SG :: Volume #1

#18: Sky-high price gene!

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The community kills, something must process. 小区出了人命,有些事情总要处理的。 Chen Feng thinks, the person who here he knows are many, but mostly is the ordinary common people, can only relate as if only had Uncle Zhang. 陈锋想了想,这里他认识的人不少,但是大都是普通的老百姓,唯一能联系的似乎只有张叔了。 Uncle Zhang.” 张叔。” Chen Feng related Uncle Zhang to say a general matter, the Uncle Zhang hear quick caught up, looks to lie down in the shadow of ground, immediately astonished incomparable: „Do you kill?” 陈锋联系张叔说了一下大概的事情,张叔听完很快就赶了过来,看着躺在地面的黑影,顿时惊异无比:“你杀的?” „.” “啊。” Chen Feng scratches the head: I just came back to discover that this fellow assassinates me.” 陈锋挠挠头:“我刚回来就发现这家伙暗杀我。” Good fellow.” “好家伙。” Uncle Zhang exclaimed in surprise: „Did you mix to arrive at the assassinated rank unexpectedly? Our these common people this whole life do not have this treatment.” 张叔惊叹:“你居然都混到已经到了被人暗杀的级别了?我们这些平民百姓这辈子都没这种待遇啊。” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” Isn't this emphasis a little right? 这关注点有点不对吧? hā hā, alleviates the atmosphere.” 哈哈,缓解一下气氛。” Uncle Zhang is the heart is also big, smiles, then flips the corpse: Shadow gene, can hide in Shadow, standard F Grade killer, does not need to be worried to pull the lawsuit, the police will process. Now the most important issue is, when your boy annoyed these people.” 张叔也是心大,笑了笑,然后翻了翻尸体:“阴影基因,可以隐藏在影子中,标准的F级杀手,不用担心扯上官司,警察会处理的。现在最重要的问题是,你小子什么时候惹了这些人了。” I not am quite clear.” “我也不太清楚。” Chen Feng doubts. 陈锋疑惑。 I look.” “我找找。” Uncle Zhang opens the shadow the wrist belt/bring, this thing, although looks mysteriously, but cannot escape from the normal computer processing pattern, for example, this specially custom-made data storage chip.” 张叔翻开黑影的腕带,“这东西虽然看着玄乎,但是还是逃不出正常的计算机处理模式,比如,这个特别定制的数据储存芯片。” Uncle Zhang cautious pinches a data storage chip, connects in own gene examination, inside big pile of additive devices glitter, indistinct, only then several characters distinguished. 张叔小心翼翼的捏出一个数据储存芯片,接入自己的基因检测中,里面一大堆乱码闪烁,隐约中只有几个字识别出来了。 gene...... 基因…… mutate(d)...... 变异…… In addition, uniform additive device. 除此之外,清一色的乱码。 It seems like could not discover the useful information.” “看来找不出有用的信息了。” Uncle Zhang heaves a deep sigh. 张叔摇头叹息。 No, I have known that was.” “不,我已经知道是谁了。” In the Chen Feng eye the cold light flashes through, although has guessed correctly, but has been confirmed at this time still makes him unable to bear the anger in heart: Should be I in a person who Virtual Community provokes, thinks that can process with the normal mode, never expected that opposite party unexpectedly so evil and cruel.” 陈锋眼中寒光闪过,尽管已经猜到一些,但是此时得到确认依然让他忍不住心中的怒火:“应该是我在虚拟社区招惹的一个人,原以为可以用正常方式处理,没想到对方居然如此歹毒。” This plays the game probably, everyone PK in the game fought, the world channel rips to compel, but, the opposite party cannot be victorious you, unexpectedly feels your IP address to plan to hold your blade to your family. 这就好像玩游戏,大家本来都在游戏里PK打架,世界频道撕逼,但是没想到,对方打不过你,居然摸着你的IP地址到你家打算捅你一刀。 Now. 现在。 Chen Feng is angry very much. 陈锋很生气。 He is angry to himself! 他是对自己生气! He underestimated the bad risk of this world eventually. 他终究低估了这个世界的凶险。 His request is not really high, he is short of money now very much, so long as the opposite party the high price buys, this matter solved with ease, what the reputation of Wood Bear third gene research, who cares? 他的要求真的不高,他现在很缺钱,对方只要高价买走,这件事就轻松解决了,什么木熊第三基因研究的名头,谁在乎? Except for Professor Tao, who will regard achievement for a lifetime this matter? 除了陶教授,谁会把这件事当成一辈子的成就? He even prepares transaction. 他甚至都做好交易准备。 However...... 