SG :: Volume #1

#20: Luck Value test

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Gold City. 金城 In the rented room, Chen Feng is very tranquil. 出租屋中,陈锋很是平静。 As all things expose, this matter is also comes to the end, after the transaction record is he and Pavilion of Wind communicates the result, the price is second gene reagent that 50,000 Yuan handling charge, the forum sailors is Mu Yuan asks the person to do, employs two methods to achieve one goal, made Professor Tao present the original form. 随着所有事情曝光,这件事也算是告一段落,交易记录是他和风之阁沟通后的结果,代价就是第二基因试剂那5万元手续费,论坛水军是牧原请人做的,双管齐下,才让陶教授现了原形。 Gained one, but also calculates that does not owe.” “赚了一笔,还算不亏。” Chen Feng looks at the balance of account. 陈锋看着账户余额。 Even deducts 100,000 handling charges, these days the scattered sell, several sky-high price Mutated Gene, he accumulates the entire 500,000 Yuan again in addition now! 就算扣除10万手续费,这些日子零零散散的出售,再加上几个天价变异基因,他现在攒了整整50万元! merely...... 只是… To him, is by far insufficient! 对他而言,还是远远不够! This money is insufficient.” “这点钱根本不够。” Some Chen Feng headaches. 陈锋有些头疼。 Three months seems like very long, but is very in fact short, normally, Gene Manufacturist can raise two Star Rating manufacture levels to be very great! The Chen Feng present promotion speed far exceeds them, actually card Formula(s) here. 三个月的时间看似很长,但是实际上很短,正常情况下,一个基因制作师能够提升两个星级的制作水准已经很了不起了!陈锋现在的提升速度远超他们,却卡在了配方这里。 „To select other means.” “得想点其他办法。” Chen Feng looks that the present light screen is in a daze. 陈锋看着眼前的光幕发呆。 Request of Genetic Union? 基因工会的委托? Chen Feng had looked, entrusted the task difficulty at all is not his rookies can complete . Moreover the income was lower than Gene Manufacture! 陈锋曾经看过,委托任务难度根本不是他这种菜鸟可以完成的,而且收益比基因制作还低! How Chen Feng online inquired obtains Gene Formula fast, in the network also gave many easy-to-use means that robbed and sells into servitude, gambling wait/etc, making Chen Feng not smile bitterly, because as if he strolled these sites, various types of all kinds of advertisements also sprang on the light screen unceasingly. 陈锋在网上查询如何快速获得基因配方,网络上也给了很多好用的办法,抢劫、卖身、赌博等等,让陈锋苦笑不得,似乎因为他逛了这些站点,各种五花八门的广告也在光幕上不断弹出。 Chen Feng is preparing to close suddenly the god, is staring an advertisement looked for a long time. 陈锋正准备关闭忽然愣神,盯着其中一个广告看了好久。 With advertisement title page in that big Elder Sister that puts on the exposition has no relations, the key point of Chen Feng attention, is the content of advertisement, that seems like a slot machine kind of gambling information. 跟广告封面上那位穿着暴露的大姐姐没有任何关系,陈锋关注的重点,是广告的内容,那似乎是老虎机一类的赌博信息。 Slot machine......” “老虎机……” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 In the advertisement that place he naturally cannot go, but merely is only the words of slot machine, does the Virtual Community entertainment district as if have this type of thing? 广告上那种地方他自然不会去,但是仅仅只是老虎机的话,虚拟社区的娱乐区似乎就有这种东西? Slot machine! 老虎机! Lottery ticket! 彩票! By Luck Aura Black Science and Technology, if plays this, could the prize investment? 幸运光环黑科技,如果玩这个的话,或许能一本万利? Chen Feng heart movement. 陈锋心动了。 Turns on the virtual device, Chen Feng steps into Virtual Community, arrives at the entertainment district directly. 打开虚拟设备,陈锋踏入虚拟社区,直接走到娱乐区。 In the most corner of virtual paradise. 在虚拟乐园的最角落。 There 那里 Is putting a he very familiar thing, the slot machine, although has come and gone out with the slot machine of his world, but roughly similar. 放着一台他很熟悉的东西,老虎机,尽管跟他那个世界的老虎机有所出入,但是大体还是相似的。 Three bananas, reward Gene Fusion Reagent. 三个香蕉,奖励一个基因融合试剂 Three apples, reward gene to increase reagent. 三个苹果,奖励一个基因增益试剂 Three pineapples, reward gene reagent Formula(s). 