SG :: Volume #1

#26: Fused Secret Skill!

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Next day. 次日。 Chen Feng arrived at Producer Association early. 陈锋早早到了制作师协会 Three days of time expires, the people prepare completely safe, Xu Fei whole body light radiance surges, seems like in the web that whole body equipment to strengthen + 13 trenches. 三天时间到期,众人都准备万全,徐飞周身淡淡的光华涌动,看上去像是网游中那种全身装备强化的壕。 „The black python Mutated Beast skin does.” “黑蟒变异兽的皮做的。” Xu Fei notices the Chen Feng's vision, straightened up the wainscot to say. 徐飞注意到陈锋的目光,挺直了腰板说道。 upstart family!” 暴发户!” Zhou Ling despising unrestrained/no trace of politeness said: Rich men are Low-Profile have the connotation luxuriously, who like you like the steamed rice dumpling that oneself wrap.” 周玲毫不客气的鄙视道:“人家有钱人都是低调奢华有内涵,谁像你一样把自己包的像个粽子一样。” Security first.” “安全第一。” Xu Fei is complacent. 徐飞得意洋洋。 Gets the hell out.” “滚蛋。” Zhou Ling stared his one eyes, I may tell you, Mutated Beast of that place is very sensitive, if you do not go into hiding the aura, perhaps on bedding bag stuffed dumpling.” 周玲瞪了他一眼,“我可告诉你啊,那地方的变异兽很敏感,你要是不把气息隐匿,说不定就被包饺子了。” Good.” “好吧。” Xu Fei unwilling brilliance concealment. 徐飞不甘心的把光辉隐匿。 Chen Feng cannot help laughing. 陈锋哑然失笑。 Afterward, everyone made self introduction. 随后,大家都做了自我介绍。 One line of four people, team leader Xu Fei, vice- team leader is Zhou Ling, the thin young people of following wear black clothes only said own nickname called Monkey, but another build tall and strong robust man called Tie Shi, looked at his appearance, Gene Ability should be that Mortal Body strengthened. 一行四人,队长徐飞,副队长周玲,后面一个穿着黑衣服的瘦瘦的年轻人只说自己外号叫猴子,而另外一个体型魁梧的壮汉叫铁石,看他的模样,基因能力应该是肉身加强的那种。 How do we go?” “我们怎么去?” Chen Feng asked. 陈锋问道。 Comes with me.” “跟我来。” Xu Fei mysterious leads everyone to Producer Association 36, there is a parking lot, a fine speeding car stops in their at present. 徐飞神秘的将大家带到制作师协会36层,那里是停车场,一辆精致的飞车停在他们的眼前。 „The speeding car of Storm Technology most new product, spirit 7 th.” 风暴科技最新产的飞车,幽灵七号。” Xu Fei proud introduction: Installed the strongest chip of their company, can car race, can be invisible, has certain reconnaissance and counter-surveillance ability, the automobile body material quality is firm, anti- attack! We leave, it will hide automatically, optimization that goes out to explore.” 徐飞自豪的介绍:“安装了它们公司的最强芯片,能飙车,能隐形,拥有一定的侦察和反侦察能力,车身材质坚固,抗打击!我们离开的时候,它会自动隐藏起来,外出探险的最佳选择。” Chen Feng exclaimed in surprise, this simply is the armament tank! 陈锋惊叹,这简直就是武装坦克啊! Do not blow.” “别吹了。” Zhou Ling spooky said in the one side: It is said this speeding car anti-jamming ability is bad, was intercepted easily, has presented several traffic accidents, therefore the reputation of spirit was changed to the hearse.” 周玲幽幽的在一旁说道:“据说这飞车抗干扰能力差,容易被人拦截,已经出现好几次车祸了,所以幽灵的名头更是被改成了灵车。” „......” “……” The people are silent. 众人沉默。 Chen Feng feels chilly suddenly. 陈锋忽然觉得冷飕飕的。 That is 6 th, 6 th! This is 7 th, most new product, wanted me to say many times.” “那是六号,六号!