SG :: Volume #1

#15: Professor Tao second spring

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Sold?” “卖出去了?” Chen Feng very unexpected. 陈锋很是意外 Really, he suspends to hit the face Professor Tao! 真的,他摆上去只是为了打脸陶教授的! To let him has a look, in this world, really has Wood Bear third Mutated Gene, making Professor Tao start to face up to reality nothing more, but sells? 只是为了让他看看,这个世界上,是真的有木熊第三变异基因的,让陶教授开始正视现实而已,但是卖出去? He has not thought that because he suspends is very expensive/noble! 他从没想过,因为他摆的真的很贵! Very expensive/noble! 非常贵! This world nouveau riche so many?” “这个世界土豪这么多?” Chen Feng muttered. 陈锋喃喃自语。 50,000 Yuan, can buy ratio Mutated Gene also to better combat gene, opposite party such heroic spirit only then a possibility, possibly to study this gene ingredient! Thus ravels, how this so-called third Wood Bear gene comes. 五万元,就能买一个比这个变异基因还要更好的战斗基因了,对方这么豪气只有一个可能,可能是为了研究这个基因的成分!从而弄明白,这个所谓的第三木熊基因到底是怎么来的。 Un, has the possibility very much. 嗯,很有可能。 In the Chen Feng heart had the guess. 陈锋心中有了猜测。 Although has guessed correctly anything, matter that then has, made him be shocked. He has never thought that in this world, has the face to be in so the situation unexpectedly thick-skinnedly. 只是,尽管已经猜到什么,接下来发生的事情,也让他惊呆了。他从未想过,这个世界上,居然有人脸皮厚到如此地步。 First, he was deleted in the Academic Forum post. 首先,他在学术论坛的帖子被删了。 This is a matter of very rare and beautiful flowers , the Academic Forum background is very deep, only if contrary or right infringement, will otherwise rarely delete the post on own initiative. The post of Chen Feng this no responsibility, was deleted unexpectedly, if behind this did not have the trick to be fishy. 这是一件很奇葩的事情,要知道,学术论坛背景很深厚,除非违规或者侵权,不然很少会主动删除帖子。陈锋这件毫无干系的帖子,居然被删除了,这背后要是没有猫腻才是有鬼了。 Next, big group of people start to discuss Wood Bear third does Mutated Gene have this possibility?】 Moreover many respectful Heyte of Professor Tao, explained a situation, Professor Tao is very earnest below replies: If the small probability also calculates, there is a possibility. 其次,一大堆人开始讨论【木熊第三变异基因到底有没有这个可能?】而且很多人恭敬的艾特@了陶教授,说明了一下情况,陶教授很认真在下面回复:如果小概率也算的话,还是有可能的。 Chen Feng swept one sketchily, at least ten similar posts. 陈锋粗略扫了一眼,至少十个类似帖子。 What situation? 什么情况? Chen Feng has not a little recovered. 陈锋有点没回过神来。 Then, in the evening...... 然后,晚上…… An emergence of news, true was startled Chen Feng. 一条消息的出现,真正的惊到了陈锋 Well-known Gene Manufacture Great Master Professor Tao announced: Wood Bear third Mutated Gene possibly exists, and has obtained some successes, in the further investigation. 知名基因制作大师陶教授宣布:木熊第三变异基因可能存在,并且已经取得一些成功,正在进一步研究中。 News, stir media. 消息一出,轰动媒体。 What Wood Bear is gene? 木熊基因是什么? Almost all people know, audience surface broadest working gene, therefore, Professor Tao, even if has no achievement, depends on the explanation of Wood Bear gene, gained for a lifetime. 几乎所有人都知道,受众面最广的打工基因,因此,陶教授哪怕没有任何成就,靠着木熊基因的讲解,也赚了一辈子。 But now, Professor Tao announced that discovers third Mutated Gene? 而现在,陶教授宣布发现第三变异基因 Everyone is excited. 所有人都兴奋起来。 On forum has the person who the beforehand participation post discussed to post to question Professor Tao, but was almost deleted by the second, each time, was deleted by the second, could not see the discussions of these topics directly . Moreover, talent how many people who yesterday participated in? Professor Tao fans how many people? 