SG :: Volume #1

#24: Thunder Snake gene

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But at this time, Chen Feng returned from Digitized Status. 而这时,陈锋数维状态中回归。 Originally, this is restriction. 原来,这就是禁制 That drops in blood essence to contain several tens of thousands of even many gene, the surrounding these traces have some strength, selects some gene to take the switch the blood essence seal randomly, gene that you only will then correspond found, can open restriction. 那滴精血中包含数万甚至更多的基因,周围的这些纹路拥有某种力量,将精血封印从中随机选出一些基因作为开关,你只有将对应的基因找到,就可以打开禁制 To put it bluntly, strengthens Gene Search of version radically! 说白了,根本就是加强版的基因寻找 Naturally. 当然。 Even if strengthens Gene Search of version, Chen Feng is unable to complete. 就算是加强版的基因寻找,陈锋也无法完成。 300 gene quantities, go far beyond Wood Bear gene dozens times, to present Chen Feng, a little ultra outline, therefore he has not started for a very long time. 三百道基因的数量,远远超过木熊基因数十倍,对现在的陈锋来说,有点超纲了,所以他才久久没有下手。 However 5-Star Formula(s) only happens by happy circumstance, Chen Feng wins! 但是五星配方可遇而不可求,陈锋志在必得! Therefore finally opens Luck Aura hard to rub simply. 所以最终干脆开启幸运光环硬撸。 These do fellow want to despise him? 这些家伙想鄙视他? Chen Feng looks that consumed 1 point Luck Value to smile not to speak. 陈锋看着消耗了一点的幸运值笑而不语。 Meanwhile, he is also indistinct the clear fame was mysterious, perhaps without oneself «Wood Bear gene - Battle» achievement, Xu Fei cannot his opportunity! 同时,他也隐约明白名气的奥妙了,如果没有自己《木熊基因-战》的成就,恐怕徐飞根本不会他这个机会! You again how? 你再强又如何? The threshold that even interviews radically cannot arrive! 根本连面试的门槛都到不了啊! Worthily is Mr. Chen.” “不愧是陈先生。” Xu Fei acclaimed, then invited face confused other Manufacturist. 徐飞赞叹,然后将一脸懵逼的其他制作师请了出去。 Even after these people departure , from not shocking recovers. Present rookie, already flamboyant to this situation? 1-Star! Grasped most trash Formula(s)! Unexpectedly opened that restriction? They have a first half lifetime to live dog feeling. 那些人哪怕离开之后也没从震撼中回过神来。现在的新人,已经牛逼到这种地步了?一星啊!才掌握了一个最垃圾的配方啊!居然就打开那种禁制了?他们有种上半辈子活到狗身上的感觉。 But Huo Shi is bewildered, that should own request, not have like this? 霍石更是一脸茫然,那本该属于自己的委托,就这样没了? Why?! 凭什么?! I......” “我……” Huo Shi wants to go back to challenge that Chen Feng, actually discovered oneself link cannot go in! 霍石想回去挑战那个陈锋,却发现自己连都都进不去! Sorry, the interview had ended.” “抱歉,面试已经结束了。” The security of hall blocks him. 大厅的保安拦住他。 Crack a joke! 开什么玩笑! Challenge? 挑战? Two people disparity their these laymen still looked even! 两人的差距就算他们这些外行也看出来了! Very good.” “很好。” Huo Shi clenches the teeth: Chen Feng? I know that who you are! Sooner or later one day, I will challenge you, brings back own glory!” 霍石咬紧牙关:“陈锋是吧?我会知道你是谁!迟早有一天,我会挑战你,拿回属于自己的荣耀!” Huo Shi turns around to depart. 霍石转身离去。 But at this time, in hall. 而这时,大厅内。 Mr. Chen.” “陈先生。” Xu Fei smiles: Now we can chat well.” 徐飞笑笑:“现在我们可以好好谈谈了。” Good.” “好。” Chen Feng to nod. 陈锋点头 He knows, can reward 5-Star Formula(s) request task, is not so easy. 他知道,能够奖励五星配方的委托任务,绝不是那么容易的。 „Our time exploration places, are Dragon's Passing Mountain.” “我们这次的探险地点,是龙逝山。” Xu Fei said in a low voice. 徐飞低声道。 Said that he also looked at Chen Feng one, Chen Feng very tranquil point to nod. 