这是七号,最新品,要我说多少次。” Xu Fei shows the whites of the eyes, then beckons with the hand saying: forget about it forget about it, your young lady said that what is right, don't I blow am not good? Walks, everyone hurries to board.” 徐飞翻个白眼,然后摆摆手道:“算了算了,您大小姐说什么都对,我不吹了还不行吗?走走,大家赶紧上车出发。” Zhou Ling narrows the eye to smile, she cannot get used to seeing Xu Fei this fellow to show off nothing more. 周玲眯着眼睛一笑,她也就是看不惯徐飞家伙炫富而已 Several people sit board. 几人坐上车。 The translucent vehicle roof seal, just like the rocket to run out. 半透明的车顶封闭,犹如火箭般冲出。 sōu! 嗖! Spirit on the 7 th air-splitting line. 幽灵七号破空而行。 Chen Feng eye Gods is bright, this unexpectedly is the real speeding car, although the city flight has the fixed virtual track, but still makes people feel extremely shockingly. 陈锋神明亮,这居然是真的飞车,尽管市内飞行有着固定的虚拟轨道,但是依然让人感觉万分惊艳。 The speeding car speed is extremely fast. 飞车速度极快。 100 kilometers distance, quick arrived. 一百公里的路程,很快就到了。 When close to destination, Xu Fei vehicle speed also subconscious slow. 在临近目的地的时候,徐飞的车速也下意识的慢了下来。 Is more careful.” “小心些。” This place is not peaceful.” “这个地方并不太平。” Xu Fei reminded: Although here is only the Dragon's Passing Mountain surrounding, however nearby Mutated Beast are many, naturally, this surrounding is most fearful, is not Mutated Beast, but is the person! These roam about in nearby Genetic Warrior, is most fearful.” 徐飞提醒道:“尽管这里只是龙逝山的外围,但是附近的变异兽已经不少了,当然,这外围最可怕的,不是变异兽,而是人!那些流浪在附近的基因战士,才是最可怕的。” Understood.” “明白。” People slightly to nod. 众人微微点头 The spirit No. 7 quiet flight, reduces to very slow speed, has not caused mighty waves, the internal chip revolves, even has not brought a wind sound/rumor. 幽灵七号悄无声息的飞行,降低到很慢的速度,没有引起一丝波澜,内部芯片运转,甚至没有带来一丝风声。 The spirit code name, can be inferred. 幽灵代号,可见一斑。 We can get out to front.” “我们到前面就可以下车了。” The Xu Fei injunction, when the time comes, Monkey starts to investigate, Tie Shi you are responsible for protecting Chen Feng.” 徐飞嘱咐,“到时候,猴子开始侦查,铁石你负责保护陈锋。” Understood.” “明白。” People to nod, always likes resentment Xu Fei Zhou Ling not cracking a joke slightly. 众人微微点头,一向爱怼徐飞周玲也没有开玩笑。 sōu! 嗖! Speeding car quiet flight. 飞车悄无声息的飞行。 When Xu Fei prepares to stop, suddenly, the control plane crazy vibration in speeding car, warned the window to spring innumerably, in car(riage) red light twinkle. 就在徐飞准备停下的时候,忽然,飞车内的控制面板疯狂的抖动,无数警告窗口弹出,车内红光闪烁。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The Xu Fei complexion is ugly, was disturbed! Jumps off!” 徐飞脸色难看,“被干扰了!跳车!” Ding! 叮! Xu Fei presses down a button: Damn, the vehicle roof could not open.” 徐飞按下一个按钮:“该死,车顶打不开了。” What? 什么? Everyone complexion big change. 所有人脸色大变。 I come.” “我来。” Tie Shi angrily roars. 铁石一声怒吼。 Opens!” “开!” Sees only his both arms to be angry, a terrifying ability floods into, unexpectedly forcefully that translucent vehicle roof breaking off, overhangs a stretch of the world directly. 只见他双臂青筋暴露,一股恐怖的能力涌入,居然硬生生的把那半透明的车顶给掰开,直接撑出一片天地。 Walks!” “走!” Zhou Ling holds Chen Feng, others also jump down the speeding car fast. 