SG :: Volume #1

#37: Three years start

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Sees not to have, this is background of school.” “看到没,这就是学校的底蕴。” Xu Fei smiles to Chen Feng: This also merely is a high school, to university terrifying, what school leader, leading and teacher and a professor anything's big pile, moved one to come one batch. Although their school interior competition is also very fierce, however shows no external differences outside.” 徐飞陈锋笑笑:“这还仅仅是高中,到了大学更恐怖,什么学长、导员、老师、教授什么的一大堆,动一个来一批。虽然他们学校自己内部竞争也很激烈,但是在外面还是一致对外的。” What matter closes my?” “关我何事?” Chen Feng stretches oneself. 陈锋伸伸懒腰。 You did not regret that the college entrance examination does fail an admissions examination?” “你就不遗憾自己高考落榜?” Xu Fei faint smile. 徐飞似笑非笑。 How does not fail an admissions examination, becomes people like them?” “不落榜又怎样,成为他们那样的人?” Chen Feng referred to the student in sea water. 陈锋指了指海水中的学生。 Xu Fei and the others deeply is so, yes, the rise of strength no doubt makes good use, but the Gold City high school neglected the most important personal character obviously! Depending on the personalities of these students, later graduated in the society, even the strength was strong, it is estimated that will still be played. 徐飞等人深以为然,是啊,实力的提升固然重用,但是金城高中显然忽略了最重要的一点品德!就凭这些学生的性格,以后毕业到了社会上,就算实力再强,估计也会被人玩死。 That school girl good Oh!” “那个女学生不错!” Zhou Ling to the Chen Feng winking eyeball, Chen Feng takes advantage of opportunity to look suddenly, impressively Su Jin, is the student who only has not gone to sea to look for the thing. 周玲忽然对陈锋挤挤眼睛,陈锋顺势看去,赫然正是苏瑾,也是唯一一个没有下海去找东西的学生。 Has not gone to college, goes to college to live also well.” “没上过大学,上个大学生也不错。” Xu Fei is hugging the Chen Feng shoulder dreadful say/way. 徐飞搂着陈锋肩膀猥琐道。 Go away!” “滚!” Chen Feng despising ruthlessly said. 陈锋狠狠的鄙夷道。 Several times the life and death crisis got down, everyone related is more intimate, but also made Chen Feng see clearly this fellow essence, radically was a dreadful cheap person, no wonder Zhou Ling liked being all right resentment his several. 数次生死危机下来,大家关系更为亲密,但是也让陈锋看清了这家伙的本质,根本就是个猥琐贱人嘛,难怪周玲喜欢没事怼他几句。 As for Su Jin...... 至于苏瑾…… Chen Feng really did not have the idea. 陈锋还真没想法。 The miss of this style, he a little cannot endure. 这种风格的姑娘,他有点吃不消。 Several people are chatting, suddenly, the in the air red cloud shakes the powder suddenly, two forms from in the air appearance, impressively confrontation Wang Yao and Zhou Wenwu. 几人正闲聊的时候,忽然,空中的火烧云忽然震散,两道身影从空中出现,赫然正是交锋的王瑶和周文武。 Finished?” “结束了?” The people take a broad view to look, immediately delay. 众人放眼看去,顿时呆滞。 The big sword in Wang Yao hand obviously was short a section, seems like interrupted forcefully, the pallidness of small face air/Qi, is staring at present Zhou Wenwu stubbornly. However, Zhou Wenwu's condition, seemingly looked that is more frigid, although no injury, but the beard was burnt down half. 王瑶手中的大剑明显短了一截,看上去像是被人硬生生截断,小脸气的煞白,死死盯着眼前的周文武。然而,周文武的状况,看上去看却更惨烈,虽然没啥伤势,但是胡子被烧掉了一半。 Small girl, hits again, perhaps others also came.” “小丫头,再打下去,恐怕其他人也来了。” Zhou Wenwu smiles bitterly. 周文武苦笑。 Snort.” “哼。” Wang Yao sneers: Comes one to kill one!” 王瑶冷笑:“来一个杀一个!” Like this ok?” “这样好吧?” Zhou Wenwu smiles bitterly: I also calculate the understanding with your family Old Wang, we first look for Sea Dragon Blood Essence, then slowly how goes back to discuss the ownership?” 