SG :: Volume #1

#16: Harming somebody without the person knowing or feeling anything

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Hung the communication, Chen Feng started to study Wood Bear gene. 挂了通讯,陈锋开始研究木熊基因 To be honest, Professor Tao that paper, really helps very in a big way, after knowing the principle, Chen Feng can little take many tortuous paths, saved many Luck Value. 说实话,陶教授的那篇论文,真的帮助很大,知道原理之后,陈锋能够少走很多弯路,省了不少幸运值 Starts!” “开始吧!” Skilled start Gene Manufacture, the passing clouds and flowing water are common. 熟练的开始基因制作,行云流水一般。 shuā! 刷! Gene Manufacture completes. 基因制作完成。 But in this instance, Chen Feng felt that a strange warm current flows in within the body, somewhat exhausted spirit restored unexpectedly all of a sudden. 而就在这个瞬间,陈锋感觉到一股奇异的暖流在体内流淌而过,有些疲惫的精神头居然一下子恢复了。 Yeah?” “哎?” The Chen Feng gene within the body examination scanning is astonished immediately. 陈锋基因体内检测扫描顿时惊异。 spirit , to promote! 精神,提升了! within the body that warm current, he pitiful 30 spirit, turned into 31 points a moment ago unexpectedly, in innumerable Gene Manufacture, increased 1 points forcefully. 刚才体内那股暖流,他原本可怜的30点精神,居然变成了31点,在无数次的基因制作中,硬生生提升一点。 This promoted unexpectedly!” “这个居然提升了!” Gene Manufacture, is a spirit exercise way?” 基因制作,也算是一种精神锻炼方式么?” Some Chen Feng small unexpected. 陈锋有些小意外 The Gene Manufacture itself/Ben is spirit Type gene can do, looking at it like this, the consecutive several days of self-torture, the spirit promotion is also the natural matter. 基因制作本就是精神类型基因才可以做的,这样看来,连续几天的苦修,精神提升也是理所当然的事情。 Although only has 1 points, but also is the unexpected harvest.” “虽然只有一点,但是也算是意外收获。” Chen Feng is very gratified. 陈锋很欣慰。 What he does not know, if his saying said, it is estimated that will be killed livingly! Although is only 1 points of Spiritual Energy, however is Spiritual Energy promotion where so easy? Original Chen Feng from birth to the present, promoted 30 nothing more! 只是,他不知道的是,他这话要是说出去,估计会被人活生生打死!虽然只是一点精神力,但是精神力的提升哪有那么容易?原来的陈锋从出生到现在,也不过才提升到了30点而已 After all 毕竟 Who can succeed each time? 谁能每次都成功? Who can each time the full attribute? 谁能每次都满属性? Who can easily make Mutated Gene? 谁能轻易做出变异基因 Only has Chen Feng! 只有陈锋 shuā! 刷! gene scanning! 基因扫描! A familiar data heaves in sight. 一个熟悉的数据映入眼帘。 mutate(d) Wood Bear gene. 变异木熊基因 Foundation gene: strength 3 points, constitution 3 points. 基础基因:力量三点,体质三点。 Gene Ability: Fury of Wood Bear, in 10 seconds promotes strength 10%, Cooldown 60 seconds. 基因能力:木熊之怒,十秒内提升力量10%,冷却60秒。 Then......” “那么……” How should below do?” “下面该怎么做?” Chen Feng in a low voice twittering. 陈锋低声呢喃。 Exposes Professor Tao directly? That does not have the meaning, previous time gaining that 90,000 may let his heart movement. 就这么直接曝光陶教授?那多没意思,上次赚的那九万可让他心动不已啊。 Thinks of here, smiling that Chen Feng ponders. 想到这里,陈锋玩味的笑了。 ** ** Next day. 次日。 Professor Tao wakes up in a fond dream. 陶教授在一片美梦中醒来。 Dozens years later, he welcomed second of oneself enterprise finally spring! Present Professor Tao finally no longer was that panting Manufacturist that depended on one portion to capture/raid to eat meal, but was dozens years sharpens a sword, finally successfully developed Great Manufacturist! Un...... this reputation he likes very much. 时隔几十年,他终于迎来了自己事业的第二春!如今的陶教授终于不再是那个靠着一份攻略吃饭的过气制作师了,而是数十年磨一剑,终于研制成功的大制作师!嗯……这个名头他很喜欢。 . 只是。 Has had yesterday's that experience, Professor Tao kept a mind, making the assistant stare at that side the transaction section. 有过昨天那个经验,陶教授留了一个心眼,让助手一直盯着交易部那边。 But has saying that he did right. 而不得不说,他做对了。 Just without the exciting several minutes, the news of young assistant on transmitting hurriedly, that place named Pavilion of Wind, presented Mutated Gene unexpectedly! 