SG :: Volume #1

#35: Instigates secretly

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Finished? 结束了吗? Xu Fei and the others somewhat exhausted looks to the distant place. 徐飞等人有些疲惫的看向远方。 There 那里 One similarly is the black-clothed person of D Grade soldier, but he is confronting with that monster now, leaps does not intend to cope with them. 还有一个同样是D级战士的黑衣人,只是他现在正在跟那头怪物对峙,腾不出手对付他们。 Gets rid of him.” “干掉他。” Xu Fei one has problems shortly, wicked saying: Confronts with that monster while him.” 徐飞一眼看出问题,恶狠狠的说道:“趁着他跟那头怪物对峙的时候。” Understood.” “明白。” Zhou Ling and the others followed, four people of team make a move again, four people of killing incur appear instantaneously, one was pounding to the dragon right in the face. This time, they have no assurance, goes all out completely! However, unexpectedly that black-clothed person simply has not guarded, ate all moves. 周玲等人跟上,四人小队再次出手,四人的杀招瞬间出现,对着龙一劈头盖脸的砸了下去。这一次,他们没有任何把握,完全是拼命!然而,出乎意料的是那黑衣人根本没防,吃了所有招数。 Bang!” “轰!” Blood light flash. 血光闪过。 That black-clothed person, they were passed through by Xu Fei unexpectedly, kills at the scene! 那个黑衣人,居然被徐飞他们贯穿,当场击毙! This...... 这…… Everyone opens the eye. 所有人睁大眼睛。 How possibly? 怎么可能? The Chen Feng mind jumps. 陈锋心神一跳。 Died? 死了? Died? 就这么死了? Also wants powerful secret instigation compared with fellow that came a moment ago, died? He can easily evade Xu Fei obviously their attack! 一个比刚才过来的家伙还要强大的幕后主使,就这么死了?明明他可以轻易躲过徐飞他们的攻击的! This fellow...... 家伙…… When the people are surprised. 就在众人惊疑不定的时候。 Blood. 血液。 In this moment ebullition. 在这一刻沸腾。 The body that the black-clothed person died from the sky changes to the bloodstain, that D Grade Mutated Beast package, angrily roars and calls out pitifully along with, refining up it! When the people responded the time, Mutated Beast has vanished does not see, void, only has drop of sparkle blue blood essence. 那黑衣人死亡的身躯在空中化作血迹,将那D级变异兽包裹,伴随着一声声怒吼和惨叫,将其生生炼化!等众人反应过来的时候,变异兽已然消失不见,虚空中,只有一滴闪耀的蓝色精血 That, is Sea Dragon Blood Essence! 那,就是海龙精血 This fellow......” “这家伙……” The Chen Feng pupil contracts suddenly. 陈锋瞳孔猛然收缩。 The teachers in charge run away, they have not died, the condition of Sea Dragon Blood Essence refinement is untenable, therefore this fellow, uses own blood unexpectedly, filled such gap. 班主任逃走,他们没死,海龙精血炼制的条件不成立,所以这家伙,居然用自己的血液,填补了这么片空白。 Good ruthless heart! 好狠的心! Good fearful fellow! 好可怕的家伙 Finished? How possibly! Such fellow sacrificed Sea Dragon Blood Essence that the life causes, how possibly to fall to their hands in? 结束了吗?怎么可能!这样一个家伙牺牲自己生命才弄出的海龙精血,怎么可能落到他们手中? But he distinct had died, only if...... 可是他分明已经死了,除非…… He does not instigate secretly! 他根本不是幕后主使! Chen Feng and the others looked at each other one, felt that scalp tingles with numbness, two D Grade are Genetic Warrior unexpectedly only the soldiers? This secret instigation some multi- terrifying? 陈锋等人对视一眼,都感觉到头皮一阵发麻,两个D级基因战士居然只是小兵?这幕后的主使者到底有多恐怖 hā hā hā.” 哈哈哈。” We lived!” “我们活下来了!” All students are wild with joy. 所有学生狂喜。 Lived! 活下来了! Is only a historical site explores, makes them struggle in the despair innumerable, that type is incapable with the pain, their whole life will not forget! 仅仅只是一次古迹探险,就让他们无数次在绝望中挣扎,那种无力和痛苦,他们这辈子都不会忘记! Thank you, Chen Feng.” “谢谢你,陈锋。” The innumerable students are grateful. 无数学生感激。 Chen Feng shakes the head, without speech, but looks at the sea area silently, students joyful expression one stiff, looks at Chen Feng and Xu Fei and the others the ugly/difficult to look at look, as if realizes anything, a liver trembles, could it be...... 