说完他还看了陈锋一眼,陈锋很平静的点点头 I now am the E Grade soldier peak, is preparing D Grade Gene Fusion Reagent, but some materials do not have the city valuably, can only collect, some material that I need, in Dragon's Passing Mountain, so long as we pass, attains blood essence, can leave.” “我现在是E级战士巅峰,正在准备D级基因融合试剂,但是有些材料有价无市,只能自己收集,我需要的某个材料,就在龙逝山里面,只要我们过去,拿到精血,就可以离开了。” Xu Fei said that and looked at Chen Feng one. 徐飞说完又看了陈锋一眼。 Chen Feng tranquil to nod. 陈锋平静的点头 This is the general flow.” “这就是大概流程。” Xu Fei said that has profound respect. 徐飞说完肃然起敬。 Can make the Wood Bear third Mutated Gene youngster talent worthily! Hears Dragon's Passing Mountain to be without turning a hair, this courage and wisdom, the average man cannot achieve. 不愧是能做出木熊第三变异基因的少年天才!听到龙逝山面不改色,这份胆识,常人根本做不到。 „, Only has an issue.” “那么,只有一个问题。” Chen Feng opens the mouth. 陈锋开口。 You said.” “你说。” Xu Fei to nod. 徐飞点头 Chen Feng asked: What is Dragon's Passing Mountain?” 陈锋问道:“什么是龙逝山?” Xu Fei: „......” 徐飞:“……” Everyone: „......” 所有人:“……” Gathering this fellow is not knowing that what is Dragon's Passing Mountain? 合着这家伙根本不知道什么叫龙逝山 A Xu Fei forced smile, this was Chen Feng illustrated this time task place in detail. 徐飞一阵苦笑,这才为陈锋详细解说了一下这次的任务地点。 Dragon's Passing Mountain, listens to be very mysterious, but is actually a historical site near Gold City. Reason that is called Dragon's Passing Mountain this name , because legend there had died a mutate(d) Sea Dragon beast, therefore were many several points of mysterious air. 龙逝山,听着很玄乎,但是其实就是金城附近的一处古迹。之所以叫做龙逝山这个名字,是因为传说那里曾经死过一头变异海龙兽,因此多了几分神秘色彩。 Because the geographical position is special, occasionally will cultivate some precious materials, in addition there many Mutated Beast exist, became the paradise of explorer. 因为地理位置特殊,偶尔会培育出一些珍贵的材料,再加上那里有很多变异兽存在,也成了探险者的乐园。 Really has the dragon?” “真有龙?” Chen Feng is surprised. 陈锋惊奇。 cough cough.” 咳咳。” Xu Fei said in a low voice: Actually is the giant lizard variant, because after gene mutate(d), had the powerful ability by the myth nothing more, but the present stage can call it Mutated Beast of dragon, even if not the real dragon, strength still very terrifying.” 徐飞低声道:“其实都是巨蜥变种,因为基因变异后拥有了强悍能力被神话了而已,不过现阶段能被称之为龙的变异兽,就算不是真龙,实力也非常恐怖。” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 Actually you do not need too to be worried.” “其实你不用太担心。” Xu Fei is self-confident: Our these are E Grade Genetic Warrior, so long as does not challenge fifth level D Grade Mutated Beast, will not have the danger.” 徐飞自信:“我们这几个都是E级基因战士,只要不去挑战第五层的D级变异兽,根本不会有危险。” When goes?” “什么时候去?” Chen Feng thinks, asked. 陈锋想了想之后问道。 Three days later.” “三天后。” Xu Fei said. 徐飞说道。 Ok.” “可以。” Chen Feng agrees: But entrusted to need to pass through Gene Manufacture Association.” 陈锋同意下来:“但是委托需要经过基因制作协会。” This nature.” “这个自然。” Xu Fei to nod. 徐飞点头 Quick, the one portion request issued that through Gene Manufacture Association on Chen Feng's light screen, the Chen Feng choice accepts, this entrusted task, officially established. 很快,一份委托通过基因制作协会发布到陈锋的光幕上,陈锋选择接受,这份委托任务,正式成立。 task time: Three days later. 任务时间:三天后。 task place: Dragon's Passing Mountain 任务地点:龙逝山 task introduced: In relieving process all restriction. 