SG :: Volume #1

#34: The blood suckling pig changes

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But at this moment. 而此刻。 That remote opposite shore, two black-clothed person also noticed opposite situation. 那遥远的对岸,两个黑衣人也注意到了对面的情况。 Interesting, the dragon one, it seems like we were discovered.” “有趣,龙一,看来我们被发现了。” A black-clothed person said with a smile. 一个黑衣人笑道。 Fears anything, dragon two.” “怕什么,龙二。” The dragon gives a calm smile, only several E Grade wild dog nothing more, although that D Grade fellow ran somewhat regrettably, but works as the sacrificial offering with these fellow, can make Sea Dragon Blood Essence.” 龙一淡然一笑,“区区几个E级的野狗而已,虽然那个D级家伙跑了有些遗憾,但是用这些家伙当祭品,也能做出海龙精血。” „Does Oh, begin now?” ,现在动手?” The dragon two corners of the mouth show the smile. 龙二嘴角露出笑容。 Un.” “嗯。” Dragon to nod: I have felt not the wonderful aura, then late causes trouble, I refine Sea Dragon Blood Essence, you tidy up that several wild dogs, extinguished that group of students while convenient.” 龙一点点头:“我已经感觉到了不妙的气息,迟则生变,我提炼海龙精血,你去收拾那几条野狗,顺便灭了那群学生。” Understood.” “明白。” The dragon two shake oneself head, fresh student, I anticipates very much.” 龙二晃晃自己的脑袋,“新鲜的学生,我可是很期待啊。” sōu! 嗖! The jet black form disappears instantly. 漆黑的身影刹那消失。 „.” “呵。” The dragon shakes the head. 龙一摇摇头。 Looks to the endless vortex in that sea area, the vortex revolves crazily, unexpectedly condenses strength of entire sea area to the vortex center, the color of nameless sea area becomes limpid, all blood-color arrived at the vortex center. A dragon void finger/refers, the vortex turns over suddenly, releases that D Grade Mutated Beast. 看向那海域中的无尽漩涡,漩涡疯狂运转,居然将整个海域的力量凝聚到漩涡中心,无名海域的颜色变得清澈,所有的血色都到了漩涡中心。龙一虚空一指,漩涡忽然翻转,将那头D级变异兽释放出来。 Bang!” “轰!” D Grade Mutated Beast works loose, has the full blood-color muddily. D级变异兽挣脱,浑身染满血色。 hǒu — 吼— Angrily roars, Mutated Beast to/clashes, the blood-red vision is staring at the dragon stubbornly one, filled greedily, it on one smelled the familiar flavor in the dragon. 一声怒吼,变异兽冲来,血红色的目光死死盯着龙一,充满了贪婪,它在龙一身上闻到了熟悉的味道。 sōu! 嗖! It kills toward the dragon. 它向着龙一杀来。 hā hā, waited for you to be very long.” 哈哈,等你很久了。” A dragon vision is gloomy, makes me have a look, can you withstand strength of dragon.” 龙一目光阴森,“就让我看看,你能不能承受龙的力量吧。” xiū! 咻! The dragon cuts own finger, drop of blood essence takes advantage of opportunity to fall into blood-color Mutated Beast within the body. The dragon on one that belongs to gene of dragon to be very weak, but with falling of this drop of blood, that condenses Sea Dragon gene that innumerable bloodlines strength formed, finally complements in this moment. 龙一划破自己的手指,一滴精血顺势落入血色变异兽的体内。龙一身上那属于龙的基因很弱,但是随着这滴血液的落入,那凝聚了无数血脉力量而形成的海龙基因,终于在这一刻补全。 Bang!” “轰!” The strange light beam shoots up to the sky together. 一道奇异的光柱冲天而起。 Suppression!” “镇压!” In a dragon hand brilliance circulation, controls Mutated Beast stubbornly in the midair, he must thoroughly destroy this Mutated Beast, turns into drop of Sea Dragon Blood Essence him. 龙一手中光辉流转,将变异兽死死控制在半空中,他要彻底摧毁这头变异兽,将他变成一滴海龙精血 For this drop of blood essence, they paid are too too many! 为了这滴精血,他们付出太多太多了! This time, not being able to allow the half a point to make a mistake! 这次,容不得半分失误! But at this moment. 而此刻。 Chen Feng and the others who in the ring-like islands, are about to leave were actually blocked again, that black-clothed person blocked everyone's way quietly. 环形岛屿上,正准备离开的陈锋等人却再次被拦下了,那个黑衣人悄无声息的挡住了所有人的去路。 Children, do not worry Oh.” “小朋友们,可不要着急走。” Dragon two faint smile. 龙二似笑非笑。 D Grade.” D级。” The Xu Fei complexion is ugly. 徐飞脸色难看。 