SG :: Volume #1

#5: Mysterious Gene Manufacture technique

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Gold City. 金城 Fenghua Hotel. 风华大酒店。 The high three 2 classes of all schoolmates, are celebrating each other to be admitted to a university, what suddenly some people thought, right, how to see Chen Feng to come?” 高三二班所有同学,正在互相庆祝对方考上大学,忽然有人想到了什么,“对了,怎么没有看到陈锋过来?” It is estimated that is embarrassed.” “估计不好意思来吧。” Some people said with a smile: Usual school first, the college entrance examination fails an admissions examination unexpectedly, if my I am also embarrassed.” 有人笑道:“平时的全校第一,高考居然落榜,要是我我也不好意思来。” hā hā.” 哈哈。” Yeah?” “可不是么?” You do not know, my mother said to me daily, you had a look at others Chen Feng, how in the family/home that condition to be able first how, to be tired of bothersomely! How this time goes back you to guess, my mother anything did not say that hā hā.” “你是不知道,我妈天天给我说,你看看人家陈锋,家里那种条件都能第一怎么怎么,烦都烦死了!这次回去你猜怎么着,我妈什么都不说了,哈哈。” Another student laughs. 另一个学生大笑。 Obviously, Chen Feng wrests away first to be equivalent by the person envious hatred year to year. 显然,陈锋常年霸占第一相当遭人嫉恨。 How to speak.” “怎么说话呢。” Class leader Wang Yue scolded them, how to say again was also the schoolmate of class.” 班长王越呵斥他们,“再怎么说也是自己班级的同学。” „, The truth has not let say.” “切,实话还不让说了。” People hey hey one happy. 众人嘿嘿一乐。 He does not come is also good.” “他不来也好。” Wang Yue light saying: His such result, after coming, perhaps does not feel better, later estimated that does not have the opportunity to meet, says goodbye also very well.” 王越淡淡的说道:“他这样的成绩,来了以后恐怕也不太好受,以后估计没机会相见,就此别过也挺好。” Should early so.” “早该如此了。” Some people sneer: What foundation if not high Central Africa must exercise not to let the promotion, relies on our back resources, will be compelled by his one with first poorly? Bah! Even if he gains admission to the university, should still cast off by us by far, has not been admitted to the university let alone now.” 有人冷笑:“如果不是高中非要锻炼什么基础不让提升,就凭借我们背后的资源,会被他一个穷逼拿第一?呸!就算他考到大学,也会被我们远远甩开,更何况现在连大学都没考上。” Many people echo. 很多人附和。 Wang Yue smiles, has not opened the mouth again. 王越笑笑,没有再开口。 But at this moment, the Wang Yue wrist belt/bring vibrates, a news quiet emergence, Wang Yue looked at one, in the eye flashes through the surprised look. 而就在这时,王越腕带震动,一条消息悄无声息的出现,王越看了一眼,眼中闪过惊讶的神色。 Is Chen Feng also living unexpectedly? 陈锋居然还活着? Boy, obviously already quilt...... 那小子,明明已经被…… Come, congratulates our Leader king big to be admitted to the Qingbei University Gene Manufacture department.” “来,恭喜我们的王大班长考上清北大学基因制作系。” Some people propose a toast. 有人敬酒。 hā hā, many thanks.” 哈哈,多谢。” Wang Yue switches off the light screen, sets out to return a courtesy. 王越关掉光幕,起身回礼。 In theater box happy talks and laughters. 包厢内一片欢声笑语。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 In that worn-out rented housing, Chen Feng is being Gene Manufacture prepares. 那破旧的出租房内,陈锋正在为基因制作进行准备。 Gene Manufacture is divided three steps. 基因制作分为三步。 first, Gene Search. Enters Digitized Status, discovers the gene material that in Formula(s) needs in blood essence. 第一,基因寻找。进入数维状态,在精血中找出配方中需要的基因材料。 second, Gene Reaction. Let these gene urge a round of response under the Spiritual Energy function, gene that the production needs finally. 第二,基因反应。让这些基因精神力作用下催发反应,生成最终需要的基因 third, Gene Fusion. Carries on the derivation and duplication independent gene, responded with Fusion Reagent, finally manufactures Gene Fusion Reagent. 第三,基因融合。将单独基因进行衍生和复制,跟融合试剂反应,最终制作成基因融合试剂 Digitized Status?” 