结束了吗?Xu Feiand the otherssomewhatexhaustedlooksto the distant place.徐飞等人有些疲惫的看向远方。There——
那里——Onesimilarlyis the black-clothed person of D Gradesoldier, butheis confrontingwiththatmonsternow, leapsdoes not intendto cope withthem.
还有一个同样是D级战士的黑衣人,只是他现在正在跟那头怪物对峙,腾不出手对付他们。„Gets rid ofhim.”
“干掉他。”Xu Feionehas problemsshortly, wickedsaying: „Confrontswiththatmonsterwhilehim.”徐飞一眼看出问题,恶狠狠的说道:“趁着他跟那头怪物对峙的时候。”„Understood.”
“明白。”Zhou Lingand the othersfollowed, fourpeople of teammake a moveagain, fourpeople of killingincurappearinstantaneously, onewas poundingto the dragonright in the face. Thistime, theyhave no assurance, goes all outcompletely! However, unexpectedlythatblack-clothed personsimplyhas not guarded, ateallmoves.周玲等人跟上,四人小队再次出手,四人的杀招瞬间出现,对着龙一劈头盖脸的砸了下去。这一次,他们没有任何把握,完全是拼命!然而,出乎意料的是那黑衣人根本没防,吃了所有招数。„Bang!”
“轰!”Bloodlight flash.
血光闪过。Thatblack-clothed person, they were passed throughbyXu Feiunexpectedly, killsat the scene!
这……Everyoneopens the eye.
The Chen Fengmindjumps.陈锋心神一跳。Died?
就这么死了?Alsowantspowerfulsecretinstigationcompared withfellow that camea moment ago, died? HecaneasilyevadeXu Feiobviouslytheirattack!
这家伙……When the peopleare surprised.
血液。Inthis momentebullition.
The body that the black-clothed persondiedfrom the skychanges to the bloodstain, thatD GradeMutated Beastpackage, angrily roarsandcalls out pitifullyalong with, refining upit! When the peopleresponded the time, Mutated Beasthas vanisheddoes not see, void, only hasdrop of sparkleblueblood essence.
那黑衣人死亡的身躯在空中化作血迹,将那D级变异兽包裹,伴随着一声声怒吼和惨叫,将其生生炼化!等众人反应过来的时候,变异兽已然消失不见,虚空中,只有一滴闪耀的蓝色精血。That, isSea Dragon Blood Essence!
The Chen Fengpupilcontractssuddenly.陈锋瞳孔猛然收缩。
The teachers in chargerun away, theyhave not died, the condition of Sea Dragon Blood Essencerefinementis untenable, thereforethisfellow, usesownbloodunexpectedly, filledsuchgap.
好可怕的家伙!Finished? Howpossibly! SuchfellowsacrificedSea Dragon Blood Essence that the lifecauses, howpossiblyto falltotheirhandsin?
结束了吗?怎么可能!这样一个家伙牺牲自己生命才弄出的海龙精血,怎么可能落到他们手中?Buthedistincthad died, only if......
可是他分明已经死了,除非……Hedoes not instigatesecretly!
他根本不是幕后主使!Chen Fengand the otherslooked at each otherone, felt that scalptingles with numbness, twoD Grade are Genetic Warriorunexpectedlyonly the soldiers? Thissecretinstigationsomemulti-terrifying?陈锋等人对视一眼,都感觉到头皮一阵发麻,两个D级的基因战士居然只是小兵?这幕后的主使者到底有多恐怖?„hā hā hā.”
“我们活下来了!”Allstudentsare wild with joy.
活下来了!Is only a historical siteexplores, makesthemstrugglein the despairinnumerable, thattypeis incapablewith the pain, their whole lifewill not forget!
仅仅只是一次古迹探险,就让他们无数次在绝望中挣扎,那种无力和痛苦,他们这辈子都不会忘记!„Thank you, Chen Feng.”
The innumerablestudentsare grateful.
无数学生感激。Chen Fengshakes the head, withoutspeech, butlooks at the sea areasilently, studentsjoyfulexpressiononestiff, looks atChen FengandXu Feiand the others the ugly/difficult to look atlook, as ifrealizesanything, a livertrembles, could it be......陈锋摇摇头,没有说话,只是默默看着海域,学生们喜悦的表情一僵,看着陈锋和徐飞等人难看的神色,似乎意识到什么,一阵肝颤,难道……Butatthis time.