任务介绍:解除过程中遇到的所有禁制等。 Task Reward: 5-Star Rating Formula(s) 任务奖励:五星级配方 task entrusted successfully, several people left to prepare. The place that after all must go to has certain risk, must prepare certain self-preservation method. 任务委托成功,几人都离开去准备。毕竟要去的地方有一定危险性,都要准备一定的自保手段。 But Chen Feng, similarly need. 陈锋,同样需要。 As Manufacturist, theoretically he is safest, but, if the team does present the contradiction? Although this probability is very low, but Chen Feng same must consider. 作为制作师,理论上他是最安全的,但是,如果队伍出现矛盾呢?虽然这种几率很低,但是陈锋一样要考虑进去。 Puts in own security others hand? 将自己的安全放到他人手中? He cannot achieve. 他做不到。 Normally, wants to become Gene Manufacturist, all Gene Ability are auxiliary for Gene Manufacture, for example, Wang Yue ability! 正常情况下,想成为基因制作师,所有基因能力都是为了基因制作辅助的,比如,王越的能力! For example 比如 Various types promote Spiritual Energy, the promotion manufacture success ratio and wait/etc ability. 各种提升精神力,提升制作成功率等等的能力。 Therefore, general Gene Manufacturist, the battle efficiency is weak, Genetic Warrior of the same class almost can ignore. But this, is the Chen Feng's advantage. 所以,一般的基因制作师,战斗力都非常弱,同级别的基因战士几乎可以忽略不计。而这,就是陈锋的优势。 In their eyes, my battle efficiency almost can neglect.” “在他们眼中,我的战斗力几乎可以忽略。” But my Gene Ability is actually Wind Edge, has certain battle efficiency, in addition Luck Aura, almost can sweep away the F Grade soldier, but this is insufficient!” “但是我的基因能力却是风刃,有一定战斗力,加上幸运光环,几乎可以横扫F级战士,但是这还不够!” „To protect oneself, must be stronger!” “想要自保,必须更强!” Chen Feng analysis. 陈锋分析。 Naturally, to him, what these three days to are important store up Luck Value! 当然,对他而言,这三天对重要的是储存幸运值 Going home. 回到家。 A Chen Feng's first matter, studies Thunder Snake Gene Formula! 陈锋的第一件事,就是学习雷蛇基因配方 The promotion strength has many types, but Thunder Snake gene reagent, without a doubt is disposable consumables that this very difficult Formula(s) manufactures, the might will not miss absolutely. 提升实力有很多种,而雷蛇基因试剂,毫无疑问就是其中一个,这种高难度配方制作出的一次性消耗品,威力绝对不会差。 shuā! 刷! Chen Feng opens the light screen. 陈锋打开光幕。 The innumerable data appear instantaneously, Chen Feng earnest start learn/study, entire -and-a-half days of time, he this magnanimous data content digestion. 无数数据瞬间出现,陈锋认真的开始学习,整整一天半的时间,他才将这海量的数据内容消化。 4-Star Formula(s), is really the high difficulty. 四星配方,果然是高难度。 first step Gene Search, must discover enough 200 gene, caught up with today restriction of that ancient disc quickly, but second step...... 第一基因寻找,就要找出足足二百条基因,都快赶上今天那个古老圆盘的禁制了,而第二步…… Un, 200 gene fuse mutually. 嗯,二百条基因互相融合。 Chen Feng is certain, if he himself manufactures, is absolutely impossible to succeed. 陈锋可以肯定,如果他自己制作,绝对不可能成功。 Quite a while time! 半天时间! To the evening, Chen Feng collected the material that Thunder Snake gene needed completely, one portion hundred thousand, the entire three hundred thousand funds pounded. 一直到了晚上,陈锋才把雷蛇基因所需要的材料全部凑齐,一份十万,整整三十万资金就砸进去了。 Starts.” “开始吧。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 This time, he does not dare to act unreasonably, the entire journey is opening Luck Aura. 这一次,他没敢乱来,全程开着幸运光环 first step. 第一步。 Gene Search, Luck Value consumes 1 points. 基因寻找,幸运值消耗一点。 