SG :: Volume #1

#21: gene storehouse

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Shows mercy.” “手下留情啊。” The shop owner tears rush: Big Bro, our pamphlet business, from coming in I sees you to have extraordinary skill, but you do, all machines must be broken! How you look at this, gene reagent that you obtain my prepares to you, how do you call a halt?” 店主泪奔:“大哥,我们小本生意啊,从进来我就看出您身手不凡,可是您这么搞下去,所有机器都要坏了啊!您看这样如何,您得到的基因试剂我这就给您准备,您老人家停手如何?” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” Done followed what misdemeanor to be the same him. 搞的跟他干了什么坏事一样。 Really.” “真的。” You play again, we can only go out of business.” “您再玩下去,我们只能倒闭了。” Shop owner entreaty. 店主哀求。 Chen Feng shows the whites of the eyes, he is only tests Luck Aura nothing more. 陈锋翻个白眼,他只是来测试一下幸运光环而已 Relax, I will not act unreasonably.” “放心,我不会乱来的。” Chen Feng does not know whether to laugh or cry, guarantees, the shop owner then lets go. 陈锋哭笑不得,保证一番,店主这才松手。 Chen Feng this time has not used Luck Aura, made at will several times, really turns into the ordinary random design emergence, the shop owner holds one bottle of Wood Bear gene to visit him eagerly. 陈锋这次没有使用幸运光环,随意弄了几次,果然变成普通的随机图案出现,店主则是捧着一瓶木熊基因眼巴巴看着他。 Chen Feng is helpless, can only leave. 陈锋无奈,只能离开。 This is the entertainment district, originally is the entertainment is supreme, many people also to play, the pamphlet business, Chen Feng do not need to destroy others business. 这是娱乐区,本来就是娱乐至上,很多人也只是为了玩玩,小本生意,陈锋没必要破坏人家的生意。 Let alone, he most wants obtains. 更何况,他最想要的已经得到了。 Returns to the reality. 回到现实。 In the rented room, Chen Feng conducted the final statistics. 出租屋内,陈锋做了最后统计。 Luck Aura, is easiest to the change of pure probability, regardless of the probability is much small, if on suspicion of unexpected the appearance, will decide however will consume Luck Value significantly! 幸运光环,对纯几率的改变最容易,无论几率多小,但是一旦涉嫌‘意外’的出现,定然会大幅度消耗幸运值 Regarding Luck Aura, this matter instead is rarest. 对于幸运光环来说而言,这种事情反而是最难得。 For example 比如 Let slot machine unexpected shattering. 让老虎机‘意外’的坏掉。 Lottery ticket words......” “彩票的话……” Chen Feng has a look at 12 Luck Value that within the body only remains, selected an immediate lottery lottery ticket website, then opened Luck Aura to choose the purchase. 陈锋看看体内仅剩的12点幸运值,点开了一个即时开奖的彩票网站,然后开启幸运光环选择了购买。 Then, lottery ticket lottery. 然后,彩票开奖。 shuā! 刷! Luck Value of Chen Feng within the body bottoms instantaneously. 陈锋体内的幸运值瞬间见底。 12 Luck Value, consume up. 12点幸运值,耗光。 Congratulated in you first prize.” “恭喜您中了一等奖。” The light screen springs the dialog box. 光幕弹出对话框。 Chen Feng contrasts own lottery ticket, somewhat helpless shaking the head. 陈锋对比一下自己的彩票,有些无奈的摇摇头。 First prize, 50,000 Yuan. 一等奖,5万元。 Special award, 500,000 Yuan! 特等奖,50万元! A moment ago Chen Feng in the heart thought that but special award, finally what however appears is the first prize, can only explain a matter, this lottery ticket system has not established the special award! But wants with manufacture unexpected the way lets in Chen Feng the special award, 12 Luck Value by far insufficient! 陈锋刚才心中想的可是特等奖,然而最终出现的是一等奖,只能说明一件事,这个彩票系统根本就没有设置特等奖!而想要用制作‘意外’的方式让陈锋中特等奖,12点幸运值又远远不够! Therefore 所以 He only first prize. 他只中了一等奖。 Owed.” “还是亏了。” Chen Feng lets go, this type of thing is really far-fetched. 陈锋摊手,这种东西果然不靠谱。 12 Luck Value, if manufactures mutate(d) Wood Bear gene, he can manufacture six! Even if according to the bottom price acts, can still sell for 120,000 Yuan! 12点幸运值,如果制作变异木熊基因,他能制作出六个!