Thinks that the E Grade peak in this small Gold City was powerhouse , was goes to a historical site to explore, can run into so many D Grade soldiers. 原以为E级巅峰在这小小的金城算是强者了,没想到,就是去一个古迹探险,都能遇到这么多的D级战士。 What fears?” “怕什么?” Zhou Ling sneers: Does not believe our so many people, cannot kill him.” 周玲冷笑:“就不信我们这么多人,干不掉他。” hē hē.” 呵呵。” Dragon two chuckles. 龙二轻笑。 Clothes were supported to explode in the flash, that thin stature starts to increase suddenly, inflates like the balloon. terrifying strength emerges in the whole body, the whole body muscle rises suddenly, but those who most make one shock, his body presented hangnails unexpectedly, under the sunlight shines, unexpectedly is reflecting severe glow. 身上的衣服在一瞬间被撑爆,那消瘦的身材忽然开始变大,象气球一样膨胀起来。一股恐怖力量在周身涌现,浑身肌肉暴涨,而最让人震撼的是,他的身体居然出现了一根根倒刺,在阳光照耀下,居然反射着厉芒。 Two meters...... 两米…… Three meters...... 三米…… The dragon two build increase, Mortal Body becomes terrifying extremely. 龙二体型变大,肉身变得极为恐怖 Bang!” “轰!” A Xu Fei fist falls, the entire fist becomes blood red. 徐飞一拳落下,整个拳头都变得血红。 Do not move! 打不动! xiū! 咻! Zhou Ling ice crystal projects also to the dragon two flexure itchy nothing more, as for Tie Shi , he was not to mention good at defending, but has no striking power. 周玲冰晶射出也只是给龙二挠痒而已,至于铁石,就更不用说了,他擅长防守,但是并没什么攻击力。 Roaring flame storm! 烈焰风暴! Xu Fei stimulated to movement own 2-Star secret skill! 徐飞催动了自己的二星秘技 However 然而 Affects not in a big way! 作用不大! Xu Fei looks oneself become the azure red fist, the complexion is somewhat ugly. 徐飞看着自己变得青红的拳头,脸色有些难看。 On this fellow fills the blood to puncture with the toxin, even hits this fellow, oneself are instead injured is heavier, how does this hit? D Grade Genetic Warrior on as powerful as this situation? Their three E Grade peaks collaborate, but also took gene reagent of various temporary promotion strengths unable to block? 家伙身上充满血刺和毒素,就算打中这家伙,自己反而受伤更重,这怎么打?D级基因战士就强大到这种地步?他们三个E级巅峰联手,还服用了各种临时提升实力的基因试剂都挡不住? This what damn Gene Ability?” “这什么见鬼的基因能力?” Chen Feng similar shock. 陈锋同样震惊。 This is the 2-Star secret skill blood suckling pig changes.” “这是二星秘技血豚变。” A somewhat timid sound conveys, Chen Feng turn head looks, unexpectedly is Su Jin. 一个有些怯怯的声音传来,陈锋回头一看,居然是苏瑾 „Does blood suckling pig change?” “血豚变?” Some Chen Feng impressions. 陈锋有些印象。 The blood suckling pig changes, 2-Star secret skill, is centered on the mutate(d) globefish powerful secret skill that develops! 血豚变,二星秘技,以变异河豚为核心,拓展出来的强大秘技 Needs three gene: F Grade mutate(d) globefish gene, provides the change ability and weak toxin. E Grade mutate(d) blood wolf gene, provides Mortal Body to strengthen with the self-recovery. 需要三种基因:F级变异河豚基因,提供变化能力和微弱毒素。E级变异血狼基因,提供肉身加强和自愈。 This secret skill, is very strong. 这种秘技,很强。 Especially facing lowering his entire Grading Xu Fei and the others! 尤其是面对低了他整整一个等级徐飞等人! Somewhat troublesome.” “有些麻烦。” Chen Feng looks to the front. 陈锋看向前方。 Xu Fei their three people can only resist reluctantly, at all is not the opponent, according to this speed, over two minutes, 11 will not be killed by this fellow! 徐飞他们三人只能勉强抵抗,根本不是对手,按照这种速度,不超过两分钟,就会被这家伙一一干掉! Chen Feng, do you have that thunderstorm reagent?” 陈锋,你还有那种雷暴试剂么?” Monkey opens the mouth suddenly. 猴子忽然开口。 Has.” “有。” Chen Feng slightly to nod. 陈锋微微点头 Thunder Snake gene reagent he altogether made three, but also is left over one. 雷蛇基因试剂他一共做了三个,还剩下一个。 mutate(d) globefish beast, although is powerful, but is like the balloon, inflates, within the body empty. Although blood wolf gene considerably strengthened Mortal Body, making it cure automatically, forms the blood suckling pig changed. But if this Gene Ability most feared that is still the linear attack.” 