SG :: Volume #1

#33: Explodes a wave of salt fish

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Finally warned one time, rubbish.” “最后警告一次,别废话。” Chen Feng vision coldly (calmly) has swept on Wang Yue, follows well.” 陈锋目光冷冷的在王越身上扫过,“跟上就好。” Walks.” “走吧。” A Xu Fei funniness. 徐飞一阵好笑。 With Chen Feng compared with unsealing speed? The child, is still even useless your Spiritual Energy to 100 points! 陈锋比解封速度?孩子,就算你精神力到100点也没用! restriction relieves. 禁制解除。 The people leave in turn. 众人依次离开。 Had the lesson, this time no one has opened the mouth, Wang Yue no longer spoke, but following silently behind team. People bon voyage returns to one, on the road Mutated Beast, was solved by Xu Fei and the others, but all the way all restriction, by Chen Feng second of broken. 有了刚才的教训,这次谁也没有开口,就连王越都不再说话,而是默默的跟在队伍后面。众人一路顺风的回到一层,路上遇到的变异兽,都被徐飞等人解决,而一路上所有禁制,都被陈锋秒破。 Right, is second of broken. 没错,就是秒破。 Is Spiritual Energy strong? Beginner Grade Manufacturist? 精神力强?初级制作师 Has an egg to use! 有个卵用! In front of Chen Feng, is the joke! 陈锋面前,全都是笑话! To/Clashes the first level from the fourth level, no restriction can support for one second in the Chen Feng hand, in Xu Fei continuous spirit resumes under the reagent supplement, Chen Feng sweeps away, brings to go out everyone smoothly. All students are face confused, making Xu Fei look at a funniness. 第四层冲回第一层,没有一个禁制能在陈锋手中撑过一秒,在徐飞源源不断的精神恢复试剂补充下,陈锋一路横扫,顺利将所有人带出去。所有学生都是一脸懵逼,让徐飞看着一阵好笑。 Quick, they left the ice crystal cavern. 很快,他们离开了冰晶洞窟。 . 只是。 After they leave the mountain range, everyone was frightened by outside scenery. 就在他们离开山脉之后,所有人都被外面的景色吓到了。 Blood! 血! All is the blood! 全是血! That big sea area, turned into blood-red unexpectedly completely! 那诺大的海域,居然完全变成了血红色 Exactly happened......” “到底发生……” Xu Fei also wants to ask anything. 徐飞还想问什么。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Back mountain massif thunders. 背后的山体一阵轰鸣。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The entire mountain range crashes in this moment, the bellow is unceasing, lets everyone palpitation, the high three 2 classes of all students, at this time were a lingering fear. 整个山脉在这一刻崩塌,轰鸣声不断,让所有人心悸,高三二班所有学生,这个时候都是一阵后怕。 If slightly is slow...... 如果再稍微慢一点的话…… restriction that without Chen Feng that goes against heaven's will relieves the speed...... 如果没有陈锋那逆天的禁制解除速度…… They look to Chen Feng, that just just like the hero the same as save their people, at this moment tranquility as always, perhaps, is this true talent? 他们看向陈锋,那个刚刚犹如英雄一样救了他们的人,此刻一如既往的平静,或许,这才是真正的天才吧? Bang!” “轰!” Entire mountain massif avalanche. 整个山体崩塌。 deep-blue ice crystal splashes everywhere, the position that entire Dragon's Passing Mountain is, caves in unexpectedly, formed a huge vortex, just like big mouth that opens, is gloomy and fearful, a giant mountain range, unexpectedly in short dozens seconds, was swallowed cleanly! 湛蓝色冰晶四处飞溅,整个龙逝山所在的位置,居然塌陷下去,形成了一个巨大的漩涡,犹如张开的大嘴,阴森而又可怕,一座巨大的山脉,居然在短短数十秒的时间,被吞噬干净! Big islands, after the mountain range avalanche turns into the vortex, only leaves behind a giant ring-like region, but most makes people feel what terrifying is, in that vortex, D Grade Mutated Beast, Mutated Beast of that fifth level is struggling crazily, wants to escape, was held by the vortex stubbornly. 