三个菠萝,奖励一个基因试剂配方 ...... …… Altogether ten rewards, besides Gene Formula, other prizes are not expensive, this after all is the pamphlet business, everyone attained some small presents is very happy. Moreover this virtual entertainment district forbids the superpower, therefore the shop owner does not need to worry that they cheat. 一共十层奖励,除了基因配方之外,其他的奖品都不算昂贵,这毕竟是小本生意,大家拿到一些小礼品就很开心了。而且这虚拟娱乐区禁止超能力,所以店主根本不用担心他们作弊。 I try.” “我来试试。” Chen Feng rotation slot machine. 陈锋转动老虎机。 Luck Aura opens! 幸运光环开! huā! 哗! Three pineapples! Three pineapples! Three pineapples!” “三个菠萝!三个菠萝!三个菠萝!” In the Chen Feng heart meditates. 陈锋心中默念。 If Luck Aura is really similar to such that he guessed, this time appeared certainly was three pineapples! Quick, the slot machine stops. 如果幸运光环真如同他所猜测的那样的话,这次出现的一定是三个菠萝!很快,老虎机一个个停下。 first, pineapple! 第一个,菠萝! second, pineapple! 第二个,菠萝! The surrounding person stops the footsteps suddenly: I depend, two pineapples?” 周围人猛然停下脚步:“我靠,两个菠萝了?” Won't really have three?” “不会真出三个吧?” Has not seen.” “从来没见过啊。” The surrounding person surrounds quickly. 周围人很快围观过来。 Chen Feng has not paid attention to them, but looks a third design has transferred slowly, finally to the pineapple on, stopped suddenly, finally stops. 陈锋没有理会他们,而是看着第三个图案缓缓转过,最终到了菠萝上面,戛然而止,终于停下来。 Three pineapples! 三个菠萝! Appeared! 出现了! huā — 哗— Entire entertainment district cooker. 整个娱乐区炸锅了。 I depend, the pineapple, really presented three pineapples!” “我靠,菠萝,真的出现三个菠萝了!” Oh, real false, even most preliminary did Formula(s), still have 100,000? 100 Yuan coin one time, this boy gained in a big way!” “天哪,真的假的,就算一个最低级的配方,也有10万了吧?100元投币一次,这小子赚大了!” Was too inconceivable.” “太不可思议了。” People exclamation. 众人惊叹。 The owners of amusement park frightened, caught up hurriedly, shock looks at this slot machine, the eye stares big, obviously cannot believe. 就连游乐园的主人都吓到了,匆忙赶来,震惊的看着这台老虎机,眼睛瞪的大大的,显然也不敢相信。 pā! 啪! He patted slot machine, without response. 他拍了老虎机一下,没反应。 Pats again. 再拍。 Had not responded. 还是没反应。 Finally his face confused looks at Chen Feng: Big Bro, this machine was broken......” 最后他一脸懵逼的看着陈锋:“大哥,这台机器坏了……” Breathes out “嘘 Surrounding hiss. 周围一片嘘声。 Acts shamelessly!” “耍赖啊!” Yes, most basic integrity?” “就是,最基本的诚信的呢?” The people create a disturbance. 众人起哄。 Was bad?” “坏了?” Chen Feng also suspected very much. 陈锋也是很怀疑。 Was really bad.” “真坏了。” The shop owners do not know whether to laugh or cry: Otherwise is impossible to present three pineapples.” 店主哭笑不得:“不然不可能出现三个菠萝。” Why?” “为什么?” Chen Feng surprise. 陈锋更诧异了。 Because we simply have not established the options of three pineapples.” “因为我们根本没设置三个菠萝的选项。” Saying that the shop owner face not loyalty does not jump. 店主脸不红心不跳的说道。 Breathes out “嘘 The surrounding hiss was bigger, to prove own machine was really broken, the shop owner does not want the face, without establishing the options of three pineapples really feels all right? 周围嘘声更大了,为了证明自家机器是真坏了,店主连脸都不要了,没设置三个菠萝的选项真的好意思吗? No?” “没有么?” Chen Feng is somewhat surprised. 陈锋有些惊讶。 If no...... 如果没有的话…… Luck Aura unexpectedly from this angle display function! 幸运光环居然从这个角度发挥作用了! Also on this time, Chen Feng then noticed, Luck Value on light screen fell suddenly unexpectedly, only three pineapples, consumed enough 5 Luck Value unexpectedly! 也就这个时候,陈锋这才注意到,光幕上的幸运值居然暴跌,区区三个菠萝,居然消耗了足足五点幸运值 Caught up with him to manufacture twice half Mutated Gene! 足足赶上他制作两次半变异基因了! However these are not the key points, the key point is, until now can only affect the probability Luck Aura, unexpectedly can also make this type unexpected! 但是这些都不是重点,重点是,一直以来只能影响几率的幸运光环,居然还可以制造出这种‘意外’! Coincidence? 巧合? or...... 还是… We really do not have the pineapple.” “我们真没有菠萝。” The shop owners are not bashful, „, but has except for pineapple other, otherwise, do you try other machines? This was really the breakdown.” 