Although the process is somewhat tedious, consumption Spiritual Energy are somewhat many, but relieved compared with afternoon restriction was weaker, Chen Feng completed with ease. 虽然过程有些繁琐,消耗的精神力有些多,但是比起下午的禁制解除还是弱了一些,陈锋轻松完成。 second step. 第二步。 Gene Reaction, Luck Value consumes 1 points. 基因反应,幸运值消耗一点。 200 gene reaction formulas, what toughest is, many gene must first respond successfully, then can respond again, in this process, you need first to respond gene that controls, then lets other Gene Reaction, finally comes to urge a round of response together. 二百条基因的反应公式,难度最高的是,有很多基因要先反应成功,然后才能再次反应,这过程中,你需要把最先反应出来的基因控制好,然后让其他基因反应,最后再过来一起催发反应。 This step, Spiritual Energy consumes enormously, is above the Chen Feng imagination by far, almost the merit owes in Kui. 这一步,精神力消耗极大,远远超乎陈锋想象,差点功亏于溃。 third step. 第三步。 Gene Fusion, Luck Value consumes 1 points. 基因融合,幸运值消耗一点。 These step instead became in three to be simplest, these precious materials that will collect manufactured the Thunder Snake gene cultivation liquid, then laid aside that gene to the cultivation fluid in started to duplicate and derive the time, all have been a foregone conclusion. 这一步反而成了三步中最简单的,将凑齐的那些宝贵材料制作成雷蛇基因的培育液体,然后将那条基因放置到培育液中开始复制和衍生的时候,一切已经成了定局。 shuā! 刷! The light cyan brilliance flashes through, manufactures successfully! 淡青色的光辉闪过,制作成功! Chen Feng according, cautious gene that in Formula(s) said laid aside to reagent, then sealed, Thunder Snake gene reagent, came out even. 陈锋按照配方中所说的,小心翼翼的将基因放置到试剂中,然后封装起来,雷蛇基因试剂,就算出来了。 Chen Feng start scanning. 陈锋启动扫描。 Gene's Name: Thunder Snake gene reagent 基因名称:雷蛇基因试剂 Gene Type: Special 基因类型:特殊 gene function: After Spiritual Energy detonation, causes the huge damage. 基因作用:精神力引爆后,造成巨大伤害。 Spirit Consumption: 10 points. 精神消耗:十点。 gene introduced: Through the Thunder Snake blood essence refinement, needs various materials to stimulate mysterious strength in Thunder Snake gene, but production one special gene reagent. 基因介绍:通过雷蛇精血提炼而成,需要各种材料激发出雷蛇基因中的神秘力量,而生成的一种特殊基因试剂 Without mutate(d)? 没有变异 Some Chen Feng unexpected, it seems like not all gene can mutate(d). 陈锋有些意外,看来不是所有基因都能变异的。 He online checked, in the evaluations of online all Thunder Snake gene reagent, never had at least heard has related Mutated Gene. Reason that consumes 3 Luck Value, is not because mutate(d) and high attribute, are only the pure manufacture difficulty are high. 他在网上查了查,至少网上的所有雷蛇基因试剂的评测中,从未听说过有相关变异基因。之所以消耗三点幸运值,不是因为变异和高属性,只是单纯的制作难度非常高。 As for its might...... 至于它的威力…… Chen Feng does not dare to attempt. 陈锋也没敢尝试。 Crack a joke! 开什么玩笑! Only the materials expenses on hundred thousand, killed oneself make laugh. 光材料费就十万,把自己炸死就搞笑了。 He after Virtual Community examines some minute/share of Thunder Snake gene use evaluation demonstration, cautious preserves it. According to the Gene Manufacture Association evaluation data, Thunder Snake gene reagent, at least has the energy that the E Grade soldier strikes full power, is powerful, is dangerous! 他在虚拟社区查看某分雷蛇基因使用评测演示之后,就小心翼翼的将它保存好。根据基因制作协会的评测数据,雷蛇基因试剂,至少拥有E级战士全力一击的能量,非常强大,也非常危险! This, is his first heavy preparation. 这,是他的第一重准备。
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