“是你!”Long Yue that alsobluffed and blustereda moment agosees the instantaneouscomplexionbig change that the little misscomes, on the one hand graspstoSea Dragon Blood Essence, figuresuddenly/violentlyto retreat, unexpectedlyescapedwithout hesitation.
那刚才还耀武扬威的龙跃看见小姑娘现身的瞬间脸色大变,一手抓向海龙精血,身形暴退,居然毫不犹豫的逃了。„To walk?”
The chillysoundreverberatesin the world.
The radiantswordlightcutsagain.
璀璨的剑光再次斩下。Red lighttwinkle.
The bloodstainsplash, breaks the armfrom the skyto fly, thatgrabs the hand of Sea Dragon Blood Essencealsoto loosenthoroughly, falls into the sea waterwith the armtogether.
血迹飞溅,一只断臂在空中飞起,那抓着海龙精血的手也彻底松开,跟着断臂一起落入海水之中。Long Yuecut off an armbyher!龙跃被她斩断一只手臂!„sī ——”
“嘶——”Everyoneholds breath a cold air/Qi.
所有人倒吸一口冷气。„Wang Yao!”
The sad and shrillpitiful yellsoundgets up.
凄厉的惨叫声响起。Long Yuehateis staring at the presentlittle miss, „youare courting death! WhenIgo back, mustfind the personto extinguishyourWang Familysurely! Imustletyourentire family......”龙跃怨恨的盯着眼前的小姑娘,“你在找死!等我回去,定要找人灭了你王家!我要让你全家……”„Boisterous!”
“聒噪!”Wang Yaosneers, „thatyouleave behind a thingagain.”王瑶一声冷笑,“那你就再留下点东西吧。”„Bang!”
The red lightflashes through.
红光闪过。Alsois an armfliesacross the sky.
“你……”Thatperson of hatredlooks atWang Yao, fresh bloodspitscrazily, changes to the bloodglowto vanishintogethersame place, does not dareto leave behind the half a pointaggressive statement.
那人怨毒的看着王瑶,一口鲜血狂吐,化作一道血芒消失在原地,再也不敢留下半分狠话。Everyonelooks atthisdull.
所有人呆呆的看着这一幕。Thislittle miss, was too aggressive!
这小姑娘,太生猛了!Enters the stageon a seconddaysecond of placesecond of air, rampantindividually uncorrectableLong Yue, cut offtwoarmsa moment agounexpectedly, the fartdoes not dareto putoneto run.
一出场就秒天秒地秒空气,刚才嚣张的无可自拔的龙跃,居然被砍断两只手臂,屁都不敢放一个就跑了。merely......只是……Who is she?
是来救他们的还是来杀他们的?Has experiencedinnumerabledesperate, the peopledo not even dareto hold the toohighhope, was goodsimplyhas not paid attention tothembecause ofthis timelittle miss.
经历过无数次绝望,众人甚至不敢抱有太大希望,好在这个时候小姑娘根本没理会他们。„Sea Dragon Blood Essence?”
“嗡!”In the Wang Yaohand the red lightflashes through, in the sea waterwill seek forSea Dragon Blood Essence, an oldanddignifiedsoundwill resoundsuddenly, „perhapslittle miss, thisthing, will not beyoucantake?”王瑶手中红光闪过,正要在海水中寻找海龙精血的时候,一个苍老而又威严的声音忽然响起,“小姑娘,这东西,恐怕不是你可以拿的吧?”
The Chen Fengmindjumpssuddenly.陈锋心神猛然一跳。Thissound......
The principal in theirschool!
“轰!”Voidblasting open.
An old manfollowsseveralteachersto appear, the shield after hererelieves, theycatch upurgently. Has not thought that besidessavingbesidethesestudents, unexpectedlyunexpectedharvest.
一名老者跟着几名老师出现,在这里的屏蔽解除之后,他们就紧急赶来。只是没想到,除了救这些学生之外,居然还有意外收获。Sea Dragon Blood Essence, thatis the genuinegoodthing.海龙精血啊,那可是真正的好东西。„Is the teacher, principalthey.”
所有学生喜极而泣。Was saved.
得救了。Thistimewas really saved!
这次是真的得救了!Everyonecheersleaps the bird, Chen FengandXu Fei are actually the heartfiercejumps, does not feelwonderfully, did the schoolcomeunexpectedlyat this time? Wang Yaoor the school, whichsidecansavethem, butboth sidesalsoappear, especiallySea Dragon Blood Essencethisthingexists......