就算按照最低价格出手,也能卖12万元! Deducts the cost, 90,000 Yuan, calculate carefully, he also lost money unexpectedly. 扣除成本,也足足有9万元,仔细算算,他居然还亏本了。 This draws a prize-winning ticket......” “这中奖中的……” Chen Feng only has the forced smile. 陈锋唯有苦笑。 It seems like the space fell the pie the matter is unlikely, although decided some lottery ticket activities very much real, but Chen Feng roughly swept one, presently current lottery ticket activity enough 4,000-5,000! Can't he attempt? This pit, cannot enter absolutely. 看来天上掉馅饼的事情是不大可能了,虽然很定有一些彩票活动是真的,但是陈锋大致扫了一眼,当前正在进行的彩票活动就足足4,000-5,000个!他总不能一个个去尝试吧?这个坑,绝对不能入。 Small gambling asks for money, big gambling awfully.” “小赌要钱,大赌要命。” Chen Feng sobbed. 陈锋唏嘘不已。 Continues to inquire the news about Formula(s), online cannot find out any useful thing. 继续查询关于配方的消息,网上查不出什么有用的东西。 Only can buy?” “只能买?” Chen Feng is somewhat disappointed, he decides to ask Mu Yuan, this fellow is earlier than to become Manufacturist him, should know that has what way to obtain Formula(s). 陈锋有些失望,他决定问问牧原,这家伙比他早成为制作师,应该知道有什么方式能获得配方 Chen Feng relates Mu Yuan, said an own demand simply. 陈锋联系牧原,简单说了一下自己的需求。 That side Mu Yuan has not spoken for a very long time. 牧原那边久久没有吭声。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Chen Feng is strange. 陈锋奇怪。 You said, you only do meet Wood Bear gene now?” “你是说,你现在只会一个木熊基因?” Expression that a Mu Yuan face collapses, inconceivable looks at Chen Feng: „Hasn't Formula(s) that therefore , the Beginner Grade Manufacturist authentication time bestows led?” 牧原一脸崩溃的表情,不可思议的看着陈锋:“所以说,就连初级制作师认证时候赠送的配方也没领?” Chen Feng stopped under: „Is the Beginner Grade Manufacturist authentication, what?” 陈锋停顿了下:“初级制作师认证,是什么?” Mu Yuan: „......” 牧原:“……” Enough five seconds static. 足足五秒的时间静止。 Mu Yuan looks at the waiting explanation Chen Feng, can only accept this fact this to make strong Mutated Reagent, steps on fellow under foot Professor Tao, unexpectedly does not have Manufacturist to authenticate! This what age, this did fellow study ancient same remote mountains and ancient forests to rub Fireball unexpectedly? 牧原看着等待解释的陈锋,只能接受这个事实这个做出超强变异试剂,将陶教授踩在脚底下的家伙,居然没有制作师认证!这都什么年代了,这家伙居然学古人一样深山老林搓火球 Your last meeting time to me said that you are Beginner Grade Manufacturist?” “那你上次见面的时候给我说你是初级制作师?” Mu Yuan ill-humored saying. 牧原没好气的说道。 In digitization panel demonstrated.” “数据化面板中都显示出来了。” Chen Feng has a look at Beginner Grade Gene Manufacture technique in the data panel, is very calm. 陈锋看看自己数据面板中的初级基因制作术,很是淡定。 That is only the appraisal.” “那只是评估。” Mu Yuan forced smile, good, I gave you to say earnestly.” 牧原苦笑,“好吧,我给你认真说一下。” „The data of digitization panel, but gives yourself to appraise to use, can only be used to refer, is equivalent to the single plane, the single plane cannot understand? Some people even can cheat! Revises own digitization panel. Naturally , can only entertain, no true function!” “数据化面板的数据,只是给你自己评估用的,只能用来参考,相当于单机,单机懂不懂?有些人甚至可以作弊!修改自己的数据化面板。当然,也只能自娱自乐,没什么真正的作用!” Wants to become true Gene Manufacturist, needs to go to Gene Manufacture Association to conduct the inspection authentication. To encourage everyone authenticates, Gene Manufacture Association also provided many benefits, will authenticate each time successfully will have the rich reward, but the reward of Beginner Grade Manufacturist, will be the Formula(s) storehouse chooses Formula(s) at will.” “想要成为真正的基因制作师,是需要去基因制作协会进行考核认证的。而为了鼓励大家都去认证,基因制作协会也提供了很多福利,每次认证成功都会有丰厚的奖励,而初级制作师的奖励,就是配方库随意选择一个配方。” After all, Gene Manufacture Association hopes saw the Gene Manufacture technique develops as soon as possible.” “毕竟,基因制作协会还是希望看到基因制作术尽快发展的。” The Mu Yuan one breath said. 