A lightsound.
一声轻响。Just likedancient times the heart beat of Spiritual God, the innumerablestudentsspatfresh bloodon the mouthat the scene.
犹如远古神灵的心脏跳动,无数学生当场就口吐鲜血。SomeChen Fengcomplexionblanches.陈锋脸色有些发白。Opposite shore.
A lightformappears, step by stepwalks, toseashoretime, hehas not stopped the footsteps, sucharrived above the sea waterlightly.
The footstepspass throughfrom the sea level, unexpectedlyhas not left behind a ripple.
脚步从海平面走过,居然没有留下一丝波纹。Like thateasily.
The Xu Feicomplexionchangessuddenly.徐飞脸色骤然大变。Long Yue.龙跃。Cragcityaristocratic familyjuniors!
岩城世家子弟!Thisaristocratic familysaid that isdragon the descendant, butLong Yueis their generation of outstanding people! Allgene that hefuseshave the relationswith the dragon, no matterrealdragonfakedragon, strengthterrifying! It is saidlastmaking an appearancetime, isC GradeGenetic Warrior.
现在的实力?unknown!未知!Draw back!
退!Xu Feiand the others the pupilcontraction, Zhou Lingis drawingtheirseveral, retrocedesin the sea levelcrazily, toring-likeislands.徐飞等人瞳孔收缩,周玲更是拉着他们几个,在海面疯狂后退,到了环形岛屿上。Stop?
阻拦?Crack a joke!
开什么玩笑!powerhouse of thisrank, at all is nottheycanstop.
这种级别的强者,根本不是他们可以阻拦的。„Long Yue, C Grade, is possibly higher.”
“龙跃,C级,可能更高。”Xu Feiis pale, after everyonehears, scared, thesestudentslook ashen, Oh, howto havethisterrifyingfellowto comeGold City?徐飞脸色发青,所有人听到之后都吓坏了,那些学生更是面如土色,天哪,怎么会有这种恐怖的家伙来金城?Insea area.
海域中。Sees onlyLong Yueto wave, twocorpsesappearfrom the water.
只见龙跃挥挥手,两个尸体从水中浮现。„A dragondragontwo, good work.”
“龙一龙二,辛苦了。”Long Yuetranquilsaying, a point, corpsemakes the endlessashesgently.龙跃平静的说道,轻轻一点,尸体化做无尽的灰烬。„Finally......”
“终于……”Long Yuelooked atSea Dragon Blood Essence, on the faceshowed the smile, turned toChen Fengand the othersagaintime, the visionhas becomeice-cold: „SincedragonYilongtwohas died, you, are buried along with the deadforthem.”龙跃看了一眼海龙精血,脸上露出笑容,再转向陈锋等人的时候,目光已经变得冰冷:“既然龙一龙二已死,你们,就为他们陪葬吧。”„Long Yue do youdare?!”
“龙跃你敢?!”Xu Feiangrily roars.徐飞一声怒吼。„Thesechildrenmaybe the students, do youwantto make warwith the Gold Cityschool?”
“这些孩子可都是学生,你想跟金城的学校开战吗?”Xu Feiis clear.徐飞清楚。At this time, only then the schoolcanmakethisfellowbe cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt.
The Long Yuevisionwas tranquil, looked atnot far away the student who trembled, lifted the handslightly: „It doesn't matter, massacrescompletely, no oneknew.”龙跃目光平静,看了看不远处正瑟瑟发抖的学生,微微抬手:“无所谓,全部杀掉,就没人知道了。”„It is not good.”
众人心神猛的一跳。shuā!刷!Long Yuewaving of gently.龙跃轻轻的挥了挥手。„Bang!”
The entiresea areablasts openinstantaneously.
整个海域瞬间炸裂。At this moment.
The day of sea areaturned.
“上!”Xu Feiclenches teeth, fourpeoplesent outfinalstrength, howeverconsumesstrikes, triesto resist the attack of Long Yueallstrengthsend out, however, theirstrengthclose tohad not been melted. Right, does not haveby the qualifications that theirstrengthsapproachradicallycontinually!徐飞咬牙,四个人发出了最后的力量,然而消耗所有力量发出的一击,试图抵挡龙跃的攻击,然而,他们的力量还没有靠近就被消融。没错,以他们的实力根本连靠近的资格都没有!Thisflash.