周文武苦笑:“我跟你家老王头也算认识,我们先把海龙精血找出来,再回去慢慢商量归属权如何?” Good.” “好。” The Wang Yao hesitation moment, this receives the sword. 王瑶沉吟片刻,这才收剑。 Zhou Wenwu smiles bitterly to shake the head, the present younger generation, was really more and more terrifying. 周文武苦笑摇头,现在的年轻一代,真是越来越恐怖了。 „Did you find?” “你们找到没?” Zhou Wenwu looks to these teachers. 周文武看向那些老师。 No.” “没有。” Everyone is ashamed. 所有人惭愧。 No?” “没有么?” Zhou Wenwu knits the brows, speeds up the time, as soon as possible before others come......” 周文武皱眉,“加快时间,尽快在其他人来之前……” Which uses energy.” “哪那么费劲。” Wang Yao sneers. 王瑶一声冷笑。 Bang!” “轰!” Inexhaustible flame emerges. 无穷尽的火焰涌现。 In the breaking sword insertion sea water in Wang Yao hand. 王瑶手中的断剑插入海水之中。 huā — 哗— terrifying strength shakes in the sea area, sees only the sea water instantaneous ebullition, under the terrifying high temperature, turned into the steam unexpectedly, the sea water of entire sea area, is dropping at a terrifying speed. 恐怖力量在海域中震荡,只见海水瞬间沸腾,在恐怖的高温之下,居然变成了水蒸气,整个海域的海水,都在以一种恐怖的速度下降。 sī — 嘶— Everyone holds breath a cold air/Qi. 所有人倒吸一口冷气。 This little miss, must evaporation the entire sea area unexpectedly! 这小姑娘,居然要蒸干整个海域! I depend.” “我靠。” Xu Fei opened the mouth, quite a while has not closed up. 徐飞张大了嘴巴,半天没合拢。 Chen Feng is also the complexion changes, he does not shock the Wang Yao strength, but thinks suddenly, if by her were discovered that thing own was hidden...... 陈锋也是脸色微变,他不是震惊王瑶的实力,而是忽然想起来,要是被她发现那玩意被自己藏起来…… The Chen Feng corners of the mouth twitch slightly. 陈锋嘴角微微抽搐。 These helped the teacher look for the Sea Dragon Blood Essence student a moment ago are cold sweat are also dripping, for fear that Wang Yao is unpleasing to the eyes, together evaporation including them. 那些刚才帮助老师寻找海龙精血的学生也是一个个冷汗淋漓,生怕王瑶看不顺眼,连他们一起蒸干。 Therefore, under everyone surrounds, Wang Yao forcefully evaporation the entire sea area! 于是,在所有人围观下,王瑶硬生生的蒸干了整个海域! There, turned into a wilderness! 那里,变成了一片荒漠! However...... 然而…… Inside is actually empty! 里面却空无一物! Sea Dragon Blood Essence?” 海龙精血呢?” Wang Yao is combative. 王瑶杀气腾腾。 All sea water vanish, but Sea Dragon Blood Essence also vanishes does not see. 所有海水消失,但是海龙精血也消失不见。 Un?” “嗯?” Zhou Wenwu is also the heart jumps, saying of coldly (calmly): Who found Sea Dragon Blood Essence? Should better hand over immediately, something, are not you can take.” 周文武也是心头一跳,冷冷的说道:“谁找到了海龙精血?最好马上交出来,有些东西,不是你们可以拿的。” Really no.” “真没有。” Everyone smiles bitterly. 所有人苦笑。 Snort!” “哼!” Zhou Wenwu sneers. 周文武冷笑。 Although he does not have Wang Yao like that overbearing strength, however own background also has the vigor compared with Wang Yao, terrifying Spiritual Energy has swept in all people. 他虽然没有王瑶那般霸道的力量,但是自身的底蕴王瑶还有浑厚,恐怖精神力在所有人身上扫过。 However, actually does not have any discovery. 然而,却没有任何发现。 Wang Yao similarly searches, however, Sea Dragon Blood Essence, vanished obstinately! 王瑶同样一个个搜查,然而,海龙精血,愣是消失了! Old man, you dares to play the trick before me unexpectedly.” “老头子,你居然敢在我面前玩猫腻。” A Wang Yao first sword refers to Zhou Wenwu, definitely was this old man makes that several teachers find the thing to move away in secret. 王瑶第一个剑指周文武,肯定是这老头让那几个老师暗中找到东西运走了。 Really is not I.” “真不是我。” Zhou Wenwu complexion is pale: But a moment ago no one left, here also had nothing thing that can transmit, if there is, you can unable to feel?” 