SG :: Volume #1

#32: Only vitality

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But at this time. 而这个时候。 Chen Feng and Monkey and the others had found the new exit|to speak, massive Mutated Beast were attracted by Xie Kangzhong, them was instead more relaxed. 陈锋猴子等人已经找到了新的出口,大量的变异兽谢康中吸引走,他们这边反而更轻松一些了。 Got down from here to the third level.” “从这里下去就到第三层了。” Monkey rapid saying. 猴子急促的说道。 Here has restriction, is four another entrance, the time of this meeting, Monkey had found the route of going back, is not quite easy. 这里有一个禁制,是四层的另一个入口,这一会的时间,猴子已经找到了回去的路线,相当不容易。 Gave you.” “交给你了。” Xu Fei nervous say/way. 徐飞紧张道。 Un.” “嗯。” Chen Feng selects to nod, is preparing to enter the condition, suddenly figure. 陈锋点头,正准备进入状态,忽然身形一顿。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Xu Fei several people look at each other one. 徐飞几人对视一眼。 Breathes out “嘘 Chen Feng said in a soft voice, seems feeling anything. 陈锋轻声道,似乎在感觉什么。 But at this time. 而这个时候。 As several people are peaceful, that distant place, some sad and shrill weeping sounds become clear, that is the high three 2 classes of students, is their sounds! 随着几人安静下来,那远处,一些凄厉的哭声变得清晰,那是高三二班的学生,是他们的声音! Zhou Ling and the others, as soon as listens, was shocked. 周玲等人一听,也是惊呆了。 That teacher escaped unexpectedly......” “那个老师居然自己逃了……” The team that their form temporarily, has not given up each other. 他们这个临时组建的队伍,都没有放弃彼此。 But Xie Kangzhong, this personally the teacher in charge who the high three 2 classes lead, unexpectedly abandoned own student, did oneself run away? simply is absurd! 谢康中,这个亲手把高三二班带起来的班主任,居然抛弃了自己的学生,自己逃走了?简直荒谬! No matter they.” “不管他们。” Xu Fei sneers: These students confuse right and wrong, is not the good thing.” 徐飞冷笑:“这些学生是非不分,也不是好东西。” Yes.” “就是。” Zhou Ling deep is so. 周玲深以为然。 Does the following teacher explore? 跟着老师探险? Goes especially, is their clearly lives to snatch?! Unexpectedly lets the material that they hand over themselves to obtain laboriously face to face . Moreover, unexpectedly did no student oppose? 去特么的,他们这分明就是生抢?!居然当面让他们交出自己辛苦获得的材料,而且,居然没一个学生反对? What three views?! 什么三观?! However, Chen Feng has stopped the footsteps. 然而,陈锋已经停下脚步。 I depend.” “我靠。” Chen Feng, really do not save them.” 陈锋,你不会真要救他们吧。” Xu Fei and the others were shocked, can see Chen Feng should from the beforehand style very simply agile, now not at this time suddenly Holy Mother heart erupts? 徐飞等人惊呆,从之前的行事风格可以看出陈锋应该很干脆利索啊,现在不会这个时候忽然圣母心大作吧? Their to gain experience is very outside long, most fears runs into this teammate! 他们在外历练很久,最怕的就是遇到这种队友了! I remember a matter.” “我只是想起一件事。” Chen Feng brow tight wrinkle: Who had confidence that we can certainly escape?” 陈锋眉头紧皱:“谁有把握我们一定能逃出去吗?” Cannot.” “不能。” The people look at each other in blank dismay. 众人面面相觑。 Goes on living? 活下去? At this time had no one grasped absolutely? 这个时候谁也没绝对把握? Crisis, everywhere. 危机,无处不在。 Five that fearful fellow have not known What the hell, even if goes out from Dragon's Passing Mountain here, outside is what situation, still no one knows! Let alone, they have a premonition, outside crisis, is not possibly smaller than inside, this time, no one has the absolute assurance! 五层那个可怕的家伙还不知道什么玩意呢,就算从龙逝山这里出去,外面是什么情况,也没人知道!更何况,他们有种预感,外面的危机,可能不比里面小,这种时刻,谁也没有绝对的把握! This time, is the real bad risk! 这一次,是真的凶险! I had confidence!” “我有把握!” Chen Feng opens the mouth suddenly. 陈锋忽然开口。 Really?” “真的?” Xu Fei and the others were wild with joy. 徐飞等人狂喜。 This dangerous situation, does Chen Feng have absolute grasping unexpectedly? 