SG :: Volume #1

#19: From behaving badly cannot live!

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

I go.” “我去。” This title is a little frightened.” “这标题有点惊悚啊。” What important matter did could it be have?” 难道发生什么大事了?” People curious opening, is shocked immediately. 众人好奇的打开,顿时惊呆。 In the post, told Gene Manufacturist from consulting Professor Tao third gene starts, to was angrily rebuked afterward, Virtual Community on the shelf gene tries the certificate to be pure, was instead treated as the achievement issue by Professor Tao shameless and so on, finally labels gene that just sold on consignment to declare war directly 帖子中,讲述了一个基因制作师从咨询陶教授第三基因开始,到后来被怒斥,虚拟社区上架基因试图证明清白,反被陶教授无耻当做自己成果发布云云,最后更是标注了刚寄售的基因直接宣战 Professor Tao, 1,000,000, couldn't you have afforded?” 陶教授,100万,你还买得起不?” This post fire! 这个帖子火了! The fire is especially hot! 大火特火! Academic Forum does not dare to delete. 学术论坛都不敢删了。 Because too many people replied, because of the relations of Virtual Community 1,000,000 gene, because of this astonishing title, this post fire does not dare to imagine. 因为太多人回复了,因为虚拟社区100万基因的关系,因为这惊人的标题,这个帖子火的不敢想象。 Unexpectedly really has this matter?” “居然真有这事?” I go, Professor Tao played in a big way.” “我去,陶教授玩大了。” Although content right, but why does not know, I want to hit this fellow, was this post title extremely rather frightened?” “虽然内容没错,但是不知道为啥,我想打这个家伙啊,这帖子标题未免太过惊悚了吧?” „To hit person + 1.” “想打人。” Countless people discuss spiritedly. 无数人议论纷纷。 However, Professor Tao hit back quickly. 不过,陶教授很快做出了反击。 Although he is greedy, but is not silly, soon found the sunspot: Certain people make Mutated Reagent by luck, attempts to discredit me to rub the heat degree, marked price 1,000,000, makes the marketing effect, this hypes radically! Asked everyone ten million | whatever happens do not purchase his gene reagent, making the opposite party profit 他虽然贪心,但是并不傻,很快找到黑点:“某些人侥幸做出变异试剂,企图抹黑我来蹭热度,标价100万,制造营销效果,这根本就是炒作!请大家千万不要购买他的基因试剂,让对方得利” Immediately countless people select to praise. 顿时无数人点赞。 After all Professor Tao is not the casual waistcoat can be black in the Academic Forum reputation. 毕竟陶教授学术论坛的名声不是随便一个马甲就可以黑的。 What person operates a waistcoat to dare to teach black.” “什么人开个马甲都敢黑教授。” Yes, very obvious this rubs the heat degree.” “就是,很明显这是蹭热度啊。” By the professor's understanding Wood Bear gene, but also needs to steal others achievement? Funny.” “以教授对木熊基因的了解,还需要盗窃他人成果?搞笑。” Supports the professor.” “支持教授。” However, how long this news does not have fire, another post presents «Transaction Department To appear second Wood Bear Mutated Gene, As before Is 1,000,000 Yuan Sky-high price»! 然而,这条消息没火多久,又一个帖子出现《交易部惊现第二木熊变异基因,依旧是100万元天价》! These commended that the Professor Tao person ceases all activities instantaneously. 那些称赞陶教授的人瞬间偃旗息鼓。 By luck? 侥幸? Including twice lucky? 连着两次还是侥幸吗? After all in capturing/raiding of Professor Tao writes, but 1/100000000 probabilities. 毕竟陶教授的攻略中写的可是亿分之一的几率啊。 But regarding this. 而对此。 Professor Tao reacted quickly. 陶教授很快做出了反应。 