周文武脸色铁青:“刚才可没有一个人离开,这里也没有任何能够传送的东西,要是有,你能感觉不到?” Snort.” “哼。” Wang Yao cold snort/hum. 王瑶冷哼一声。 In front of two powerful Genetic Warrior, Sea Dragon Blood Essence, vanished. 在两个实力强大的基因战士面前,海龙精血,就这么消失了。 Even if therefore the person were searched, Chen Feng several people that has not gone to sea have not escaped the inspection, however, had not found Sea Dragon Blood Essence as before. 哪怕所以人都被搜查了一番,就连没有下海的陈锋几人也没逃过检查,然而,依旧没有找到海龙精血 Can be related with these fellow?” “会不会跟那些家伙有关?” Zhou Wenwu thought of anything suddenly, they, since arranged all these, perhaps some method, you cut in secret at that time together that fellow arm, if they use some method to fuse the blood in Sea Dragon Blood Essence, perhaps the control, has vanished from here in secret.” 周文武忽然想到了什么,“他们既然布置了这一切,或许有些暗中手段,你当时将那家伙手臂一起斩下,如果他们用某种手段在海龙精血中融合血液,暗中操控的话,或许已经从这里消失了。” Damn.” “该死。” Wang Yao thinks, but also really has the possibility. 王瑶想了想,还真有可能。 It seems like, must ask them to take a confession.” “看来,要去找他们要一个交代了。” Zhou Wenwu sneers, damages my so many students, does not make them pay a price, does not know the student of my Gold City high school preciously.” 周文武冷笑,“祸害我这么多学生,不让他们付出点代价,就不知道我金城高中的学生到底有多珍贵。” Wang Yao coldly (calmly) visits him. 王瑶冷冷看着他。 Two people no one believe the opposite party, but at present this situation, does not have any means. 两人谁也不相信对方,但是眼下这种情况,根本没有任何办法。 For a long time, after inspects again, everyone then allows to leave. 许久,在经过再一次检查之后,所有人这才允许离开。 Found?” “找到没?” Wang Yao looked at Wang Yue one. 王瑶看了王越一眼。 No.” “没。” Wang Yue Nono's saying. 王越诺诺的说道。 Waste.” “废物。” Wang Yao saying unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 王瑶毫不客气的说道。 Wang Yue draws the peak the head, does not dare to return the words. 王越拉耸着脑袋,连话都不敢回。 People departure of one after another, when Chen Feng and Xu Fei they are about to leave, Wang Yao opens the mouth suddenly: Chen Feng, you come.” 众人陆陆续续的离去,就在陈锋徐飞他们准备离开的时候,王瑶忽然开口:“陈锋,你过来。” Chen Feng body one stiff, in the heart the secretly thought is not wonderful, was could it be discovered? 陈锋身子一僵,心中暗道不妙,难道被发现了? Xu Fei and the others astonished looked at Chen Feng one, thinks these that again beforehand Chen Feng said I can guarantee goes on living the words, shock immediately, Chen Feng really knows this little miss unexpectedly! 徐飞等人惊异的看了陈锋一眼,再想想之前陈锋说的那些‘我可以保证活下去’的话,顿时震惊,陈锋居然真认识这个小姑娘! This strength Ultra Level terrifying powerhouse! 这个实力超级恐怖强者 Goes.” “去吧。” Xu Fei racket Chen Feng's shoulder. 徐飞拍拍陈锋的肩膀。 Chen Feng unnatural smiling, the body is somewhat stiff. 陈锋不自然的笑笑,身子有些僵。 What's wrong?” “怎么?” Xu Fei sees the Chen Feng unnatural response, is astonished: What other connections won't you have?” 徐飞看到陈锋不自然的反应,惊异道:“你们不会还有什么其他瓜葛吧?” Chen Feng complexion not naturally. 陈锋脸色更加不自然了。 Snatched Sea Dragon Blood Essence this matter, far more than is the connection, simply is the intense and deep-seated hatred. 抢了海龙精血这种事情,何止是瓜葛,简直是血海深仇啊。 I by also really have.” “我靠还真有啊。” The look that Xu Fei teased suddenly becomes serious, earnest looks at Chen Feng: Brothers, I may tell you, although this is extremely strong, but looks that the age is very small. Do not blame the brothers I not to remind you, three years start, highest......” 徐飞原本调侃的神色忽然变得严肃,认真的看着陈锋:“兄弟,我可告诉你啊,虽然这位实力很强,但是看着年纪很小。别怪兄弟我没提醒你,三年起步,最高……” Go away!” “滚!” Chen Feng face one black. 陈锋脸一黑。 