数维状态?” Chen Feng recalled. 陈锋回想了一下。 So-called Digitized Status, is pure gene world under the Spiritual Energy deduction! Here, you can only see gene! Facilitates you to make the transformation of gene! 所谓的数维状态,就是一个精神力推演下的纯基因世界!在这里,你只能看到基因!方便你进行基因的改造! First tries.” “先试试。” Chen Feng has a look at present Wood Bear blood essence. 陈锋看看眼前的木熊精血 wēng — 嗡— He packages Wood Bear blood essence with Spiritual Energy cautiously, in that instance that the package completes, Spiritual Energy of Chen Feng within the body in that moment erupts. 他小心翼翼的用精神力包裹木熊精血,在包裹完成的那一个瞬间,陈锋体内的精神力在那一刻爆发。 Digitized World! 数维世界 shuā! 刷! At present radiance passes. 眼前光华流转。 A half illusory world are blooming at present. 一个半虚幻的世界在眼前绽放。 The innumerable say/way strange brilliance in all around unceasing twinkle flowing, this are Wood Bear blood essence gene fragment(s)! 无数道奇异的光辉在四周不断的闪烁流动,这就是木熊精血基因片段 Originally is this Digitized Status?” “原来这就是数维状态?” Enters the gene world that a normal naked eye cannot see?” “进入一个正常肉眼看不到的基因世界么?” Chen Feng clear comprehension. 陈锋明悟 But the Wood Bear gene first step is not difficult, Gene Search. 木熊基因第一步并不难,基因寻找 According to the introduction on Formula(s), the manufacture of Wood Bear gene, needs three Ao gene, six Bx gene, four Nw gene, in Formula(s) some detailed introductions, even design. This is not difficult, in several tens of thousands of gene, these gene quantities are many. 根据配方上的介绍,木熊基因的制作,需要三条Ao基因,六条Bx基因,还有四条Nw基因,配方中都有详细的介绍,甚至还有图案。这并不算难,数万基因中,这几种基因的数量都非常多。 Chen Feng very easily discovered these gene. 陈锋很轻易的就找出了这几个基因 The first step, completes. 第一步,完成。 Gene Manufacture first step, simple is above the imagination. 基因制作第一步,简单的超乎想象。 second step? 第二步呢? Chen Feng carefully looked at one, seems simpler. 陈锋仔细看了一眼,似乎更简单。 Really. 真的。 Gene Reaction, according to 13 gene that Chen Feng looks for conducts responded mutually, under the catalysis of Spiritual Energy, making them 11 conduct the response, looks very difficultly, but in Wood Bear Gene Formula, to responding the use of smooth and Spiritual Energy catalysis has very detailed introduction. 基因反应,根据陈锋找出来的十三条基因进行互相反应,在精神力的催化下,让他们一一进行反应就可以,看着很难,但是木熊基因配方中,对反应顺序和精神力催化的使用都有很详细的介绍。 Which two gene first responded, which Gene Fusion response wait/etc...... 哪两个基因先反应,哪个基因融合反应等等…… Quick. 很快。 13 Gene Reaction finished, leaves behind gene after response merely. 十三个基因反应完毕,仅仅留下一条反应后的基因 But Wood Bear gene that this, needs finally! 而这,就是最终需要的木熊基因 Such simple and crude! 就这么简单粗暴! The second step, Gene Reaction, completes. 第二步,基因反应,完成。 First two are not difficult.” “前两步不算难。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 So long as there is Formula(s), first two steps want routinely. Original Host had made many times, therefore Chen Feng reviews his memory, achieved very much with ease. 只要有配方在,前两步只要按部就班就可以。原主人曾经做过很多次,所以陈锋回顾他的记忆,很轻松的做到了。 However 然而 Real difficult, is the third step! 真正艰难的,是第三步! But this step, was Original Host never steps the past threshold! 而这一步,也是原主人从未迈过去的槛! third section, Gene Fusion! 第三部,基因融合 First two have made needing Wood Bear gene, but that is only under Digitized Status, Wood Bear gene that has alone, is unable to survive! Therefore, this most important third step, this independent gene fragment(s), the real derivation and duplication, turns into gene reagent. 前两步已经做出了需要的木熊基因,但是那只是数维状态下,单独存在的木熊基因,根本无法存活!所以,这最重要的第三步,是把这个单独的基因片段,真正的衍生和复制,变成基因试剂 This step, is very difficult. 这一步,很难。 How these does step do?” “这一步怎么做?” Chen Feng carefully studied. 陈锋仔细研究了一下。 