这种危险的情况,陈锋居然有绝对把握? Naturally, if you like to believe me.” “当然,如果你们愿意相信我的话。” Chen Feng smiled. 陈锋笑了。 Xu Fei several people look at each other one, finally point to nod ruthlessly, although being together time is not long, but they believe Chen Feng's. 徐飞几人对视一眼,最终都狠狠的点点头,虽然相处时间不长,但是他们还是相信陈锋的 That comes with me.” “那就跟我来吧。” Chen Feng turns around to turn toward that group of students to walk. 陈锋转身向着那群学生走去。 Yeah.” “哎。” Xu Fei and the others smiled bitterly, can only follow. 徐飞等人苦笑,只能跟上。 Why they did not know at this time the Chen Feng suddenly Holy Mother heart erupts, since Chen Feng had confidence, they followed Chen Feng to spell absolutely! 他们不知道为何这个时候陈锋忽然圣母心大作,但是既然陈锋有把握,他们绝对跟着陈锋拼一把! At this time, can only believe this fellow.” “这个时候,只能相信这家伙了。” People forced smile. 众人苦笑。 Chen Feng steadfast walks toward these students, the corners of the mouth reveal wipe the smile. 陈锋坚定不移的向着那些学生走去,嘴角露出一抹笑容。 Holy Mother heart? 圣母心? How possibly! 怎么可能! He being disinclined manages these silly forks! 他才懒得管这些傻叉! Original Host relates with these schoolmates is not good, let alone he! He must save these students , because he felt that familiar aura has fluttered from the body, then understands a matter, wants to live, only vitality, in that sociology poor hand. 原主人跟这些同学关系都不好,更别说他了!他之所以要救那些学生,是因为他感觉到一股熟悉的气息从身上飘过,然后明白了一件事,想要活着出去,唯一的生机,在那群学生手中。 Said accurately in the Wang Yue hand! 更准确的说是在王越手中! But at this moment. 而此刻。 The Dragon's Passing Mountain sea area is been incarnadine by fresh blood. 龙逝山的海域已经被鲜血染红。 Even, no one notices, in that upper air, pure white cloud flutters there, fluctuating, looks at such elegance with the wind. 甚至,没有人注意到,那高空中,一朵洁白的云在那里飘荡,随风起伏,看着那样的飘逸。 *** *** Dragon's Passing Mountain. 龙逝山 fourth level. 第四层。 All student desperate sitting on the ground. 所有学生绝望的坐在地上。 Exhausts the method in them, discovered that cannot after these Mutated Beast cause any damage, radical giving up has hope that they and other 在他们用尽手段,发现根本不能对那些变异兽造成任何伤害之后,已经彻底的放弃希望,他们在等 Waits that moment that died to approach. 等死亡来临的那一刻。 30 people sit on the ground, peaceful suffocating, partly visible wail, but the distant place, Mutated Beast is flushing toward here. 三十个人坐在地上,安静的让人窒息,只有若隐若现的哭泣声,而远处,一头变异兽正在往这里冲来。 Everyone knows, that moment when Mutated Beast to/clashes, when was they died. 谁都知道,当变异兽冲来的那一刻,就是他们死亡之时。 At this time, Su Jin stood, kept off before the Mutated Beast body. 这个时候,苏瑾站起来,挡在变异兽身前。 If must die, makes my first die?” “如果一定要死,就让我第一个死吧?” Su Jin closes the eyes: „If not believe the teacher, organized this event, I......” 苏瑾闭上双眼:“如果不是那么相信老师,组织了这次活动,我……” Others have not been blocking her. 其他人没拦着她。 Without the significance, since everyone must die, who predeceases who dies and has what early to distinguish? 因为毫无意义,既然大家都要死,谁先死谁早死又有什么区别呢? hǒu — 吼— That Mutated Beast aura is even more fearful, many students shiver is hugging mutually, saw that it has rushed to front of Su Jin, could not bear close the eye. However, in this flash, a loud sound, making everyone awaken, when they opened that moment of eye to be shocked. 变异兽的气息越发可怕,很多人学生颤抖的互相抱着,眼看它已经冲到苏瑾面前,都忍不住闭上了眼睛。然而,就在这一瞬间,一声巨响,让所有人惊醒,当他们睁开眼睛的那一刻惊呆了。 A person's shadow stood before them. 一个人影站在了他们面前。 Is Chen Feng! 陈锋 Chen Feng leads his several friends, cut to kill that Mutated Beast! 陈锋带着他的几个朋友,将那头变异兽斩杀了! Although grown stronger, but is still the waste.” “虽然变强了,但是依然是废物。” Xu Fei is stepping on the Mutated Beast corpse. 徐飞踩着变异兽的尸体。 