SG :: Volume #1

#25: So-called profound studies

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Night. 夜深。 The Chen Feng three portions material completes rests. 陈锋三份材料都做完才去休息。 Had these things, has the most basic self-preservation measure, in fact, certainly mostly is Gene Manufacturist, is from Bulgaria with this disposable gene reagent. 有了这些东西,也算是拥有最基本的自保措施,事实上,绝大多是基因制作师,也都是用这种一次性基因试剂来自保的。 However, these also by far insufficient. 但是,这些还远远不够。 Next morning, Chen Feng reports had never contacted the curriculum Gene Ability training. 次日一早,陈锋就申报了一个从未接触过的课程基因能力训练。 Price, 10,000 Yuan. 价格,1万元。 Gene Ability, but fuses after oneself these external gene obtains the ability, wants to promote Gene Ability, only then unceasing exercise. 基因能力,只是将这些外在基因跟自身融合之后获得能力,想要提升基因能力,只有不断的锻炼才可以。 But this aspect, Chen Feng has never contacted. 而这方面,陈锋从未接触过。 The teacher of Gene Ability training are many, Chen Feng chose a idle teacher, started this one-to-one training program directly. 基因能力训练的老师很多,陈锋选择了一个正空闲的老师,直接开始了这节一对一的训练课程。 What is your ability?” “你的能力是什么?” The teacher asked. 老师问道。 Wind Edge.” 风刃。” Chen Feng direct announcement data. 陈锋直接公布数据。 Teacher: „......” 老师:“……” This ability is really rare.” “这个能力还真少见。” Teacher, „, but, the gene data in this aspect also has, you wait/etc.” 老师顿了顿,“不过,这方面的基因数据也是有的,你等等。” For a long time. 许久。 The teacher comes back, is Chen Feng explains: Wind Edge this ability, through has three aspects that can promote diligently.” 老师回来,为陈锋讲解道:“风刃这个能力,通过努力可以提升的有三个方面。” first, Wind Edge might!” 第一,风刃的威力!” „After Gene Fusion success, Gene Ability actually already in your within the body, but you need unceasing displaying and use, can make it grow stronger, can unearth its true might! You want the unceasing use, the Wind Edge might will be getting stronger and stronger, until being the gene upper limit.” 基因融合成功后,基因能力其实就已经在你体内了,但是你需要不断的施展和使用,才能让它变强,才能将它真正的威力挖掘出来!你只要不断的使用,风刃的威力会越来越强,直到达到基因上限。” Chen Feng slightly to nod. 陈锋微微点头 This is like Wood Bear gene, initial promotion 10 strength, after reaching the limit, increases 100 points. 这跟木熊基因一样,初始提升十点力量,达到极限之后提升100点。 Speed that second, Wind Edge displays!” 第二,风刃施展的速度!” „This skill of being to need practices, through familiar and understanding Wind Edge, can significantly promote Wind Edge to display the time the speed, for example, most started you to take 0.3 second to condense Wind Edge, but after being familiar, your possibly 0.1 second can release.” “这个是需要自己练习的技巧了,通过对风刃的熟悉和了解,能够大幅度提升风刃施展时候的速度,比如,最开始你需要0.3秒才能够凝聚出风刃,但是熟悉之后,你可能0.1秒就可以释放出来。” third, control of Wind Edge.” 第三,风刃的控制。” This is most important, through the control and practice of Spiritual Energy, you can make the Wind Edge rate of fire quicker, even can the curving Wind Edge route!” “这个是最重要的,通过精神力的控制和练习,你可以让风刃的射速更快,甚至可以弯曲风刃的路线!” For example “比如 The teacher opens a virtual reality video to the Chen Feng point. 老师给陈锋点开一个虚拟现实视频。 In picture. 画面中。 powerhouse appears, he waves gently, in the hand Wind Edge erupts instantaneously, only then, however, is this Wind Edge, from the sky has delimited unexpectedly is the curve...... this also on forget about it, after relaying spatially was curved, this Wind Edge unexpectedly comes back! 一个强者出现,他轻轻挥手,手中风刃瞬间爆发,只有一个,然而,就是这一个风刃,在空中划过的居然是曲线……这也就算了,空中转了一个弯之后,这个风刃居然又回来了! Maneuver blade! 回旋刃! Chen Feng shock. 陈锋震惊。 Simple can Wind Edge, play so many patterns unexpectedly? 一个简简单单的风刃,居然还能玩出这么多花样? Too fierce! 