店主一点也不害臊,“但是除了菠萝其他还是都有的,要不然,您试试其他机器?这个真的是故障了。” Face?” “脸呢?” The surrounding person creates a disturbance. 周围人起哄。 Good.” “好。” Chen Feng has not paid attention to them, but arrives in front of another slot machine. Although the consumption of Luck Value makes him somewhat love dearly, but he wants to make clear what's the matter. 陈锋没有理会他们,而是走到另一台老虎机面前。虽然幸运值的消耗让他有些心疼,但是他更想搞清楚怎么回事。 shuā! 刷! He starts the button. 他开始按钮。 When will soon stop, Luck Aura opens! 在即将停止的时候,幸运光环开启! first pineapple! 第一菠萝! second pineapple! 第二菠萝! Everyone stares at present in a big way, I depend, unexpectedly is two pineapples? This third can't the pineapple? The shop owners scared. 所有人眼前都瞪大了,我靠,居然还是两个菠萝?这第三个不会还是菠萝吧?就连店主都吓坏了。 Sees only third design ease fluttering to the pineapple, kā chā, stopped. 只见第三个图案悠悠然的飘到菠萝跟前,咔嚓,停下了。 sī — 嘶— The people hold breath a cold air/Qi, unexpectedly is really three pineapples! 众人倒吸一口冷气,居然真的又是三菠萝! fuck! 靠! Shop owners at present one black, almost faints directly. 店主眼前一黑,差点直接昏倒。 Is this possible? 这怎么可能? Really......” “果然……” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 Also is three pineapples, but Luck Value of his within the body was short of 5 points again. 又是三个菠萝,而他体内的幸运值再次少了五点。 What the hell?” 什么玩意?” The shop owners walked to pat the machine to put on a long face immediately: Went bad, unexpectedly was also bad!” 店主走过来拍了拍机器顿时哭丧着脸:“又坏了,居然又坏了!” Chen Feng has not paid attention to him. 陈锋没有理会他。 Arrived another slot machine in front, optional rotation. 到了另一个老虎机面前,随意转动。 shuā! 刷! Three bananas appear, surrounding exclamation. 三个香蕉出现,周围一片惊叹。 Chen Feng looked in within the body only to walk 1 point Luck Value, finally was clear. 陈锋看了看体内只走了一点的幸运值,终于明白了。 first, Luck Aura is very powerful! 第一,幸运光环很强大! Three pineapple designs that the opposite party simply has not established can do forcefully with the breakdown, this is not the probability that simple matter. 就连对方根本没有设置的三个菠萝图案都可以硬生生用故障搞出来,这已经不是几率那么简单的事情了。 second, this non- probability unexpected, consumption very terrifying. 第二,这种非几率的‘意外’,消耗非常恐怖 Normally, the improvement probability to Luck Aura at all is not the issue, 1 Luck Value is enough. However manufactures the unexpected words forcefully, Luck Value will consume significantly! If he has not guessed that wrong, this type unexpected presents the direct proportion with the Luck Value consumption. 正常情况下,提升几率对幸运光环来说根本不是问题,一点幸运值足以。但是强行制作意外的话,幸运值就会大幅度消耗!而如果他没猜错的话,这种‘意外’跟幸运值消耗是呈现正比的。 But in addition, the purest probability, Chen Feng is instead easy to make. 而除此之外,最纯粹的几率,陈锋反而是非常容易弄出来。 For example 比如 third Mutated Gene! 第三变异基因 For example 比如 Infinite overlay of Wind Edge! 风刃的无限叠加! Said...... 这么说…… If I participate in lottery ticket that kind draw, can't be able to draw a prize-winning ticket? 如果我去参与彩票那一类抽奖的话,很可能无法中奖? Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 First, you do not know that which link will affect. Next, most lotteries have the trick, may be very the same as today's three pineapples, and is more difficult! Luck Value that he must consume will be many! Even possibly the cost does not even come back! This inside water, deep. 首先,你不知道会影响哪个环节。其次,绝大多数的开奖都是有猫腻的,很可能跟今天的三个菠萝一样,而且更难!他要消耗的幸运值会非常多!甚至可能连成本都回不来!这里面的水,深着呢。 No matter what, must try.” “不管怎样,总得试试。” Chen Feng is thinking. 陈锋正思索着。 Suddenly, the shop owner grasps the Chen Feng thigh: Eldest child, but also looks to show mercy.” 忽然,店主一把抱住陈锋大腿:“老大,还望手下留情啊。” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” PS: Asked the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection! PS:求推荐票!求收藏!
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