SG :: Volume #1

#23: restriction

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This is the one portion restriction request. 这是一份禁制委托。 Requests a high-level Beginner Grade Manufacturist, accompanies them to go to the historical site to explore, helping them relieve on the road restriction, task completes then rewards 5-Star Formula(s) one. 要求一位高水平的初级制作师,陪同他们去古迹中探险,帮助他们解除路上遇到的禁制,任务完成即可奖励五星配方一个。 restriction......” 禁制……” Chen Feng online inquired, immediately understands clearly. 陈锋在网上查询了一下,顿时了然。 So-called restriction, explained with his thought that actually through blood essence seal combination lock. 所谓禁制,用他的思维来解释,其实就是通过精血封装的密码锁。 In historical site. 古迹中。 After certain Mutated Beast die, blood essence integrates the ground, evolves after the years, produces some special spirit traces, forms this unusual restriction. The place that any restriction covers, is unable to pass, if passes forcefully, will receive backlash of blood essence strength, is fearful. 某些变异兽死后,精血融入地面,经过岁月演化,生成一些特殊的精神纹路,形成这种奇特的禁制。凡是禁制覆盖的地方,都无法通过,如果强行通过,会受到精血力量的反噬,非常可怕。 Only has Gene Manufacturist to unseal restriction under Digitized Status! 只有基因制作师数维状态下才能解封禁制 Originally is this.” “原来是这样。” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 Looked at the time, the interview time is today, the Chen Feng preparation had a look in the past. 看了看时间,面试时间正好是今天,陈锋准备过去看看。 He knows that oneself level defective, this degree of restriction, oneself has not actually been possible be able to complete, so long as the opportunity, he cannot give up. 他知道自己的水平其实还有多欠缺,这种程度的禁制,自己可能无法完成,但是只要有一丝机会,他都不能放弃。 This is 5-Star Formula(s)! 这可是五星配方 If can...... 如果能够得到的话…… Chen Feng pinches tightly the fist. 陈锋捏紧拳头。 According to the address in writes, Chen Feng to Floor 7 No. 23 hall, inside interview had started, many Beginner Grade Manufacturist below, but on the stage is several imposing manner good young people, lends the light aura that to see from their whole body, these people impressively are E Grade Genetic Warrior! 按照地址上写的,陈锋到了7层23号大厅,里面的面试已经开始了,许多初级制作师正在下面,而台上是几个气势不俗的年轻人,从他们周身散发的淡淡气息可以看出,这些人赫然是E级基因战士 E Grade......” E级的……” Chen Feng brow wrinkled. 陈锋眉头微皱 It seems like their requests are not definitely low. 看来他们的要求肯定不低。 Peaceful!” “安静!” On that stage is the young people of head presses the hand. 那台上为首的年轻人压了压手。 In hall rapid silent. 大厅内迅速寂静。 I called Xu Fei.” “我叫徐飞。” Young people very satisfied point to nod: Thank everyone to come on time. This time we must enter a historical site to explore, need Gene Manufacturist to assist, therefore entrusted the gene association to hold this interview, because the condition was limited, we can only choose Beginner Grade Manufacturist.” 年轻人很是满意的点点头:“感谢大家准时前来。这次我们要进入一个古迹探险,需要一名基因制作师辅助,所以才委托基因协会举行了这次面试,因为条件有限,我们只能选择一个初级制作师。” At this point, his slightly: Strongest that.” 说到这里,他微微一顿:“最强的那个。” shuā! 刷! The atmosphere in hall becomes tight, all Manufacturist are hostile looks at the opposite party. 大厅内的气氛变得紧张起来,所有制作师都敌视的看着对方。 This is 5-Star Formula(s)! 这可是五星配方 Unlike the Formula(s) data that the gene association teaches, normal Formula(s) is the seal in the chip, before opening, can trade! Even if they study, with do not sell out, can still sell a lot of money! Enough supported many manufacture level to promote several Star Rating. 基因协会传授的配方数据不同,正常的配方都是封装在芯片之中,在开启之前,是可以交易的!就算他们自己不学,拿出去卖掉,也能卖很多钱!足够支撑很多人制作水准提升好几个星级了。 