然而…… Was I neglects.” “是我疏忽了。” Chen Feng rubs the head, „, but, I want to know how they did find my?” 陈锋揉揉脑袋,“不过,我更想知道,他们怎么找到我的?” He does not remember that Virtual Community had IP address saying. 他不记得虚拟社区有IP地址这一说。 Is Gene Ability of some mysterious departments.” “是一些神秘系的基因能力。” Uncle Zhang said at this time: This world Mutated Gene is all kinds, having some that abilities, because is quite unusual, instead some unusual functions.” 张叔这个时候说道:“这个世界变异基因五花八门,有那么一些能力因为比较奇特,反而有一些奇特的作用。” For example black demon eye gene.” “比如黑魔眼基因。” That is unusual gene from black demon Mutated Beast, after Gene Fusion, can obtain its ability, in the thousand li (500 km), is unable to hide. This type of thing, generally is traces the criminal the time uses, never expected that the opposite party will use on you.” “那是一种来自黑魔变异兽的奇特基因,基因融合之后,可以获得它的能力,千里之内,无从遁形。只是这种东西,一般都是追踪罪犯的时候用的,没想到对方会用到你身上。” Uncle Zhang said, Chen Feng only has the forced smile. 张叔说完,陈锋唯有苦笑。 Do not worry, this kind of ability, although is fierce, but limits also many, cannot easily use, at least also wants above D Grade to have the possibility, displaying the condition is also quite harsh. Moreover, has the means that one special alloy can easily shield it.” “别担心,这类能力虽然厉害,但是限制也很多,不是能够轻易动用的,至少也要D级以上才有可能,施展条件也比较苛刻。而且,也不是没有办法,有一种特殊的合金可以轻易的屏蔽它。” Uncle Zhang said with a smile. 张叔笑道。 Where does oh? have that alloy of selling?” 哦?哪里有卖的那种合金?” Chen Feng greatly is at present bright, he does not think where was staring. 陈锋眼前大亮,他可不想到哪里都被人盯着。 You wait/etc.” “你等等。” Uncle Zhang touched the moment on the body, pulls out a similar coin the small sign: „, this thing, you go back to put on a rope, put on is OK.” 张叔在身上摸了片刻,掏出一个类似硬币的小牌子:“喏,这玩意,你回去穿个绳,戴上就可以了。” Many thanks.” “多谢。” Chen Feng received conveniently, Uncle Zhang, this thing is very definitely precious, I......” 陈锋顺手接过,“不过张叔,这东西肯定很宝贵,我……” Crash-bang.” “哗啦。” Uncle Zhang pulls out big from the pocket: Insufficiently gives you again several?” 张叔从兜里掏出一大把:“不够再给你几个?” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” When a moment ago that he had not said. 刚才那句当他没说。 Uncle Zhang, were you to do before?” 张叔,您以前是干嘛的?” The Chen Feng curious say/way, in the Original Host memory, Uncle Zhang is the ordinary middle-aged uncle, but after oneself Transmigration comes, notices some details. 陈锋好奇道,在原主人的记忆中,张叔就是个普通中年大叔,而自己穿越过来之后,才注意到一些细节。 Damn middle-aged uncle! 见鬼的中年大叔! Can your family middle age uncle analyze the wrist belt/bring? 你家中年大叔能拆分腕带? Does your family middle age uncle know the counter-surveillance? 你家中年大叔知道反侦察? Can your family middle age uncle also crack a joke the adjustment atmosphere facing the corpse? 你家中年大叔面对尸体还能开个玩笑调节气氛? No, was two years of soldier before, afterward was dismissed.” “没啥,以前当了两年兵,后来被开除了。” Uncle Zhang sobbed. 张叔唏嘘不已。 Chen Feng the mind is imposing immediately. 陈锋顿时心神凛然。 Becoming a soldier...... 当兵…… This time, can become a soldier, is not a weak one! Uncle Zhang young time looks like has also had a story, but Uncle Zhang does not want to say that Chen Feng had not asked. 这个时代,能当兵的,绝不是弱者!张叔年轻的时候看来也是有过一番故事的,不过张叔不想说,陈锋也就没有多问。 Your boy first goes back, here gives me.” “你小子先回去吧,这里交给我。” „The police came me to solve, you now are not suitable to make an appearance.” “警察来了我来解决,你现在不适合露面。” Uncle Zhang injunction. 张叔嘱咐。 Many thanks.” “多谢。” Chen Feng is deeply grateful. 陈锋感激不尽。 Since knows before Uncle Zhang has become a soldier, this minor matter should not be anything, he has not declined, takes Wood Bear gene, walks toward the family/home. 既然知道张叔以前当过兵,这点小事应该不算什么,他也就没有推辞,拿着木熊基因,往家里走去。 This boy, but also is really impolite.” “这小子,还真不客气。” Uncle Zhang shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not. 