偌大的岛屿,在山脉崩塌变成漩涡之后,只留下一个巨大的环形地带,而最让人感觉到恐怖的是,那漩涡之中,一头D级变异兽,那个第五层的变异兽在疯狂挣扎,想要逃出去,却被漩涡死死吸住。 hǒu — 吼— Roar to roar. 一声声怒吼咆哮。 D Grade Mutated Beast struggles crazily, however, it more struggles to fall deeply, slowly was swallowed by the vortex, vanishes does not see. D级变异兽疯狂挣扎,然而,它越挣扎陷得越深,慢慢被漩涡吞噬,消失不见。 sī — 嘶— Everyone holds breath a cold air/Qi. 所有人倒吸一口冷气。 Xu Fei leads everyone to stand in the peripheral zone of ring-like islands, looks at this is also the whole body cold sweat. 徐飞带着所有人正站在环形岛屿的边缘地带,看着这一幕也是浑身冷汗。 Almost! 差一点! Almost their step this Mutated Beast footsteps. 就差一点他们就步了这变异兽的后尘。 Here brace how long.” “这里撑不了多久的。” Zhou Ling said: We quick in the past.” 周玲说道:“我们快过去。” Buzz! 嗡! In the Zhou Ling hand the strength of ice crystal blooms, the water surface of under foot turns into ice crystal, however also not with enough time joyful, suddenly, all ice crystal of that ground are collapsing in an instant. 周玲手中冰晶之力绽放,脚下的水面变成冰晶,然而还没来得及欣喜,忽然之间,那地面的所有冰晶在刹那间崩溃。 Bang!” “轰!” Both eyes scarlet Mutated Beast appears from the sea level. 一头双目猩红的变异兽从海面浮现。 ba-dump! 咕咚 ba-dump! 咕咚 A series of strange strange sounds. 一连串奇异的怪响。 Leader fearful Mutated Beast of reveals the facial features from the sea, in the bloodshed equally bright red water surface, lets everyone panic-stricken shivering. 紧接着,一头头可怕的变异兽从海中露出面容,在血海一样鲜红的水面中,让所有人惊恐的颤抖。 This what damn thing? 这什么见鬼的东西? “嗷 All Mutated Beast saw the strangers to be insane. 所有变异兽看见生人都疯了。 huā! 哗! huā! 哗! Spray splash. 浪花飞溅。 All Mutated Beast kill toward here, the aura of living person stimulates Mutated Beast that these went crazy, but their strengths also in unceasing rising, innumerable! 所有变异兽向着这里杀来,生人的气息刺激了这些发狂的变异兽,而他们的实力也在不断的疯涨,数不胜数! Damn!” “该死!” Zhou Ling and the others resist hurriedly. 周玲等人匆忙抵挡。 flame. 火焰 ice crystal! 冰晶 strength that all they can use used, however, cannot block! 所有他们能用的力量都用了,然而,根本挡不住! What to do?” “怎么办?” Xu Fei bellows. 徐飞一声大吼。 Quantity were too many, cannot block.” “数量太多,挡不住了。” Zhou Ling forced smile. 周玲苦笑。 Bang! 轰! A Tie Shi fist flies the Mutated Beast bang that flies, look callousness as always, whole body strength has erupted the limit, here Mutated Beast were too many. 铁石一拳将一个飞过来的变异兽轰飞,神色一如既往的冷酷,浑身力量已经爆发到极限,这里的变异兽太多了。 Damn.” “该死。” The Xu Fei heart is cool. 徐飞心凉。 This damn place exactly what happened? 这个该死的地方到底发生了什么事? No one knows! 没人知道! These monsters are not strong, but the quantity were too many! 这些怪物并不强,但是数量太多了啊! But these students, tremble under Xu Fei their protections, has assists Gene Ability displays own ability cautiously, but has not played anything to affect. to gain experience, the proud striking back primary forms of their all would-be university students! 而那些学生,更是在徐飞他们的保护下瑟瑟发抖,一些拥有辅助基因能力的则是小心翼翼的施展自己的能力,但是并没有起到什么作用。一次历练,将他们所有准大学生的骄傲打回原形! We what to do?” “我们怎么办?” Many female students sob in a low voice. 许多女生低声哭泣。 