论坛上有之前参与帖子讨论的人发帖质疑陶教授,但是几乎都被秒删,每一次,都被秒删,正面根本看不到这些话题的讨论,而且,昨天参与的才几个人?陶教授粉丝又有多少人? At is not a rank. 根本不是一个级别的。 Therefore, the question about Professor Tao submerges quickly in the praise. 所以,关于陶教授的质疑很快淹没在一片赞誉中。 He really dares unexpectedly.” “他居然真的敢。” Chen Feng was shocked. 陈锋惊呆了。 , He never has really thought that facial skin of person can this situation, this not seek fame unexpectedly thick, but frank and upright embezzles the Chen Feng's achievement! 真的,他从未想过,一个人的脸皮居然能厚到这种地步,这已经不是沽名钓誉了,而是光明正大的侵吞陈锋的成果! He has not thought will expose? 只是,他从没想过会暴露么? That thing was not he does after all! How this matter wants too to be dangerous, solemn High Grade Manufacturist, I.Q such low? 那东西毕竟不是他做出来了!这种事情怎么想都太危险了吧,堂堂高级制作师,智商会如此之低? But at this time. 而此时。 School laboratory. 学校实验室。 Light blue flashes through brilliance, under the ice-cold experimental device, reveals the Professor Tao tranquil facial features, the side, the young assistant follows he to make the data analysis cautiously. 淡淡的蓝色光辉闪过,冰冷的实验器材下,露出陶教授平静的面容,身边,小助手跟着他正在小心翼翼的做着数据分析。 dí — 嘀— dí — 嘀— The gene instrumentation glitters unceasingly, inside is putting two Wood Bear gene reagent impressively. 基因检测仪器不断闪烁,里面赫然放着两个木熊基因试剂 Analyzes successfully.” “分析成功。” gene examines successfully.” 基因检测成功。” In data overlapping contrast, discovers the bad data, has analyzed.” “数据交叉对比中,发现异常数据,已分析。” Analyzes.” “分析完毕。” shuā! 刷! Light screen twinkle. 光幕闪烁。 A brand-new data has appeared. 一个崭新的数据已经出现。 Really......” “果然……” Professor Tao great happiness. 陶教授大喜。 Is he silly? 他傻吗? He is not certainly silly! 他当然不傻! Initially so many people manufactured Wood Bear Mutated Gene, only then he became famous, other haven't could it be people studied to capture/raid? But they lost to him. But now, when third Mutated Gene appears, after started startled, Professor Tao knows, own spring, came! 当初那么多人制作出木熊变异基因,只有他成名了,难道其他人都没有研究攻略吗?可是他们都败给了他。而现在,当第三变异基因出现的时候,开始的惊慌之后,陶教授就知道,自己的春天,来了! Steals? 盗取? Was discovered? 被发现? How possibly! 怎么可能! If this special Mutated Gene is so good to appear, these years have appeared? Reason that is hard to appear, definitely is because the probability is very low. 这个特殊的变异基因如果真那么好出现,这么些年早就出现了吗?之所以难以出现,肯定是因为几率很低。 Really, after he studies, discovered. 果然,他研究之后就发现了。 Gene Throwback!” 基因返祖!” This is Gene Throwback, hā hā.” “这是基因返祖,哈哈。” Professor Tao is wild with joy. 陶教授狂喜。 In Wood Bear blood essence, is hiding special recessive gene, this is originates from its ancestor, bloodlines gene of thunder great bear! After does not know that many years dilutions, this bloodlines few pity, gene fragment(s) is only then after catalytic reaction, possibly appears. 木熊精血内,隐藏着一种特殊的隐性基因,这是来源于它的祖先,雷霆巨熊的血脉基因!只是,经过不知道多少年的稀释,这种血脉已经少的可怜,基因片段更是只有催化反应之后才可能出现。 But probability 而几率 1/100000000! 亿分之一! A low make the blood boil probability. 一个低的令人发指的概率。 Un...... 嗯…… Really is a perfect probability! 真是个完美的几率! This probability, how regardless to see that is the coincidence can appear. 这种几率,无论怎么看都是巧合才能出现的。 To be honest, so many years Wood Bear Gene Manufacture , many Mutated Gene appear every day, by the present, this/should discovery this Mutated Gene, but this perfect one time, was grasped by oneself! hā hā, if that fellow takes to question that directly he said fortunately. 