张叔摇头失笑。 Has a look on the shadow corpse carefully these scars, somewhat is quite gratified. 仔细看看黑影尸体上那些伤痕,颇有些欣慰。 This boy.” “这小子。” It seems like many methods.” “看来还是有不少手段的。” ** ** Returns to the room. 回到房间。 Chen Feng complexion happy expression restraining. 陈锋脸色的笑意收敛。 Has not thought, this sends people to assassinate own, unexpectedly is Professor Tao! The matter that originally can spend money to solve, develops unexpectedly this step! 怎么也没想到,这个派人暗杀自己的,居然是陶教授!本来能用钱解决的事情,居然发展到这一步! Is the brain remnant? 脑残吗? Was he overestimates I.Q of these people? Said, underestimated their method? 是他高估这些人的智商了?还是说,低估他们手段了? took a deep breath. 深吸一口气 Chen Feng was calmed down by oneself. 陈锋让自己冷静下来。 Since the opposite party has made war, he will not keep the hand again! 既然对方已经开战,他也不会再留手! As for assassination? 至于暗杀? hē hē. 呵呵 He does not care, Wang Yue one time, shadow one time, really thinks that assassinates him is so easy? The ultra-high vigilant heart adds on Luck Aura, Chen Feng self-examined, even if cannot be victorious, escapes or does not have the issue, here eventually is an urban district, they do not dare to play is too big. 他根本不在乎,王越一次,黑影一次,真以为暗杀他有那么容易?超高的警惕心加上幸运光环,陈锋自问,就算打不过,逃跑还是没问题的,这里终究是市区,他们也不敢玩的太大。 „Do you want to play?” “你们想玩是吧?” I accompany you to be fun.” “那我就陪你们好好玩玩。” Chen Feng sneers. 陈锋冷笑。 Looks the post that the rough draft box has written, Chen Feng, erased the original title suddenly. Since wants to trigger the public opinion, on the title of need vigor violent. 只是,看着草稿箱早就写好的帖子,陈锋顿了顿,忽然把原来的标题删掉了。既然想要引发舆论,就需要更劲暴的标题。 But this title...... 而这种标题…… Chen Feng smiled suddenly, he may know too. 陈锋忽然笑了,他可知道太多了。 ** ** That night. 当天深夜。 The Virtual Community transaction section presents one bottle of marked price 1,000,000 Wood Bear gene reagent on the shelf, stir entire Virtual Community, even is Academic Forum. 虚拟社区交易部出现一瓶标价100万木熊基因试剂上架,轰动整个虚拟社区,甚至是学术论坛 Countless people were awakened by the midnight. 无数人被半夜叫醒。 Appeared!” “出现了!” Wood Bear third Mutated Gene really appeared.” 木熊第三变异基因真的出现了。” I depend, unexpectedly really has?” “我靠,居然真的有?” Many people at this time, noticed existence of this thing truly, after all were bought the second several first times, no one can see. 很多人这个时候,才是真正注意到这个东西的存在,毕竟前几次都被人秒买走,根本没人能看到。 But now...... 而现在…… Lunatic!” “疯子!” This is a lunatic!” “这是个疯子!” Professor Tao shouted abuse. 陶教授破口大骂。 Midnight was awakened by the assistant, unexpectedly because of this damn Mutated Gene! That fellow promoted ten times of prices unexpectedly directly! Really him, when the triumphant child did butcher? He does not have so much money! Only what makes his gratified is, even this situation, Academic Forum, many people are still supporting him. 半夜被助手叫醒,居然又是因为这该死的变异基因!那家伙居然直接提升了十倍的价格!真把他当凯子宰了?他也没那么多钱啊!唯一让他欣慰的是,就算这种情况,学术论坛,很多人还在支持着他。 Professor Tao forecast unexpectedly right.” 陶教授居然预测对了。” Quite fierce.” “好厉害。” Yes, no one can think toward this aspect radically.” “是啊,根本没人敢往这方面想。” The people are sigh with emotion. 众人感慨。 However many people suspected as before. 但是很多人依旧怀疑。 But in this exceptionally sensitive time, Academic Forum post instantaneous detonation entire forum, shocked everyone, is not only the content, that shocking title 而就在这个异常敏感的时刻,学术论坛一个帖子瞬间引爆整个论坛,惊呆了所有人,不仅仅是内容,还有那骇人听闻的标题 «Shock! The men looked silent, the woman looked at bursting into tears! The Wood Bear third gene truth unexpectedly is......». 《震惊!男人看了沉默,女人看了流泪!木熊第三基因真相居然是……》。 PS: Asked the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection! PS:求推荐票!求收藏!
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