He pasted oneself four bottles of gene reagent directly, and labelled the evaluation data: 1/100000000 are the initial results that I study, this result will definitely change with the progress of research, what hangs transaction section two gene reagent to explain? Here also has four!” 他直接贴出了自己的四瓶基因试剂,并标注评测数据:“亿分之一是我研究的初步结果,这个结果随着研究的进步肯定会发生变化,挂交易部两个基因试剂能说明什么?我这里还有四个!” Perhaps, some friends through my scientific research paper, made Mutated Gene, but this does not represent you to be black I.” “或许,有些朋友通过我的科研论文,做出了变异基因,但是这不代表你可以黑我。” Finishing of Professor Tao righteousness expression. 陶教授义正言辞的写完。 The public opinion shifts again. 舆论再次转向。 Handled?” “搞定了吗?” The Professor Tao whole body has soaked. 陶教授浑身已经湿透。 This matter, should be able to end. 这件事,应该可以结束了。 Had these words, regardless of the opposite party exhibits many gene reagent, is unable to change the result, is only, such a noisy, oneself left behind many sunspots eventually and regretted. 有了这些话,无论对方摆出多少基因试剂,都无法改变结果了,只是,这么一闹,自己终究留下了很多黑点和遗憾。 This is also unfortunate lucky? 这也算是不幸中的万幸了吧? Professor Tao forced smile. 陶教授苦笑。 This stops shortly, Academic Forum lives it up all of a sudden, Professor Tao own communication meter keeps ringing, he swept one subconsciously, immediately is pale. 只是,这才消停没多久,学术论坛一下子热闹起来,陶教授自己的通讯仪更是响个不停,他下意识扫了一眼,顿时脸色发白。 Had an accident! 出事了! Why does not know, the person who some early had participated in the Chen Feng inquiry discussion jumped suddenly, this matter was very actually simple, so long as Academic Forum announced that initially deleted the placard not on the line?” 不知道为何,一些早期曾经参与过陈锋提问讨论的人忽然蹦出来了,“这件事其实很简单,只要学术论坛公布当初删帖不就行了?” Yes, is simple.” “就是,多简单。” I had answered the issue initially, indeed was deleted by Academic Forum!” “我当初回答过问题,的确是被学术论坛删了!” „+ 1! At that time Professor Tao replied clearly is not possible!” “!陶教授当时回答的分明是不可能!” Why Academic Forum deletes the post!” 学术论坛凭什么删帖子!” Academic Forum can safeguard the Manufacturist rights, but does not represent to help an evildoer do evil! Must publicize the post that deleted initially, shows purely.” 学术论坛可以维护制作师的权益,但是不代表可以为虎作伥!必须公开当初删的帖子,以示清白。” Initially was because Professor Tao reporting deleted, now instead is the Professor Tao right infringement, should delete a Professor Tao also opposite party pureness?” “当初是因为陶教授举报删除,如今反而是陶教授侵权,是不是该删除陶教授还对方一个清白?” Many people protested in Academic Forum. 许多人在学术论坛抗议。 The people of innumerable diving start to froth over said that pays attention to this matter, even some true Great Master! Burglary scientific research achievements? This matter has become very serious. 无数潜水之人开始冒泡表示关注这件事,其中甚至有许多真正的大师!盗窃科研成果?这件事已经变得很严重了。 Ended! 完了! Professor Tao streaming with sweat. 陶教授汗如雨下。 He knows, if that post exposes, he was finished thoroughly! 他知道,如果那个帖子曝光,他就彻底完蛋了! What to do? 怎么办? Oh, right, son! ,对了,儿子! Little Jun.” 小军。” Professor Tao shouted Tao Lijun to come hurriedly: Your status has certain influence that side Academic Forum, this matter must suppress!” 陶教授匆忙叫陶立军过来:“你的身份在学术论坛那边有一定影响力,这件事一定要压住啊!” So long as Academic Forum does not expose that matter, does not have the issue!” “只要学术论坛不曝光那件事,就没问题!” Most is these people online scolds, waited for this matter in the past, let it go.” “最多是那些人网上骂骂,等这件事过去,也就不了了之了。” Professor Tao is sweating profusely. 