SG :: Volume #1

#22: Rebirth first why so base and low

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Thunder Snake Gene Formula 雷蛇基因配方 Degree of Difficulty: 4-Star 难易度:四星 Type: Special 类型:特殊 Function: After Spiritual Energy detonation, causes the huge damage. 作用:精神力引爆后,造成巨大伤害。 Introduced: Through the Thunder Snake blood essence refinement, needs various materials to stimulate mysterious strength in Thunder Snake gene, but production one special gene reagent. 介绍:通过雷蛇精血提炼而成,需要各种材料激发出雷蛇基因中的神秘力量,而生成的一种特殊基因试剂 In light screen. 光幕中。 Thunder Snake gene reagent appearance in void in light shadow form unceasing presents, little snake that can in clear seeing reagent, bluish white thunderstreak compose walks randomly unceasingly, blooms to make person palpitation strength. This is not Gene Fusion Reagent, but is the special Type disposable consumables. 雷蛇基因试剂的模样在虚空中以光影形式不断的呈现,可以清晰的看到试剂内,一条青白色雷电组成的小蛇不断游走,绽放出令人心悸的力量。这不是基因融合试剂,而是特殊类型的一次性消耗品。 The might is astonishing! The manufacture difficulty is astonishing! 威力惊人!制作难度更是惊人! No wonder that the staff are surprised, she can notice that every day many people come to here to conduct the gene authentication, but chooses in this 4-Star also to belong to very difficult Gene Formula, that is unique. Chooses appropriate fight Formula(s), can save over a million funds. 无怪乎工作人员惊讶,她每天能看到好些人来这里进行基因认证,但是选择这种四星中也属于高难度的基因配方,那是绝无仅有。要知道,选择一个合适的战斗配方,能够节省上百万资金。 But this Formula(s)? 而这个配方 Very possibly cannot learn! 很可能根本就学不会! no matter makes money from the sprint Beginner Grade manufacture technique, this special Type four Star Rating Formula(s) are not the good choices. Because from is born to start at first, this very difficult Formula(s), exists for some specific demand, at all not suitable normal learn/study. 而且不管是从冲刺初级制作术还是赚钱来看,这种特殊类型的四星级配方都不是好的选择。因为从最初诞生开始,这种高难度配方,就是为了某种特定需求存在的,根本不适合正常学习。 „The Thunder Snake gene difficulty is very high.” 雷蛇基因难度很高。” The staff repeatedly confirmed, „the Formula(s) data is unable to trade, only then you can learn/study, you determined that can choose this Formula(s)?” 工作人员再次确认,“配方数据是无法交易的,只有您自己能学习,您确定要选择这个配方吗?” Determination.” “确定。” Chen Feng without hesitation. 陈锋毫不犹豫。 Good.” “好的。” Staff slightly to nod. 工作人员微微点头 Although she does not approve, but she does not have the qualifications to question the Manufacturist right. 尽管她不赞同,但是她没资格质疑制作师的权利。 shuā! 刷! Innumerable light shadow circulations. 无数光影流转。 In the Chen Feng's light screen the innumerable data flash through, the huge data that Thunder Snake gene carries is shifting to his wrist belt/bring in unceasingly, this is the Formula(s) data of this time, from the material graph to the response order, the ordinary goods is unable to withstand this huge information content. 陈锋的光幕中无数数据闪过,雷蛇基因所携带的庞大数据正在不断的转移到他的腕带之内,这就是这个时代的配方数据,从材料图形到反应顺序,普通物品根本无法承受这种巨大的信息量。 Quick. 很快。 Data transfer. 数据传输完毕。 4-Star Thunder Snake Gene Formula, succeeds in obtaining! 四星雷蛇基因配方,到手! Handled.” “搞定了。” Chen Feng cannot bear excitedly. 陈锋忍不住激动。 This is 4-Star Formula(s), although without obtaining 5-Star Formula(s) is a little regrettable, if each Formula(s) is this degree of words, so long as he five Formula(s) can achieve 20 Star Rating, what the trivial Super Rookie Competition registration qualifications are? 这可是四星配方啊,虽然没有得到五星配方有点遗憾,如果如果每个配方都是这种程度的话,他只要五个配方就能达到二十个星级,区区新秀赛报名资格算什么? Naturally. 当然。 This matter he also thinks. 这种事情他也就想想。 According to his understanding, 4-Star and 5-Star Formula(s) belongs extremely preciously, even F Grade gene Formula(s), is not the average person can obtain. 根据他的了解,四星五星配方都属于极其珍贵的,就算是F级基因配方,也不是一般人能得到的。 „Did Oh, right, become Middle Grade Manufacturist also to reward Formula(s)?” ,对了,成为中级制作师也奖励配方吗?” Chen Feng asked suddenly. 