SG :: Volume #1

#17: Assassination

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Gold City. 金城 Is preparing to manufacture gene reagent Chen Feng slightly, looks gene reagent that the news that on the wrist belt/bring light screen appears, he just hung, sold unexpectedly! 正准备制作基因试剂陈锋微微一顿,看着腕带光幕上浮现的消息,他刚刚挂上去的基因试剂,居然又卖出去了! fourth time! 第四次了! Has sold four hundred thousand.” “已经卖了四十万了啊。” Chen Feng muttered, it seems like he underestimated the Professor Tao financial resource. 陈锋喃喃自语,看来他还是低估了陶教授的财力啊。 Perhaps...... 或许…… second can Formula(s), collect like this? 第二配方,能这样凑齐? Chen Feng feels absurdly, the combat gene Formula(s) value is expensive, he to purchase combat gene Formula(s) prepares, has not thought that gained four hundred thousand unexpectedly in this way! 陈锋感觉荒谬,战斗基因配方的价值非常昂贵,他一直在为购买战斗基因配方做准备,没想到竟然通过这种方式赚了四十万 Professor Tao, how long can you also support? 陶教授,你还能撑多久? Chen Feng is very curious. 陈锋很好奇。 Busy one day later, Chen Feng to went to the community to eat meal in the past same. 忙碌一天之后,陈锋向往常一样去小区吃饭。 His life is very simple, for these days was, went out except for three meals a day in the community eats meal, usually in the rented room is studying Gene Manufacture. 他的生活真的很简单,这几天都是,除了一日三餐出门在小区吃饭,平时都在出租屋里面研究基因制作 little Chen, morning.” “小陈,早啊。” Uncle Zhang has been open for business very early in the morning. 张叔一大早已经开张了。 Uncle Zhang early.” 张叔早。” Chen Feng smiles. 陈锋笑笑。 Heard that yesterday was the adult ceremony of Su Jin that little miss, without inviting you?” “听说昨天是苏瑾那个小姑娘的成人礼,没邀请你?” Uncle Zhang asked suddenly. 张叔忽然问道。 Su Jin? 苏瑾 Who is that? 那是谁? Chen Feng gawked, then remembered, Oh, Su Jin, the female schoolmate of their class, just like everyone's high school profession, the high school period, always has such a to make everyone hormone secretion surplus, goddess of being lost in a reverie, but obviously this is Original Host unrequited loves. 陈锋愣了一下,然后想起了,,苏瑾,他们班的女同学,跟所有人的高中生涯一样,高中时期,总有那么一个让所有人荷尔蒙分泌过剩,魂牵梦绕的女神,而这位显然是原主人所暗恋的。 Original Host had self-knowledge very much, knows that own level, consistently is maintaining friendship. 只是,原主人很有自知之明,知道自己的水准,始终保持着君子之交。 Before you said that girl to Uncle Zhang often.” “以前你经常跟张叔说那个女孩的。” Uncle Zhang sighed suddenly: Also thinks that she will invite your, never expected that your college entrance examination fails an admissions examination the later this miss...... yeah.” 张叔忽然叹息:“还以为她会邀请你的,没想到你高考落榜之后这姑娘……哎。” Chen Feng cannot help laughing. 陈锋哑然失笑。 About schoolmate's news, majority hear from Uncle Zhang here, as for schoolmates to his attitude...... 关于同学的消息,大多数都是从张叔这里听到的,至于同学们对他的态度…… Un, he is satisfied. 嗯,他非常满意。 Really. 真的。 If these schoolmates contact him daily, that is troublesome, occasionally understands some from Uncle Zhang here, performs the schoolmate duty, enough. 要是这些同学一个个都跟他天天联系,那才是麻烦呢,偶尔从张叔这里了解一些,尽一下同学本分,足够。 All right.” “没事的。” Chen Feng smiles: Uncle Zhang, I first ate meal, returned chats.” 陈锋笑笑:“张叔,我先吃饭去了,回聊啊。” Good.” “好。” Uncle Zhang regretted as before very much. 张叔依旧很惋惜。 Restaurant of Chen Feng nearby toward community walks, inside is some simple fast-food, the taste, although is ordinary, but conforms to Chen Feng not to waste the time very much the appetite. Several minutes finished eating in a hurry, Chen Feng brings the gene material to walk toward the family/home, he does not want to waste the too much time. 陈锋向着小区附近的一家餐馆走去,里面都是一些简单的快餐,口感虽然一般,但是很符合陈锋不想浪费时间的胃口。几分钟匆匆吃完,陈锋带着基因材料往家里走去,他不想浪费太多时间。 Returns to the community. 回到小区。 Passes through a shade trail, the familiar place, to the place that Wang Yue presented initially, Chen Feng's footsteps suddenly, stopped. 走过一段绿荫小径,熟悉的地方,到了当初王越出现的地方,陈锋的脚步忽然一顿,停了下来。 