陶教授满头大汗。 Understood.” “明白。” Tao Lijun slightly to nod. 陶立军微微点头 In his heart, has wipes unable to see the haze. 只是他心中,有着一抹看不见阴霾。 killer that he sends vanished, now asked the person to trace that fellow not to trace, the father offended, was really only an average person? 他派出去的杀手消失了,现在请人追踪那家伙也追踪不到了,父亲得罪的,真的只是一个普通人吗? He was somewhat worried. 他有些担心。 Must stand firm!” “一定要稳住啊!” Professor Tao wipes away sweat: Since that fellow can study Formula(s), I can also study, so long as studied Formula(s) for these days......” 陶教授擦擦汗:“既然那家伙可以研究出配方,我也可以研究出来的,只要这几天研究出配方……” I can restore the reputation/honorary!” “我就能恢复名誉!” In my hand has four bottles of Mutated Gene reagent, with the ordinary reagent contrast, can certainly yield the result.” “我手中有四瓶变异基因试剂,和普通试剂对比,一定能取得成果的。” Professor Tao quickly begins the research. 陶教授迅速展开研究。 . 只是。 His progress has not started, a more explosive news blasts out in the network. 他的进展还未开始,一条更爆炸性的消息在网络炸开。 Pavilion of Wind. 风之阁 The shop owner in that gene shop came out unexpectedly! 那个基因小店的店主居然出来了! Without the means that selling on consignment of consecutively two 1,000,000 gene, that terrifying handling charge, making him awaken directly, after coming up, knows that what matter had. 没办法,连续两个100万基因的寄售,那恐怖的手续费,让他直接惊醒,上去之后才知道发生了何事。 Flips the transaction record, he made the most correct choice quickly. 翻了翻交易记录,他很快做出了最正确的选择。 Announcement transaction record! 公布交易记录! Four bottles of gene reagent of Professor Tao sell, purchase from here unexpectedly completely! 陶教授出售的四瓶基因试剂,居然全部是从这里购买的! Everyone was shocked. 所有人惊呆了。 Fuck Me! 我靠! Unexpectedly is really......” “居然真的是……” „A good chess that 66666666 Professor Tao play.” “66666666陶教授玩的一手好棋。” Four all are here purchases unexpectedly, that said, Professor Tao hasn't done? Are all things others do?” “四个居然全都是这里购买的,那岂不是说,陶教授本身一个都没做出来?所有东西都是别人做出来的?” Quite fearful!” “好可怕!” Solemn gene study professor, High Grade Manufacturist, unexpectedly......” “堂堂基因学教授,高级制作师,居然……” Entire Academic Forum exploded. 整个学术论坛炸了。 No one has thought, couple days ago had the honor to receive all praises Professor Tao, all achievements rob unexpectedly! Moreover makes this dreadful matter! 谁也没想到,前几天荣获所有赞誉的陶教授,所有的一切成果居然都是盗来的!而且做出这种可怕的事情! But at this time, Academic Forum could not suppress finally 而这个时候,学术论坛终于压不住了 Cracks a joke?! 开什么玩笑?! If trades the record not to have the announcement to be good, now traded the record to announce, who can also be able to suppress? 如果交易记录没公布还好,现在交易记录都公布了,谁还能压得住? Request restores to delete the placard.” “请求恢复删帖。” We must look at the initial truth.” “我们要看当初的真相。” At countless person requests, did Academic Forum restore initial post «Wood Bear gene to have third mutate(d) to be possible eventually. 在无数人要求下,学术论坛终究恢复了当初的帖子木熊基因是否有第三变异可能?》。 Post, countless people go to surround. 帖子一出,无数人前去围观。 The reply of inside Professor Tao that righteousness expression, true was startled everyone, cursed angrily student, and angrily rebuked is impossible to have third mutate(d) to be possible? 