陈锋忽然问道。 Cannot.” “不会的。” The staff said in a soft voice: „Becoming Middle Grade Manufacturist to reward some precious materials.” 工作人员轻声道:“成为中级制作师会奖励一些珍贵的材料。” Oh.” 。” Chen Feng regretted. 陈锋遗憾。 Really. 果然。 Do oneself want? 自己想多了吗? E Grade Gene Formula is more precious, if High Star Grade Formula(s) is the sky-high price, even the gene association will not give ordinary Manufacturist opening. E级基因配方更加珍贵,如果是高星级配方更是天价,就算是基因协会也不会给普通制作师开放。 However, even if time was these was also enough. 不过,哪怕是这一次也足够了。 Chen Feng is excited. 陈锋激动。 5-Star special gene does reagent, what kind of might have? 五星特殊基因试剂,到底有怎样的威力? He is somewhat impatient. 他有些迫不及待。 Chen Feng goes out, is about to leave here, a middle-aged person of wear gene association uniform/subdue walked, wear a look of putting out a hand of happy expression: Is Gene Manufacturist Chen Feng?” 陈锋出门,正准备离开这里,一个穿着基因协会制服的中年人走了过来,面带笑意的伸出手:“请问是基因制作师陈锋吗?” Un.” “嗯。” Chen Feng should say. 陈锋应道。 I and others you were very long.” “我等你很久了。” The middle-aged people laugh: Hello, I am patented claim Zhang Wei of gene association, this being unsolicited, matter about Wood Bear third Mutated Gene.” 中年人大笑:“你好,我是基因协会的专利申请员张伟,这次不请自来,是关于木熊第三变异基因的事情。” The Chen Feng mind is imposing immediately, status exposition? 陈锋心神顿时凛然,身份暴露了? You could rest assured that at present only then I know.” “您放心,目前只有我知道。” Zhang Wei smiles, why as for can discover your status? Actually is very simple, ordinary everyone depends on the eye discernment status, but our Manufacturist, depended what is Spiritual Energy! In the eye of Manufacturist, Spiritual Energy of everyone is different, can easily distinguish the status.” 张伟笑笑,“至于为什么能发现你的身份?其实很简单,普通人人靠眼睛辨别身份,而我们制作师,靠的的是精神力!在制作师的眼中,每个人的精神力都有所不同,可以轻易的分辨出身份。” Professor Tao Wood Bear third Mutated Reagent that to reduce the punishment, will purchase delivered to Gene Manufacture Association, but Spiritual Energy of three bottles of Wood Bear gene that you manufactured a moment ago on with third Mutated Gene are extremely similar, therefore......” 陶教授为了降低处罚,将购买的木熊第三变异试剂送到了基因制作协会,而你刚才制作的三瓶木熊基因第三变异基因上的精神力极其相似,所以……” Zhang Wei answered. 张伟解释道。 So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Chen Feng suddenly. 陈锋恍然。 This being unsolicited, for Professor Tao that matter.” “这次不请自来,也是为了陶教授那件事。” Zhang Wei said with a smile: The reaction that this matter causes is very big, therefore we hope as soon as possible Wood Bear third Mutated Gene on record, as the reward, we will reward you 100,000 Yuan bonus. Naturally, the Formula(s) ownership in your hands, we merely are only the records.” 张伟笑道:“这件事引起的反响很大,所以我们希望尽快将木熊第三变异基因记录在案,作为奖励,我们会奖励你10万元的奖金。当然,配方的所属权还是在你手中,我们仅仅只是记录。” Bonus? 奖金么? Chen Feng exclaimed in surprise, merely is only the record words, these money quite therefore give in vain, Gene Manufacture Association is really filthy rich! However, once Formula(s) authentication, his status...... 陈锋惊叹,仅仅只是记录的话,这些钱就相当于是白送的,基因制作协会果然财大气粗!不过,一旦配方认证,他的身份…… Chen Feng somewhat hesitates. 陈锋有些犹豫。 If you worry the status, is not necessary.” “如果你顾虑身份的话,大可不必。” Zhang Wei as if knows that he is thinking anything: To be honest, Manufacturist more has the fame more unable the concealment status. If wants to become true Manufacturist, does not need to hide own identity! Sometimes, the benefit that the fame provides, may be much more than trouble that it brings.” 张伟似乎知道他在想什么:“说实话,制作师越有名气越无法隐匿身份。如果想成为一个真正的制作师,根本无需隐藏自己的身份!有些时候,名气带来的好处,可远远大于它所带来的麻烦。” You were say......” “你是说……” Chen Feng understood suddenly. 陈锋忽然明白了。 Own rebirth first is so why base and low? 自己重生一世何必如此卑微? Hidden status really useful? 隐藏身份真的有用吗? Useless! 