所有人欢呼跃雀,陈锋和徐飞却是心头猛的一跳,感觉不妙,学校居然这个时候来了?无论是王瑶还是学校,哪一方都可以救下他们,但是双方同时出现,尤其还有海龙精血这东西存在的时候……„Go away!”
“滚!”Wang Yaosmallfaceonecold, opens the mouthunrestrained/no trace of politeness: „Did onegroup of old codgers, snatch the thingunexpectedlyat this time?”王瑶小脸一冷,毫不客气开口:“一群老不死的,居然这个时候来抢东西?”„Little miss, thisthingitself/Benisour schoolstudentto gain experiencecomes.”
Should principalZhou Wenwu'sgenialsaying, „beyousnatchedchildren'sto gain experienceachievement?”
校长周文武和善的说道,“应该是你抢了孩子们的历练成果吧?”Chen Feng: „......”陈锋:“……”He who thissayingsaidis shyforthisprincipal, the facial skinis thickcansaythiswords, had not seen that allstudentswere silent?
这话说的他都替这校长害臊,到底脸皮多厚才能说出这种话,没看到所有学生都沉默了吗?„Principal, actuallytheyrescue......”
“校长,其实他们救……”Su Jinstoodat this time.苏瑾这个时候站了出来。„YoucalledSu Jin.”
“你叫苏瑾是吧。”Principalgratifiedpointto nod, interruptedherwords: „Thistimematteryoudois very good, leadingotherstudentsto lookinsideon the line, thismatter, is notyoucanmeddle.”
“啊?”Su Jinis bewildered.苏瑾一脸茫然。„Snort.”
“哼。”Wang Yaosneers, „wantsto snatch the thing, looked atyouto havethisskill.”王瑶冷笑一声,“想要抢东西,就看你们有没有这个本事了。”„Bang!”
The red lightemerges.
The sword of hugeflameconcentratesin her handspresently.
An enoughtwometersbigsword, is in reverse proportionwithherpetitebuild, the flame that butabovethatbigswordsparkles, makesZhou Wenwufeeldignifiedly.
The Wang Yaofiguresoars, terrifyingstrengtheruptsinstantaneously.王瑶身形腾空而起,恐怖的力量瞬间爆发。„Snort!”
“哼!”Zhou Wenwusneers, withWang Yaoatupper airshowdown.
“轰!”Merelyin a flash.
The sky of trimsea areaturned into the red.
整片海域的天空变成了红色。„Red cloud?”
“火烧云?”Gold Citycountlesspeoplelooksurprisedlytothisposition.金城无数人惊奇的看向这个方位。Butat this time, in the sea area, withseveralteachers who the principalcame, was actually in the digging insea wateraltogetherstartsto seek forSea Dragon Blood Essence, but, thatSea Dragon Blood Essencewas noteverything, integratedin the sea waterto glitterunceasingly, more than tenteachersseized, basiconehas not bumped into.
A teacherhated, to look at a student in ashoresecretly: „Youalsofollowto look.”
所有学生犹豫了。In the final analysis, thatWang Yaosavedthem, snatches the thingwithher......
The facial skin of thesestudentsareverytender.
这些学生的脸皮还是很嫩。„Whofoundthatthing, whoisthisschoolmost outstandingstudent! The schoolinyouship to the resume of university, marks you contributionto the school!”
所有学生心神狂震。Most outstandingstudent?
最优秀的学生?Thisreputation, to the student, is the medal and glory, will followthemforever. Inseveralyears of university, has the extraordinary significance.
这个名头,对学生而言,就是奖章和荣耀,会永远跟随他们。在大学的几年中,有着非同寻常的意义。Theirheart movement.
A studentplunges into the sea water.
一个学生跳入海水中。Otherstudentslook at each otherone, graduallyentersin the sea water.
其他学生对视一眼,也陆陆续续进入海水中。Chen Fengsomesmiling of pondering.陈锋有些玩味的笑了。Students......
Is this educational mode of Gold Cityhigh school?
这就是金城高中的教育方式?„Theseare the supercilious lookwolves.”
“这些是白眼狼。”Xu Feialsosomewhatlooks down uponthesestudents.徐飞也有些看不起这些学生。„After allyoung.”
“毕竟年纪小。”Chen Fenglightsaying.陈锋淡淡的说道。Xu Feiand the otherswhitehiseyes, saidseems likeyourbigas.徐飞等人白了他一眼,说得好像你多大似的。„Sea Dragon Blood Essence......”