里面陶教授那义正言辞的回答,真正的惊到了所有人,怒骂学员一顿,并怒斥根本不可能存在第三变异可能? Then the second day, deletes the placard directly, do oneself issue the achievement? 然后第二天,直接删帖,自己发布成果? But the time of contrast transaction record, all truth this time are exposing! 而对比交易记录的时间,所有的真相都在这个时候曝光! Quick. 很快。 The major multimedia news issued completely, shock entire academic circle. 各大媒体新闻全部发布,震惊整个学术界。 «Professor Tao is throwing over the wolf of sheepskin, «Academic circle shame, «Repulsive in appearance disguiser, «Person god altogether indignant! The student research results were robbed Wait, Professor Tao all things were exposed for several days, cause Academic Forum and academic circle everyone crusade against. 陶教授披着羊皮的狼!》、《学术界的耻辱!》、《面目可憎的伪装者!》、《人神共愤!学员研究成果被盗!》等等,陶教授这些天所有的事情都被揭露,引起学术论坛和学术界所有人讨伐。 Professor Tao that couple of days ago also returned home laden with honors, today becomes being chased by all target of universal detestation. 前两天还载誉而归的陶教授,今天就成了人人喊打的过街老鼠。 Quick, some gene university announced dismisses Professor Tao, the actions of Gene Manufacture Association to Professor Tao implements the arbitration, confiscated all rewards and permanent removes. 很快,某基因大学宣布开除陶教授,基因制作协会陶教授的所作所为实行仲裁,没收所有奖励并永久除名。 Professor Tao, real ending. 陶教授,真正的完了。 Bring ruin and shame upon oneself! 身败名裂! Why......” “为什么……” Why can like this?!” “为什么会这样?!” Professor Tao both eyes were atheistic, threw down and broke in the family/home all things. 陶教授双目无神,摔碎了家里所有东西。 He is unwilling! 他不甘心! How did everyone stand opposite of oneself suddenly? That what gene shop, you made your money to be good, did you come out to do? Academic Forum, he wanted a reporting right infringement, the Academic Forum second to delete in the past, now unexpectedly hits a person when he is down at this time? 怎么忽然就所有人都站在了自己对面?那个什么基因小店,你挣你的钱就好了,你出来干嘛?还有学术论坛,以往他只要一举报侵权,学术论坛就会秒删,现在居然这个时候落井下石? Really, no one is the good thing. 果然,没有一个人是好东西。 Professor Tao cursed angrily. 陶教授怒骂。 However, he has not thought that Academic Forum to his support , because he of noble character and high prestige, is the affirmation to his status, once these have the issue radically...... 然而,他没有想过,学术论坛对他的支持,是因为他德高望重,是对他身份的肯定,一旦这些根本都有问题…… All support became the joke. 所有的支持都成了笑话。 Father.” “爸。” Tao Lijun sighed, wants to comfort two. 陶立军叹息一声,想安慰两句。 You!” “还有你!” Professor Tao angrily rebukes: „Don't you solve to me?! Doesn't make you suppress? So long as several days later, I can certainly study Formula(s) to come!” 陶教授怒斥:“你不是给我解决吗?!不是让你压住吗?只要再过几天,我一定能研究出配方来的!” Your waste!” “你个废物!” Professor Tao shouted abuse. 陶教授破口大骂。 Father.” “爸。” The Tao Lijun forced smile, this matter was too noisily big. 陶立军苦笑,这件事闹太大了。 Rolls rolling!” “滚滚滚!” Rolls to me!” “都给我滚!” Professor Tao shouted abuse, drove away everyone. 陶教授破口大骂,赶走所有人。 Yeah.” “哎。” Tao Lijun sighed reluctantly, went out of the room, on the face in that moment of going out turns ice-cold, „, no matter you were, this matter, did not calculate!” 陶立军叹口气,走出房间,脸上的无奈在出门的那一刻变成冰冷,“不管你是谁,这件事,可不算完!”
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