变异河豚兽虽然强大,但是就跟气球一样,是膨胀起来的,体内是空的。尽管血狼基因大大加强了肉身,让它会自动治愈,形成了血豚变。但是如果这种基因能力最怕的,依然是线型攻击。” Monkey sinking sound said: I and others will attack him, you lose gene reagent to his within the body.” 猴子沉声道:“我等会攻击他,你将基因试剂丢到他体内。” Feasible.” “可行。” Chen Feng thinks, „, but at least the wound that needs to lose.” 陈锋想了想,“但是至少需要能丢进去的伤口。” This gives me.” “这就交给我吧。” Monkey sneers: I, although does not have Brother Long they such powerful striking power, but pokes balloon task, I excel very much.” 猴子冷笑:“我虽然没有龙哥他们那样强悍的攻击力,但是戳气球这种任务,我还是很擅长的。” wēng — 嗡— Monkey eye blooming none, the deep-blue brilliance covers his pupil suddenly, the entire eye turned into blue, this is his memory ability. 猴子眼睛骤然绽放精光,湛蓝色的光辉将他的瞳孔覆盖,整个眼睛都变成了蓝色,这是他的记忆能力。 However, merely one instance. 然而,仅仅一个瞬间。 huā! 哗! In his eye presents one group of combustion suddenly flame, the instantaneous spread, the entire eye turns into the golden color in the flash, fearful strength instantaneous gathering. 他的一只眼睛内忽然出现一团燃烧的火焰,瞬间蔓延,整个眼睛在一瞬间变成金色,可怕的力量瞬间汇聚。 2-Star secret skill! 二星秘技 The Chen Feng mind is imposing, does Monkey have 2-Star secret skill unexpectedly? 陈锋心神凛然,猴子居然也有二星秘技 Bang!” “轰!” In eye of Monkey golden light twinkle. 猴子的眼睛中金光闪烁。 The terrifying golden brilliance passes through the favorite dragon two chest together, leaves behind together cave entrance of fist size somewhat astonishedly, the dragon two looks to this direction. 一道恐怖的金色光辉将正得意的龙二胸口贯穿,留下一道拳头大小的洞口,龙二有些惊异的看向这个方向。 2-Star secret skill fierce look?” 二星秘技火眼金睛?” Interesting.” “有趣。” The dragon two laughs, fellow that never expected that your is responsible for investigating, fused combat gene unexpectedly, but, you think that this is useful?” 龙二大笑,“没想到你一个负责侦查的家伙,居然也融合了一个战斗基因,不过,你以为这就有用?” wēng — 嗡— His chest front. 他胸前。 Then pierced cave entrance, in healing slowly. 那被戳穿的洞口,在缓缓的愈合。 The blood suckling pig changes the ability, reason that is 2-Star secret skill , because it made up for the globefish sole ability easily destroyed shortcoming, has the strong healing ability! So long as does not exceed his limit, it can the infinite self-recovery, not be injured! 血豚变能力,之所以是二星秘技,就是因为它弥补了河豚自身单一能力容易被摧毁的缺点,拥有强大的愈合能力!只要不是超过他自身的极限,它就可以无限自愈,根本不会受到伤害! The wound, is healing fast. 伤口,在快速愈合。 However, at this time, Xu Fei and the others stuck out suddenly the attack instantaneously, the dragon two knows that their was wrestles finally, therefore full power interception, but had preparation Chen Feng early, a charge in the past, took advantage of opportunity Thunder Snake gene reagent that only remained, forced in the dragon two chest. 然而,就在这个时候,徐飞等人瞬间暴起攻击,龙二知道他们这是最后一搏,所以全力拦截,而早有准备的陈锋,一个冲锋过去,顺势将那仅剩的一个雷蛇基因试剂,塞进龙二的胸口内。 This anything......” “这什么……” Dragon two gods. 龙二愣神。 Detonation! 引爆! Chen Feng urging without hesitation sends. 陈锋毫不犹豫的催发。 Bang!” “轰!” terrifying strength instantaneously in dragon two within the body blasting open. 恐怖力量瞬间在龙二体内炸裂。 He is very strong! 他很强! D Grade Genetic Warrior, has rare strength, but blasted out in within the body by Chen Feng directly! Even is strong, he does not go on living! D级基因战士,拥有着超乎寻常的力量,但是被陈锋直接在体内炸开!就算是再强,他也活不下去! Bang!” “轰!” Form huge dragon two, exploded flaws. 身影庞大的龙二,被炸的百孔千疮。 cī — 呲— Like was been ordinary by the hit/prick broken balloon. 就像被扎破的气球一般。 Dragon two recover normally, in the eye loses the appearance, even if died, an eye is staring at Chen Feng stubbornly, does not seem to be able to believe, oneself died in a F Grade soldier hand unexpectedly like this. 龙二的身体恢复正常,眼中失去神彩,哪怕死了,一双眼睛死死盯着陈锋,似乎不敢相信,自己居然就这样死在了一个F级战士手中。
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