牧原一口气说完。 Chooses Formula(s) willfully?” “任意选择配方?” Chen Feng greatly is at present bright. 陈锋眼前大亮。 „......” “……” Mu Yuan sighed, this emphasis was not obviously right Big Bro! 牧原叹气,这关注点明显不对啊大哥 He knows that Chen Feng is thinking anything, urged: Although can choose willfully, but did not suggest to choose High Star Grade Formula(s), you conduct the Beginner Grade Manufacturist authentication now, can only choose F Grade Gene Formula, F Grade High Star Grade except for was difficult to manufacture has no function completely, therefore everyone will choose to be easy to promote Formula(s) of easy to learn meeting generally, enhanced the strength as soon as possible.” 他知道陈锋在想什么,劝道:“虽然可以任意选择,但是不建议选择高星级配方,你现在进行初级制作师认证,只能选择F级基因配方,F级高星级除了难制作完全没什么作用,所以大家一般都会选择容易提升好学会的配方,尽快提升自己实力。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Chen Feng is suddenly enlighted: Said, I can choose 5-Star Formula(s)?” 陈锋恍然大悟:“这么说,我可以选择五星配方了?” Mu Yuan has tears streaming down the face. 牧原泪流满面。 Gathered him to say half-day Chen Feng simply has not perceived! 合着他说了半天陈锋根本没听进去啊! Big Bro, I know that you are the talent.” 大哥,我知道你是天才。” But, we waited till Middle Grade Manufacturist or High Grade Manufacturist time, chooses very difficult Formula(s) again is not better? The initial period chooses the simple good sprint, Formula(s) this type of thing, be only after grasping, can raise own manufacture level!” “不过,咱们等到了中级制作师或者高级制作师的时候,再选择高难度的配方不是更好?初期还是选择简单一些的好冲刺啊,配方这种东西,只有掌握了之后,才能够提升自己的制作水准啊!” Mu Yuan does best to convince. 牧原苦口婆心。 Un un, knows.” “嗯嗯,知道啦。” Chen Feng extremely thanked, I first inspected, have the matter to contact with me momentarily.” 陈锋万分感谢,“我先去考核,有事随时联系我。” Mu Yuan: „......” 牧原:“……” What High Star Grade Formula(s) this fellow really do not choose? 家伙不会真要选择什么高星级配方吧? Should...... 应该…… Can't? 不会吧? Mu Yuan is indefinite. 牧原也不确定。 Chen Feng is a talent that he quite favors, couple of days ago two people united resentment Professor Tao also quite have the fate, he does not want to look that Chen Feng chose very difficult Formula(s) to waste the time , many F Grade 4-Star 5-Star Formula(s) difficulty, Middle Grade Manufacturist does not dare easily to step in even! 陈锋可是他相当看好的一个天才,前两天两人联合怼陶教授也算是颇有缘分,他可不想看着陈锋选个高难度配方浪费时间,要知道,很多F级四星五星配方的难度,就算是中级制作师也不敢轻易涉足! Hopes that do not act unreasonably.” “希望你不要乱来啊。” Mu Yuan muttered. 牧原喃喃自语。 But at this time. 而此时。 Chen Feng full of enthusiasm went to Gene Manufacture Association. 陈锋已经兴致勃勃的去了基因制作协会 The suggestion of Mu Yuan he understands, but oneself situation he knows, now he only then chooses very difficult Formula(s), may catch up with the registration of Gene Super Rookie Competition. 牧原的建议他明白,但是自家情况他知道,现在他只有选择高难度的配方,才有可能赶上基因新秀赛的报名。 At this time, does not spell is not good! 这个时候,不拼不行了! Gene Manufacture Association. 基因制作协会 A building of hundred story-high, stands erect in the Gold City town center, surroundings all communities and entertainment facilities, for here person service. But this, merely is only the Gold City branch, the Gene Manufacture Association position, can be inferred. 一座百层高的大厦,矗立在金城的市中心,周围所有的社区和娱乐设施,都是为了这里的人服务的。而这,仅仅只是金城分会,基因制作协会的地位,可见一斑。 Hello, I conduct the Beginner Grade Manufacturist authentication.” “您好,我来进行初级制作师认证。” Chen Feng to hall onstage. 陈锋到了大厅前台。 Good, please wait a bit.” “好的,请稍等。” Attractive staff helped Chen Feng conduct the authentication, the registration and inspection foundation flow, then received a room Chen Feng. 