance examination also only tests the foundation! Waits for after the college entrance examination, to the university, their cultivation speeds is quick we did not know many times!” 莫雷叹息:“从高中开始就可以修习基因课程,学校提供各种各样的资源和条件,那些学生就算是入门修炼速度,也是我们数倍。这还是因为高中主要是修习基础,高考也仅仅只考基础的原因!等高考过后,到了大学,他们的修炼速度更是快了我们不知道多少倍!” Later my son, must make him go to school!” “以后我儿子,一定要让他上学!” Guy saying of ruthlessly. 大汉狠狠的说道。 That is natural.” “那是自然。” Mo Lei to nod: Is only, the general student foundation again good strength so is not even powerful, this youngster decides however is a top outstanding student!” 莫雷点头:“只是,一般的学生就算基础再好实力也不会如此强大,这少年定然是一位顶级的高材生!” The people are filled with emotion. 众人感慨万千。 What they do not know, the outstanding student in their mouth, just the college entrance examination failed an admissions examination. 只是,他们不知道的是,他们口中的这位高材生,刚刚高考落榜。
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