刚没兴奋几分钟,小助手的消息就急匆匆的传来,那个叫做风之阁的地方,居然又出现了一个变异基因 What?” “什么?” Professor Tao complexion big change. 陶教授脸色大变。 Unexpectedly presents one? Damn, isn't 1/100000000 probabilities? Is that fellow moral behavior, so unexpectedly good? If this matter were seen through an affair...... 居然又出现一个?该死,不是亿分之一的几率吗?那家伙的人品,居然这么好?如果这件事被拆穿的话…… Buys!” “买!” Professor Tao clenches teeth. 陶教授一咬牙。 Near hundred thousand Yuan such quiet did not have. 将近十万元就这么悄无声息的没了。 Because under Professor Tao deft, few notices this news, but the one who makes Professor Tao deliver the tone is, trades the section not to present Mutated Gene again. 因为陶教授下手快,几乎没有人注意到这个消息,而让陶教授送口气的是,交易部再没出现变异基因 Coincidence?” “巧合么?” Professor Tao fearful and apprehensive in a day. 陶教授心惊胆战的过了一天。 . 只是。 The second day just woke up, the news of assistant arrives hurriedly, that Mutated Gene, appeared! 第二天刚醒来,助手的消息又急匆匆到来,那个变异基因,又出现了! Pavilion of Wind! 还是风之阁 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Professor Tao whole body ice-cold, didn't say 1/100000000? 陶教授浑身冰冷,不是说亿分之一吗? Did not say that very small probability can appear? Even if Gene Manufacture Great Master, one manufactures Wood Bear gene all day, presents the mutate(d) probability is still very low, was good, how possibly did some people do for successive two days? Moreover is so rare rare third gene? 不是说很小几率才能出现吗?就算是一个基因制作大师,一整天制作木熊基因,出现变异的几率也很低,一个就不错了,怎么可能有人连续两天都做出来?而且是如此罕见稀有的第三基因 Therefore, he now faced with an issue. 所以,他现在面临一个问题。 Buys, doesn't buy? 买,还是不买? Professor......” “教授……” Assistant cautious asking. 助手小心翼翼的问道。 Buys.” “买。” The Professor Tao weak booth in the ground, the complexion is fierce: Buys, I do not believe that he really can manufacture! I do not believe that he can also do tomorrow!” 陶教授无力的摊在地面,面色狰狞:“买,我就不信,他真的能一直制作出来!我就不信,他明天还能做出来!” Professor......” “教授……” The assistants said in a low voice. 助手低声道。 „Do I make you buy have not heard?” “我让你买没听到吗?” The Professor Tao appearance is fierce. 陶教授面目狰狞。 But money was insufficient.” “可是钱不够了。” The assistant grievance said. 助手委屈道。 „......” “……” Professor Tao face one black, took a deep breath, only saves the account, even is because couple of days ago just studied third gene, the support fund of Gene Manufacture Association reward took. 陶教授脸一黑,深吸一口气,把账户中仅存的,甚至是因为前两天刚研究出第三基因,基因制作协会奖励的赞助资金都拿出来了。 Buys!” “买!” hundred thousand Yuan, such quiet disappearance. 十万元,又这么悄无声息的消失。 Professor Tao bewildered looks at the front, the students who the surroundings passed by look at themselves with the vision of admiration, but in his heart is actually incomparably icy cold. 陶教授一脸茫然的看着前方,周围路过的学生都用敬佩的目光看着自己,但是他心中却是无比冰凉。 That didn't gene, really have? 那种基因,真的没有了吗? How long can own glory also support? Some of his even fears sleep, because he is afraid Awaken to come, will see assistant that damn news again! 自己的荣耀还能支撑多久?他甚至有些害怕睡觉,因为他害怕一觉醒来,就会再看到助手那该死的消息! A mistake, step by step is wrong, he is not even able to turn head! 一步错,步步错,他甚至无法回头! But at this time. 而此时。 Schoolmate Chen Feng actually received the Mu Yuan message suddenly. 陈锋同学却忽然收到了牧原的消息。 Chen Feng, your gene?” 陈锋,你的基因呢?” Some Mu Yuan doubts. 牧原有些疑惑。 He listens to be very easy, thinks that will be quick, has not thought that two days that Chen Feng said passed by, the wool has not seen one, reaching an agreement makes one again? 他听陈锋说的挺容易,以为会很快出来,没想到两天过去了,毛都没看见一个,说好的再做一个呢? Sold.” “卖了。” Chen Feng light saying. 陈锋淡淡的说道。 Ah? 啊? Mu Yuan face did confused, sell? Whom sold to?” 牧原一脸懵逼,“卖了?卖给谁了?” Does not know, I sold on consignment the store.” “不知道,我都寄售商店了。” Chen Feng light saying. 陈锋淡淡的说道。 Ah? 