However, does not wait for Chen Feng to begin, sharp such as the look of blade has swept together, Xu Fei complexion big change, dropping from the clouds of one group of flame no indications. 然而,不等陈锋动手,一道锋利如刀的眼神扫过,徐飞脸色大变,一团火焰毫无征兆的从天而降。 hū — 呼— flame flashes through, clean that a charming hair of Xu Fei burns in an instant. 火焰闪过,徐飞的一头帅气头发刹那间烧的一干二净。 My hair......” “我的头发……” Xu Fei face confused. 徐飞一脸懵逼 Touches the head, falls down ashes. 摸了摸脑袋,掉下一头灰烬。 Makes you talk too much.” “让你多嘴。” Zhou Ling and the others bore smile, towed vacant Xu Fei to walk forcefully. 周玲等人忍住笑,强行拖着茫然的徐飞走了。 „......” “……” The Chen Feng corners of the mouth twitch, can only cautious to Wang Yao in front. 陈锋嘴角抽搐,只能小心翼翼的到了王瑶面前。 Speech.” “说话。” Wang Yao trampled a Wang Yue foot. 王瑶踹了王越一脚。 Thanked...... thanks.” “谢……谢谢。” Wang Yue is staring at Chen Feng stubbornly, jumps these two characters from the gap between teeth. 王越死死盯着陈锋,从牙缝里蹦出这两个字。 Doesn't use.” “不用不用。” Chen Feng relaxes immediately. 陈锋顿时松了口气。 two clear.” 两清了。” Wang Yao light saying. 王瑶淡淡的说道。 Understood.” “明白。” Chen Feng forced smile. 陈锋苦笑。 This is really a face has not given. 这位还真是一点面子都不给。 Her meaning is very simple, in other words, his will rescue a Wang Yue life, afterward she rescued a Chen Feng life, was two clear, no one owed anyone. 她的意思很简单,就是说,他那会救了王越一命,后来她救了陈锋一命,算是两清了,谁也不欠谁。 Chen Feng smiles, is about to leave, Wang Yao opens the mouth suddenly. 陈锋笑笑,正准备离开,王瑶忽然开口。 Sea Dragon Blood Essence, in your there?” 海龙精血,在不在你那里?” shuā! 刷! Chen Feng heart fierce jumps, almost suffocates. 陈锋心脏猛的一跳,差点窒息。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Under Chen Feng light saying, my sea water does not have.” 陈锋淡淡的说道,“我连海水都没下。” Also yes.” “也是。” Wang Yao remembers this matter, no longer closely examines. 王瑶想起这件事,不再追问。 That said goodbye.” “那告辞了。” Chen Feng to nod expressed best wishes, this tranquil departure. No one knows, after just left, the Chen Feng's back has soaked, the eyes of this little miss, make the person palpitation, Chen Feng even think sincerely oneself had been discovered! 陈锋点头致意,这才平静的离开。没人知道,就在刚刚离开之后,陈锋的后背已然湿透,这小姑娘的眼睛,真心让人心悸,陈锋甚至以为自己已经被发现了! Why makes me express gratitude to him.” “为什么让我向他道谢。” Wang Yue wicked saying: He definitely discovered you here, rescue my, clearly is he should thank is right!” 王越恶狠狠的说道:“他肯定是发现了你在这里,才救我的,分明是他应该感谢才对!” Snort.” “哼。” Wang Yao white his eyes, „, if not he takes the lead in front, Sea Dragon Blood Essence and will instigate secretly will not come out, but, Sea Dragon Blood Essence will vanish......” 王瑶白了他一眼,“如果不是他在前面打头阵,海龙精血和幕后主使根本就不会出来了,只是,海龙精血的消失……” She looks that Wang Yue is staring at Chen Feng as before ruthlessly, light saying, later few provokes him.” 她看着王越依旧狠狠盯着陈锋,淡淡的说道,“以后少去招惹他。” Only Beginner Grade Manufacturist, will I fear him?” “区区一个初级制作师,我会怕他?” Wang Yue is not convinced. 王越不服气。 This Chen Feng, without is so simple.” “这个陈锋,没那么简单。” Wang Yao shakes the head. 王瑶摇摇头。 Except for luck good, can have anything!” “除了运气好点,能有什么!” Wang Yue sneers, I do not go to looking for him now stupidly trouble, but, I develop, he is my wild dog nothing more.” 王越冷笑,“我现在不去愚蠢到找他麻烦,但是等以后我发展起来,他不过是我脚下的一条野狗而已。” The Wang Yao small face with deep veneration, no longer opens the mouth. 王瑶小脸肃然,不再开口。 Chen Feng...... 陈锋…… She looked that to form that vanishes gradually, is lost in thought. 她看向那渐渐消失的身影,陷入沉思。
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