陈锋摇摇头,没有说话,只是默默看着海域,学生们喜悦的表情一僵,看着陈锋徐飞等人难看的神色,似乎意识到什么,一阵肝颤,难道…… But at this time. 而就在这个时候。 Thump. 咚。 A light sound. 一声轻响。 Just liked ancient times the heart beat of Spiritual God, the innumerable students spat fresh blood on the mouth at the scene. 犹如远古神灵的心脏跳动,无数学生当场就口吐鲜血 Some Chen Feng complexion blanches. 陈锋脸色有些发白。 Opposite shore. 对岸。 A light form appears, step by step walks, to seashore time, he has not stopped the footsteps, such arrived above the sea water lightly. 一个淡淡的身影出现,正一步步走来,到了海边的时候,他也没有停下脚步,就那样平淡的走到了海水之上。 The footsteps pass through from the sea level, unexpectedly has not left behind a ripple. 脚步从海平面走过,居然没有留下一丝波纹。 Like that easily. 那般轻易。 Is he!” “是他!” The Xu Fei complexion changes suddenly. 徐飞脸色骤然大变。 Long Yue. 龙跃 Crag city aristocratic family juniors! 岩城世家子弟! This aristocratic family said that is dragon the descendant, but Long Yue is their generation of outstanding people! All gene that he fuses have the relations with the dragon, no matter real dragon fake dragon, strength terrifying! It is said last making an appearance time, is C Grade Genetic Warrior. 这个世家自称是龙的后裔,而龙跃更是他们这一代的佼佼者!他所融合的所有基因都跟龙有关系,不管是真龙还是假龙,实力恐怖!据说上一次露面的时候,就已经是C级基因战士 Present strength? 现在的实力? unknown! 未知 Draw back! 退! Xu Fei and the others the pupil contraction, Zhou Ling is drawing their several, retrocedes in the sea level crazily, to ring-like islands. 徐飞等人瞳孔收缩,周玲更是拉着他们几个,在海面疯狂后退,到了环形岛屿上。 Stop? 阻拦? Crack a joke! 开什么玩笑! powerhouse of this rank, at all is not they can stop. 这种级别的强者,根本不是他们可以阻拦的。 Long Yue, C Grade, is possibly higher.” 龙跃,C级,可能更高。” Xu Fei is pale, after everyone hears, scared, these students look ashen, Oh, how to have this terrifying fellow to come Gold City? 徐飞脸色发青,所有人听到之后都吓坏了,那些学生更是面如土色,天哪,怎么会有这种恐怖家伙金城 In sea area. 海域中。 Sees only Long Yue to wave, two corpses appear from the water. 只见龙跃挥挥手,两个尸体从水中浮现。 „A dragon dragon two, good work.” “龙一龙二,辛苦了。” Long Yue tranquil saying, a point, corpse makes the endless ashes gently. 龙跃平静的说道,轻轻一点,尸体化做无尽的灰烬。 Finally......” “终于……” Long Yue looked at Sea Dragon Blood Essence, on the face showed the smile, turned to Chen Feng and the others again time, the vision has become ice-cold: Since dragon Yilong two has died, you, are buried along with the dead for them.” 龙跃看了一眼海龙精血,脸上露出笑容,再转向陈锋等人的时候,目光已经变得冰冷:“既然龙一龙二已死,你们,就为他们陪葬吧。” Long Yue do you dare?!” 龙跃你敢?!” Xu Fei angrily roars. 徐飞一声怒吼。 These children may be the students, do you want to make war with the Gold City school?” “这些孩子可都是学生,你想跟金城的学校开战吗?” Xu Fei is clear. 徐飞清楚。 At this time, only then the school can make this fellow be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. 这个时候,只有学校才能让这个家伙投鼠忌器。 Student?” “学生?” The Long Yue vision was tranquil, looked at not far away the student who trembled, lifted the hand slightly: It doesn't matter, massacres completely, no one knew.” 龙跃目光平静,看了看不远处正瑟瑟发抖的学生,微微抬手:“无所谓,全部杀掉,就没人知道了。” „It is not good.” “不好。” People mind fierce jumps. 众人心神猛的一跳。 shuā! 刷! Long Yue waving of gently. 龙跃轻轻的挥了挥手。 Bang!” “轰!” The entire sea area blasts open instantaneously. 整个海域瞬间炸裂。 At this moment. 这一刻。 The day of sea area turned. 海域的天都翻了。 On!” “上!” Xu Fei clenches teeth, four people sent out final strength, however consumes strikes, tries to resist the attack of Long Yue all strength send out, however, their strength close to had not been melted. Right, does not have by the qualifications that their strengths approach radically continually! 徐飞咬牙,四个人发出了最后的力量,然而消耗所有力量发出的一击,试图抵挡龙跃的攻击,然而,他们的力量还没有靠近就被消融。没错,以他们的实力根本连靠近的资格都没有! This flash. 这一瞬间。 The ring-like islands, collapse in an instant. 