Un.” “嗯。” Zhou Ling curls the lip, looks to that group of dull students, „, although does not know why Chen Feng that fool must save you, but if you dare to hold back, my first gets rid of you.” 周玲撇撇嘴,看向那群呆呆的学生,“虽然不知道陈锋那个笨蛋为什么一定要救你们,但是如果你们敢拖后腿的话,我第一个干掉你们。” Monkey and Tie Shi looked at their one eyes indifferently. 猴子铁石则是冷漠的看了他们一眼。 Chen Feng......” 陈锋……” Saves us?” “救我们?” Everyone then recovers. 所有人这才回过神来。 Was saved! 得救了! They were saved unexpectedly! 他们居然得救了! Everyone crying tears of joy. 所有人喜极而泣。 Then, they think quickly, is Chen Feng, the person who this they scolded a moment ago, a moment ago by the person who their resentment walked, unexpectedly was initiative to save them! 然后,他们很快想起来,是陈锋,这个刚才他们骂走的人,刚才被他们怼走的人,居然主动过来救他们! Thinks of here, everyone ashamed lowering the head. 想到这里,所有人都惭愧的低下头。 Sorry.” “对不起。” The people are ashamed. 众人羞愧。 Chen Feng gives a calm smile, he at present, Su Jin vacant looks at Chen Feng, „am I having a dream?” 陈锋淡然一笑,他眼前,苏瑾茫然的看着陈锋,“我是在做梦么?” Or do you rest the meeting again?” “要不你再睡会?” Chen Feng ill-humored saying. 陈锋没好气的说道。 Walks!” “走!” Chen Feng not to the time that they rubbish, everyone, cannot speak, cannot be noisy, cannot cry! Who dares to disturb, I throw directly you! Only then this......” 陈锋没给他们废话的时间,“所有人,不许说话,不许吵闹,不许哭!谁敢捣乱,我直接把你们丢出去!只有这样……” Chen Feng, we can go on living.” 陈锋顿了一下,“我们才能活下去。” Everyone is silent, they notice, what Chen Feng said is we, thinks before them, treats the Chen Feng's attitude, many ashamed lowering the head of. 所有人沉默,他们注意到,陈锋说的是我们,想想他们之前对待陈锋的态度,很多人羞愧的低下头。 Walks.” “走吧。” Chen Feng leads everyone to arrive at the entrance that Monkey found. 陈锋带着所有人到了猴子找到的入口。 I can help you.” “我可以帮你们。” Wang Yue took a deep breath, although his repugnant Chen Feng, but at this time, two people must cooperate, I, although does not have the battle efficiency, but I am also Beginner Grade Manufacturist, Spiritual Energy is very strong, can help you untie restriction.” 王越深吸一口气,虽然他讨厌陈锋,但是这个时候,两个人必须合作,“我虽然没有战斗力,但是我也是初级制作师,精神力很强,可以帮你解开禁制。” „......” “……” Chen Feng looked at his one eyes, saying of coldly (calmly): Does not use.” 陈锋看了他一眼,冷冷的说道:“不用。” Chen Feng!” 陈锋!” Wang Yue clenches teeth: I know that you dislike me, but can the crucial moment, first put down these now? Your Spiritual Energy only then 30 points, but I enough 80 points, are now higher than you did not know many times, I relieve the restriction speed, was quicker than you!” 王越咬牙:“我知道你讨厌我,但是现在生死关头,能不能先放下这些?你的精神力只有30点,而我现在足足80点,比你高了不知道多少倍,我解除禁制的速度,比你快了很多!” Does not use.” “不用。” Before Chen Feng light arriving restriction . 陈锋淡淡的走到禁制前。 Chen Feng.” 陈锋。” Wang Yue explodes with rage, but can only say the word of praise: This restriction, 30 points of Spiritual Energy, at least take three minutes to untie, but I, only take one minute, I......” 王越气炸,但是只能好说好话:“这种禁制,30点精神力,至少需要三分钟才能解开,而我,只需要一分钟,我……” Wang Yue a few words have not said. 王越一句话没说完。 kā! 咔! restriction relieves. 禁制解除。 The Wang Yue mouth opens big, quite a while has not closed up. 王越嘴巴张的大大的,半天没合拢。 All students are face confused. 所有学生更是一脸懵逼 fuck. 卧槽 One second? 一秒钟? Talent how this goes against heaven's will? Is this their study dominates Chen Feng? first Chen Feng of their school? Initially dominated Chen Feng above everyone? At this time, some of their suddenly feelings, even if Chen Feng has not been admitted to a university, is not they can catch up! 这到底是怎样逆天的天赋?这就是他们的学霸陈锋?他们学校的第一陈锋?当初凌驾所有人之上的陈锋?这个时候,他们忽然有种感觉,哪怕陈锋没考上大学,也不是他们可以追上的! Some people, perhaps inborn are the talents. 有些人,或许天生就是天才。
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