周玲抓住陈锋,其余人也快速跳下飞车。 sōu! 嗖! The speeding car has from the sky drawn a perfect arc, collision ruthlessly on the rock of distant place, an explosion, spirit 7 th, this time really became hearse 7 th loudly. 飞车在空中划过一个完美的弧线,狠狠的撞在远处的岩石上,轰然一声爆炸,幽灵七号,这次真成了灵车七号了。 shuā! 刷! shuā! 刷! The surroundings lithe voice flashes through. 周围轻盈的声音闪过。 Has the person! 有人! The Chen Feng eye narrows the eyes, Wind Edge has prepared in secret, he knows that this goes out to explore to be very dangerous, but, but also without arriving at place by person dark forget about it! 陈锋眼睛一眯,风刃已经暗中准备,他知道这外出探险很危险,但是没想到,还没到地点就被人暗算了 However he to does not have any unexpected. 不过他到没有任何意外 previous life in Earth, some people lay aside the nail on the highway, making the freight vehicle turn over, then robs cargo......, this matter he saw in the news too multiple, person who regardless of which world, this type wants to attain without effort, will never be few! 前世在地球的时候,也有人在高速公路上放置钉子,让货车翻车,然后抢劫其中的货物……呵,这种事情他在新闻看见太多次了,无论哪个世界,这种想不劳而获的人,永远不会少! Interesting.” “有趣。” The Xu Fei gloomy and cold laughter transmits, interesting, unexpectedly dares to plan on the father.” 徐飞阴冷的笑声传来,“有趣,居然敢算计到老子头上。” The people look, Xu Fei some forehead bloodstains, hit obviously a moment ago. 众人看去,徐飞的额头有些血迹,显然是刚才撞的。 All right.” “没事吧。” Zhou Ling is worried to say. 周玲担心道。 Small wound.” “小伤。” Xu Fei looks to the front, makes us have a look, where is sacred.” 徐飞看向前方,“让我们看看,到底是何方神圣吧。” The surrounding person's shadow appears gradually, one line of more than 20 people, they encircle Chen Feng in the middle, is the middle-aged person of head appears, some unexpected visits them: Father these darkness 30-40 car(riage)s, you are first can run from the car(riage).” 周围的人影渐渐出现,一行二十余人,将陈锋他们围在中间,为首的一个中年人出现,有些意外的看着他们:“老子这些天黑了30-40辆车了,你们还是第一个能从车里面跑出来的。” Why haven't you thought?” “那你就没想过为什么吗?” Xu Fei smiled, smiled is very happy, I think that is what powerhouse, a E Grade soldier of crude person, one crowd of F Grade lackey, dares to rob us in addition......” 徐飞笑了,笑的很开心,“我以为是什么强者呢,一个半吊子的E级战士,加上一群F级的狗腿子,就敢来抢劫我们……” The Xu Fei whole body, that terrifying aura emerges again. 徐飞周身,那恐怖的气息再次涌现。 shuā! 刷! He soars, the right hand makes a fist, one group of fearful flame energies condense in his hands, pounding ruthlessly to ground roaring flame storm! 他腾空而起,右手握拳,一团可怕的火焰能量在他手中凝聚,狠狠的砸向地面烈焰风暴! Bang!” “轰!” Is centered on Xu Fei, the surrounding area ten meters explode instantaneously! 徐飞为中心,方圆十米瞬间爆炸! The ground cracks! 地面崩裂! flame sweeps across! 火焰席卷! An intermittent pitiful yell sound transmits unceasingly, vanishes gradually, the surrounding trees are reduced to ashes in the flash, in the ground leaves behind 20 jet black corpses. 一阵阵惨叫声不断传来,渐渐消失,周围的树木在一瞬间化为灰烬,地面上留下二十具漆黑的尸体。 A move! 一招! Merely one move! 仅仅一招! These robbers are annihilated! 这些抢劫者就全军覆没! sī — 嘶— Chen Feng holds breath a cold air/Qi. 陈锋倒吸一口冷气。 secret skill! 秘技 This Xu Fei, grasped secret skill unexpectedly! 