啊? Mu Yuan was shocked: I depend, the elder brother you do not frighten me, this is you changes the course of events, hits the face the Professor Tao evidence! Did you sell? Wait ? Did you hang several?” 牧原惊呆了:“我靠,哥你别吓我,这可是你扭转乾坤,打脸陶教授的证据啊!你怎么就这么卖了?等等,都?你挂了几个?” Two, a day.” “两个,一天一个。” Chen Feng smiles. 陈锋笑笑。 „A day?” “一天一个?” Mu Yuan thinks of anything suddenly: How much money did you hang?” 牧原忽然想到什么:“你挂了多少钱?” 99999.” “99999.” Chen Feng calm saying. 陈锋淡定的说道。 sī — 嘶— Mu Yuan holds breath a cold air/Qi. 牧原倒吸一口冷气。 I depend, is quite ruthless! 我靠,好狠! He has thought the Chen Feng's temperament is too soft, has not thought that this fellow intended to be more ruthless, this harming somebody without the person knowing or feeling anything was annoying is more fearful, it is estimated that Professor Tao for these days did the desire live to want? Moreover, Chen Feng also fished a big pen quietly, this black belly degree, oneself cannot compare by far! 他一直以为陈锋的脾气太软,没想到这家伙出手可比自己狠多了,这种软刀子磨人更可怕,估计陶教授这几天过的欲生欲死吧?而且,陈锋还悄无声息的捞了一大笔,这腹黑程度,自己远远比不上! Admire!” “佩服!” Mu Yuan exclaimed in surprise: No wonder said the person who does one -man show is most fearful.” 牧原惊叹:“难怪都说闷骚的人最可怕。” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” This praises the person? 这算是夸人么? How long do you plan to drag?” “你打算拖多久?” Mu Yuan asked. 牧原问道。 This must look at the financial resource that our senior professor how long can support?” “这要看我们老教授的财力能支撑多久了?” Chen Feng smiled. 陈锋笑了。 Does hundred thousand block money buy a day of honor? 十万块钱买一天的荣誉? Very cost-effective. 很划算。 Night. 夜。 Quiet past. 悄无声息的过去。 The second day, Professor Tao just woke up, saw that lets his panic-stricken news. 第二天,陶教授刚醒来,就看到了那条让他惊恐的消息。 That gene on the shelf! 那个基因又上架了! The Professor Tao whole face is exhausted, is going against the giant dark pouche. 陶教授满脸疲惫,顶着巨大的黑眼圈。 He several days had not rested, every day is fearful and apprehensive, was for fear that exposed, all praises turn curse angrily, his these days continuously in fearful and apprehensive. 他已经好几天没休息了,每天都心惊胆颤,生怕被曝光,所有的赞誉都变成怒骂,他这几日一直在胆战心惊中。 If we had known such words......” “如果早知道这样的话……” Professor Tao laments. 陶教授悔恨不已。 He does not dare to buy, now he incomparably had affirmed, this damn fellow, has mastered the skill of this special mutate(d) manufacture! Words that however does not buy, his all glory possibly vanish completely, he suffers in this pain, is swayed by personal gains and losses, almost collapse. 他不敢买了,现在他已经无比肯定,这该死的家伙,已经掌握了这种特殊变异制作的技巧!但是不买的话,他所有的荣耀可能全部消失,他就在这种痛苦中折磨,患得患失,几乎崩溃。 Father, I came back.” “爸,我回来了。” Professor Tao son Tao Lijun hurries back very early in the morning. 陶教授的儿子陶立军大清早赶了回来。 Little Jun , helping the father.” 小军啊,帮帮爸。” Professor Tao hand that holds the son, startled say/way. He knows, by son's position and status, could help itself solve this matter, at this time, he could not attend to son front dignity. 陶教授一把抓住儿子的手,惊慌道。他知道,以儿子的地位和身份,说不定能够帮自己解决这件事,这个时候,他也顾不得在儿子面前的威严了。 Relax, no issue.” “放心吧,没啥问题。” Tao Lijun smiles. 陶立军笑笑。 That is good.” “那就好。” Professor Tao is ashamed, cannot think that finally must trouble the son. 陶教授羞愧,想不到最终还是要麻烦儿子。 Minor matter.” “小事。” Tao Lijun said with a smile: Father you first eats meal, I under solution.” 陶立军笑道:“爸您先吃饭,我去解决下。” Arrived out of the door. 到了门外。 The Tao Lijun look becomes indifferent, this matter was his father made the mistake, but what's the big deal? He makes the mistake even again, that is still his father! Salt fish nothing more, cannot turn what spray. 陶立军神色变得冷漠,这件事是他父亲做错了,但是那又如何?他就算再做错,那也是他父亲!一条咸鱼而已,翻不起什么浪花。 Devil wood.” “小木。” Tao Lijun dials a communication: „Under has a matter to help me process.” 陶立军拨打一个通讯:“有件事帮我处理下。”
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