But at this time, Chen Feng suddenly walked, unexpectedly under the protection of Tie Shi, arrived at the seashore, the vision of people looked subconsciously. 而这个时候,陈锋忽然走了出来,居然在铁石的保护下,走到了海边,众人的目光下意识的看了过去。 „Does Monkey, reckon up?” 猴子,算清楚没?” Chen Feng asked. 陈锋问道。 Has calculated.” “算过了。” Monkey slightly to nod: 600 F Grade Mutated Beast, although complete going crazy strength significant growth, but did not have E Grade as before, is only the quantity are too many, is unable to deal with.” 猴子微微点头:“六百多头F级变异兽,虽然全部发狂实力大幅度增长,但是依旧没有了E级,只是数量太多,根本无法应付。” Zhou Ling!” 周玲!” All Mutated Beast give me to rumble to the sea water.” “所有变异兽给我轰到海水中。” Chen Feng angrily roars. 陈锋一声怒吼。 Understood.” “明白。” The Zhou Ling whole body cold light erupts, the terrifying frozen strength erupts in this flash, unexpectedly will have approached here many Mutated Beast to advance a moment ago, but this nothing more, these Mutated Beast have not only received anything to injure, instead crazier to/clashes. 周玲周身寒光大作,恐怖的冰封之力在这一瞬间爆发,居然将刚才已经靠近这里的许多变异兽生生的推到了海里,但是也仅此而已,那些变异兽并没有受到什么伤害,反而更加疯狂的冲过来。 I made contribution.” “我尽力了。” Zhou Ling looks deathly pale, almost soft to place. 周玲脸色惨白,差点软到在地。 Su Jin supported her. 苏瑾扶住了她。 Then below......” “那么下面……” Gives me.” “就交给我吧。” Chen Feng took a deep breath, in the hand glitters white brilliance reagent to throw in the entering the sea water suddenly. 陈锋深吸一口气,手中闪烁着白色光辉的试剂猛然丢入海水中。 Bang!” “轰!” The white light blooms. 白光绽放。 In Chen Feng eye cold light twinkle. 陈锋眼中寒光闪烁。 The strength of inexhaustible thunder blooms in this moment, the strange little snake twinkle that thunderstreak composes, under nourishing of certain mysterious strength in the sea water increases crazily, instead blooms the astonishing might that Chen Feng cannot think. 无穷尽的雷霆之力在这一刻绽放,一条雷电组成的奇异小蛇闪烁,在海水中某些神秘力量的滋养下疯狂变大,反而绽放出陈锋自己也想不到的惊人威力。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bloodshed surges. 血海翻腾。 All Mutated Beast by crispy outside and tender inside of electricity, crazy struggling in sea water, for a long time, when the electric light vanishes, above bloodshed a piece of floating corpse. 所有变异兽被电的外焦里嫩,在海水中疯狂的挣扎,许久,当电光消失的时候,血海之上一片浮尸。 Died. 死了。 Entire! 全死了! Chen Feng have not thought. 就连陈锋自己都没想到。 Thunderstorm reagent, only has E Grade strength of the striking! 雷暴试剂,只有E级的一击之力! Original plan, thunderstorm reagent, although was very strong, but facing Mutated Beast of this quantity, most can only be clear a bloody road, making them escape enough. However has never thought that thunderstorm reagent in the water, the might in this mysterious sea water, is above his imagination particularly by far. 原计划,雷暴试剂虽然很强,但是面对这种数量的变异兽,最多只能清出一条血路,让他们逃出去就够了。但是从未想过,雷暴试剂在水中,尤其是这神秘海水之中的威力,远远超乎他的想象。 Very powerful. 好强。 Everyone shocks looks at Chen Feng. 所有人都震撼的看着陈锋 Xu Fei and the others were shocked, thinks that bang broken Wang Yue energy cover and second of broken restriction, Chen Feng is very fierce, has not thought, he was unexpectedly powerful to this situation. 就连徐飞等人都惊呆了,原以为轰破王越能量罩、秒破禁制,陈锋已经很厉害了,未曾想,他居然强大到了这种地步。 This fellow...... 家伙…… Xu Fei forced smile. 徐飞苦笑。 