这个徐飞,居然掌握了秘技 So-called secret skill, is based on Gene Fusion, studies, specifically is used to stimulate in the human body the one powerful move of gene potential! 所谓秘技,是以基因融合为基础,研究出来,专门用来激发人体内基因潜力的一种强大招数! With the Chen Feng previous life knowledge, that is equivalent to the deep meaning. 陈锋前世的知识来说,那就相当于奥义。 Genetic Warrior of this world, each stage can fuse time one time, F Grade can fuse gene, E Grade can fuse one time, to the highest Grading S level of Genetic Union announcement, altogether can fuse seven gene! Is equivalent to the human body to contain seven Gene Ability! 这个世界的基因战士,每个阶段都可以融合一次,F级可以融合一次基因,E级可以融合一次,一直到基因工会公布的最高等级S级,一共可以融合七次基因!相当于人体内可以蕴含七种基因能力 However 但是 Sole Gene Ability of Fusing Genes time supplementary, merely is only the foundation. In addition, secret skill that combination matching of gene, formed tallying gene, studies, is truly powerful strength! 融合基因时候附带的单一基因能力,仅仅只是基础。除此之外,基因的组合搭配,形成的符合基因,研究出来的秘技,才是真正强大的力量 For example 比如 Roaring flame fist of Xu Fei. 徐飞的烈焰拳。 2-Star secret skill: secret skill that needs two gene to stimulate, calls it 2-Star secret skill. 二星秘技:需要两种基因可以激发的秘技,称之为二星秘技 Demand: 需求: F Grade, violent bear gene, strength Type. F级,暴熊基因,力量类型 E Grade, red fox gene, spirit Type. E级,火狐基因,精神类型 Only then within the body has these two gene, can display the roaring flame storm, this is strength Type gene and fusion of spirit Type gene! 只有体内拥有这两种基因,才能够施展出烈焰风暴,这是力量类型基因精神类型基因的融合! Each stage fuses strongest gene certainly is best? 每个阶段都融合最强的基因一定是最好的吗? Obviously is not. 显然不是。 Gene Fusion is an art, different gene, provide the different abilities, but this merely is only the sole ability! When the gene combination in within the body, stimulates two and three types sufficiently even is many gene combine secret skill the time, can display the terrifying prestige energy! 基因融合是一门艺术,不同的基因,提供不同的能力,但是这仅仅只是单一能力!当体内的基因组合,足以激发出两种、三种甚至是更多基因组合秘技的时候,才能够发挥出更加恐怖的威能! within the body has several gene is a matter, having secret skill is a different matter! 只是,体内有几种基因是一回事,拥有秘技又是另一回事! First did not say that two gene of your within the body fusion meet the secret skill displaying condition, even the condition enough, can the average person be able to afford secret skill? 先不说你体内融合的两种基因是否符合秘技的施展条件,就算条件够了,一般人就能买得起秘技吗? Obviously is not. 显然不是。 This Xu Fei, obviously is not an average person! 这个徐飞,显然不是一般人! Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 Un?” “嗯?” Probably did not have a moment ago that Leader corpse.” “好像没有刚才那个首领的尸体。” In the Xu Fei eye killing intent flashes through, unexpectedly ran? Monkey, looks for him.” 徐飞眼中杀意闪过,“居然跑了吗?猴子,找找他。” Understood.” “明白。” The Monkey eye turned into blue suddenly, in the pupil is to bloom the radiant brilliance, the Monkey vision has swept in the surroundings, Chen Feng looked at one accidentally, can feel fearfulness. 猴子眼睛忽然变成了蓝色,瞳孔之中更是绽放出璀璨的光辉,猴子目光在周围扫过,陈锋无意中看了一眼,都能感觉到其中的可怕。 In one kilometer does not have.” “一公里以内没有。” It is estimated that had left, can continue to widen the range?” “估计已经离开了,要不要继续扩大范围?” Monkey calm report. 