“海龙精血……”Chen Fenglooks that thesepeoplekickin the sea water, suddenlylookstoMonkey, „Monkey, can yourability, seeSea Dragon Blood Essence?”陈锋看着那些人在海水中扑腾,忽然看向猴子,“猴子,你的能力,能看到海龙精血吗?”„Cannot see.”
“看不到。”Monkeyshakes the head: „this thingisin the sea the King, fusesin the sea water, in additionsomeintelligence, are difficultto look, thereforetheseteacherswill make the studenthelpseek, canfirstfind, can only look at the face. Howeverso manypeoplelooktogether, sooner or laterwill find.”猴子摇摇头:“这玩意本身就是海中王者,融合到海水中,再加上有些灵性,非常难找,所以那些老师才会让学生帮忙寻找,能不能先找到,只能看脸。不过这么多人一起找,迟早会找到的。”Canlook at the face?
要看脸?Chen Fengshakes, looks at50Luck Value that oneselfalsopreserved, suddenly the heartbecomesfiery.陈锋手一抖,看了自己还存留的50点幸运值,忽然心头变得火热。„Thatforget about it.”
“那算了。”Chen Fengshakes the head, stretches oneself, „added that makesyouput a person under obligationtothem.”陈锋摇摇头,伸个懒腰,“还说让你给他们卖个人情呢。”„Favorwherehassosells.”
“人情哪有那么好卖。”Xu Feilaughs in spite of trying not.徐飞失笑。Without the danger, severalpeoplealso can only waitsame place, it is estimated thatbefore the resultcomes out, theseteacherswill not makethemleavehere.
既然没有危险,几人也只能原地等候,估计在结果出来之前,这些老师也不会让他们离开这里。„Thiswateras ifdid not have the activeness.”
“这水似乎没活性了。”Chen Fengmaintains composuretowater's edge, a reagentbottlequietputs in the waterfrom the hand, Luck Auraopensinthisflash!陈锋不动声色的到了水边,一个试剂瓶悄无声息的从手中放入水中,幸运光环在这一瞬间开启!shuā!刷!Luck Valuestartsto consumecrazily!幸运值开始疯狂消耗!10points!
40点!Suddenly, Chen Fengshakes, the keenfeeling, had anything to hitin the reagentbottlesuddenly.
忽然,陈锋手一抖,敏锐的感觉到,有什么东西忽然撞到了试剂瓶中。could it beis......难道是……Chen Fenghas a parched mouth, in the surfacestilldoes not dareto haveanychanging countenance, heseals up the reagentbottlequietly, takes backin the sleeve cuff, tranquilsetting out.陈锋口干舌燥,表面上依然不敢有任何动容,他悄无声息的封住试剂瓶,收回袖口之中,平静的起身。„Yes.”
“是啊。”Xu Feilooked atthissea water, „starting today, feared that wasnothingDragon's Passing Mountain. The sourcevanishes, herewaterwill also dry upgradually.”徐飞看了看这海水,“从今天起,怕是没有什么龙逝山了。源头消失,这里的水也会渐渐枯竭。”
The peopledeeply is so.
众人深以为然。Whocanthink, their exploration, did catch up withthismatterunexpectedly?
谁能想到,他们一次探险,居然赶上了这种事情?„Wego to the shore.”
“我们去岸边吧。”Chen Fengshakes the head: „Herealwaysthinksis very dangerous.”陈锋摇摇头:“在这里总觉的很危险。”„Un.”
“嗯。”Zhou Lingselectsto nod.周玲点点头。ice crystalappears, the peoplearrived at the shoreto wait.冰晶浮现,众人到了岸边等候。
During this .
这期间。Chen Fenghas been openingLuck Aura!陈锋一直开着幸运光环!Thatdifferencewas for fear that foundby others,plays the trickin front ofso manypowerfulGenetic Warrior, ison the knife pointdancesradically.
二点!Luck Valueis still consuming.幸运值还在消耗。
The reagentbottle that Chen Fengdepended onby a big treeto sit down the rest, maintaining composurewill seala moment agohid after behindshrubbery, buriedwith the sandy soilconveniently.陈锋靠着一颗大树旁边坐下休息,不动声色的将刚才封装的试剂瓶藏到了身后的灌木丛中,顺手用沙土掩埋。Hence.
至此。Consumedenough48Luck Value!
The Chen Fenginnermost feelingsare excited, finallyrelaxes.陈锋内心激动,终于松了口气。
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