The Chen Feng eye narrows the eyes, maintaining composure looks. 陈锋眼睛一眯,不动声色的看着。 Today, your interviews are also very simple.” “今天,你们的面试也很简单。” Xu Fei puts out an ancient disc, above filled the blood-color crack, middle that red blood essence, is always glittering the scarlet red light like the eye. 徐飞拿出一个古老的圆盘,上面充满了血色裂纹,中间那个红色的精血,像眼睛一向闪烁着猩红的红光。 This is a restriction plate, inside is drop of ancient blood essence, this is one surpasses you now difficulty restriction, you do not need to complete. Everyone two minutes, in the limiting time range, looked effective gene that who collects are most, who is the final victor.” “这是一个禁制盘,里面是一滴古老的精血,这是一个超出你们现在难度的禁制,你们不需要完成。每个人两分钟时间,在限定时间范围内,看谁收集的有效基因最多,谁就是最终的胜利者。” Xu Fei said lightly, „, who first starts?” 徐飞淡淡的说完,“那么,谁先开始?” I come.” “我来。” Person first goes out, is proud: My Huo Shi had explored with others initially together, decodes restriction, absolutely compared with other person of skilled.” 一个人第一个走出,自豪道:“我霍石可是当初跟其他人一起探险过的,破解禁制,绝对比其他人熟练。” Said. 说完。 He arrives in front of the restriction plate, both eyes shut, wipes the glimmer twinkle, entered Digitized Status. 他走到禁制盘面前,双目微闭,一抹微光闪烁,进入了数维状态 wēng — 嗡— Chen Feng sees with one's own eyes that disc above trace to start to reappear, proliferates in the surrounding several hundred marks, glimmer start to shine. 陈锋亲眼看到那圆盘上面的纹路开始浮现,遍布在周围的数百道印痕上,一道道微光开始亮起。 Ten and 20 and 30...... 十道、二十道、三十道…… Finally. 最终。 When 90 stop suddenly, Huo Shi comes soberly, brilliance quiet disappearance on disc restriction, just like has never appeared. 在九十道的时候戛然而止,霍石清醒过来,圆盘禁制上的光辉悄无声息的消失,犹如从未出现过。 90, good.” “九十道,不错。” Xu Fei acclaimed one, under that person of complacent drawing back. 徐飞赞叹一声,那人得意洋洋的退下。 Others comes up one time, 30 and 50 and 20 and 80...... all kinds has, but no can exceed Huo Shi. 紧接着,其他人一次上去,三十道、五十道、二十道、八十道……各种各样的都有,但是没有一个能超越霍石 One flock of weak chickens.” “一群弱鸡。” Huo Shi is complacent. 霍石洋洋得意。 90 were strongest?” “九十道就是最强了?” Xu Fei brow wrinkled, how many friends with looks at each other one, by the Formula(s) reward that they let out, how to only attract this level Manufacturist? This degree goes the words of vestige with them, some reluctantly. 徐飞眉头微皱,跟几个朋友对视一眼,以他们放出去的配方奖励,怎么会只吸引到这种水准的制作师?这种程度跟他们去遗迹的话,有些勉强了。 Time issue.” “时间问题。” If we can play for two days, certainly can find well.” “如果我们能玩两天的话,一定能找到最好的。” In the team the only female Zhou Ling reminder said. 队伍中唯一的女性周玲提醒道。 Also yes.” “也是。” Xu Fei selects to nod, that he.” 徐飞点头,“那就他了。” You called Huo Shi.” “你叫霍石是吧。” Xu Fei looked at his one eyes, „, since you are strongest......” 徐飞看了他一眼,“既然你是最强……” However, at this time, Chen Feng suddenly walked, excuse me, do I can try?” 然而,就在这个时候,陈锋忽然走出来,“请问,我可以试试吗?” In the hall instantaneous is silent. 大厅内瞬间寂静下来。 „Are you?” “你是?” Xu Fei looked at the past. 徐飞看过去。 Beginner Grade Manufacturist, Chen Feng.” 初级制作师,陈锋。” Chen Feng introduced oneself. 陈锋自我介绍。 Your authentication data I have a look.” “你的认证数据我看看。” Xu Fei selects to nod, this is interviews basically, Chen Feng will need some data in digitization panel to announce, making Xu Fei look. 徐飞点头,这是面试最基本的,陈锋需要将自己数据化面板中的部分数据公布出来,让徐飞看。 Good.” “好的。” Chen Feng sends own authentication data. 陈锋把自己的认证数据发过去。 Xu Fei swept one, immediately delay, 1-Star?” 徐飞扫了一眼,顿时呆滞,“一星?” The entire hall is silent, at once roars with laughter. 整个大厅寂静,旋即哄堂大笑。 1-Star? 一星 This child is teases them to play? 