猴子冷静的汇报。 forget about it.” 算了。” Xu Fei shakes the head, hates secretly: Now does not have the time to accompany him to play, when we come back to tidy up him again!” 徐飞摇摇头,暗恨:“现在没时间陪他玩,等我们回来再收拾他!” Good.” “好。” People to nod. 众人点头 Xu Fei looks speeding car that oneself have discarded, a face meat pain, the paralysis, made Zhou Ling this crow mouth say unexpectedly, really became the hearse. 徐飞看着自己已经报废的飞车,一脸肉痛,麻痹的,居然让周玲这个乌鸦嘴说中了,真成了灵车。 Do not blame me.” “别怪我。” Zhou Ling looks that the Xu Fei look hurries to raise hand: Wants the chip control the speeding car, by some spirit ability disturbances, this does not have the means. Has not thought that your broken speeding car other place strengthened, only this signal anti-jamming ability, as before weak pity.” 周玲看着徐飞的眼神赶紧举手:“只要芯片控制的飞车,都会被一些精神能力干扰,这是没办法的。只是没想到你这破飞车别的地方都强化了,唯独这信号抗干扰能力,依旧弱的可怜。” Little said two.” “少说两句。” Xu Fei ill-humored saying: Had arrived at the surrounding in any case, we walk simply, was only laborious Chen Feng, he after all was not a soldier.” 徐飞没好气的说道:“反正已经到了外围,我们干脆走过去吧,只是辛苦陈锋了,他毕竟不是战士。” He thought that Tie Shi, if met Chen Feng weak, you at the back of him.” 他想了一下,“铁石,如果一会陈锋体力不支了,你背着他。” Understood.” “明白。” Tie Shi should say. 铁石应道。 Chen Feng is silent, he looks that is so delicate? 陈锋默然,他看着就那么娇弱么? Does not finish an apprenticeship Czech Republic, the facial expression of people are more serious, if not a moment ago the Tie Shi great strength drove out the vehicle roof, they possibly real in the sewers capsized, here person was dangerous! 出师未捷,众人的神情更加严肃,刚才若非铁石巨力轰开车顶,他们可能真的阴沟里翻船了,这里的人非常危险! Even if only the ordinary F Grade soldier, possibly has some inconceivable method! 哪怕只是普通的F级战士,可能都有着某种不可思议的手段! Is more careful.” “小心些。” Xu Fei injunction: Crossed this forest, front arrived.” 徐飞嘱咐:“过了这片森林,前面就到了。” Sand! 沙! Rustle! 沙沙! The people go forward cautiously. 众人小心翼翼的前进。 This nearby Mutated Beast after all is only F Grade, has not caused any harm to them, occasionally has the coming attack that does not keep eyes open, died by explosion by Xu Fei directly. 这附近的变异兽终归只是F级,并没有对他们造成任何危害,偶尔有不长眼的过来袭击,也被徐飞直接轰死。 As for other Genetic Warrior...... 至于其他基因战士…… Under the eye of Monkey, is unable to hide, does not dare to approach. 猴子的眼睛之下,无从遁形,根本不敢靠近。 Very powerful. 好强。 Chen Feng is flabbergasted secretly. 陈锋暗自咋舌。 No wonder these people dare to come to here to explore, besides Zhou Ling that has not acted, other three person powerful oddness, is this strength of E Grade soldier? 难怪这几个人就敢来这里探险,除了没出手的周玲之外,其他三个人都强悍的离谱,这就是E级战士的力量吗? Fusing two gene was so unexpectedly strong? 融合了两份基因居然这么强? The small flame of Chen Feng heart is burning. 陈锋心头的小火苗在燃烧。 Quick. 很快。 Several people went out of the forest. 几人走出了森林。 Although Xu Fei had introduced before one time, however true seeing at present scenery time, Chen Feng was still feared, is this Dragon's Passing Mountain? 尽管之前徐飞已经介绍过一次,但是真正的看见眼前景色的时候,陈锋依然被惊住了,这就是龙逝山
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