太厉害了! Chen Feng subconscious wants to look at reverently the looks of this senior, then...... 陈锋下意识的想瞻仰一下这位前辈的尊容,然后…… Saw a lump of mosaic. 看到了一坨马赛克。 Chen Feng face one black, did not look especially x pieces hit what mosaic! 陈锋脸一黑,又特么不是看x片打什么马赛克啊! „.” “呃。” The teacher is a little also awkward: This is recorded the video initially the time, this senior requests, because he thought that oneself sought profit to study the Wind Edge ability quite to lose face initially...... after all with Type Gene Ability , the Wind Edge performance-to-price ratio and might are low.” 老师也有点尴尬:“这是当初录制视频的时候,这位前辈要求的,因为他觉得自己当初图便宜学了风刃能力比较丢人……毕竟同类型基因能力中,风刃的性价比和威力都是较低的。” Un.” “嗯。” Chen Feng to nod, this he knows slightly actually. 陈锋微微点头,这点他倒是知道。 That probability?” “那几率呢?” Chen Feng thinks of anything suddenly. 陈锋忽然想到什么。 Probability that this Wind Edge most major characteristics, can present continuously, the teacher has not raised unexpectedly from the start. 这个风刃最大的特点,可以连续出现的几率,老师居然压根都没提。 Probability......” “几率……” Words that the teacher hesitation moment, this aspect wants to promote, only then adopted the profound studies.” 老师沉吟片刻,“这方面想要提升的话,只有通过玄学了。” Chen Feng is surprised, profound studies? 陈锋惊讶,玄学? Un.” “嗯。” The teacher selects to nod: Attendance washes the hands, the attendance washes the face, when necessary in the heart prayed.” 老师点点头:“勤洗手,勤洗脸,必要的时候心中祈祷。” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” Really profound studies. 果然玄学。 The later time, how the teacher detailed was Chen Feng explains exercised, how to promote Gene Ability to be quicker, how to control with Spiritual Energy and so on. 之后的时间,老师详细为陈锋讲解了如何锻炼,怎样提升基因能力会更快,如何用精神力控制云云。 Chen Feng profits many. 陈锋受益颇丰。 The end of course, Chen Feng opened a training room, starts to practice, the control of Wind Edge is not difficult, is mainly the skill of spirit aspect. The continual learn/study quite a while, Chen Feng has been able to control some arc degree, the Wind Edge ejection speed also has the increase of small scope. 课程结束,陈锋自己开了一间训练室,开始练习,风刃的控制并不算难,主要是精神方面的技巧。连续学习半天,陈锋已经可以控制一些弧度了,风刃的射出速度也有小幅度的提升。 No wonder said that the Gene Manufacturist battle efficiency is weak.” “难怪都说基因制作师战斗力弱。” Chen Feng shakes the head. 陈锋摇摇头。 This is not only the issue of gene choice, is the issue of Gene Ability development! Even same gene, Beginner Grade and full level, radically are huge difference! Gene Manufacturist, wishes one could for day 25 hours, where has the extra time to practice the combat capability? 这不仅仅是基因选择的问题,更是基因能力开发的问题!就算是同样的基因,初级和满级,根本就是天壤之别!基因制作师,都恨不得一天25个小时,哪有额外的时间去练习战斗能力? xiū! 咻! Wind Edge projects, in in the air bends certain arc degree. 一个风刃射出,在空中弯出一定的弧度 What a pity. 可惜。 The learn/study difficulty of maneuver blade is too high! 回旋刃的学习难度太高! In the Chen Feng current Spiritual Energy control skill, is by far insufficient. 陈锋目前的精神力控制技巧,还是远远不够。 Takes your time.” “慢慢来。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 The Wind Edge route can be curving, is very big promotion. 风刃路线可以弯曲,已经是很大的提升。 Then...... 那么…… Then was the Wind Edge might? 接下来就是风刃的威力了? This with skill irrelevant, but really promotes through the practice, only then the use were many, gene of oneself within the body fusion can stimulate thoroughly. 这个跟技巧无关,而是实打实的通过练习提升的,只有使用多了,自己体内融合的基因才能够彻底激发出来。 xiū! 咻! Chen Feng projects Wind Edge, had not felt that has anything to change. 陈锋射出一个风刃,并没有感觉到有什么变化。 