20 years of highly vigilant consciousness, making him feel that some are not wonderful. 二十年高度警惕的意识,让他感觉到一些不妙。 The air is somewhat cold. 空气有些冷。 Although here is in the shade, but now as before is in the summer. 尽管这里是绿荫中,可是现在依旧是夏天。 This feeling...... 这种感觉…… Strange, who reports the news.” “奇怪,谁又发消息。” Chen Feng whispered, took in the wrist provokes at will several, felt that share of fearful cold intent melted immediately several points, in the heart has the guess. 陈锋嘀咕一句,在腕带上随意拨弄几下,感觉到那股可怕的冷意顿时消融几分,心中已然有了猜测。 And Two...... 一步、两步…… Chen Feng is turning the wrist belt/bring, while is walking slowly, as if in the examination news, is very earnest, surrounding cold intent quiet covering that he looks. 陈锋一边翻弄着腕带,一边慢慢走着,似乎在查看消息,他看的很是认真,周围的冷意悄无声息的笼罩。 Three and four...... 三步、四步…… Suddenly. 忽然。 sōu! 嗖! The fearful shadow jumps out from the tree shade together. 一道可怕的黑影从树荫下窜出。 Tree shade! 树荫! Right! Is the tree shade! 没错!就是树荫! That fearful form, hidden in the tree shade unexpectedly, if not the vigilance extremely high person, at all some not possible people to notice! Even if notices, could not discover him from what angle attack! This is mysterious Gene Ability, can fuse in the shadow. 那可怕的身影,居然隐藏在树荫之中,若非警惕性极高的人,根本不可能有人注意到!就算注意到,也发现不了他从什么角度攻击!这是一种神奇的基因能力,可以将自身融合到阴影中。 Very fearful! 非常可怕! killing intent. 杀意 Blooms in this flash. 在这一瞬间绽放。 But at this time, Chen Feng is looking down the wrist belt/bring, as if simply has not noticed the back sound, that sudden attack, chose the most cunning angle. 而这个时候,陈锋正在低头看着腕带,似乎根本没有注意到背后的动静,那突如其来的攻击,选择了最刁钻的角度。 Suddenly!” “忽!” Sound air-splitting transmits. 破空之声传来。 That sharp cold glow, bringing the sound of howling to fall, the speed quick makes one be able not hold a candle, but, will soon cut to kill the Chen Feng's time in that shadow, he noticed accidentally the Chen Feng's wrist takes, on that light screen, reveals a familiar form, impressively he himself! 那尖锐的寒芒,带着呼啸之声落下,速度之快让人望尘莫及,只是,就在那黑影即将斩杀陈锋的时候,他无意中看到陈锋的腕带上,那光幕上,露出一个熟悉的身影,赫然正是他自己! Is that wrist belt/bring, recording unexpectedly? 那个腕带,居然在录像? When does he open? 他什么时候开的? The shadow feeling is not suddenly wonderful, but at this moment, rushing strength goal within the body that does not care about from this him at present jumps to shoot suddenly. 黑影忽然感觉不妙,而就在这时,一股澎湃的力量忽然从眼前这他根本不在意的目标体内迸射而出。 shuā! 刷! The blue light flashes through. 蓝光闪过。 That is together blue Light Edge, sparkles under the sunlight very much. 那是一道蓝色光刃,在阳光下很是闪耀。 Wind Edge?” 风刃?” The shadow feels relieved immediately. 黑影顿时放心下来。 Unexpectedly is this trash Gene Ability? Although this Wind Edge is also the spirit attack, but the striking power seriously is the weak pity, at least to oneself...... 居然是这种垃圾基因能力么?这种风刃虽然也是精神攻击,但是攻击力当真是弱的可怜,至少对自己…… shuā! 刷! Also Wind Edge follows closely to kill together. 又是一道风刃紧随杀出。 Unexpectedly triggering probability?” “居然触发几率了吗?” The shadow such as thinks. 黑影如是想到。 The however two Wind Edge words, he does not care very much, however flashed through in this time blue light together, then one after another...... 不过两道风刃的话,他也不是很在乎,然而就在这个时候又一道蓝光闪过,然后又一道又一道…… „?!?!” “?!?!” The shadow eye opens suddenly. 黑影眼睛猛然睁大。 sōu! 嗖! sōu! 嗖! sōu! 嗖! When a series of blue light shadow are jumping at present shoot, his was frightened thoroughly ignorant! This what damn thing? Didn't say 5% probabilities? 当一连串的蓝色光影在眼前迸射的时候,他被彻底吓懵了!这什么见鬼的东西?不是说5%的几率吗? Works as! When! When!” “当!当!当!” The shadow blocked first several, was actually passed through by the following light shadow. 黑影挡住了前几下,却被后面的光影贯穿。 He depends was too near! 他靠的太近了! To own strength absolute self-confident, lets him simply terrifying strength that does not notice the goal to hide! 