这孩子是来逗他们玩的吗? What although in task writes is Beginner Grade Manufacturist, has not requested to Star Rating, but just does the basic novice also want to accept this task to be excessive? 虽然任务中写的是初级制作师,对星级没有要求,但是一个刚入门的新手也想接受这个任务是不是过分了? Can the 1-Star Rating manufacture level, where strong to go? 一星级制作水准,能强到哪里去? „Does this steal away of business with me?” “就这跟我抢生意?” Huo Shi that was also worried about a moment ago rolled the eyes at this time crazily, present Manufacturist is really...... 刚才还担心的霍石这个时候狂翻白眼,现在的制作师真是…… Sorry.” “抱歉。” Xu Fei forced smile: This degree perhaps......” 徐飞苦笑:“这种程度恐怕……” Downward look.” “往下看。” Chen Feng smiles. 陈锋笑笑。 oh? 哦? Xu Fei looks at the Chen Feng calm look , to continue to look downward, waits to see Chen Feng authenticates personally, wears «Wood Bear gene - Battle» Formula(s) time, the complexion finally becomes dignified, can have Formula(s) that oneself study in the Beginner Grade Manufacturist level? This level...... 徐飞看着陈锋淡定的神色,继续往下看,等看到陈锋个人认证上的,著有《木熊基因-战配方的时候,脸色终于变得凝重,能够在初级制作师水准就拥有自己研究出来的配方?这种水平…… Xu Fei then looks earnestly to Chen Feng. 徐飞这才认真看向陈锋 He knows that some Manufacturist like boring tip of cows horn, does not study thoroughly does not replace Formula(s), but at present this is, as if that Manufacturist? 他知道有些制作师喜欢钻牛角尖,不研究透彻绝不更换配方,而眼前这位,似乎就是那种制作师 Even if he only has 1-Star! 哪怕他只有一星 A while ago Chen Feng he also slightly had hearing with the Professor Tao matter, without thinking of protagonist of that matter, stood before oneself unexpectedly, Chen Feng...... 前段时间陈锋陶教授的事情他也略有耳闻,没想到那件事的主角,居然就站在自己面前,陈锋么…… Xu Fei hesitation moment, good, you try.” 徐飞沉吟片刻,“好,你来试试。” Thanks.” “谢谢。” Chen Feng slightly to nod. 陈锋微微点头 The function of fame, has an effect at this time. 名气的作用,在这个时候起了作用。 The look of surrounding person becomes somewhat strange, what that in the qualifications of this young people writes, can make this E Grade Genetic Warrior hold in high esteem? 周围人的神色变得有些怪异,这年轻人的资历上到底写的什么,能够让这个E级基因战士刮目相看? This fellow......” “这家伙……” The Huo Shi look becomes surprised uncertain, what peerless rare talent did could it be really bump into? 霍石眼神变得惊疑不定,难道真碰到什么绝世奇才了? shuā! 刷! Chen Feng maintains composure walks up, above the both hands float disc, enters Digitized Status instantly. 陈锋不动声色的走上前去,双手悬浮圆盘之上,刹那进入数维状态 Bang!” “轰!” At present radiance blasts open. 眼前光华炸裂。 The innumerable gene flowing light emerge in the surroundings. 无数基因流光在周围涌现。 The background of darkness and in nihility, that ancient original price becomes huge, the trace on disc becomes exceptionally clear, Chen Feng can easily feel, each trace, each mark, needs specific gene to activate, only then after activating all gene, can open this restriction. 黑暗而又虚无的背景中,那古老的原盘变得巨大,圆盘上的纹路变得异常清晰,陈锋可以轻易的感觉到,每一种纹路,每一道印痕,都需要一条特定基因来激活,只有激活所有的基因之后,才可以打开这个禁制 Originally, is this restriction? 原来,这就是禁制 Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 One second...... 一秒…… Two seconds...... 两秒…… Ten seconds...... 十秒…… Chen Feng carefully studies this so-called restriction. 陈锋仔细研究这所谓的禁制 But at this time, Manufacturist of surroundings person looks that Chen Feng quite a while does not have the sound, is a funniness. 而此时,周围人的制作师看着陈锋半天没有动静,都是一阵好笑。 Really, 1-Star is 1-Star.” “果然,一星就是一星。” Present Beginner Grade Manufacturist was really extremely arrogant.” “现在的初级制作师真是太狂妄了。” People ridicule. 众人讥讽。 Without the strength is not fearful, without the strength also comes to here to steal away of business is you are not right. 