Because in Virtual Community?” “是因为在虚拟社区吗?” Chen Feng thinks, at once shakes the head. 陈锋想了想,旋即摇摇头。 The Virtual Community training region, own Spiritual Energy access, will conduct adjusts and balances, to put it bluntly, practices the disparity is not big with the reality in! 虚拟社区的训练区,会将自己的精神力接入,进行同比校正和平衡,说白了,跟现实中练习差距不大! That is the number of times are too few.” “那就是次数太少。” Chen Feng thinks of anything suddenly. 陈锋忽然想到什么。 Today practices is the spirit control, in fact releases Wind Edge number of times not over ten, this does not have the matter of means that release were many, his Spiritual Energy is also insufficient. 今天练习的都是精神控制,实际上释放风刃的次数不超过十个,这是没办法的事情,释放次数多了,他精神力也不够。 Wind Edge of release are more, more can stimulate Gene Ability?” “释放的风刃越多,越能激发基因能力么?” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 Since this...... 既然这样的话…… Chen Feng opens Luck Aura suddenly, release Wind Edge. 陈锋忽然开启幸运光环,释放风刃 Pit-a-pat pit-a-pat!” “突突突突!” A series of Wind Edge erupt from the hand. 一连串的风刃从手中爆发。 Is good because , the release of Wind Edge is guidance, only consumes Spiritual Energy time, other Wind Edge are absorbs the surrounding energy to derive, otherwise Chen Feng's Spiritual Energy insufficiently looks radically. Chen Feng subconscious control all Wind Edge have from the sky delimited arc degree, without waste. 好在,风刃的释放是引导型的,只消耗一次精神力,其余的风刃都是吸收周围的能量衍生出来的,不然陈锋的精神力根本不够看。陈锋下意识的控制所有风刃在空中划过弧度,没有浪费。 One second, ten! 一秒,十个! Ten Wind Edge fly at the big training ground civil strife under the Chen Feng's control, simply is the bad people running wild. 十个风刃陈锋的控制下在偌大的训练场内乱飞,简直是群魔乱舞。 It seems like not good.” “看来不行。” Chen Feng shakes the head. 陈锋摇摇头。 Thinks that a time releases ten, is equivalent practices ten times, it seems like oneself want to be many, Spiritual Energy only consumes one time, gene in within the body bloodlines stimulates should also to only have one time. However the advantage of such practice, the control training of Spiritual Energy instead can speed up many actually. 原以为一次释放十个,相当于练习十次,看来自己想多了,精神力只消耗一次,体内血脉的基因激发应该也只有一次。不过这样练习的好处,倒是精神力的控制训练反而能加快好多。 Day of time. 一天时间。 Chen Feng is practicing Wind Edge. 陈锋都在练习风刃 In the entire training room, is Chen Feng's Wind Edge in flies everywhere randomly, controls ten Wind Edge one time, making the Chen Feng's promotion speed go far beyond other person of ten times! 整个训练房内,都是陈锋的风刃在四处乱飞,一次控制十个风刃,让陈锋的提升速度远远超过其他人十倍! sōu! 嗖! sōu! 嗖! Wind Edge revolves unceasingly. 风刃不断旋转。 Waited till the night time, Chen Feng has been able to make Wind Edge row a perfect circle! Will be at least different to before, unknowingly flew. 等到了深夜的时候,陈锋已经可以让风刃划过一个完美的圆!至少不会跟之前一样,不知不觉就飞出去了。 Chen Feng's battle efficiency, large scale promotion! 陈锋的战斗力,大幅度提升! Was this enough? 这是这样就够了? Naturally insufficiently! 当然不够! Chen Feng spends the large sum of money finally, bought ten small bottle spirit promotion reagent to stimulate the potential, in 10 seconds, increased Spiritual Energy 20 points. this thing is actually not easy-to-use, but coordinates Chen Feng's Wind Edge and Luck Aura, can play the strong might absolutely. 陈锋最后又花费重金,买了十份小瓶精神提升试剂激发自身潜能,十秒内,提升精神力20点。这玩意其实并不好用,但是配合陈锋的风刃幸运光环,绝对能发挥出强大的威力。 Hence, Chen Feng's prepares is completes. 至此,陈锋的准备才算完成。 first time goes out to explore, even if by the Manufacturist status, he must prepare completely safe. 第一次出去探险,哪怕是以制作师的身份,他也必须做好万全的准备。
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