一个漂亮的工作人员帮陈锋进行了身份认证,报名和考核的基础流程,然后将陈锋领到了一个房间。 You first complete the written examination here, then manufactured three F Grade gene reagent to be OK continuously.” “您先在这里完成笔试,然后连续制作三个F级基因试剂就可以了。” Staff sweet smiling, has the need to call us momentarily.” 工作人员甜甜的笑笑,“有需要随时呼叫我们。” Thanks.” “谢谢。” Chen Feng slightly to nod. 陈锋微微点头 Worthily is Gene Manufacture Association, here service quality imagines him is higher. Because looks down upon you young? Because puts on broken looks down upon you? 不愧是基因制作协会,这里的服务素质比他想象中还要高。因为年纪小看不起你?因为穿得破看不起你? How possibly? 怎么可能? A higher-end place, requests to be higher to the quality of service person. 越高端的地方,对服务员的素质要求越高。 Enters the room. 走进房间。 Does not have the examination official, on the table, only then float light screen, with several cameras, it seems like here is the automation completes. 没有考官,桌子上只有一个悬浮的光幕,和几个摄像头,看来这里的一切都是自动化完成的。 Chen Feng starts to answer. 陈锋开始答题。 The test question of rationale is not difficult, so long as can recognize some materials on the line. As for the later practice, Chen Feng chose the three portions Wood Bear gene material to make the staff take, the relaxed manufacture was completed, the Beginner Grade gene inspection, successfully passed like this, no mighty waves. 理论基础的试题并不难,只要能认出一些材料就行。至于之后的实践,陈锋选择了三份木熊基因材料让工作人员拿进来,轻松的制作完成,初级基因考核,就这样顺利通过,没有一丝波澜。 Congratulates you, Mr. Chen Feng.” “恭喜您,陈锋先生。” The staff sweet smile, you have become Beginner Grade Manufacturist, the personal data data has renewed, now you can choose Gene Formula free.” 工作人员甜甜一笑,“您已经成为初级制作师,个人资料数据已经更新,现在您可以免费选择一个基因配方。” Good.” “好。” The Chen Feng mind moves slightly, finally waited till this. 陈锋心神微动,终于等到这一步了。 shuā! 刷! Light screen twinkle. 光幕闪烁。 Innumerable Gene Formula are flashing through at present. 无数基因配方在眼前闪过。 Chen Feng excited is hard self-made, even if can only choose F Grade Gene Formula, here also at least have several a hundred thousand choice, innumerable. 陈锋激动的难以自制,哪怕是只能选择F级基因配方,这里也至少有数十万种选择,数不胜数。 Chen Feng thinks, chose 5-Star Rating Degree of Difficulty. 陈锋想了一下,选择了五星级难易度 shuā! 刷! Formula(s) only 12 that leaves behind, but in most Formula(s), has a bright red warning typeface material defect. These Formula(s) are ancient, some materials have vanished, this time wanted to collect these materials to be difficult, but had individually also has the material...... 留下的配方仅有十二个,但是大部分配方中,都有一个鲜红的警告字体材料缺失。这些配方过于古老,部分材料已经消失,这个时代想要凑齐这些材料已经非常困难了,而有个别还有材料的…… Chen Feng looked, these materials at all are not he can contact. 陈锋看了一下,那些材料根本不是他可以接触的。 These Formula(s), should for special Formula(s) that certain functions manufacture specially, because the might is quite low, therefore reduced F Grade, however restrictive was big. Chen Feng flips carefully, almost all 5-Star Formula(s), are unusable! 这些配方,应该都是为了某些功能专门制作出来的特殊配方,只是因为威力比较低,所以降低到了F级,但是本身的限制性非常大。陈锋仔细翻了翻,几乎所有的五星配方,都不能用! It seems like can only elect from 4-Star. 看来只能从四星中选了。 Chen Feng shakes the head, screens again. 陈锋摇摇头,再次筛选。 With the 5-Star Formula(s) comparison, 4-Star Formula(s) were many, Chen Feng very easily chose manufacture material quite easy collection Formula(s). 五星配方比较,四星配方就很多了,陈锋很轻易的就从中选了了一个制作材料比较容易收集的配方 This.” “就这个吧。” Chen Feng determined. 陈锋确定。 Good.” “好的。” The staff sweet smile, look to Chen Feng choice Formula(s), immediately small mouth slightly, on the face flashes through the color of shock, unexpectedly is this Formula(s)! 工作人员甜甜一笑,看向陈锋选择的配方,顿时小嘴微张,脸上闪过震惊之色,居然是这个配方
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