对自己实力的绝对自信,让他根本没有注意到目标隐藏的恐怖力量 pū! 噗! pū! 噗! Light Edge shuttles back and forth. 光刃穿梭而过。 Bloodstain splash. 血迹飞溅。 Dozens Light Edge pass through the shadow body forcefully, the hugeness that his eye opens, does not want to understand by the present, Light Edge of that continuously eruption is anything damn Gene Ability. 数十道光刃硬生生将黑影身体贯穿,他眼睛睁的巨大,到现在也没想明白,那连续爆发的光刃到底是什么见鬼的基因能力 pū tōng.” 噗通。” The shadow falls to the ground. 黑影落地。 Unexpectedly hasn't died?” “居然没死?” Chen Feng thinks a lingering fear. 陈锋想想一阵后怕。 Holds in the Luck Aura in addition, ten Wind Edge limits erupts every second, consecutively 30 Wind Edge, have not killed this shadow unexpectedly, this is fellow strong? He has worried the danger of this world, does not dare to go out at will, has not thought that was looked. 幸运光环的加持下,每秒十个风刃的极限爆发,连续三十个风刃,居然没有将这黑影打死,这家伙到底多强?他一直担心这个世界的危险,不敢随意出门,没想到还是被人找过来了。 Who sends you to come?” “谁派你来的?” Chen Feng asked in a low voice. 陈锋低声问道。 The shadow struggles slightly, is very painful. 黑影略微挣扎一下,很是痛苦。 However, if Chen Feng can see his eye, will discover in his eye to flash through that cold and gloomy cold glow, in the mouth an silver needle quiet emergence. He carries out task multiple, as specialty killer, has the situation of inevitably coping with various aspects, even instead kills! 但是,陈锋如果能看到他眼睛的话,就会发现他眼中闪过那森冷的寒芒,口中一根银针悄无声息的出现。他执行任务多次,作为一个专业杀手,必然有应对各种局面的情况,甚至反杀! So long as Chen Feng wants him to set out to answer the issue, he can project the silver needle from the mouth! 只要陈锋想要他起身回答问题,他就可以从口中射出银针! Strikes to be killed violently! 一击毙命! Actually, I......” “其实,我……” The shadow opens the mouth, silver light blooms. 黑影开口,银光绽放。 sōu! 嗖! The fearful cold glow projects. 可怕的寒芒射出。 Death!” “死吧!” Shadow killing intent blooms. 黑影杀意绽放。 shuā! 刷! Strange blue Light Edge appears together suddenly, hits crookedly the silver needle, the shadow eye opens suddenly, is he prepared unexpectedly early? How possibly! 一道诡异的蓝色光刃忽然出现,将银针打歪,黑影眼睛猛然睁大,他居然早有准备?怎么可能! Isn't is only an ordinary student? 不是只是一个普通的学生吗? This method...... 这手段…… pū! 噗! Inexhaustible Light Edge blooms. 无穷尽的光刃绽放。 On the shadow did not have the sound, pours in the ground. 黑影身上没有了动静,倒在地面。 Died? 死了? Chen Feng then relaxes. 陈锋这才松了口气。 The previous life unlucky life, fostered his ultra-high vigilant feeling, the shadow drops down, the aura of whole body sending out makes him feel the incomparable danger, therefore has been ready. 前世倒霉的生活,养成了他超高的警惕感,黑影倒下的时候,浑身散发的气息让他感觉到无比危险,所以早就做好了准备。 Even if 哪怕 Is his first murder. 是他第一次杀人。 Thinks that possible vomitive dizziness and other murder after-effects have not appeared, it seems like it is different from constitution of everyone, Chen Feng is very instead tranquil, perhaps is his rule to this world has accepted. 原以为可能出现的呕吐眩晕等杀人后遗症并没有出现,看来跟每个人的体质有所不同,陈锋反而无比平静,或许是他对这个世界的规则已经接受。 Who is must kill itself? 只是,到底是谁要杀死自己? Wang Yue? 王越 Is impossible. 不可能。 Chen Feng shakes the head. 陈锋摇摇头。 Initially oneself that words, took root in the thorn to Wang Yue at heart, making him want to defeat itself open and aboveboard! By him the understanding Wang Yue, after this fellow will definitely stiffen, kills him personally, best to be able broad under to step on itself in the big courtyard ruthlessly, this conforms to the Wang Yue character. 当初自己那一番话,就是给王越心里扎根刺,让他想要堂堂正正战胜自己!以他对王越的了解,这家伙肯定会变强以后亲自来杀他,最好是能在大庭广之下狠踩自己,这才符合王越的性格。 Now? Is unlikely. 现在?不太可能。 Who can that be? 那会是谁呢? Chen Feng hesitates, suddenly thought of anything, could it be is...... 陈锋沉吟,忽然想到了什么,难道是…… PS: Thank the support of little friends, asked the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection! PS:感谢小伙伴们的支持,求推荐票!求收藏!
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