说实话,这么多年的木熊基因制作,每天也有不少变异基因出现,到了现在,也该发现这个变异基因了,而这完美的一次,就被自己把握住了!哈哈,如果那家伙直接拿出来质疑他还好说。 Now? 现在? He sold out unexpectedly! 他居然卖掉了! Now this thing to oneself hand, but also studied the achievement to come, who dares to doubt him? 现在这东西到了自己手中,还研究出成果来了,谁敢置疑他? That night. 当夜。 Professor Tao issued paper «Wood Bear third Mutated Gene Multi-analysis», causes the stir of small range, the Professor Tao popularity increases. 陶教授就发布了论文木熊第三变异基因的详细分析》,引起小范围的轰动,陶教授人气大增。 This time information transmit is quick. 这个时代消息传递很快。 Professor Tao the article has the foundation of basic skills very much. 陶教授的这篇文章还是很有功底的。 The proof or the guidance of public opinion of Gene Throwback do very well, after at least Chen Feng looks, is understands reason that Mutated Gene presents. 无论是基因返祖的论证还是舆论导向都做得非常好,至少陈锋看完之后,算是明白了变异基因出现的缘由。 Un......” “嗯……” Gene Throwback?” 基因返祖么?” Chen Feng understood, so that's how it is. 陈锋明白了,原来如此。 Although the paper said that but wants to unearth recessive gene several sincere is very low, therefore few people can do, when Chen Feng is opening Luck Aura, no matter what your probability how, gene that so long as has truly, Luck Aura can dig! 只是,虽然论文这么说,但是想要挖掘出隐性基因的几率真的很低,所以才很少有人能做出来,而当陈锋开着幸运光环的时候,任你几率如何,只要是真正存在的基因,幸运光环都能挖出来! wēng — 嗡— The wrist/skill vibrates suddenly. 手腕忽然震动。 The light screen springs, a familiar smile appears: Hey, Chen Feng.” 光幕弹出,一个熟悉的笑脸出现:“喂,陈锋。” Hello, Mu Yuan.” “你好啊,牧原。” Chen Feng smiles. 陈锋笑笑。 „Can you also smile?” “你还能笑出来?” Mu Yuan shows the whites of the eyes: Professor Tao that fellow forcefully your research results annexing, yeah, you underestimated his shamelessness.” 牧原翻个白眼:“陶教授家伙已经硬生生把你的研究成果给吞并了,哎,你还是低估他的无耻了。” Minor matter nothing more.” “小事而已。” Chen Feng light saying. 陈锋淡淡的说道。 Made the hundred thousand block money, he does not feel to lose money. 赚了十万块钱,他并不觉得亏本。 „Are you so calm?” “你就这么淡定?” Mu Yuan looks at the Chen Feng's look is that tranquil, the forced smile said: Even if you do not care, is such by the person robbing achievement forcefully, still choked with rage?” 牧原陈锋的神色还是那么平静,苦笑道:“就算你不在乎,可是这么被人硬生生的抢走成果,也太窝火了吧?” What fears?” “怕什么?” Chen Feng cannot help laughing, „something, cannot win.” 陈锋哑然失笑,“有些东西,是夺不走的。” oh? 哦? Mu Yuan unexpected, what idea „do you have? Having the place that needs to help, opens the mouth momentarily, I to black this type of social trash am very interested.” 牧原意外,“你有什么主意?有需要帮忙的地方,随时开口,我对黑这种社会垃圾可是很有兴趣的。” Does not use.” “不用。” Chen Feng smiles: „Did he buy me to make one again not on the line?” 陈锋笑笑:“他买走了我再做一个不就行了?” „, Can you also do unexpectedly?” “靠,你居然还能做出来?” Mu Yuan calls out, he has never thought that the Chen Feng's method, the so simple and crude is straightforward! This rare Mutated Gene, isn't could it be the small probability event? 牧原一声嚎叫,他从未想过,陈锋的方法,如此简单粗暴直白!这种稀有的变异基因,难道不是小概率事件吗? Originally cannot.” “本来不能的。” Chen Feng regretted: It seems like the Professor Tao paper, sends the feelings suddenly, can do.” 陈锋遗憾:“看来陶教授的论文,忽发感想,能做出来了。” Mu Yuan: „......” 牧原:“……” Pays silent tribute for three seconds for Professor Tao. 陶教授默哀三秒。
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