没实力不可怕,没实力还来这里抢生意就是你的不对了。 I really want.” “我果然想多了。” But Huo Shi is despising of not mincing matter, thinks a moment ago this fellow has what killer mace, after all this time, but also is really rookies. 霍石更是毫不掩饰的鄙夷,刚才还以为这家伙有什么杀手锏的,弄了半天,还真是个菜鸟啊。 „Does this type of trash also steal away of business with me?” “这种垃圾还跟我抢生意?” Huo Shi smiles the urine. 霍石笑尿。 Xu Fei looks silently. 徐飞默默看着。 20 seconds. 二十秒。 30 seconds. 三十秒。 One minute. 一分钟。 The trace on that disc, does not have any response. 那圆盘上的痕迹,没有任何反应。 This in other words, in one minute in your time, Chen Feng has not activated unexpectedly! Had not found including gene! This level...... 这也就是说,在一分钟你的时间内,陈锋居然一个都没有激活!连一条基因都没有找到!这种水准…… Pure novice?” “纯新手吗?” Xu Fei sighs with emotion one, it seems like it was he is mistaken. 徐飞感慨一声,看来是他走眼了。 It seems like this can make Wood Bear Mutated Gene named Chen Feng luckily. 看来这个叫陈锋能做出木熊变异基因真的只是侥幸。 He has given up. 他已经放弃了。 Other team members wait to look at the joke. 其余队员更是等着看笑话。 However, no one has thought, at this time, suddenly, the trace above that disc shone crazily at an inconceivable speed. 然而,谁也没想到,就在这个时候,忽然,那圆盘之上的纹路以一种不可思议的速度疯狂亮起。 Ten! 十道! 20! 二十道! 30! 三十道! ...... …… Merely eight seconds the trace that shines rose dramatically 80. 仅仅八秒的时间,那亮起来的纹路就飙升到了八十道。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Huo Shi is startled. 霍石惊到。 Do eight seconds, activate 80? How Beginner Grade does Manufacturist possibly achieve?! What kind of luck wants and what kind of speed, can such quick Ah? 八秒,激活八十道?初级制作师怎么可能做到?!到底要怎样的运气和怎样的速度,才能这么快啊? Luck, certainly is the luck!” “运气,一定是运气!” Huo Shi comforts itself. 霍石安慰自己。 However. 然而。 Next second, in his heart one cool. 下一秒,他心中一凉。 Above the disc, the brilliance of that sparkle is continuing as before. 圆盘之上,那闪耀的光辉依旧在继续。 90! 九十道! 100! 一百道! Chen Feng no suspense surpassed him. 陈锋毫无悬念的超过了他。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Huo Shi was shocked: He only meets Gene Formula...... he is the pure rookie of 1-Star manufacture level, possibly so to be how strong!” 霍石惊呆了:“他只会一个基因配方啊……他是个只有一星制作水准的纯粹新人啊,怎么可能这么强!” Far more than is he, everyone was daunted, because the red light of that sparkle is still continuing. 何止是他,所有人都被吓住了,因为那闪耀的红光还在继续。 200! 二百道! 300! 三百道! On that ancient disc, all traces at an inconceivable speed, shine gradually, finally when one minute/share 55 seconds activate thoroughly. 那古老的圆盘上,所有的纹路以一种不可思议的速度,渐渐亮起,最终在一分五十五秒的时候彻底激活。 wēng — 嗡— The red light sparkle, the radiant brilliance blooms from the disc. 红光闪耀,璀璨的光辉从圆盘上绽放。 kā chā!” 咔嚓!” That close disc is suddenly big. 那封闭的圆盘忽然大开。 Opened! 开了! Unexpectedly opened! 居然开了! Everyone is shocked, restriction of this disc, was opened by Chen Feng unexpectedly! 所有人震惊,这圆盘的禁制,居然被陈锋打开了! I depend.” “我靠。” Huo Shi was shocked, the mouth opens can force in the egg, what evildoer/monstrous talent paralysis this is, does the 1-Star manufacture level, have this going against heaven's will strength? 霍石惊呆了,嘴巴张的能塞进去鸡蛋,麻痹这是什么妖孽啊,才一星制作水准,就拥有这种逆天的实力? Also made one live! 还让不让人活了! Okay good!” “好好好!” I have not really misread!” “我果然没看错!” Xu Fei is wild with joy, he has not thought, in Beginner Grade Manufacturist, some people can untie this restriction unexpectedly! Only has the 1-Star level as for Chen Feng...... 徐飞狂喜,就连他都没想到,初级制作师中,居然有人能解开这个禁制!至于陈锋只有一星水准…… Who cares? 谁在乎? They do not need the Chen Feng fight. 他们又不需要陈锋战斗。
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