But at this time. 而此时。 The high three 2 classes of all schoolmates look at that to stand in the form of shore, Chen Feng is not far from them, actually inexplicable makes everyone has a security sense, is this by the person who they shut out, save several times from the despair them. 高三二班的所有同学都看着那站在岸边的身影,陈锋距离他们并不远,却莫名的让所有人有一种安全感,就是这个被他们嫌弃的人,几次将他们从绝望中拯救出来。 Does the college entrance examination fail an admissions examination? 高考落榜? simply looks like a joke! 简直就像是个笑话! The people felt that on face burning, is ashamed. 众人感觉脸上火辣辣的,非常羞愧。 Chen Feng! 陈锋 Wang Yue stares at Chen Feng stubbornly, in the heart is roaring, he does not believe, Chen Feng probably does have this strength? That trash same fellow! Own present obtains the rich resources, should be far in excess of him to be right! Possibly how to make this trash ride in own on? 王越死死盯着陈锋,心中在怒吼,他不相信,陈锋怎么可能拥有这种的实力?那个垃圾一样的家伙!自己如今得到丰厚的资源,应该远远超越他才对!怎么可能让这个垃圾骑在自己头上? Cannot...... 不会的…… Wang Yue muttered. 王越喃喃自语。 I am only have not fused that gene nothing more! 我只是没有融合那个基因而已 Chen Feng, I will be stronger than you, not only manufactures the aspect, after I fuse that gene, I will become in history strongest Genetic Warrior and Manufacturist! 陈锋,我会比你更强的,不仅仅制作方面,等我融合那个基因之后,我会成为有史以来最强的基因战士制作师 The road that your common person does not dare to take, I come! 你们寻常人不敢走的路,我来走! The Wang Yue innermost feelings roared. 王越内心咆哮。 He has not felt grateful the Chen Feng's life-saving efforts slightly, was rescued by Chen Feng, he compared uncomfortably also! He also with Chen Feng vowed solemnly couple days ago said oneself distant casts off him, how many times in an instant today is not known by the rolling, how can he be happy? 他丝毫没有感激陈锋的救命之恩,被陈锋救下来,他比死了还难受!要知道,他前几天还跟陈锋信誓旦旦的说自己会远远的将他甩开,转眼今天就被辗压了不知道多少次,他如何能痛快? simply lives to might as well die! 简直生不如死! That feeling, looks like by a Chen Feng foot foot is stepped on ruthlessly on the face. 那种感觉,就像是被陈锋一脚一脚狠狠踩在脸上。 I, will not lose! 我,不会输! Wang Yue pinching tightly fist ruthlessly. 王越狠狠的捏紧拳头。 However. 然而。 At this time, Chen Feng simply has not paid attention to them, but looked to the sea area opposite shore, there, stood two black-clothed person, the whole body is glittering has the rich spirit fluctuation. 这个时候,陈锋根本没理会他们,而是看向海域的对岸,那里,站着两个黑衣人,周身闪烁着有着浓郁的精神波动。 Monkey.” 猴子。” Chen Feng opens the mouth. 陈锋开口。 Understood.” “明白。” In the Monkey eye the blue light blooms, glitters unceasingly, confirmed quickly: Is the ghost who they do, they plan to use the entire sea area as the material unexpectedly, manufactures anything!” 猴子眼中蓝光绽放,不断闪烁,很快确认:“就是他们搞的鬼,他们居然打算以整个海域为材料,制作什么东西!” They must kill everyone!” “他们要害死所有人!” The Monkey tone is dense. 猴子语气森然。 That gets rid of them.” “那就干掉他们。” In the Xu Fei eye killing intent hold, killed them greatly, we can live.” 徐飞眼中杀意大盛,“杀了他们,我们就能活下来。” Walks!” “走!” Zhou Ling had restored at this time, sets out to come, look ice-cold: Makes us have a look at fellow that these two instigate secretly, is anything.” 周玲这个时候已经恢复了很多,起身前来,神色冰冷:“就让我们看看这两个幕后主使的家伙,到底是什么东西。”
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