环形岛屿,刹那间崩溃。 Calamity! 天塌地陷! The strength eruption of entire sea area, shoots up to the sky, sweeps across that dozens meters high ocean waves, is carrying inexhaustible strength loudly, just like the tsunami! 整个海域的力量爆发,冲天而起,席卷那数十米高的海浪,携带着无穷尽的力量轰然而下,犹如海啸! Ended.” “完了。” Everyone looks ashen, this what damn strength? When without a doubt, that terrifying strength falls, everyone is suppressed the muddy flesh. 所有人面如土色,这什么见鬼的实力?毫无疑问,当那恐怖力量落下的时候,所有人都会被镇压成肉泥。 No suspense! 没有任何悬念! This is Long Yue strength! 这就是龙跃力量 This is gene powerhouse strength! 这就是基因强者力量 Paralysis, unexpectedly this cause of death.” “麻痹,居然这种死法。” Xu Fei forced smile. 徐飞苦笑。 Can die in this powerhouse hand, calculates that doesn't owe?” “能够死在这种强者手中,也算不亏了吧?” Zhou Ling muttered. 周玲喃喃自语。 Is dying?” “要死了吗?” Monkey thought of anything suddenly, Chen Feng, you had said initially vitality......” 猴子忽然想到了什么,“陈锋,你当初说过的生机……” The people this time are looking to Chen Feng, actually discovered with amazement, in this crucial moment, Chen Feng smiled unexpectedly, our vitalities, appeared.” 众人都在这个时候看向陈锋,却惊讶发现,就在这种生死关头,陈锋居然笑了,“我们的生机,出现了。” What? 什么? Xu Fei and the others gawked. 徐飞等人愣了一下。 Bang!” “轰!” That terrifying tsunami has swept across, but. 恐怖的海啸已然席卷而至。 However, in that attack falls to Chen Feng in front of them the instance, a red form dropped from the clouds suddenly, stands in the face of the tsunami. 然而,就在那攻击落到陈锋他们面前的瞬间,一道红色的身影忽然从天而降,站在了海啸面前。 What person? 什么人? Everyone opens the eye suddenly. 所有人猛然睁大眼睛。 Has not seen that person of appearance, sees void that the instance that the red shadow drops, scarlet red flame condenses a big sword, is cutting to the present tsunami. 还未看见那人的模样,就看见那虚空中,红影落下的瞬间,深红色的火焰凝聚成一柄大剑,对着眼前的海啸斩下。 Bang!” “轰!” The sea water roared. 海水咆哮。 The fiery-red brilliance flashes through, astonishing appeared. That terrifying tsunami, diverged in this moment unexpectedly forcefully, was cut two to break by a sword, winds through from the people, that contains the Long Yue fearful strength tsunami, did not have, was cut by a sword for the nihility! 火红色的光辉闪过,惊人的一幕出现了。那恐怖的海啸,居然在这一刻硬生生的分流了,被一剑斩成两断,从众人两侧流过,那蕴含龙跃可怕力量的海啸,就这么没了,被一剑斩为虚无! Very powerful! 好强! The people mind jumps crazily, looking into the distance, was shocked. 众人心神狂跳,放眼望去,更是惊呆了。 Little miss who that saves them unexpectedly is a wear red skirt, she is young, seemingly 12-13 appearance, handsome, the five senses are fine, under the long eyelash, a big eye is very nimble and resourceful, is only at this moment, that eye actually fills killing intent. 那个救下他们的居然是一个穿着红色裙子的小姑娘,她年纪不大,看上去十二三样子,唇红齿白,五官精致,长长的睫毛下,一双大大的眼睛很是灵动,只是此刻,那双眼睛却充满杀意 The people heart trembles. 众人心颤。 Then thinks, is this little miss, a flat sword the strength of that tsunami! 这才想起来,就是这小姑娘,一剑平了那海啸之力啊! Fuck Me! 我靠! Chen Feng opens mouth, has not recovered. 陈锋张了张嘴,没回过神来。 He thinks that the Wang Yue protector can be a powerful and aggressive middle-aged person, has never thought that this protector can be a 12-13 little miss unexpectedly! 他以为王越的保护者会是一个实力强悍的中年人,从未想过,这个保护者居然会是一个十二三小姑娘! Moreover, strength so terrifying! 而且,实力如此恐怖 Chen Feng looked at one subconsciously, immediately the heart trembles. 陈锋下意识的看了一眼,顿时心颤。 That eye...... 那双眼睛…… This sees the age very little girl, has one pair still to resemble a pupil of deep clear water, the nimble and resourceful letting person palpitation, resembling to completely understand the will of the people! 这个看着年纪很小的女孩,却有着一双犹似一泓清水的眸子,灵动的让人心悸,似能看透人心! This miss, is not absolutely simple. 这姑娘,绝对不简单。
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