没用! His Low-Profile, wasn't Professor Tao that side person also looks? Wasn't Wang Yue also looks? This special time, some abilities are virtually impossible to guard against, avoidance and concealment constantly are useless. 他那么低调,陶教授那边的人还不是找来了?王越还不是找来了?这个特殊的时代,有些能力根本防不胜防,一味的躲避和隐匿根本无用。 Wants the security? 想要安全? Sometimes the fame is the biggest guarantee! 有时候名气才是最大的保证! Wasn't Original Host killed initially casually? But if, he has certain fame, has certain status, who dares to act unreasonably? 原主人当初不就被随随便便弄死了?可是,如果他本身拥有一定的名气,有一定的身份,谁敢乱来? At least, before he acts, they will think over oneself status! 至少,在对他出手之前,他们会掂量掂量自己的身份! Concealment? 隐匿? Avoidance? 躲避? Completely useless! 完全没用! Let them not dare to oneself to act, this is a kingly way! 让他们不敢对自己出手,这才是王道! Chen Feng thought through. 陈锋想通了。 „, Did we chat the name of Formula(s)?” “那么,我们来谈谈配方的命名?” Zhang Wei shows the smile. 张伟露出笑容。 Good.” “好。” Chen Feng agreed. 陈锋同意。 Finally, Wood Bear gene third Mutated Gene, was named as Wood Bear gene - Battle by Chen Feng, representative it is this works in gene special fight Type gene, naturally can do as for that pit father's probabilities and others? It is not Chen Feng must care. 最终,木熊基因第三变异基因,被陈锋命名为木熊基因-战,代表它是这打工基因中特殊的战斗类型基因,当然至于那坑爹的几率和其他人到底能不能做出来?就不是陈锋要关心的了。 But at this time, in the personal information, the Chen Feng's material changes Chen Feng again, Beginner Grade Manufacturist, wears «Wood Bear gene - Battle». The information that is in sole possession, making him emerge from the ordinary Beginner Grade Manufacturist type, if later wants to report the research results is also easier. 而此时,个人信息中,陈锋的资料再次变更陈锋,初级制作师,著有《木熊基因-战》。那独有的信息,让他从普通初级制作师种脱颖而出,以后如果想申报研究成果也会更加容易。 Fame?” “名气么?” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 This is a double-edged sword, how to grasp, all looks at itself, so long as operate the appropriate, obvious advantage outweighs the shortcoming. 这是一把双刃剑,如何把握,全看自己,只要自己运营得当,明显利大于弊。 You choose 4-Star Formula(s) for Gene Super Rookie Competition Ah? “你选择四星配方是为了基因新秀赛啊? Zhang Wei said with a smile suddenly. 张伟忽然笑道。 So is obvious?” “就这么明显吗?” Chen Feng speechless. 陈锋哑然。 Naturally cannot.” “当然不会。” Zhang Wei shakes the head: „If the average person, I do not think, but you just crossed the threshold on the foundation new gene talent, I believe your potential.” 张伟摇摇头:“如果是普通人的话,我根本不会这么想,但是你可是刚入门就开创新基因的天才,我相信你的潜力。” Perhaps is luck oh? “也许是运气哦? Chen Feng faint smile. 陈锋似笑非笑。 Luck is also part of strength.” “运气也是实力的一部分。” Zhang Wei natural saying: „Is this year background part of strength, why the luck is not?” 张伟理所当然的说道:“这年头背景都是实力的一部分,运气为何不是?” Chen Feng speechless, yeah? 陈锋哑然,可不是么? You, if really lacks Formula(s)......” “你如果真的缺少配方的话……” Zhang Wei hesitation moment: You can have a look at the request of Gene Manufacture Association, some must request the quite high request, will issue here.” 张伟沉吟片刻:“你可以看看基因制作协会的委托,有一些需要求比较高的委托,都会发布到这边来。” oh? 哦? Chen Feng at present one bright. 陈锋眼前一亮。 Said goodbye to Zhang Wei, Chen Feng opens the Gene Manufacture Association request panel in the hall. 告别了张伟,陈锋在大厅中翻开基因制作协会的委托面板。 shuā! 刷! A series of requests renovate. 一连串的委托刷新。 Overwhelming majorities are gene have custom-made, prepare the material, requested that Gene Manufacturist manufactures some gene, how much money Yunyun, have wait/etc that the request must succeed, all kinds of requests, Chen Feng screens 5-Star Formula(s) the reward directly, presently the request only has one instantaneously. 绝大多数都是基因定制,准备好材料,请求基因制作师制作某种基因,一次多少钱云云、还有要求必须成功的等等,各式各样的委托,陈锋直接把奖励筛选成五星配方,当前委托瞬间只剩下一个。 This is......” “这是……” Chen Feng at present immediately one bright. 陈锋眼前顿时一亮。 PS: The tumbling asked the recommendation ticket everywhere! Sought the collection! PS:满地翻滚求推荐票!求收藏!
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