The ring-likeislands, collapsein an instant.
The strengtheruption of entiresea area, shoots up to the sky, sweeps acrossthatdozensmetershighocean waves, is carryinginexhaustiblestrengthloudly, just like the tsunami!
“完了。”Everyonelooks ashen, thiswhatdamnstrength? Whenwithout a doubt, thatterrifyingstrengthfalls, everyoneis suppressed the muddy flesh.
没有任何悬念!ThisisLong Yuestrength!
这就是基因强者的力量!„Paralysis, unexpectedlythiscause of death.”
“麻痹,居然这种死法。”Xu Feiforced smile.徐飞苦笑。„Candieinthispowerhousehand, calculates that doesn't owe?”
“能够死在这种强者手中,也算不亏了吧?”Zhou Lingmuttered.周玲喃喃自语。„Is dying?”
“要死了吗?”Monkeythought ofanythingsuddenly, „Chen Feng, youhad saidinitiallyvitality......”猴子忽然想到了什么,“陈锋,你当初说过的生机……”
The peoplethis timeare lookingtoChen Feng, actuallydiscoveredwith amazement,inthiscrucial moment, Chen Fengsmiledunexpectedly, „ourvitalities, appeared.”
什么?Xu Feiand the othersgawked.徐飞等人愣了一下。„Bang!”
“轰!”Thatterrifyingtsunamihas swept across, but.
那恐怖的海啸已然席卷而至。However, inthatattackfallstoChen Fengin front ofthem the instance, a redformdropped from the cloudssuddenly, standsin the face of the tsunami.
什么人?Everyoneopens the eyesuddenly.
所有人猛然睁大眼睛。Has not seenthatperson of appearance, seesvoid that the instance that the redshadowdrops, scarlet redflamecondenses a bigsword, is cuttingto the presenttsunami.
The sea waterroared.
The fiery-redbrillianceflashes through, astonishingappeared. Thatterrifyingtsunami, divergedinthis momentunexpectedlyforcefully, was cuttwoto breakby a sword, winds throughfrom the people, thatcontains the Long Yuefearfulstrengthtsunami, did not have, was cutby a swordfor the nihility!
火红色的光辉闪过,惊人的一幕出现了。那恐怖的海啸,居然在这一刻硬生生的分流了,被一剑斩成两断,从众人两侧流过,那蕴含龙跃可怕力量的海啸,就这么没了,被一剑斩为虚无!Very powerful!
The peoplemindjumpscrazily, looking into the distance, was shocked.
众人心神狂跳,放眼望去,更是惊呆了。Little miss who thatsavesthemunexpectedlyis a wearredskirt, sheis young, seemingly12-13appearance, handsome, the five sensesare fine, under the longeyelash, a bigeyeis very nimble and resourceful, is onlyat this moment, thateyeactuallyfillskilling intent.
The peoplehearttrembles.
众人心颤。Thenthinks,isthislittle miss, a flat sword the strength of thattsunami!
这才想起来,就是这小姑娘,一剑平了那海啸之力啊!Fuck Me!我靠!Chen Fengopens mouth, has not recovered.陈锋张了张嘴,没回过神来。Hethinks that the Wang Yueprotectorcanbe a powerful and aggressivemiddle-aged person, has never thought that thisprotectorcanbe a 12-13little missunexpectedly!
他以为王越的保护者会是一个实力强悍的中年人,从未想过,这个保护者居然会是一个十二三小姑娘!Moreover, strengthsoterrifying!
而且,实力如此恐怖!Chen Fenglooked atonesubconsciously, immediately the hearttrembles.陈锋下意识的看了一眼,顿时心颤。Thateye......
那双眼睛……Thissees the ageverylittlegirl, hasonepairstillto resemble a pupil of deepclear water, the nimble and resourcefullettingpersonpalpitation, resembling to completely understand the will of the people!
这个看着年纪很小的女孩,却有着一双犹似一泓清水的眸子,灵动的让人心悸,似能看透人心!Thismiss, is not absolutely simple.
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