Gene Fusion, will wrap gene with Spiritual Energy, lays aside cultivates in reagent to derive and duplicate to gene, will duplicate the gene even distribution that completes each corner and ensure the absolute balance, then withdraws Spiritual Energy, true Wood Bear gene, manufactures to complete like this. 基因融合,将用精神力包裹基因,放置到基因培育试剂中衍生和复制,将复制完成的基因均匀的分布到每一个角落,保证绝对的平衡,然后撤走精神力,真正的木熊基因,就这样制作完成。 Probably nothing troubles.” “好像没什么麻烦的。” Chen Feng thought , the decision tries. 陈锋想了下,还是决定试试。 Gets up!” “起!” His cautious extracts Wood Bear gene, lays aside to preparing good gene cultivates in reagent, that is some transparencies liquids, along with instillment of Wood Bear gene, turned into blue rapidly, Chen Feng looks at these blue unceasing proliferation with own eyes, the fusion. 他小心翼翼的将木熊基因提取出来,放置到准备好的基因培育试剂中,那是一些完全透明的液体,伴随着木熊基因的滴入,迅速的变成了蓝色,陈锋亲眼看着那些蓝色不断的扩散,融合。 Quick. 很快。 The liquid of entire culture dish, turned into blue! 整个培养皿的液体,都变成了蓝色 Handled? 搞定了? Chen Feng is slightly excited. 陈锋略微激动。 Then. 然后。 Chen Feng withdrew Spiritual Energy slowly. 陈锋缓慢的撤走了精神力 hū — 呼— The liquid in culture dish boils suddenly, Chen Feng does not suddenly feel wonderfully. 培养皿内的液体忽然沸腾,陈锋顿觉不妙。 Bang!” “轰!” All liquids explode instantaneously! 所有液体瞬间爆炸! In all directions splash. 四处飞溅。 Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” third step, Gene Fusion, failure! 第三步,基因融合,失败! Chen Feng carefully studied. 陈锋仔细研究了一下。 Original Host once also arrived at this most essential one step, the attempt multiple, never succeeds, but the reason is also the gene not even fusion of same duplication! 原主人曾经也到了这最关键的一步,尝试多次,从未成功,而原因也是同样的复制的基因没有均匀的融合! Here even, can only grasp! 这里的均匀,只能自己把握! gene makes the copy time, will become exceptionally active, at this time, must rapid integrate in reagent with Spiritual Energy these gene, only then this can guarantee the balance of reagent! 基因进行复制的时候,会变得异常活跃,这个时候,要用精神力迅速将这些基因融入到试剂之中,只有这样才能保证试剂的平衡! Even......” “均匀……” Balanced......” “平衡……” Chen Feng knits the brows. 陈锋皱眉。 This feeling, really can only attempt unceasingly. 这种感觉,真的只能不断尝试。 No wonder the success ratio is only 0.1%! 难怪成功率只有0.1%! Gene Manufacture first step and second step, so long as relates to guarantee several times not to have the issue, but this last step, is very difficult! 基因制作第一步和第二步,只要多联系几次就可以保证没有问题,但是这最后一个步骤,真的很难! At least to the average person, is so. 至少对普通人来说,是如此。 But if Luck Aura opens, under the influence of Luck Aura, these gene will distribute gene to cultivate in reagent evenly? 但是如果幸运光环开启,在幸运光环的影响下,这些基因会均匀的分布到基因培育试剂中吗? Chen Feng anticipated very much. 陈锋很期待。 Thinks that does. 想到就做。 Chen Feng starts Gene Manufacture again. 陈锋再次开始基因制作 first step and second step completion easily, again to the Gene Fusion stage. 第一步和第二步轻易的完成,再次到了基因融合的阶段。 Luck Aura, opening!” 幸运光环,开启!” Chen Feng opening Luck Aura without hesitation. 陈锋毫不犹豫的开启幸运光环 shuā! 刷! In the Chen Feng's eye as if has some subtle changes. 陈锋的眼中似乎出现一些微妙的变化。 Fusion!” “融合!” Chen Feng cautious lays aside gene to gene cultivates in reagent, looks at that blue rapid increasing, drips into the water like the blue ink, fuses in entire gene reagent quickly, slowly, the entire liquid turned into limpid blue, is like that bright. 陈锋小心翼翼的将基因放置到基因培育试剂之中,看着那一点蓝色迅速的扩增,就像蓝色的墨水滴入水中,很快融合到整个基因试剂中,慢慢的,整个液体变成了清澈的蓝色,那般明亮。 Remove! 撤! Chen Feng withdraws Spiritual Energy slowly, blue liquid not mighty waves. 陈锋缓缓撤回精神力,蓝色液体没有一丝波澜。 Success? 成功了吗? Chen Feng is excited. 陈锋激动。
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